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Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) - Science/Technology (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by Nobody: 10:53am On Oct 21, 2019
I thought it was captured. Don't know what to believe from media and gov't information. If you want to run a zoo, adopt global best practices.
So sad we will budget fundfor global best practices and it will be misappropriated. Budget money for maintenance and it will be looted.

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Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by ednut1(m): 10:53am On Oct 21, 2019
I wonder what Ostrich tastes like Man dey hungry lion dey chop ostrich, Buhari see ya life grin
like turkey. juicy and sweet
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by Raymondreigns(m): 10:54am On Oct 21, 2019
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by Freshboyjay(m): 10:55am On Oct 21, 2019
#Judastherat Vector Killed Judas The Rat By Leaking MI ABAGA Chat in public


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Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by Techdra: 10:56am On Oct 21, 2019
Provided he doesn't eat humans, it's fine. If they eventually recapture it, who knows when it will eat again.


Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by Sholaco: 10:56am On Oct 21, 2019
Just hope it wouldn't start mulling those almajiri on the street of kano
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by Jabioro: 10:57am On Oct 21, 2019
So all the zoo employee are no animal experts except the embezzlers..You imagine all noise and money wasted..yet nothing has been achieved..

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Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by fmwise2k(m): 10:57am On Oct 21, 2019
I wonder what Ostrich tastes like Man dey hungry lion dey chop ostrich, Buhari see ya life grin
Go koll one chop na....
This country is truly a zoo..
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by busar(m): 10:59am On Oct 21, 2019
Because of tranquilizer they need to fly in rangers from Abuja... Having a zoo without safety measures in place... Anyway this is Nigeria and I am in the zoo
learn how to speak for yourself.....

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Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by Firstorderwizard(m): 11:00am On Oct 21, 2019
The only zoo I know is Nigeria
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by nabegibeg: 11:00am On Oct 21, 2019
Tranquilising that lion won't cost much. We always make news with shameful occurences in Nigeria. What is so difficult in tranquilizing an animal,though not in a cage but in fenced area

You will shocked that someone has stolen the funds for the purchase of such tranquilizer

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Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by ajebuter(f): 11:02am On Oct 21, 2019

Local 'layon' cannot Can again!

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by midnighter(f): 11:04am On Oct 21, 2019
They should continue their mumu until it eats all the animals in the zoo

Stupid country
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by GMbuharii: 11:04am On Oct 21, 2019
I wonder what Ostrich tastes like Man dey hungry lion dey chop ostrich, Buhari see ya life.

Buh sha,they should send bambambiglo to catch Simba.. afamed can also help.


Haha! Lzaa immhotep,see ya people o grin

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Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by midnighter(f): 11:05am On Oct 21, 2019
I wonder what Ostrich tastes like Man dey hungry lion dey chop ostrich, Buhari see ya life grin

Theres such a thing as "ostrich burger" but i dont know if they do it here

They say it tastes like animal meat and not bird meat
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by OBTMOS(m): 11:05am On Oct 21, 2019
Because of tranquilizer they need to fly in rangers from Abuja... Having a zoo without safety measures in place... Anyway this is Nigeria and we are all in the zoo
you are not happy that they didn't fly them from abroad


Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by erons22(m): 11:05am On Oct 21, 2019
Lol grin

I thought Dy ve captured d lion,

Well the lion is celebrating his Christmas first it was goat now ostrich I wonder what animal next

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Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by lexy2014: 11:07am On Oct 21, 2019
damn, how the lion take escape sef


get your professional website for 12k, see signature for contct

Dude, d lion is hungry. How it escaped is d same way Nigerians are escaping from Nigeria


Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by Nobody: 11:07am On Oct 21, 2019
Because of tranquilizer they need to fly in rangers from Abuja... Having a zoo without safety measures in place... Anyway this is Nigeria and we are all in the zoo
Not a lie. Nigeria is a Zoo... Zoologist ruled Nigeria b4 Buhari SuleZoo


Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by F117nighthawk: 11:08am On Oct 21, 2019
I pity people going to this zoo,nothing ever works in this country, can u imagine this one lion breaking away and how long it's taking them to tame it,they had to fly in rangers from abuja to tranquilise a lion in kano, what a shame and disgrace. The other time we had 6million naira was eaten by an animal in this same kano zoo, why are we so primitive and backward in this country. Are we not fedup of all this shame and disgrace?

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Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by lexy2014: 11:08am On Oct 21, 2019

Theres such a thing as "ostrich burger" but i dont know if they do it here

They say it tastes like animal meat and not bird meat

Just imagine those laps inside ur pot of soup. By d way, which size of pot go contain one ostrich lap?
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by Rolex66: 11:09am On Oct 21, 2019
Whenever God wants to change the shape - HE applies pressure - like clay in the Hands of the Potter.

That is why we have to be careful at times when we might discover these words coming into our minds. "Why am I having to go through all this? Why am I experiencing all this hassle - all this opposition - all this pressure?”

We are God's creative masterpiece - when we yield - then we are pliable in His holy hands.


Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by midnighter(f): 11:14am On Oct 21, 2019

Just imagine those laps inside ur pot of soup. By d way, which size of pot go contain one ostrich lap?

Lol abeg. Such creature cannot enter my pot

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Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by Drosonogasta(m): 11:14am On Oct 21, 2019
Make una lif am, na government haz e wan go go swallow money, una no know say the lion don jealous the snake wey swallow block bar?
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by lexy2014: 11:15am On Oct 21, 2019

Lol abeg. Such creature cannot enter my pot

Ur pot is too small, abi?
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by philkoms: 11:15am On Oct 21, 2019
What about the fake news that the Lion has beencaptured. Why are we like this in dis part of the world !


Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by wink2015(m): 11:18am On Oct 21, 2019
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by horllar26: 11:19am On Oct 21, 2019
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Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by midnighter(f): 11:20am On Oct 21, 2019
Ur pot is too small, abi?

Lol abeg no insult my pot o, if you like carry ostrich and even vulture meat chop am, no be my stomach
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by greatbrian(m): 11:22am On Oct 21, 2019
Tranquilising that lion won't cost much. We always make news with shameful occurences in Nigeria. What is so difficult in tranquilizing an animal,though not in a cage but in fenced area

Read the news again this time slowly not with the intent to criticise. They obviously stated they used the tranquilizer already but it shook it off.

To think I read a thread that spike about how they captured the lion already in a goat cage
Re: Escaped Kano Lion Eats Ostrich As Zookeepers Mull Killing Animal (video) by danot1030: 11:23am On Oct 21, 2019
Am ashamed that Nigeria authority cannot manage anything even common animals that other Africa countries like Kenya keeps.

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