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An Attempted Response To Shadeyinka's Practical Question. by budaatum: 3:24pm On Nov 01, 2019 |
shadeyinka:When I first read your practical question as reproduced above, I was astounded. And then a mist covered my eyes so that I could no more see nor read anything else and clutter my mind, and therefore had the time to fully consider your practical question in all it's glory, dare I say, seeking first to understand that which you ask. And when its implications became aware to me I was in awe. And I could not eat, so I filled up my bath with hot water and added cleansing oils to purify my body and hopefully my mind. After which I went to bed and lay there and eventually slept, as I could not see to do anything else. And this morning I awoke with my empty belly but my sight and my mind restored, and can only now attempt to respond to your practical question, with apologies for the delay. May "God"s love and plan of salvation" be projected. Your first question "How does one project Gods love and plan of salvation to one who voraciously oppose His knowledge?" Is of a profoundness that is indeed immense. For though it might not initially be obvious, you ask a question that only God alone who continously loves and plans the salvation of all humans who have mostly "voraciously opposed His knowledge" has answered. And in fact can be read as "how can one become the Messiah?" Or even "How can one become like God!?" And you ask lowly mere mortal buda! And no wonder I went blind! But thankfully we have afore us a full record of God's answer, or at least a record of God answering it, a short record of which I shall give. For when it is written that "Of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil though shalt not eat least you die", God was projecting "God's love and plan of salvation". Adam and Eve "voraciously opposed His knowledge" andate the fruit however, and did not die, despite the accepted, and dare I say, misunderstood, and believe instead, that they did die, though many many years followed during which they indeed lived, to wit I say may the Lord God give understanding of the projection of "God's love and plan of salvation" to us all who live. A reading of the Holy Words show how God and those he has appointed projected "God's love and plan of salvation" over time. Some projections were by threats (you shall die, go to hell, be rained on to death, be destroyed by fire, will not be saved and go to hell etc), and some were by other means (fires in a bush, donkeys speaking, Wisdom crying, the Word becoming flesh, love love love, etc), all so that we may learn and continue the work that God has always done, which is to project "God's love and plan of salvation", and to wit you now ask how. So, first, let us see some specific ways in which God has projected "God's love and plan of salvation" and learn to become like God. When Moses went up the mountain, he returned with a projected record of "God's love and plan of salvation". And for that I rejoice immensely, though we "voraciously opposed His knowledge" and created a calf of gold. And when God rained down rain on the earth, it was to project "God's love and plan of salvation". And the earth was cleansed. But we "voraciously opposed His knowledge", and the earth got dirtied again with sin. When the Lord set Samuel over the Israelites, it was to project "God's love and plan of salvation". And then others followed, Kings and Prophets all to project "God's love and plan of salvation". And the Lord sent Jonah to the people of Nineveh to project "God's love and plan of salvation". And we "voraciously opposed His knowledge" and hearkened not. Then Wisdom raised her voice and called out aloud in the open public square so those who have eyes and ears may see and hear the projection of "God's love and plan of salvation" yet we "voraciously opposed His knowledge". And the Lord so loved the entire world, and changed tack, and sent the Messiah Jesus Christ to project "God's love and plan of salvation", but "voraciously opposed His knowledge", and we crucified him unto heaven instead and placed him at the right hand of God and from there he continues to project "God's love and plan of salvation". Then Paul got struck down on the way to Damascus to project "God's love and plan of salvation". And the church was born to bring that plan of love and salvation to we the Gentiles. And much time passed, and we had the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and it entered into you Shade so you asked the questions you asked above which blinded buda and made buda not eat for 24 hours, all so that "God's love and plan of salvation" may be projected. And so we now make words here on NL in hope that that same purpose, the projection of "God's love and plan of salvation", may continue though we deign not to be as God, but according to God's plan of projecting "God's love and plan of salvation" to the Glory of God who art in heaven and for the continued benefit of all humankind here on earth, amen. That (and all those I have not listed but which can be found in the Holy Word of God), is how "God's love and plan of salvation" is projected - by God, who has immense Knowledge and Wisdom and who has been from the very beginning of time and knows and sees more than we can ever possibly know or see - to us, who have at all times "voraciously opposed His Knowledge". For though we are blind, we say we see. The Light shines in the dark in which we dwell but we claim we are in the light, and not a single one of us is willing to become as a child because how shall grown up we be born again and become as innocent children and enter in through the narrow gate of understanding when we already are fully grown, assuming to know it all while believing that which we comprehendeth not and "voraciously opposed His knowledge"? Are we not all mere trembling believers who claim we understand, while creating others who are like us and in our own images, 'believers' in our own ignorance and lack of understanding of "God's love and plan of salvation"? So how may we mere mortals project "God's love and plan of salvation" since we are not God, and have no wrath nor immense God's powers of projection, you ask immensely puny ignorant mere mortal "voraciously opposed His knowledge" buda? We project "God's love and plan of salvation" by learning how God has projected "God's love and plan of salvation", Shade, and by learning how that projection has evolved over time, and by fully understanding "God's love and plan of salvation" itself, for us, as in for oneself, and then for all others, and by then lifting up our own cross of the projection of "God's love and plan of salvation" as learnt from the Word and which must dwell in us, as in, in oneself, so that it may be seen and Our Lord and Father be glorified. For by the Spirit of God inside of us ourselves which is a full understanding of the things of the Kingdom of God, which is "God's love and plan of salvation" and the good fruits that it produces, Shade, is the Father glorified. And if "God's love and plan of salvation" is not fully projected inside of us, we are like those asked for bread who give stones, the blind who lead the blind, and woe to us, or rather, to me, buda, for not projecting "God's love and plan of salvation" so that it may be seen and God the Father be Glorified. You ask, "how, specifically on NL", and that I shall deal with here. You and I have had numerous conversations here on NL, and despite knowing that "buda is not one of them", I am going to accuse you of treating buda as one of you, not as a believer, mind, nor perhaps as one in whom Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost is manifested, but yet with regard, and with respect, and with the love that comes from God, and by applying the Fruits of the Spirit that is within you in every word with which you converse with buda. And buda is made blind by your Spirit and can not see and can not eat and must be purified before responding to your question, which in case you are not yet aware means "how shall you, Shade, make buda be like God?!" So, in response, you will continue to project "God's love and plan of salvation" as you have always done, to buda and all others who "voraciously opposes His knowledge", by continuing to manifest that God's love and plan of salvation that in you as fruits and works in your Words, so that buda and all others may continue seeing your fruits, and your works of love, and your God steps and learn of God's love and plan of salvation for buda and all others by seeing God's love and plan of salvation as it manifests in you. And that brings me to the second part of your question which is somewhat like the first. shadeyinka:You can not point a sin of buda and not sound judgemental, Shade, because a sin is an error buda commits against the Lord God Almighty who alone judges the living and the dead. What you can do is point out buda's errors and lack of understanding. And you can only do this as our Lord Jesus Christ did, which is by teaching and bringing understanding to the fore with wisdom and knowledge that you yourself must have gained through diligent study and understanding of the Word and of "God's love and plan of salvation", and by manifesting the fruits of your learning and understanding and the loving Spirit of God that is within you. Because, it is by your own good fruits as produced by a full understanding of "God's love and plan of salvation" as manifested in you by the Father who art in heaven, that buda will see and learn of "God's love and plan of salvation" and learn to sin no more, and not by you stoning buda. Because, unless it be that you be perfect as thy Father in heaven is perfect and "God's love and plan of salvation" manifests in you such that you yourself have not one single sin of your own blinding your own eyes, you shall not see well enough to help buda nor anyone else chop down the forest in buda's or anyone elses eye. So, continue to learn and get wisdom and understanding and perfection, would be my suggestion. For in removing sin from yourself first shall you manifest in the fullest Glory of the Lord thy God Almighty, and then shall you much better project "God's love and plan of salvation" so that we both may go and sin no more, by God's Grace. May the Holy Spirit make us (oneself and all) not oppose "God's love and plan of salvation" for us (all), in Jesus Mighty Name I pray. And now may I finally eat because I starve! |
Re: An Attempted Response To Shadeyinka's Practical Question. by MuttleyLaff: 8:01pm On Nov 01, 2019 |
[img]https://s3/images/yadayadaKor.jpg[/img] Clasping and squeezing hands, I pulled a chair, plonked my shapely petite bumbum into it and begun looking forward to start, enjoying to read what looked like its going to be a post/thread characterized by replies with witty comments, providing useful and interesting information, only for it to suddenly nose dive, go further south into yadayada pollution from it's apparently but not really good start. Smh. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: An Attempted Response To Shadeyinka's Practical Question. by shadeyinka(m): 8:53pm On Nov 02, 2019 |
budaatum:I couldn't help but wonder when Buda became a Palmist and a Paul the apostle. Your post was more like a mirror of Psalm136 and any of Paul's letters. Yes at the end of every thing: Eph 2:8-10: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Our salvation is purely a gift of grace for which non can boast of anything. What is the probability that if shadeyinka was born a Chinese or a North Korean or an Arab that he'll be born again? It is extremely low. But at the same time, God has given those of us who are saved the work of reconciliation. The work of bridging the gap between God and man through the propagation of the knowledge of God, the frailty of man, the love of God and His purpose for us. These we do as you have pointed out in various methods 1. Gentle loving nudges 2. Aggressive pushes 3. Teaching/Logical expressions 4. Emotionally with tears and pleadings 5. Scaring people with the truth Jud 1:21-23: "Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion , making a difference: And others save with fear , pulling them out of the fire ; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh." At the end of the day, the result depend on two personalities 1. The Holy Spirit who does the work of conviction of sin John 16:8-11: "And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they believe not on me; of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged." 2. The person who is being nudged towards God (through any means): For everyone has by himself prepared his heart either to recieve the Word of God or to reject it. Mat 13:18-23: "Therefore hear the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom and does not understand [it,] then the wicked one comes and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown by the wayside. But that which was sown on the stony places is this: he who hears the Word and immediately receives it with joy. But he has no root in himself, and is temporary. For when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, he immediately stumbles. And that sown into the thorns is this: he who hears the Word; and the anxiety of this world, and the deceit of riches, choke the Word, and he becomes unfruitful. But that sown on the good ground is this: he who hears the Word and understands; who also bears fruit and produces one truly a hundredfold; and one sixty; and one thirty." I certainly believe that God is just and there is no blanket judgement of everyone who rejects Him. If the righteous shall be rewarded according to their faithfulness to the will of God, fruit and their work how much more the unrighteous. For we all reap what we have sowed. Finally, as Paul said: 1Cor 9:20-23: "And to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ, ) that I might gain them that are without law. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you." budaatum:How does one warn cave explorers that this particular cave they want to navigate is certainly going to cave in burying everyone under. The most extreme force will be seen as love only after the cave has collapsed and the explorer discovers that if not for the "brutal" tackle and lockdown he would have been dead. However before that time, the Warner is seen as an insensitive kill-joy who sees nothing good in the choice of others. The saved are certainly not perfect and have a lot of flaws too. The only difference is that at least, they already have their names written in the book of life and all they are working for is to improve their spiritual CGPA. Till we come to that perfect state of the nature of Christ, we do the work of the Evangelist, Preacher, Teacher and Prophet while slowly but steadily growing up in the spirit by infusing the nature of Christ by obedience to His word. Shalom 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: An Attempted Response To Shadeyinka's Practical Question. by budaatum: 9:01pm On Nov 02, 2019 |
buda gives thanks to the God of heaven. God's love endures forever. Shalom |
Re: An Attempted Response To Shadeyinka's Practical Question. by Kobojunkie: 9:36pm On Nov 24, 2023 |
shadeyinka:1. Love, the kind that God commands, is as stipulated right there in the Gospel Teachings of Jesus Christ. The details are clearly spelled out right there in the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ. 2. Of course to point out a sin is to judge it as such, so it is erroneous to claim that God is totally against one pronouncing judgment against a thing. Jesus Christ explained to His followers exactly how they are to judge all things. He says His followers are : □ Not to judge anyone by standards which are of one's own making -- by appearance □ To judge everything by the standard of Righteousness that is He, God's New Covenant Law and Truth in the Kingdom of God. |
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