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Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Kkings11: 2:03pm On Nov 12, 2019
So last night I had a hilarious frightening experience which reminded me of one I also had in boarding school, so I said let me share both of them with you guys.

I live in lokoja, the GRA around the mount Patti area and my house is situated up on a hill and it's on the second to the last street. The last street is still not fully built so we are pretty much still surrounded by bushes and trees.

So me and a neighbour went out to watch the liverpool match Last night, and after the game my neighbour left immediately for home while I stayed out a little later. At around 8 I decided to head home also and decided to board a bike but any bike I stopped would refuse going up to my house because of its height and a fear of being jacked and/or kidnapped for rituals(old story that refused to die), so after sometime I decided to take the almost 30mins walk home.

Climbing the final stretch to my house I was the only one on the road but I wasn't afraid cos their was streetlights all the way. Getting to the last street before the bend that was my street the streetlights suddenly went off and the whole place was plunged into darkness, so I paused to bring out my phone and use its flashlight when a figure suddenly appeared from that street right in front of me and stopped, my spirit left me looking for where to hide, all my body became icecold and rooted to the spot when suddenly the figure started running up towards my street.

Now at this juncture I should have been happy the "spirit" was running away from me but my brain don mix and my body was in the suspended flight mode, but seeing the figure run loosed my body and I began running, not back where I came from but towards the running figure( we call it anywhere belle face run), in my mind whatever is making a spirit run is worth running from, when I got to the bend leading to my street power was restored and saw the figure in full light.

Well Ladies and gentlemen it would be my pleasure to announce to you guys that the "spirit figure" was my neighbour who went out with me to watch the match but left earlier to visit a friend before heading home taking a different route. All this was just about 15seconds or thereabout but it felt like hours, when I met up with him he was like "Guy wetin dey make you pursue me na" I just looked at him laughing and catching my breath and said " ah ah na me for dey ask you wetin dey make you run, if say God answer my prayer immediately Holy Ghost fire for don burn you since" and we all laughed to our various houses.


The second story.

Every Friday in school we hold a Christian prayer vigil with goes all the way to 3 or 4am on Saturday. On this particular day, We(my friends and I) went to the vigil and I started sleeping almost immediately after the praise and worship section. After being poked and prodded by ushers countless times I decided to head to the hostel and continue my sleep and as it turns out my friends too were also feeling sleepy so we all decided to go the hostel together.

The time was between 12am and 1pm when we left the vigil hall. There is this road between the girls hostel and the boys hostel that we took and it was overgrown with weeds on both sides but the moon was out that night so we had no problem seeing what was in front of us.

We had almost gotten to the hostel when we saw a white humanlike figure coming towards us and if you've ever been to a boarding school you would agree with me that it has a lot of spiritual stories, from the "miss koi koi" story to the "bush babies" stories and students being initiated into the spirit world with sweet and biscuits and being possesed by the spirit of "jinn", then coupled with us coming from a vigil where the prayer leaders have put the fear of God in you with their fearfull prayer points, so seeing that figure walking towards us made us stop, but the figure kept coming towards us.

With us was one of our friend who had a faulty leg so couldn't walk as fast as us and he was the one that started the race back to the vigil hall which made us all join him but when we looked back to know whether the figure was still behind us we saw it running towards us well no-one told us to double our speed.

We had almost reached the girls hostel area when the figures spoke up "Abeg wetin dey pursue una na, wait for me abeg" that was when we stopped and turned to it and looked closely, well it was no spirit but our resident student ALBINO going for the vigil.

Share any funny frightening experience of yours.

257 Likes 28 Shares

Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by SimDan95(m): 2:09pm On Nov 12, 2019
I've got a lot of em, but mine was real it happened wen my mum died year 2009 I was in ss1 then, the trauma affected my a lot and I ended up been sick most times.

so I would be at home alone in my sick bed at night and my siblings would be outside playing, suddenly kitchen utensils would start dropping on the floor,the pots covers would open and close plates and spoons clatter, water running and so many commotions would be going on in the kitchen. I would be scared shitless outaa my mind then I would hear footsteps walking around the corridor and passages and also incoherent mumblings.

At one point in the night we were all in and suddenly the door to my room I shared with my lil bro just opened as if someone pushed it, mind u this door can't be pushed by wind cos the hinges are kinda old and stiff, I suddenly felt cold and weak with dis feeling that someone was standing right in the room with us and looking at me.

Gosh some crazy moments
anyway FTC
frontpage material mod do ur work

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Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by sodiqapril(m): 2:31pm On Nov 12, 2019
The day I was smooching a girl and she fainted. I thought she was dead AF.. I sweated every liquid in my body..since then before I do anything with any girl, I ask if she's fainted before...if yes, Na japa be that..

118 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Kkings11: 4:39pm On Nov 12, 2019
The day I was smooching a girl and she fainted. I thought she was dead AF.. I sweated every liquid in my body..since then before I do anything with any girl, I ask if she's fainted before...if yes, Na japa be that..
That one na to set exam for them oh

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Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Nayo08(m): 6:03pm On Nov 12, 2019
The day I was smooching a girl and she fainted. I thought she was dead AF.. I sweated every liquid in my body..since then before I do anything with any girl, I ask if she's fainted before...if yes, Na japa be that..


Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by chukwuibuipob: 10:25pm On Nov 12, 2019
Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by sLentlover7778(m): 10:25pm On Nov 12, 2019
The day I was asked to recite memory verse.. Isaiah 60:1, it was as if ground should open and swallow me, all eyes on me and I was sweating.. i had to switch off the Mic and say anything that comes to my mind..as soon as I'm done I switch on the Mic and say THANK You.

161 Likes 10 Shares

Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by 1000LIKES(m): 10:25pm On Nov 12, 2019
Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by sLentlover7778(m): 10:25pm On Nov 12, 2019
SPACE for sale.. beware of 419 cheesy grin grin


Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by feldido(m): 10:25pm On Nov 12, 2019
Happend when I was in my 2nd year in RSUST.

There was a gunshot and followed by some sporadic shots one faithful day in my hostel, we heard shouts from outside, I beckoned on my roommates for us to go and rescue the guy who was shot, but they all said they won't risk going out so I opened the door and they bolted the door and warned me that I shouldn't think of coming back.
Gladly, I saw another blockmate, so we went to save the guy who was shot. Next thing we saw was the shooters aiming and firing into the crowd from the distance. I couldn't remember how I ran, all I remember was when I got to the Hostel toilet and saw over 8guys sandwiched in a toilet that could hardly hold 3 persons, infact one guy was already trying to squeeze himself through the toilet window. I couldn't hold myself but bust into laughter... I was almost lynched grin grin grin

167 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Onlinealaba(m): 10:26pm On Nov 12, 2019
Here to read comments grin but might share tho


Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Tonysmith4sure(m): 10:26pm On Nov 12, 2019
Living in this country. Thats my story


Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Jarus(m): 10:26pm On Nov 12, 2019
Make I book space

1 Like

Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Depressed101: 10:26pm On Nov 12, 2019

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Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by KingAzubuike(f): 10:27pm On Nov 12, 2019
I was having sex with this guy then the condom burst and rolled back inside my Pu***. It wasn't funny at all as I've always heard stories on how such incidence do lead to death. Well he had to dip his hand in and bring out the rubber.


Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Aturitoroman: 10:27pm On Nov 12, 2019
Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by IdioticNLmods: 10:27pm On Nov 12, 2019
Mtcheew, i have no time for bullshit.
Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by level10: 10:27pm On Nov 12, 2019
Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Lordofthewest(m): 10:28pm On Nov 12, 2019
Yesss, I'm back bytches. What did I miss?

1 Like

Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by MycroftHolmes: 10:28pm On Nov 12, 2019
Waiting for those guys that will come and say that they are here to read lies.

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Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Nobody: 10:29pm On Nov 12, 2019
The day I fractured my d33k shocked


Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by MzTunechi(f): 10:29pm On Nov 12, 2019
LMAO grin grin grin at the first story

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by chukwuibuipob: 10:31pm On Nov 12, 2019
embarassed sad wink embarassed sad. Back den wen dey paste ur result in ur dept and u cum dey see matric num 221 F,222 D,223 E,224 F.Especially final year result Omo! sad embarassed sad grin grin lipsrsealed grin. Peepz will go there and tear the result/use biro erased am

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Nobody: 10:31pm On Nov 12, 2019

The day pocohantas cheated on me


Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by wonuks(m): 10:31pm On Nov 12, 2019
Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by adewumiopeyemi(m): 10:31pm On Nov 12, 2019
Ok wait. Ooo as anybody see the grill man it has been a wile have seen him


Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Officialgarri: 10:32pm On Nov 12, 2019
Waiting for those guys that will come and say that they are here to read lies.

We are here... And of course, ready to read lies

41 Likes 1 Share

Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Rydor: 10:33pm On Nov 12, 2019
The day I was smooching a girl and she fainted. I thought she was dead AF.. I sweated every liquid in my body..since then before I do anything with any girl, I ask if she's fainted before...if yes, Na japa be that..
inside lyf orishirishi babe lonbenbee


Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by daxclusive1: 10:34pm On Nov 12, 2019
This is super story.....
Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by tonididdy(m): 10:34pm On Nov 12, 2019
@OP road dey to your hilltop house?

You nd your brothers better decide wisely for your next 4yrs in that state otherwise everything will be frightenly not funny anymore.

1 Like

Re: Share Your Frightening But Funny Stories by Olamilekxy(m): 10:34pm On Nov 12, 2019
op your story ehn

laugh wan kill me here, I laugh sotey my friend ask Me,
what am reading?

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