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Dirty Hustlers - Literature (5) - Nairaland

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What Is "Dirty" And "Stain" In YORUBA Language? / Romantic Story : My Dirty Friend (18+) Episode 1 / My Dirty Friend:episode 10 (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Dirty Hustlers by EdmundAlma: 1:08pm On Dec 11, 2019
I hope say d STORY never end.

I hope this is just the beginning.. absg make them no arrest my cherry now wey she don wise
Re: Dirty Hustlers by leosmaria(m): 2:35pm On Dec 11, 2019
still following
Re: Dirty Hustlers by Kingso23: 8:30pm On Dec 11, 2019
good! local man is finally pleased @ least nw we're getn smewhre to think dt i almst quit becos of chery's naive stupidity bt gladly she has finaly recieved brain and served boda d rightful dose of his own medicine ...nw local man want morrre! pls keep it flowing, good job


Re: Dirty Hustlers by Wonderz1: 3:50pm On Dec 12, 2019
You doing a good job more grease #renderhelp


Re: Dirty Hustlers by leosmaria(m): 10:48am On Dec 13, 2019
Renderbaby, hope you re alright, we your noble readers are waiting for you
Re: Dirty Hustlers by Nobody: 1:07pm On Dec 13, 2019
But is this really possible, can a girl really be this foolish before coming to her senses?
Re: Dirty Hustlers by Renderhelp(f): 2:39pm On Dec 13, 2019
My heart raced as I hurriedly made my way towards my bag of clothes, I mistakenly tipped over a bucket of garri causing it to spill. I hissed and kicked the bucket out of my way.

To my surprise, a bundle of 1000 naira notes tumbled out with the garri. When I picked it up and counted, it was a sum of 7,000 Naira. Broda must have stashed it away, I thought.

I changed into a white shirt with a pair of jean trousers and jacket. I had troubles buttoning my trousers due to my bulging stomach. I gave up and pulled my shirt over it.

I wanted to pack a few clothes but my mind kicked against it, Mekus could come in anytime. I stuffed the 7000 naira into my purse and dashed out of the room.

I shivered when I saw Broda's body on my way out. I had never seen him lay so still and silent. I slowly nudged his arm with the tip of my foot to see if he was really dead. He didn't move. I kicked his side harder. He was still. In a twisted way, It made me feel superior and confident, something I haven't felt in a long time. I kicked his body around some more before I ran out of the compound.

As I ran down the street, I prayed I wouldn't come across Mekus. The sky had grown dark and there were few people on the street and most shops were closed. I had no idea what the time was but I guessed it to be about 9pm.

I sighted a Keke Napep and hailed it.

"Iyana ipaja. Drop." I said to the keke rider after I entered.

I had no plans on where to go to. I couldn't think straight at that moment, all I wanted to do was to get out of Lagos as quickly as I could.

My heart went out to Mama and Nkiru. I missed them both, I wanted to tell Mama and Nkiru that they were both right about Broda and I was wrong. I needed a shoulder to cry on. What if the Police detains them? I thought. I had disappointed them too many times just to please Broda, I didn't want them to suffer for his death.

"Madam!" The keke rider clicked his fingers at my face.

I shook my head at him. I was lost in my thoughts.

"Madam I been dey call you since...nawa o!"

I looked out of the keke. The market was bustling with people. A lot of traders were still selling their wares on trays and mats by the roadside. It was a rowdy scene.

"We don reach?" I turned to ask the keke man.

"No we still dey go." He answered with sarcasm.

I eyed him. "Take me to where buses they load...I wan travel."

He stared at me like I was crazy. "To where? What of your load?" He asked as he looked down to my small purse.

"Mind your business. Take me to any bus park wey dey close by."

He shook his head at me. He probably thought I was mentally ill. "You go add 100 Naira join." He announced as he started the engine of his tricycle.

We rode into a big park. 'Iyare motors' I read out the huge sign at the entrance.

I paid the keke rider who looked at me with pity in his eyes but was eager to collect his fare.

I walked to the ticket stand and waited patiently on the queue. I didn't even know where heading to at that point.

I thought about Mekus. Had he seen Broda's body? What was his reaction? Did he flee or he went to the police? He seemed like the type of guy to run. I felt sorry for him, he had given us free accommodation and all he got was trouble in return.

I finally bought a ticket. The skin bleached lady with heavy makeup behind the ticket stand informed me all the buses were heading to Benin City. I held my breath as I bought the ticket, I whispered a prayer that the police wouldn't be able to trace me to Benin City.

We boarded the bus and moved. There was traffic at Dopemu, we were stuck there for a while.

I leaned my head against the window of the bus. Broda's still body flashed through my mind. I imagined him lying there with the big rats in our compound gnawing at his body.

Tears rolled out of my eyes as Broda's words played in my head. He had wasted 3 years of my life. I was just 18 and my life seemed like a huge mess. I bit down on my lip and wished I had made Broda's death slow and painful.

I was going to look for a way to get an abortion when I got to Benin, even if I had to beg on the streets, I promised myself.

It was 2am when we arrived in Benin city. I only had a purse with me so I didn't wait with other passengers for the Driver to offload luggage.

I took a seat at a corner of the bus park and looked around as people struggled with their bags and passengers quarreled with their Drivers.

I was confused. I had no idea on where to go to. I had never been to Benin before. I felt stranded.


I looked up to see a tall young man with long dreadlocks packed in a ponytail. He had a diamond stud on one ear. I was mesmerized with the aroma of his perfume.

I looked away and tried to ignore him but he persisted.

"Hello. Please can I sit next to you?"

There were lots of vacant seats around. I frowned and nodded.

I held my purse tightly to my body. He didn't look like the hungry type but I didn't want to take chances.

He sat next to me and as his shoulder brushed mine, something in me awakened.

I kept my face still, staring at a distant corner. I resisted the urge to look at his face.

"I don't mean to intrude... But I heard you cry in the bus, I was seated behind you so I couldn't reach out, are you okay?"

He had a foreign accent, I couldn't tell if it was British or American, I didn't know the difference.

I turned to look at his face. He was handsome. He had this sweet and nice aura.

"I'm lost." I heard myself say.

He looked confused. "Lost? Did you take the wrong bus?"

I shook my head slowly and fresh tears came flowing. "I don't have where to go."

He stretched out his hand and rubbed my shoulder. "Don't cry...it's alright."

His gaze lowered to my round tummy. I felt embarrassed and pulled my jacket over my stomach.

"Uhm...sorry..." He raised his eyes to meet mine. "Do you have anyone you could place a call to? I have a phone---"

I shook my head and sniffed.

He looked at me for a while. "It's fine...One step at a time. I'm Calvin and you?"

I hesitated. I couldn't think of a fake name. "Che--Cherry."

"Nice name." He smiled. "I came into the country yesterday, I live in Holland, came in to see my Parents...uhm... I was going to lodge in a hotel, since you need a place to sleep, I don't mind if you come along."

I bit my lip. What if he was a ritualist? Would I meet my death so soon after killing Broda? I asked myself. My life couldn't get worse, I shrugged.

"Okay." I said as I stood up and walked with him into a waiting taxi.

19 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Dirty Hustlers by Renderhelp(f): 2:40pm On Dec 13, 2019
Renderbaby, hope you re alright, we your noble readers are waiting for you

Yea I'm fine...I'm so sorry, I was caught up with work. I'm here now smiley
Re: Dirty Hustlers by Wonderz1: 2:54pm On Dec 13, 2019
Renderbaby thanks and more grease to your elbows
Re: Dirty Hustlers by Renderhelp(f): 2:56pm On Dec 13, 2019
Renderbaby thanks and more grease to your elbows

Thanks smiley
Re: Dirty Hustlers by leosmaria(m): 3:53pm On Dec 13, 2019

Yea I'm fine...I'm so sorry, I was caught up with work. I'm here now smiley
alright dear. Thanks for the update
Re: Dirty Hustlers by leosmaria(m): 2:53pm On Dec 16, 2019
baby render were are you?
Re: Dirty Hustlers by moorevic(m): 6:11pm On Dec 17, 2019
At a point i felt like slapping sense into her.
Re: Dirty Hustlers by moorevic(m): 6:12pm On Dec 17, 2019
I know someone who was into such abusive relationship for 7 years
Re: Dirty Hustlers by leosmaria(m): 9:32pm On Dec 17, 2019
Re: Dirty Hustlers by StellamarisIII(f): 10:10pm On Dec 17, 2019
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I'm waiting
Re: Dirty Hustlers by leosmaria(m): 9:39pm On Dec 19, 2019
renderbaby, what is happening? are you alright?
Re: Dirty Hustlers by Nobody: 9:43am On Dec 23, 2019
I hope say d story never end.
Bro please help me erase my number from your quote.. thank you!
Re: Dirty Hustlers by Nobody: 10:55am On Dec 23, 2019
I hope say d story never end.

Abeg help me erase my number which you quoted this morning.. You can just edit the post and clear my number bro
Re: Dirty Hustlers by leosmaria(m): 8:07am On Dec 27, 2019
so no Xmas update from Renderhelp...... I'm in severe pains
Re: Dirty Hustlers by leosmaria(m): 8:07am On Dec 27, 2019
so no Xmas update from Renderhelp...... I'm in severe pains
Re: Dirty Hustlers by Dfrenzy(m): 6:20pm On Dec 28, 2019
Amazing story, more grace...!!! Thanks
Re: Dirty Hustlers by leosmaria(m): 11:58am On Jan 01, 2020
Happy new year renderbaby
Re: Dirty Hustlers by greatdeal1408: 11:38am On Jan 02, 2020
shocked shocked
You sure are good... !
sure real!
do keep this up
I'm following
Re: Dirty Hustlers by Nobody: 4:38pm On Jan 03, 2020
Still waiting oo
Re: Dirty Hustlers by FlizBeauty: 12:18pm On Jan 05, 2020
Please next update
Re: Dirty Hustlers by leosmaria(m): 7:09pm On Jan 17, 2020
Renderhelp, Hope everything is OK
Re: Dirty Hustlers by B0rn2winxxx: 10:36pm On Mar 11, 2020
Cherry na real mumu

Na village girl na

1 Like

Re: Dirty Hustlers by B0rn2winxxx: 11:16pm On Mar 11, 2020
Chai nice work OP.

Abeg is this a real life story or fiction?

Na fiction na..

This one nor fit happen for our modern world.
Re: Dirty Hustlers by B0rn2winxxx: 11:33pm On Mar 11, 2020
but this story dn de vex me oooooo
which kind Mumu be dx
let me keep watching
baby girl ride

It vex me not be small..
Re: Dirty Hustlers by B0rn2winxxx: 11:34pm On Mar 11, 2020
this story dn de vex me oooo.
which kind Mumu be dx.
ride on baby girl

It vex me pass you
Re: Dirty Hustlers by B0rn2winxxx: 11:49pm On Mar 11, 2020

I apologize for my tardiness sir....hope you like my new update? smiley

Omo your story de interesting at same time de boil me..

I nor get joy reading this.

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