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Finally Given Up, Sorry To Those That Will Be Pained. by heartache(m): 8:12am On Nov 21, 2019
After years of struggling and trying to find balance in life, it's like my time to give up has come. Whoever wants to judge can judge. If suicide will take me to hell, then I don't care, I know it might mean nothing but I'll put the whole blame on God. Yes, God. Because there's no kind of prayer in this life that I haven't done. Still my life sucks.

I could not gather the strength to drop a note for my parents or family, but I can drop it here. I just need to pour out a bit of my mind before I go.

Sorry dad, sorry mom. Sorry my sisters, I know you people love me but I think this is the best option for me now. E go better e go better has been the song for many years.

Sorry my friend, you encouraged me all through, but that can never be enough.

Sorry my pastor, you always assisted in prayers, which seemed not to be working anyway.
I decided never to go diabolical, its better I end it now than going that way.

Thank you Naira land, you made me laugh at times.

I had to come to my parents house to do this.

They have no idea what my plan is but I'm waiting for them to leave the house.

Goodbye everyone
Re: Finally Given Up, Sorry To Those That Will Be Pained. by Gabbyosun: 8:16am On Nov 21, 2019
suicide post
Re: Finally Given Up, Sorry To Those That Will Be Pained. by bluebay(m): 8:20am On Nov 21, 2019
After years of struggling and trying to find balance in life, it's like my time to give up has come. Whoever wants to judge can judge. If suicide will take me to hell, then I don't care, I know it might mean nothing but I'll put the whole blame on God. Yes, God. Because there's no kind of prayer in this life that I haven't done. Still my life sucks.

I could not gather the strength to drop a note for my parents or family, but I can drop it here. I just need to pour out a bit of my mind before I go.

Sorry dad, sorry mom. Sorry my sisters, I know you people love me but I think this is the best option for me now. E go better e go better has been the song for many years.

Sorry my friend, you encouraged me all through, but that can never be enough.

Sorry my pastor, you always assisted in prayers, which seemed not to be working anyway.
I decided never to go diabolical, its better I end it now than going that way.

Thank you Naira land, you made me laugh at times.

I had to come to my parents house to do this.

They have no idea what my plan is but I'm waiting for them to leave the house.

Goodbye everyone
Hey hey hey, you need to stop this please . What's that problem you facing that cannot be solved ? Please let's talk... Please
Re: Finally Given Up, Sorry To Those That Will Be Pained. by mascot87(m): 8:31am On Nov 21, 2019
Bro. I have more problem than you do. Check my history, check my post. Let us push a little more. I understand how you feel. Just relax. As I speak, I have nothing on me. I don't even know how I'll get to survive today. I can't involve in evil coa it doesn't pay. Was asking a friend how long will it take to die if you don't eat. But again,I am still hopeful. Bro, your situation isn't the worst trust me. But, don't give up now. Their is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep up the faith. Can we exchange contact so we could encourage each other daily. Stat strong. I know how you feel. Trust me, we will be fine
Re: Finally Given Up, Sorry To Those That Will Be Pained. by densiks: 8:34am On Nov 21, 2019
People including myself have gone through worse situations and they held on till things definitely got better and they are now living fulfilled lives.

Quitting by suicide eliminates your chance of overcoming your challenges and inspiring others with your story.

You can redefine your thoughts and find inner peace till you’re better off.

Best wishes.
Re: Finally Given Up, Sorry To Those That Will Be Pained. by saintokwuluora(m): 8:37am On Nov 21, 2019
If one can write all these to the world before committing suicide why cant he spare half the energy to share the problem to the world and let it be that no help came after all. Suicide is a spirit, it first makes the victim spiritually blind, deaf and dumb. Please never give up no matter what, give the burden to Jesus Christ. Suicide is a deception of the devil, it is never the way out, rather it is the point of no return to eternal wahala of all wahalas. No amount of shame and rejection in this life can equate to eternal damnation.
Re: Finally Given Up, Sorry To Those That Will Be Pained. by donbachi(m): 8:52am On Nov 21, 2019
suicide suicide everytime....life is not bed of roses.why take ur life and make ur family go through pains.when u can go to one babalawo and give ur life as a sacrifice for money ritual for ur other family members to be rich and live d life u never had...my thought though.

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