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Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote - Family - Nairaland

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Poll: Is this behavior appropriate?

Yes: 7% (3 votes)
No: 73% (28 votes)
It doesn't matter: 18% (7 votes)
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Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by AloyEmeka5: 4:02am On Nov 21, 2010

They kissing pair are siblings and as you can see in the picture, their mother is abetting them. Is this behavior appropriate?
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by NubianQ(f): 4:29am On Nov 21, 2010
well, there is nothing wrong with it! she is just giving her brother a kiss, can u see any tongue? jeez man relax,
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by AloyEmeka5: 12:19pm On Nov 21, 2010

well,  there is nothing wrong with it! she is just giving her brother a kiss,  can u see any tongue? jeez man relax,

Isn't this how they start their incestuous behaviors?.

See this thread : https://www.nairaland.com/nigeria/topic-554446.0.html
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by freecocoa(f): 1:20pm On Nov 21, 2010
@nubianq,haven't you heard of siblings having sexx?this is how it starts.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by kieryn(f): 7:11pm On Nov 21, 2010
That ridiculous! How about give your sister/brother a hug.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by AloyEmeka5: 7:37pm On Nov 21, 2010

That ridiculous! How about give your sister/brother a hug.

I wonder.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by MaiSuya(m): 8:55pm On Nov 21, 2010
I almost puked @ the pix. what is this world coming to?

How revolting! angry angry
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by plappville(f): 9:23pm On Nov 21, 2010
If u are a parent u Will not criticize this, they are kids, they do not ve thé same feeling as adulte.
I ve two kids 2 yrs and 5 yrs they are both boys, they kiss themselves most times, there is nô exchange of tongue as adults.


@nubianq,haven't you heard of siblings having sexx?this is how it starts.

U shouldnt think like that., most siblins who are involved in having sex may not ve évén shared love while they were younger.
If i may ask, do u think because a father kisses her little daughter, then hé Will now Bégin to develop some sexual act on her as she grows up?

Nigérian should wake up, there is nothing wrong hère, in as long as they are not forced to kiss themselves.
I dont care what thé poll say.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by AloyEmeka5: 11:04pm On Nov 21, 2010

If u are a parent u Will not criticize this, they are kids, they do not ve thé same feeling as adulte.
I ve two kids 2 yrs and 5 yrs  they are both boys, they kiss themselves most times, there is nô exchange of tongue as adults.

What do those children stand to gain from kissing each other?. Will you encourage your 5 yrl old son to continue kissing assuming you see him kissing a girl of similar age in the neighborhood[the girl is not related to him tho]?.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by plappville(f): 11:20pm On Nov 21, 2010

What do those children stand to gain from kissing each other?. Will you encourage your 5 yrl old son to continue kissing assuming you see him kissing a girl of similar age in the neighborhood[the girl is not related to him tho]?.

They dont gain what adults gain, U should not try to change ur topic: at first My boy Will not kiss another little boy of 2yrs old. Hé does that with his Brother without any sentimental feeling. And i dont think parents encourage kids to kiss, on like hère in France to kiss is a polite way to great, we use thé word kiss (BISOU) for family member and also friends, it doesn't mean that to kiss is to exchange tongue as we see it in Nigeria. Kids hère kiss their mother in thé mouth, but at a certain age, it fades away naturally. Pikin wen go spoil go spoil, nô be kiss siblins wen spoil kids.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by AloyEmeka5: 11:49pm On Nov 21, 2010

They dont gain what adults gain, U should not try to change your topic: at first My boy Will not kiss another little boy of 2yrs old. Hé does that with his Brother without any sentimental feeling. And i dont think parents encourage kids to kiss, on like hère in France to kiss is a polite way to great, we use thé word kiss (BISOU) for family member and also friends, it doesn't mean that to kiss is to exchange tongue as we see it in Nigeria. Kids hère kiss their mother in thé mouth, but at a certain age, it fades away naturally. Pikin wen go spoil go spoil, nô be kiss siblins wen spoil kids.

No the question was whether you will complain if you find  your 5 year old kissing another 5 year old GIRL in your neighborhood whether they exchanged saliva or not. The fear with this sort of behavior is that the child may take it beyond kissing or walk around in school kissing fellow students.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by gestapo(f): 11:58pm On Nov 21, 2010
They grow out of these things though,so no biggie cool
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by Ndipe(m): 1:15am On Nov 22, 2010
Innocence of children who are just 2 or maybe three years old and the poster is raising an alarm. Na wao!
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by NubianQ(f): 3:06am On Nov 22, 2010
@pOSTER, That means u go take koboko finish oyibo children oh,

its just a puker, on the mouth, its nooo big deal
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by fstranger: 3:10am On Nov 22, 2010
NubianQ Animashaun.

Sup Sister?

Whaddup yo?

loving ma di-ck?
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by Osama10(m): 3:44am On Nov 22, 2010
In Naija its some how weird.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by NubianQ(f): 3:50am On Nov 22, 2010

NubianQ Animashaun.

Sup Sister?

Whaddup yo?

loving ma di-ck?

look Fstranger,  you need to grow up and grow a brain,  what is your problem? what is your problem please? can you start explaining,

abeg jo stop acting like a child,  must you come to every page i am on to disturb me?

why are you acting like a child?

are you ok? seriously, 

get a life,  i am ignoring you from now on,

put whatever you like on here,  its your business,

stinking pig

Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by Outstrip(f): 4:20am On Nov 22, 2010
It's not just a hug though. The parents are making a show of the kiss obviously. You can even see and adults hand supporting the little boys head. I am on the fence on this one. I would not have minded so much if they were not siblings. As siblings at what age do you say "cut it out, it is no longer cute". If they just did it as children might do then it is okay but they are being prompted to do it and they are getting a reaction from people
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by AloyEmeka5: 4:28am On Nov 22, 2010

It's not just a hug though. The parents are making a show of the kiss obviously. You can even see and adults hand supporting the little boys head. I am on the fence on this one. I would not have minded so much if they were not siblings. As siblings at what age do you say "cut it out, it is no longer cute". If they just did it as children might do then it is okay but they are being prompted to do it and they are getting a reaction from people

Gbam. Thank you.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by Nobody: 6:40am On Nov 22, 2010
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by ifyalways(f): 10:36am On Nov 22, 2010
El-weirdo cheesy
Why is the mum pushing them to kiss in the 2nd pic?I hope she wud be able to hoe the row shes making.
@Topic,First pics looks natural and aiight but 2nd pics is . . . Hmmn undecided
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by AloyEmeka5: 12:24pm On Nov 22, 2010
What difference does it make whether they were forced to kiss or not?
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by Nobody: 1:23pm On Nov 22, 2010
Big deal undecided
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by plappville(f): 3:14pm On Nov 22, 2010

Actually I dont feel comfortable with these pictures.

I wasn't there to see what actually happened but from I can see from the pictures;

The first picture shows then both hugging and [/b]kissing (like adults)  & It looks more than a quick peck which kids tend to do and the second picture shows mums hand pushing the boys head towards the girl.

There is something unnatural about both pictures . . . . . Anyone notice the positions of the arms of both the kids in picture 1. See how the girl is stretching up to the boys neck? That was definitely staged or the girls arms would be round the boys chest where she can reach.

[b]What mâke u feel unconfortable, that they kiss or because thé mums hand surport? I guess U  think too far, thèse kids are innocent, i CAN understand in Nigeria this is a total begining of danger, but thé truth is that this is absolutely nothing,
there is no strange feeling, if u were to be présent during this kissing évent, just after 30 mins asked thé girl what shé had
done with her Brother, she Will not remember. That is why we say kids are innocent.

Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by MaiSuya(m): 3:35pm On Nov 22, 2010
WT. . . A picture of a little boy kissing [/i]a little girl and people are saying it's [i]no big deal? angry angry

I ask again, what is the world coming to? sad
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by Nobody: 5:04pm On Nov 22, 2010
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by plappville(f): 6:39pm On Nov 22, 2010

@plapville. Yes innocent if the kiss had been spontaneous. In this case it wasn't.

I have 2 kids of the opposite gender and they show each other affection but not with me having to hold one of their heads.

I ve not for the fact that the mum surported the head of the baby, because for me it seems she is forcing the, it dosn't make sense to tell ur kids to kiss themselves or even went so far as helping to bring their mouth together. tis one is wrong. But when kids kiss freely, i still stand that it is for love and affection just like u said above.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by Ndipe(m): 11:01pm On Nov 22, 2010
If it is forced on them by the mother, as the poster says, then it's completely wrong.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by mutter(f): 1:02am On Nov 23, 2010
Even it was spontaneous. Two pics obviously on the same day. Maybe it was a wedding and they had seen the bride and groom kiss?
Well quite honestly I have never noticed this kind of show of affection between my kids.
I cannot really say there is something wrong. I would not feel comfortable with it, especially if it were to be frequent. think I would discourage it.
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by DJA: 12:02pm On Nov 23, 2010
soooooooooooo sad.this is not ordinary,see the way d small girl grips d boy,n we say its o.k??
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by Nobody: 12:55pm On Nov 23, 2010
These are babies! They have no erotic feelings whatsoever . . . NONE at all!
Re: Is This Behavior Appropriate To Teach Children?; Please vote by DJA: 1:03pm On Nov 23, 2010
i agree dey av no erotic feelings yet,but it starts gradually.kids should be involved in what is beneficial to them at different stages.nothing wrong t a peck,but to kiss,

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