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Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by Lukgaf(m): 7:24am On Dec 06, 2019
Praise be to Allah.


The basic principle of Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah in affirming the divine attributes is that they affirm for Allah, may He be exalted, what He affirmed for Himself, or His Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) affirmed for Him, without resorting to an interpretation that differs from the apparent meaning, without denying the divine attributes, without asking how they are, and without likening these attributes to any of Allah’s creation.

To sum up: the attributes of Allah, may He be exalted, are tawqeefi (something which is based on revelation [and not open to ijtihaad]), and there is no room for reason in this regard. So we do not affirm for Allah, may He be exalted, any attributes except those that are affirmed in the Qur’an and Sunnah. Imam Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Allah cannot be described except in the terms in which He described Himself or His Messenger described Him, and that cannot go beyond what is mentioned in the Qur’an and hadith. End quote from al-Fatwa al-Hamawiyyah (p. 271).


This attribute, the “ear”, cannot be affirmed unless there is a religious text [Qur’an or sound hadith] to support that, and we have no report that affirms it, so we must refrain, and it is not permissible to affirm this attribute for Allah, may He be exalted.

Shaykh al-Barraak says: With regard to that for which there is nothing at all to deny it or affirm it, whether that be on the basis of a religious text [Qur’an or sound hadith] or an implied meaning or what is necessarily understood, we should refrain from discussing the matter.

One example of that is the ear, with regard to Allah, may He be exalted. This is one of the matters concerning which we must refrain from discussion and neither deny or affirm it, because we have nothing to confirm it, either on the basis of a religious text [Qur’an or sound hadith] or an implied meaning or what is necessarily understood.

End quote from at-Ta‘leeq ‘ala al-Qawaa‘id al-Muthla (96).

And Allah knows best.

Source: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/300999/can-we-attribute-an-ear-to-allah

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Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by Rashduct4luv(m): 8:30am On Dec 06, 2019
Any names/attributes not found in the Qur'an and Sunnah as being ascribed to Allah should be done away with.

Allah ascribes sight and hearing to himself. Nothing is similar to Allah and He is attributed with Hearing and Sight

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Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by Lukgaf(m): 8:35am On Dec 06, 2019
Any names/attributes not found in the Qur'an and Sunnah as being ascribed to Allah should be done away with.

Allah ascribes sight and hearing to himself. Nothing is similar to Allah and He is attributed with Hearing and Sight
barakalah feek Sir


Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by obafemee80(m): 9:17am On Dec 13, 2019

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Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by Mccullum: 9:26am On Dec 13, 2019
another Friday another round of rules and bullshi.t by the mad for the mad

mind your own faith, most time mentally derail patient will be abusing people and other things around as mad and mad and mad


Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by saheedbadmus(m): 9:29am On Dec 13, 2019
Reading ur comment it shows hoe stupid you are..well only a dunce can post such. Why come on an islamic post and say bad thinngs about our creator..u only want to bring Gods wrath on ur self. Its better you repent before its too late..
Allahu is deaf, that is the reason he requires his zombies to say the same prayer 5 times everyday.

Saying the same prayer everyday, at the same time with the same body movement over the course of one's life portrays allahu as olodo and deaf


Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by mu2sa2: 9:29am On Dec 13, 2019
Allahu is deaf, that is the reason he requires his zombies to say the same prayer 5 times everyday.

Saying the same prayer everyday, at the same time with the same body movement over the course of one's life portrays allahu as olodo and deaf
You're speaking from the position of ignorance and maybe illiteracy and stupidity. Even the bible says "pray unceasingly" (1 Thessalonians 5.17). The Quran says Allah created humans solely to worship Him. You are also definitely wrong to say muslims pray 5 times daily. In fact, good muslims go beyond the prescribed 5 daily salats.


Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by saheedbadmus(m): 9:31am On Dec 13, 2019
And how is this ur business.. For ur mind now u don type comment wey dey sensible ba..why not go to a christian forum and leave the islamic section.
another Friday another round of rules and bullshi.t by the mad for the mad

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Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by OgaBuhari: 9:49am On Dec 13, 2019

Actually allah originally wanted 50 prayers a day until MooHaMad begged alla to reduce it to 5.

This actually calls alla's intelligence into question because if muslims were to have prayed 50 times a day as alla planned, they simply wouldn't have time to do anything else.

A typical muslim prayer from ablution to sojood can last between 20 to 30 minutes. Multiply 30 minutes by 50 times and you'll see how unreasonable alla's request for 50 prayers a day was. The fact that it took an ordinary MooHaMad who was not an educated man to point out this error to alla, is conclusive evidence that alla cannot be a real god.

madd ooooo grin grin grin


Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by marvin906(m): 10:22am On Dec 13, 2019

mind your own faith, most time mentally derail patient will be abusing people and other things around as mad and mad and mad

just look at this one


Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by teniboss(m): 10:26am On Dec 13, 2019
Allahu is deaf, that is the reason he requires his zombies to say the same prayer 5 times everyday.

Saying the same prayer everyday, at the same time with the same body movement over the course of one's life portrays allahu as olodo and deaf
clap for yourself!!! Is it not wonderful that you even had to accept the shahada just to comment on a post alien to your existencebut know this, for this very fact, Allah will guide you to Islam In sha Allah....


Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by Bigcowhorn: 10:51am On Dec 13, 2019
are u Muslim or atheist cos you both have something in common.

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Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by Newnas(m): 11:42am On Dec 13, 2019
trash. Allah can never be my creator.
Allah died thousands of years ago in the Big Bang explosion.

See your life?!

Joblessness is your problem.
Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by OgaBuhari: 11:50am On Dec 13, 2019

See your life?!

Joblessness is your problem.
but I'm commenting at my office in my spare time while you're typing this at the comfort of your home.
so whose the jobless fellow here?

1 Like

Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by Techreliance(m): 11:54am On Dec 13, 2019
[quote author=OfficialAPCNig post=84746381]Allahu is deaf, that is the reason he requires his zombies to say the same prayer 5 times everyday.

Saying the same prayer everyday, at the same time with the same body movement over the course of one's life portrays allahu as olodo and deaf[/quote

I don't want know if u do all these out of ignorance or hatred towards Islam but may Allah never guide u and may His wrath be upon u. You son of a wretched lineage.
Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by Newnas(m): 11:57am On Dec 13, 2019
but I'm commenting at my office in my spare time while you're typing this at the comfort of your home.
so whose the jobless fellow here?

First, I'm a freelancer, I work from home.

Second, you have spare time at 11 am?! Shows how indolent you are!
Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by AntiChristian: 12:03pm On Dec 13, 2019

You mean the same Adam and Eve story that your crookran plagiarised? grin

God created every human being, including Adam and Eve with a freewill and a duty to resist temptation. If Adam and Eve failed in their loyalty to God, how did that become God's fault? If I employ you as my gateman and you connive with armed robbers to rob my residence, who is guilty in the eyes of the law and who will go to jail?

Answer honestly how! grin

By your "intelligent" thinking, God shouldn't have created any human being at all.

Does Adam and Eve have free will before they ate the apple or after they ate the apple their eyes opened?
Wasn't your God omniscient to know the future? and just create them on earth instead allowing them to be tempted before sending them to the earth.
Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by OgaBuhari: 12:06pm On Dec 13, 2019

First, I'm a freelancer, I work from home.

Second, you have spare time at 11 am?! Shows how indolent you are![/s]
Ode today is Friday.
I'm a Librarian in a Special Establishment and I have library staff, clerical officers and assistants working for me and submitting the reports to me as the oga kpatakpata wey I be.

I suggest u should stop deceiving yourself by claiming to be a freelancer with zero skills that u possess and go get a meaningful life.
Re: Can We Attribute An Ear To Allah? by OfficialAPCNig: 12:08pm On Dec 13, 2019
[quote author=Techreliance post=84873778][/quote]
Sifia pains. Pele

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