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I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake - Romance - Nairaland

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I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Gang90: 8:36am On Dec 12, 2019
I know you may later find my identity but I don't care becuase I need help.

I have this loving girlfriend, actually I love her so much and she in many occasions proven how much she loves me. I met her in school around 2014, we were good friends though I asked her for a date then and she said we have no future together then later on she told me if I can date her without being affectionate, I thought she will be using me what's love without affection didn't know she was scared of me breaking her heart, I left school and somehow around May this year I kept disturbing her and at last she gave in, she's a Muslim, we don't mind. She is my first real love.

We been really so good that I thought she's the best option for me in marriage, actually I didn't think I wanted kids but she changed my views and now I started thinking about raising a family with her.

When it becomes really so deep I thought I should let my family know, I have known her as a best friend and now as a girlfriend so I already believes we would be good for a couple so to test the dept of the sea with one leg I had to let my mum know, she was fond of her when I spoke with her on phone, she didn't mind that she was a Muslim from another state but on talking about marriage the whole thing took a new turn.

And before hand the talk got to more family members and I'm this kind of guy that people takes so serious in my house becuase before I say things I already done it halve way, now they say marriage is not something one just go into but that they were happy I spoke on that earlier on.

They say they need some spiritual examination I gave them go ahead, I'm 24 years old, planning to marry her in about 2 to three years. Now they came back saying she's an Ogbanje and that anybody who marries her may die Young. Note I don't really believe those but my family does.

My main issue is I had been battling an underlying health condition now and I'm not sure of staying around for so long and if anything happens to me while we are married my family may hold her responsible and I may not be there to stand for her, she will be coming to see me this Xmas and I'm really confused. I don't know what to do She seems to love me so much already.

62 Likes 11 Shares

Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Nobody: 8:37am On Dec 12, 2019

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Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by imiski(m): 8:43am On Dec 12, 2019
Make I park my car here. No scratch me oh.

206 Likes 16 Shares

Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by donbachi(m): 8:44am On Dec 12, 2019
"Problem shared,is problem half solved"..what health condition are you in?let start from there.help may come from here.

181 Likes 1 Share

Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by SUPERPACK: 8:44am On Dec 12, 2019
What underlying health condition?

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Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Nobody: 8:44am On Dec 12, 2019
Your family dont want her and you will soon die.

Why waste her time and make her a young widow?

Leave her Alone.

193 Likes 3 Shares

Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Gang90: 8:50am On Dec 12, 2019
"Problem shared,is problem half solved"..what health condition are you in?let start from there.help may come from here.
Last time I went to hospital, the doctor said I was having gout, in itself gout is not a sickness but mainly as a result of other things, I feel like I'm having kidney issues because, I feel pains on my sides of the stomach, the I fall really sick regular then when I got taking drugs I didn't know I was ulcer prone and I got taking NSAID which got my intestines whole on the damaging part, now i can't take most drugs and I can't get a relief

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Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Nobody: 8:51am On Dec 12, 2019
my only advice is seek medical help for your health problem. your family is just trying to stop you from marrying her with the ogbanje talk. ogbanje no longer exist. civilization and advance in medicine may have drove them away gringrin. even if ogbanje exist, I think she will be the one dying early not you

134 Likes 9 Shares

Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Gang90: 8:57am On Dec 12, 2019
my only advice is seek medical help for your health problem. your family is just trying to stop you from marrying her with the ogbanje talk. ogbanje no longer exist. civilization and advance in medicine may have drove them away gringrin. even if ogbanje exist, I think she will be the one dying early not you
I'm working on getting medication but on the other hand, I'm the last born and no body ever seem to believe I know what's good for me, if I went ahead with the marriage against their will, the can even shun the girls family from giving their daughter to me, and that will be really embarrassing

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Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by thorpido(m): 9:04am On Dec 12, 2019
Leave Ogbanje first.
Two main issues;your health and religious affinity.
If you feel pains on your sides,why don't you run tests to know what the problem really is? Don't just assume.

Have you asked your girlfriend what her family's disposition is towards non-muslims?Will they accept their daughter marrying someone of another faith?

77 Likes 4 Shares

Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Olude193: 9:05am On Dec 12, 2019
Please concentrate on your health.

Revert back to being friends

God will provide yours.. It's someone who is alive that will marry

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Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by blesskewe(f): 9:09am On Dec 12, 2019
Please take care of yourself first
Don't deliberately implicate someone's child


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Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Nobody: 9:14am On Dec 12, 2019

I'm working on getting medication but on the other hand, I'm the last born and no body ever seem to believe I know what's good for me, if I went ahead with the marriage against their will, the can even shun the girls family from giving their daughter to me, and that will be really embarrassing
if you don't have the will to fight or you are too weak, I will suggest you explain everything to her and maybe end the relationship. marrying against family wish is not for those who build their life on every family opinion.
even if you marry her or any other girl, there will always be problems in every marriage

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Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Gang90: 9:14am On Dec 12, 2019
Please take care of yourself first
Don't deliberately implicate someone's child

I'm not implicating her my main issue is marrying against your family's wish, what if you won't be there, would they let her take the kids, would they give her full right and recognition to take care of your ventures and the kids if you are not there, these things can ruin her life if she's denied access to her kids or her kids are brainwashed against her like I said I don't believe those things but people still does


Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by b3llo(m): 9:19am On Dec 12, 2019
Wake me up when Season 2 starts.


Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Gang90: 9:20am On Dec 12, 2019
if you don't have the will to fight or you are too weak, I will suggest you explain everything to her and maybe end the relationship. marrying against family wish is not for those who build their life on every family opinion.
even if you marry her or any other girl, there wil
l always be problems in every marriage
I want to fight for us but it is complicated, we used to be a family of seven children 4 boys and three girks our, first born married a woman against the family's wish he got living with her and one day they him and the wife had an issue, he got himself drunk got on the car, ran into a truck by accident he didn't survive it, our second born got married and the marriage had been really bad they almost heading for separation after three kids, I'm the only one yet to marry in my house and it complicated because they are being like twice beaten shy to the last


Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Nobody: 9:36am On Dec 12, 2019
My brother, what i am going to advice you to do is the best for you.
I will advise you to take what i will say to heart.

First of all, are you really sure that this said lady is ready to marry you?

Because it seems that you are the only one that is serious and telling family members about getting married.

Does she in her mind wants to go into a relationship with you and get married to you?

Because what is the purpose of a relationship between two adults, if not marriage?

Now on the issue of her being an ogbanje,

Now hear me well bro, flashing back to many years ago when she told you that she can be with you without affection.

Forget the issue of whether she was afraid of heart break.

Any woman that wants to be with a man without affection, has a skeleton in her cupboard.

And for the fact that she kept rejecting you up to may this year before she gives in, should tell you that there is a reason why she keeps rejecting you.

And for your family members that have never met her to have concluded that she is an ogbanje, and with all that has happened in the past.

With my knowledge of spiritual and empirical understanding of the spiritual, i can bodily tell you that indeed, 'SHE IS AN OGBANJE'

TAKE it or leave it.

And this your illness, when did it start?
Was it after you met her years ago or before you met her?

Whatever your answer, i know you will not die and you will live long.

Forget about her, break up with her, focus on your health, you need GOD to heal you.

Believe and go to a real Church where the power of healing is being demonstrated fresh and raw and with faith you will get your healing.

But my brother, leave the lady, your family is right.

Based on the order of the Peaky blinders.

52 Likes 4 Shares

Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Nobody: 9:42am On Dec 12, 2019

I want to fight for us but it is complicated, we used to be a family of seven children 4 boys and three girks our, first born married a woman against the family's wish he got living with her and one day they him and the wife had an issue, he got himself drunk got on the car, ran into a truck by accident he didn't survive it, our second born got married and the marriage had been really bad they almost heading for separation after three kids, I'm the only one yet to marry in my house and it complicated because they are being like twice beaten shy to the last
maybe the problem could also be with your brothers not their wife. maybe they were torn between loyalty to their wife and their family. it seems your family love to run their kids life. I have siblings who got married and there was no family meeting. my parents just gave their advice and blessings. with your family, there will be problem with whoever you choose to marry. marry your choice and with little normal marriage problems you will start thinking maybe my parents were right. marry their choice and it will always be their choice. you will always see her as a burden and inferior to the girl you would have married.
my only advice is leave marriage for now. focus on your health and being a man that run his life

21 Likes 3 Shares

Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by CharlesJok3r: 9:50am On Dec 12, 2019
You got a superstitious family members. That's no good for you!
Fvck your family opinion. Marry your friend if you are into each other deeply. Death is not very predictable. You just have to be prudent with every decisions you are making and actions you are taking.
Just do something about your health asap. And have a mind talk with your partner and let her know the situation of things!


Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Gang90: 10:07am On Dec 12, 2019
My brother, what i am going to advice you to do is the best for you.
I will advise you to take what i will say to heart.

First of all, are you really sure that this said lady is ready to marry you?

Because it seems that you are the only one that is serious and telling family members about getting married.

Does she in her mind wants to go into a relationship with you and get married to you?

Because what is the purpose of a relationship between two adults, if not marriage?

Now on the issue of her being an ogbanje,

Now hear me well bro, flashing back to many years ago when she told you that she can be with you without affection.

Forget the issue of whether she was afraid of heart break.

Any woman that wants to be with a man without affection, has a skeleton in her cupboard.

And for the fact that she kept rejecting you up to may this year before she gives in, should tell you that there is a reason why she keeps rejecting you.

And for your family members that have never met her to have concluded that she is an ogbanje, and with all that has happened in the past.

With my knowledge of spiritual and empirical understanding of the spiritual, i can bodily tell you that indeed, 'SHE IS AN OGBANJE'

TAKE it or leave it.

And this your illness, when did it start?
Was it after you met her years ago or before you met her?

Whatever your answer, i know you will not die and you will live long.

Forget about her, break up with her, focus on your health, you need GOD to heal you.

Believe and go to a real Church where the power of healing is being demonstrated fresh and raw and with faith you will get your healing.

But my brother, leave the lady, your family is right.

Based on the order of the Peaky blinders.
I had been feeling sick before I met her, there where times during those gap years that we stay for like a year without communicating, yes she's really serious about marriage, we used to talk about number of kids we want, how I will treat her if she gets pregnant, what I will get her if when she's delivers those kind of talks


Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Nobody: 10:13am On Dec 12, 2019

I had been feeling sick before I met her, there where times during those gap years that we stay for like a year without communicating, yes she's really serious about marriage, we used to talk about number of kids we want, how I will treat her if she gets pregnant, what I will get her if when she's delivers those kind of talks
Alright brother, for your sickness you will be healed.

But on this lady, though i don't know you or her and i have never met you nor talk to you before now, but something in me keeps telling me to tell you to leave her, i don't know and This spirit and urge in me have never been wrong.

My brother listen to your family and break up with her.

No mixing of words bro,. She is an ogbanjeeeee

Based on the order of the Peaky blinders.

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Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by TallPck1(m): 10:21am On Dec 12, 2019
About your health. You need to start attending a good church like living faith and start breaking every spirit of generational curses and sickness and believe me you would be fine. Your health matters and you can also take the said lady along with you.

You need to accept Jesus as your lord and personal saviour. Remember seek the kingdom of God first and all other things shall be added unto you.

#God bless you!

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Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Gang90: 10:24am On Dec 12, 2019
You got a superstitious family members. That's no good for you!
Fvck your family opinion. Marry your friend if you are into each other deeply. Death is not very predictable. You just have to be prudent with every decisions you are making and actions you are taking.
Just do something about your health asap. And have a mind talk with your partner and let her know the situation of things!
Maybe this Xmas when will both be much free I can get to talk with her but not on telling most of those, our future and her future maybe impacted in discussing such an unproven stuff with her about her but i seriously need to talk, I wanted her to come to my family house this Xmas but that won't be happening for now, I will host her somewhere else

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Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Gang90: 10:43am On Dec 12, 2019
About your health. You need to start attending a good church like living faith and start breaking every spirit of generational curses and sickness and believe me you would be fine. Your health matters and you can also take the said lady along with you.

You need to accept Jesus as your lord and personal saviour. Remember seek the kingdom of God first and all other things shall be added unto you.

#God bless you!
As for the prayers we pray together sometimes but Islam and Christian prayers are quite different and for me coming ftom a family of diversified religious view, I lack a strong hold in any religion, I'm a Catholic my Grandma was a Muslim, one of my brother is a deeper life pastor, one of my brother is apologetic to tradition, as for my girlfriend being a Muslim, sometimes we have different views of forces. For example while she don't touch the Islamic Holly book while on her period I understood but I still tell her to pray in her mind as those forces don't care if you are on your period to strike, we pray together but we had never attended any religious program together
Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Gideoniteprime4: 10:48am On Dec 12, 2019
lemme perch here first
the elders are coming grin grin grin


Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by totosucker(m): 11:33am On Dec 12, 2019
Let her come this Xmas. It is a good thing she is coming so that your family will get to meet her personally and observe her closely. One person no dey marry woman, na the whole family dey marry woman. You said two or three years from now, so there is still time for you to decide. However, give your life to Christ totally. Go to a Bible believing church where the truth of God's word is taught for deliverance and healing. Commit it into the hands of God and ask God to lead you right.


Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by mysticgal(f): 11:50am On Dec 12, 2019
Make I park my car here. No scratch me oh.

Ode, as you dey talk so, you don scratch my own Car as you dey park sad
How you wan do am? Give me your number or your insurance company name, address and your policy lipsrsealed

11 Likes 1 Share

Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by femi4: 12:27pm On Dec 12, 2019
I know you may later find my identity but I don't care becuase I need help.

I have this loving girlfriend, actually I love her so much and she in many occasions proven how much she loves me. I met her in school around 2014, we were good friends though I asked her for a date then and she said we have no future together then later on she told me if I can date her without being affectionate, I thought she will be using me what's love without affection didn't know she was scared of me breaking her heart, I left school and somehow around May this year I kept disturbing her and at last she gave in, she's a Muslim, we don't mind. She is my first real love.

We been really so good that I thought she's the best option for me in marriage, actually I didn't think I wanted kids but she changed my views and now I started thinking about raising a family with her.

When it becomes really so deep I thought I should let my family know, I have known her as a best friend and now as a girlfriend so I already believes we would be good for a couple so to test the dept of the sea with one leg I had to let my mum know, she was fond of her when I spoke with her on phone, she didn't mind that she was a Muslim from another state but on talking about marriage the whole thing took a new turn.

And before hand the talk got to more family members and I'm this kind of guy that people takes so serious in my house becuase before I say things I already done it halve way, now they say marriage is not something one just go into but that they were happy I spoke on that earlier on.

They say they need some spiritual examination I gave them go ahead, I'm 24 years old, planning to marry her in about 2 to three years. Now they came back saying she's an Ogbanje and that anybody who marries her may die Young. Note I don't really believe those but my family does.

My main issue is I had been battling an underlying health condition now and I'm not sure of staying around for so long and if anything happens to me while we are married my family may hold her responsible and I may not be there to stand for her, she will be coming to see me this Xmas and I'm really confused. I don't know what to do She seems to love me so much already.

you have HIV?
Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by imiski(m): 12:34pm On Dec 12, 2019

Ode, as you dey talk so, you don scratch my own Car as you dey park sad
How you wan do am? Give me your number or your insurance company name, address and your policy lipsrsealed
LWKMD ROTFL HAHAHAHAHA. Nairalanders you people no go ki person


Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by Gang90: 12:38pm On Dec 12, 2019
you have HIV?
I don't think so, the last time I went for test, my status was nagative though been long like four years back, and not been engaging in uprotected sex though I know I can get HIV from other means but that's not likely, I don't have multiple sex partners and for some time I didn't have a committed relationship


Re: I May Ruin My Girlfriend's Life, If I Make A Mistake by femi4: 12:45pm On Dec 12, 2019

I don't think so, the last time I went for test, my status was nagative though been long like four years back, and not been engaging in uprotected sex though I know I can get HIV from other means but that's not likely, I don't have multiple sex partners and for some time I didn't have a committed relationship
So, why are you so sure of going before her

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