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Refuting Shia Baseless Theology - Islam for Muslims (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by hymen(f): 1:15pm On Dec 13, 2010

so please "hymen",get another thread and dont be a hijacker,no offense intended.

Be a true Muslim and stop using multiple ids tongue
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by 123jml: 5:36pm On Dec 13, 2010
don't mind them.

Be a true Muslim and stop using multiple ids tongue
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by azharuddin: 6:06pm On Dec 13, 2010
Yahya related to me from Malik that Yahya ibn Sa'id said that he heard Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab say,
[size=16pt]"Shall I tell you what is better than much prayer and sadaqa?"[/size]
They said, "Yes." He said,
[size=16pt]"Mending discord. And beware of hatred - it strips you (of your deen)." [/size]
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Sweetnecta: 8:59pm On Dec 13, 2010
@Shia Islam: If I show you from Quran that Allah Loves and promise to overlook the fault of specific sahaba; Abu Bakr, Umar Khattab, Uthman Affan, Ali AbiTalib (RA to each of them), will you stop your anger?

I didnt say if you will leave Shia sect. I am just a muslim and sect I dont see myself in any, because it was a shia shekh that told me about beard and I used to fast with him, prayed many salh with him, too.
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by LagosShia: 9:09pm On Dec 13, 2010

@Shia Islam: If I show you from Quran that Allah Loves and promise to overlook the fault of specific sahaba; Abu Bakr, Umar Khattab, Uthman Affan, Ali AbiTalib (RA to each of them), will you stop your anger?

I didnt say if you will leave Shia sect. I am just a muslim and sect I dont see myself in any, because it was a shia shekh that told me about beard and I used to fast with him, prayed many salh with him, too.

first,i am not angry at you.i am only trying to spread the truth and make people see things from a broader scope and stop distorting history.
i hope you understand what you are saying?

you said you will show me "from the holy Quran where Allah loves and promise to overlook the fault of specific sahaba"!!!

you are telling me that Allah "promised".that means anything they do in the future will be forgiven even if they kill each other.that means Allah is giving them license to do evil and get away free.if you're talking about their past before abu bakr,umar and usthman became muslims,i know that when you become muslims all your past sins are forgiven.that is outside our discussion.

please show me where Allah said He will forgive their future sins and all that they will commit.and if you cant show me,then show me what you are talking about in the Quran and let us discuss it.
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Sweetnecta: 9:14pm On Dec 14, 2010
@shiaIslam: www.kalamullah.com/fatwa08.html - Cached

. . . . . Then Allah's Messenger said: "O Haatib! What is this?" Haatib replied: "O Allah's Messenger! Don't hasten to give your judgment about me. I was a man closely connected with the Quraysh, but I do not belong to this tribe, while the other emigrants with you have their relatives in Makkah who could protect their dependents and property. So, I wanted to recompense for my lacking any blood relation to them by doing them a favor so that they might protect my dependents. I did this neither out of disbelief, nor apostasy, nor out of preferring Kufr (disbelief) to Islam." Allah's Messenger said: "Haatib has told you the truth." `Umar said: "O Allah's Messenger! Allow me to chop off the head of this hypocrite!' Allah's Messenger said: "Haatib participated in the Battle of Badr, and who knows, perhaps Allah has already looked at the Badr warriors and said: 'Do whatever you like, for I have forgiven you.'" Thus, Allah revealed the above verses. [4]. . , ,

. . . . . Ibn al-Qayyim added that there is another point raised by the story of Haatib. No matter how great the sin, so long as it is not Shirk, the blessings of some other great deed may wipe it away. This is what happened with Haatib whose crime of espionage was forgiven because of his earlier service at Bdr, since he had earned the Love of Allah and His Pleasure by his action at Badr. Allah was so pleased with him and proud of them that even a crime like espionage would not diminish this and shielded them from the anger of Allah; so the greater merit had overcome the lesser sin. This is a part of Divine Wisdom, He (subhanahu wa ta`aala) determines what is wholesome and what is not, He decrees reward and punishment, He makes the pure heart and the stricken one. And He (subhanahu wa ta`aala) said:

* Surely good deeds wipe out evil ones.

And Allah (subhanahu wa ta`aala) also said:

* If you avoid the evil deeds that have been forbidden to you We will forgive you your transgressions.

Ibn al-Qayyim continues by saying: Perhaps we should consider the depth of faith which lead Haatib to Badr, to put himself in the charge of the Messenger of Allah out of love for Allah and for His Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam), over and above his affection for his family and his tribe, while they had remained in their homes amidst the enemy; his resolve never slackened and his faith never weakened even though it brought him face to face on the field of battle with those who still live with his own kith and kin. But when he was corrupted by the act of spying, the strength of his faith was enough to overcome it, and as his condition worsened he rose to meet it. Thus, when the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam) saw the strength of his faith overcame his illness (spying), he said: "Who knows, perhaps Allah has already looked at the Badr warriors and said: 'Do whatever you like, for I have forgiven you.'"

This is the opposite of the case of Dhul-Khuwaysirah at-Tameemee who challenged the Messenger of Allah and those who followed his example; those from among the Khawaarij, whose strict observance of their ritual obligation was the envy even of the Companions of the Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam), but of whom the Messenger said: "If I shall meet them, I will destroy them as the people of `Aad were destroyed," and also: "Slay them for certainly there is great merit, with Allah, in killing them." [8]

web.youngmuslims.ca/online_library/books/, /chapter_4.htm - Cached - Similar

Consideration must be given to those people who have rich experience and who were very active in the field of dawah. If for one reason or another-they become slack and lose their enthusiasm, we must not forget their contribution and not defame or discredit them. This is the Sunnah of the Prophet (SA'AS), as evident in the story of Hatib ibn Abu Balta'ah, who sent a message to the pagans of Quraysh requesting protection for his children and relatives left behind in Makkah in return for information about the Muslims' strategy and weaponry being prepared to conquer Makkah.

When the message was intercepted and Hatib confessed, 'Umar ibn al Khattab (RA'A) was so outraged with this treachery thus he requested the Prophet (.SA'AS) to let him cut off Hatib's head. But the Prophet (.SA'AS) refused, saying: "How do you know; perhaps Allah has looked at [the deeds of] the people [who fought in the battle] of Badr and said to them: Do whatever you please for I have forgiven you [your past and future sins]." Hatibs early embrace of Islam and his courage and struggle during the battle of Badr made the Prophet (SA'AS) accept his excuse. thus reminding his companions ­and indeed all Muslims ­of the special status of those who fought in the battle of Badr ­the first battle between the Muslims and the kuffar.
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Sweetnecta: 9:29pm On Dec 14, 2010
@ShiaIslam: Salaamualaykum wa Rahmatullah.

If you notice, I have no knowledge at all, except that i know that I see sign of Iman in my heart which makes me begin to restrict myself and conscious of my behavior.

In all the achievements of the Messenger (AS), his Lord did not make him boastful of what he had accomplished, till his death. He was ordered to keep busy with praising of Allah and His dhkir which never left his lips.

Everything is by wisdom. None of the following generation should have the right to insult the believers of the generation[s] before his. Musa (AS and Harun (AS) were sent to Fir'awn a first class tyrant with greatest advice to be gentle with him. How much more for a later generation to insult the companions of the Messenger (AS).

May Allah guide our hearts and forgive us our sins. Amin.
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by LagosShia: 11:41pm On Dec 14, 2010

you said you will present a verse.i am waiting for that verse.

i seek refuge in Allah from arrogance and insults.but as for cursing the enemy of God,that is a sunnah of Allah.thus we find in the Quran Allah cursing (sending his la'nat) upon shaitan and telling us that the Jews are cursed by Dawud and Isa (as).the enemies of Allah should be cursed.also we see in the Holy Quran that Allah and the Angels also send la'nat.

sending la'nat is a form of tabarra (seeking innocence) from the enemies of Allah.that is not the same thing as being insultive,offensive or rude.
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Abuzola1(m): 1:15am On Dec 15, 2010
Salamu alaikum: i don't wish to come here but am forced to due to sweetnecta early conceding with shia man,

sweetnecta , i didn't expect you to concede on the ground that the sahabas made a mistake with the exclusion of Ali and his family, maybe you aren't aware, well thats the gimmick he played on u.

None of the four guided caliph (kulafa'u rashidun) including Aisha made a blunder, they all did things according to their understanding and they are better in giving verdict than any one of us, their judgement is the best. The prophet prophesized the innovation within islam that will occur and said islam will split into 73 sects all in hell except one, and the sahabas asked 'which one is it ?' he replied,'those who follow my sunnah and the sunnah of my guided caliph (abubakar, umar, uthman and ali) sahih bukhari.

Shia lagos is a core shia, his ideology will be nearly impossible to congeal thats why i left him, you will keep arguing till 100 years there will be no compromise,

as for the crisis between Aisha and Ali, Allah knows best, and as for imam hussein and hassan Allah knows best, leave it there. And it will be ludicrous for any fellow muslim to show hatred to Ali and Fatimah and her offspring, it is indispensable absurdity,
The shia's have been misled due to reading in context of recorded event, what a shame, we love Ali, infact whoever dislike Ali is a hypocrite, (sahih muslim), even Aisha did not dislike him , she just wanted to put him on the right path by the use of force, pls lets stop reading in context, a perfect example is a book cover title 'THE END OF THE WORLD' does that means the world had ended and somebody is narrating to us how the world ended ? Lah, there will be many prediction on what the book might entail, so is what we read concerning the misunderstanding between the Ali and co, there is no way everything that ensue will be written down. 'whoever Allah guides, is the guided one, and whoever he send astray, none can guide' Quran, may Allah guide us to the right path amin
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by LagosShia: 5:52am On Dec 15, 2010
@abu zola:

1.) none of the sahaba did a mistake,but thousands of lives were wasted because of their greed and thirst for power.it is only with sunnis that someone can be rewarded for killing innocent souls because he/she was a sahaba or a prophet's wife.the excuse?it was their understanding!!!!silly logic!

2.) so many contradictions!!! where did you get "my sunnah and the sunnah of my rightly guided caliphas from"?have you forgotten the mutawatir hadith in your book that the Prophet declared that he is leaving behind the "two weighty things",the Quran and the Ahlul-bayt(as)?that if we hold onto them we will never go astray?have you forgotten?it is called THE HADITH OF THE TWO WEIGHTY THINGS OR HADITHUL THAQALAIN!

and even if the Prophet says we should hold onto his sunnah and the sunnah of his rightly guided caliphs,who on earth told you that those rightly guided were abu bakr,umar and usthman?have you thrown away the hadith of the 12 successors in sahih bukhari and sahih muslim?how can we take the sunnah of fallible men who were not chosen by Allah but were said to have being chosen by "shura"?what if they go astray?

3.)Allahu Akbar upon your rigid head for saying that Aisha the horn of the devil wanted to put Ali Ibn Abi Talib on the right path.isnt Ali the Prophet said "the truth is with Ali and Ali is with the truth"?isnt Ali who the Prophet prophesied that he would be fought against unjustly?how then did your rigid and empty wahhabi wannabe head reach the conclusion and how did you have the effontery to say aisha wanted to put Ali on the right pathwas Ali in your eyes on the wrong path?

shame on you again!!!

its never too late to learn!!!!!
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Abuzola1(m): 8:34am On Dec 15, 2010
SubhanAllah, never did i imagine a muslim insulting abubakar, umar and uthman, not to even talk of insulting and slandering the most beloved woman the Prophet adore, la'ilaha ilalah,

we aren't dumb here, the four guided caliphs is not beyond four not to talk of even 12, hehehe nawa for u, u cannot twist thiis one.

You agree that they didn't make mistake but they shed blood, let me ask you, didn't sayyidinah Ali fight back and killed many.

Let me tell you the genesis of bloodshed within the sahabas. It began when some bad muslim murdered sayyidinah uthman, Allah akbar i remember the counsel he made when he was advised to abscond so pathetic , and sayyidinah Ali was the caliph he refused to arrest nor prosecute the murderers who were well known, and that sent a message to the devotees of uthman and other middle player that Ali orchestrated the murder. If you were in Aisha and mu'awiyya shoe you will suspect the same, You cannot judge sahabas in today's weakest islamic era, they all did what they had to, shame on shia- the enemy of the Prophet
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by LagosShia: 9:58am On Dec 15, 2010
@abu zola:

stop doing as if you are a good muslim.if you know what la ilaha ilallah means you will know what is haq and what is adl (justice).

you've being spoon-fed well.how on earth can aisha call for the punishment of those who killed usthman,when she was the same one calling for usthman to be killed?what sort of hypocrisy!!!!

Imam Ali fought back and defeated the enemies because they were rebels.from both shia and sunni perspective,Imam Ali was rightful in killing them.Imam Ali was the caliph according to sunnis and he is the Imam according to shia.infact the Prophet had prophesied that unjust people would fight Ali (as).do your research well from both shia and sunni perspective.stop reading propaganda that try to ameliorate the wrongs of the sahaba.a sahaba being wrong does not do any harm to islam.we can be that honest.check answering-ansar.org and read about usthman's killing.that is the little piece of advice i can offer you that i hope inshaAllah will be beneficial to you and others.

as for the 12 successors that the Prophet prophesied in your sahih muslim and bukhari,i am yet to identify the 12 successors sunnis accept.there have being more than 12 that sunnis accept.and their number of "rightly guided" or "rashidun" caliphs are limited to 4!!!why four?because after Ali,according to sunnis,great woes happened to muslims and islam under muawiya.why 4 rightly guided?have you ever bothered to ask?why dont you make muawiya a "rightly guided caliph" and therefore have 5 instead of 4?are you not the ones that say he was a companion and therefore you use "radiallahu anhu" ("may Allah be pleased with him"wink after his name?

tell us abu zola!!!
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by hymen(f): 10:20pm On Dec 15, 2010
Abuzola - I wish you could recite Hausa history like this tongue
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Abuzola1(m): 11:02pm On Dec 15, 2010
@hymen- abeg free me nw
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Abuzola1(m): 11:36pm On Dec 15, 2010
Shia-lagos: show me a single sahih hadith that shows Aisha was behind the plot of uthman's murder, infact you talk as if you conceal shit beneath your tongue, Everybody knows that Aisha and muawiyya were the chief critics of Ali's handling of the murder, whoever told you that fiction of a story is a bloody liar.

As for saying Ali's killing were legitimate and Others killing is illegitimate shows how bias you are, free them and surrender all issue to Allah, may Allah open your eyes amin.

As for the 12 imam, the majority of muslim see the 12 shia imam excluding the yet to come 12th as gigantic liars, this is because they all associate themselves with supreme divinity , which in reality isn't suppose to be.

If the Prophet didn't say the guided caliph verdict is firm who do u think will follow them, e.g Abubakar verdict on compulsory zakat, umar ruling on making 3 talaq equals to it instead of making it one in conjunct, Ali transfer of islamic headquarter to basra, i can go on and on and on.
I don't have the appetite of arguing this days coz is time wasting and fruitless, am just enticed to address u, even though i know your coconut head is thick and u feel comfortable slandering the sahabas.

Whether you like it or not inshaAllah Abu sufyan, muawiyya and Yazeed are already in Allah's Rahmah, these are your worst enemy and am glad to be in love with all the sahabas and the tabiun and the tabiun tabiun. Shame on enemy of Abubakar, umar, uthman and Aisha, whoever is their enemy is a hypocrite and enemy of the Prophet, the most funny thing here is that besides all the rambling they didn't have the guts to do them any harm coz they dare not. ALLAH stood by them InshaAllah. Islam forever,

i now see why the arabs are wary of Iran's nuclear weapon, from what i extract from shia LAGOS, i learnt that shia is a dangerous muslim cult, may Allah save us from them amin.
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Sweetnecta: 11:51pm On Dec 15, 2010
@ShiaIslam: « #71 on: Yesterday at 11:41:00 PM »
you said you will present a verse.i am waiting for that verse.[/Quote]I gave 2 verses and a hadith. If those verses saying that Allah forgives all infractions even for all muslims, then I think you need to specify that they excluded the sahaba (RA) of the Messenger (AS). The verse was a cause for which Allah's messenger said that Hatib (RA) was not to be executed and the hadith stated it that those who fought Badr were special.

[Quote]i seek refuge in Allah from arrogance and insults.but as for cursing the enemy of God,that is a sunnah of Allah.[/Quote]WHile you seek refuge in Allah against arrogance and insult, who that you curse except Shaytan, Fir'awn, disbelievers, including Abu Lahab, Abu Jahl, Yahuudu, Ariel Sharon, are enemies of Allah? The companion (RA) of the Messenger (AS) in Hijr, the man (RA) that the messenger (AS) said a shuadah, the man (RA) who married 2 sisters of Fatimah (RA), daughters of the Messenger (AS), and the other companions including the Muazzin (RA) of the Messneger are these the enemies of Allah? My brother, again may Allah guide our hearts.

[Quote]thus we find in the Quran Allah cursing (sending his la'nat) upon shaitan and telling us that the Jews are cursed by Dawud and Isa (as).the enemies of Allah should be cursed.also we see in the Holy Quran that Allah and the Angels also send la'nat.[/QUote]Show me a sahaba that deserves it while you benefit from their struggle?

[Quote]sending la'nat is a form of tabarra (seeking innocence) from the enemies of Allah.that is not the same thing as being insultive,offensive or rude.[/Quote]Allah says in in the Quran; Chapter 60 verse 12 of it that the Prophet (AS) should be obeyed in what is good. In short, it means that Allah, Alone guided and preserved his heart; choosing for him good companions which one of them is Sadiq. May Allah guide our hearts.

@Abuzola !: « #72 on: Today at 01:15:04 AM »
[Quote]Salamu alaikum: i don't wish to come here but am forced to due to sweetnecta early conceding with shia man,
sweetnecta , i didn't expect you to concede on the ground that the sahabas made a mistake with the exclusion of Ali and his family, maybe you aren't aware, well thats the gimmick he played on u.[/QUote]No. I did not concede. First, Allah said to Muhammad (AS) to tell mankind that he (the Messenger) is only a human being. There is wisdom in that very statement.

[QUote]None of the four guided caliph (kulafa'u rashidun) including Aisha made a blunder, they all did things according to their understanding and they are better in giving verdict than any one of us, their judgement is the best. The prophet prophesized the innovation within islam that will occur and said islam will split into 73 sects all in hell except one, and the sahabas asked 'which one is it ?' he replied,'those who follow my  sunnah and the sunnah of my guided caliph (abubakar, umar, uthman and ali) sahih bukhari.
Shia lagos is a core shia, his ideology will be nearly impossible to congeal thats why i left him, you will keep arguing till 100 years there will be no compromise,[/Quote]I know many shia from Iran and Egypt that I know that I am not a shia, though I will not want to known as an hyphenated muslims.

[Quote]as for the crisis between Aisha and Ali, Allah knows best,  and as for imam hussein and hassan Allah knows best,  leave it there. And it will be ludicrous for any fellow muslim to show hatred to Ali and Fatimah and her offspring, it is indispensable absurdity,
The shia's have been misled due to reading in context of recorded event, what a shame, we love Ali, infact whoever dislike Ali is a hypocrite, (sahih muslim), even Aisha did not dislike him , she just wanted to put him on the right path by the use of force,  pls lets stop reading in context, a perfect example is a book cover title 'THE END OF THE WORLD' does that means the world had ended and somebody is narrating to us how the world ended ? Lah, there will be many prediction on what the book might entail, so is what we read concerning the misunderstanding between the Ali and co, there is no way everything that ensue will be written down. 'whoever Allah guides, is the guided one, and whoever he send astray, none can guide' Quran, may Allah guide us to the right path amin[/Quote]My position is the position that ended well. As for Abu Bakr, Umar Khattab, Uthman Affan (RA), Ali Abi Talib (RA) followed them. There is a great wisdom in his "following" of them. If he did because he wanted the greater good for the Ummah, why dont the shia take example from that and imitate him? You cant do things by word of mouth, If the shia truly love Ali Abi Talib (RA) they should have followed his example. (AS) predicted the case between his wife and his cousin and cautioned his cousin about the matter. Those people Allah says in Surah Waqiah that the large number of the early muslims are for paradise and it was after the messenger (AS) supplicated Allah for the much later generation that in the same surah small number was replaced with large number. I wonder if anyone of this generation thinks sure of himself/herself that he/she will enter Paradise before or instead of the Sahaba (RA) of Muhammad (AS)?
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Abuzola1(m): 8:01pm On Dec 17, 2010
You must be sick to expect me to believe your gibberish factitious sporus hadith, in your village you may regard those nonsense as hadith but not here. This shows how ill educated you are, to believe silly write up by unknown people. What a pity.

As for the rest of your rambling i leave it to viewers to read and judge it themselves coz what you did is just incentive and pretexting, stupid excuses, i got no time for that. That remind me, we didn't see you yesterday, have u slap your face like an slowpoke, beat your body like a paranoid man and weep like a two years old boy , this is an ethic of shia on Ashura Day, a day of mourning for them instead of fasting and jubilating that it is a Day which Allah showed mercy to bani Isra'ila, as for me am happy he died on Ashura bcoz Ashura is a great Day, so i thank God that he died on a day of mercy. The Holy Prophet warn us on slapping, beating ourselves like the time of the jahiliya when mourning, in sahh bukhari. Though i know you do not believe in sahih bukhari. Hahahaha, ignorant people, Up Abubakar, umar, uthman, Aisha, Muawyya, Yazeed, hassan, and hussein.

Is Fatimah immune not to make mistake and be corrected by her elders, Abubakar and umar ? Guy reason, reason. May Allah show us the right path amin
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Karbala: 8:12pm On Dec 17, 2010
Abuzola !:

You must be sick to expect me to believe your gibberish factitious sporus hadith, in your village you may regard those nonsense as hadith but not here. This shows how ill educated you are, to believe silly write up by unknown people. What a pity.

first thank God you saw my post.i have replied to your earlier post thrice but they keep disappearing.

so you are confessing that sunnis have fictitious and gibberish hadiths?those hadiths were not authored by me nor written by my father.you asked for hadith i showed you.when they prove you wrong you either conceal or deny them.

As for the rest of your rambling i leave it to viewers to read and judge it themselves coz what you did is just incentive and pretexting, silly excuses, i got no time for that. That remind me, we didn't see you yesterday, have u slap your face like an slowpoke, beat your body like a paranoid man and weep like a two years old boy , this is an ethic of shia on Ashura Day, a day of mourning for them instead of fasting and jubilating that it is a Day which Allah showed mercy to bani Isra'ila, as for me am happy he died on Ashura bcoz Ashura is a great Day, so i thank God that he died on a day of mercy. The Holy Prophet warn us on slapping, beating ourselves like the time of the jahiliya when mourning, in sahh bukhari. Though i know you do not believe in sahih bukhari. Hahahaha, ignorant people, Up Abubakar, umar, uthman, Aisha, Muawyya, Yazeed, hassan, and hussein.

you're a fool who does not even know his own beliefs based on his sect.you're chanting like a mad person who would say :"up hitler,up jews"!!!does that make sense?yazeed and Imam Hussain are two opposites.

bani ummayya have thought you well how to celebrate ashura.they have fabricated hadith to distort the significance of ashura and conceal the revolution of Imam Hussain against tyranny and injustice.ashura is a sad day.we will always remember Imam Hussain.we dont mourn like jahiliyya.rather we commemorate an event dear to our heart that rescued Islam from the chains of the tyrant.

no one is inviting you to cry.but as for us,we will continue to cry and mourn for Imam Hussain.it was through his sacrifice that Islam survived.crying and weeping are acts of taqwa and not jahiliyya.you can see examples of that in the Quran.that is if you understand what you read from the Quran.

we dont mourn like jahiliyya who cry because they dont believe in Qiyama (resurrection).we are commomerating a great event that is sad.for our relatives we dont mourn more than 3 days.but that doesnt mean you cannot remember the dead.even your Umar used to remember his brother after years and cry for him.

Is Fatimah immune not to make mistake and be corrected by her elders, Abubakar and umar ? Guy reason, reason. May Allah show us the right path amin

asking me to reason on the issue is like asking the Prophet Muhammad to reason (God forbid!).it was the Prophet that said that what angers Fatima angers Allah.you should ask him why he said that?doesnt she make mistake?

so you should ask the Prophet that question.i am only obeying the Prophet!

or are you under-estimating the upbringing and manners the Prophet gave Fatima?

being an elder does not mean you are wise or always right!!!
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Abuzola1(m): 8:43pm On Dec 17, 2010
*Gaffaw* interesting ! What am telling you or rather counselling you is not to accept any bogus hadith, i expected hadith like bukhari, muslim, abu dawud and tirmidhi,
and not baseless write up,

who told you that i hate hussein and hassan, are you okay at all ? Am a muslim who doesn't discriminate between The sahabas and tabiun , so i repeat up Yazeed , up Hussein and hassan.

As for fatimah anger, Excuse me sir, where did you get it that her anger is anger of the prophet , if you quote sahih bukhari or muslim then you are a hypocrite because shia for sure condemn them as handwork of the umayyad throne.

If you answer my question i will answer yours, Waiting !
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by LagosShia: 9:04pm On Dec 17, 2010
Abuzola !:

*Gaffaw* interesting ! What am telling you or rather counselling you is not to accept any bogus hadith, i expected hadith like bukhari, muslim, abu dawud and tirmidhi,
and not baseless write up,

those i quoted are also your sunni sources.suit yourself.

who told you that i hate hussein and hassan, are you okay at all ? Am a muslim who doesn't discriminate between The sahabas and tabiun , so i repeat up Yazeed , up Hussein and hassan.
you will tell that to Allah and the Prophet and Imam Hussain on judgement day.you love the brutal killer and the victim at the same time.that is hypocrisy.

As for fatimah anger, Excuse me sir, where did you get it that her anger is anger of the prophet , if you quote sahih bukhari or muslim then you are a hypocrite because shia for sure condemn them as handwork of the umayyad throne.

If you answer my question i will answer yours, Waiting !

muslims generally also quote the bible.not because we believe in the bible but because they (christians) believe in it.i quote your sihah books because you believe in them.the hadith about Fatima's anger is recorded in your sihah.

but since you say if i quote them i am a hypocrite i would rather not.perhaps you want me to quote the same hadith from shia books.be my guest!
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Abuzola1(m): 10:28pm On Dec 17, 2010
Sunni hadith my foot, bros, there is no sunni hadith, authentic hadith is what we believe, me myself i don't like associating myself with  sect because of ALLAH's verse Quran 6:159, and there are many people like that we do not have sect, we are ahlu sunnah because we follow the sunnah of the prophet and that does not mean we have sect,  authentic hadith does not belong to any sect, plz rectify that misconception.

And who told you that there is no iota of truth in the bible, the bible is said to be corrupt because they twisted many things, in the bible there is true word of God, reported word of messengers. Times without number we have tried to convince the christian that jesus is a muslim by comparing some of their bible verses and that of the Quran.

As for Yazeed and hussein, we will get to know on the day of judgement.

You know what ? Since you are a hardline shia who can never be dissuaded so be it, am not here to argue to win, i end this incessant talk. May Allah guide us to the right path all amin, is nice having discourse with you, if in anyway i offend you by hurling any vilify, do forgive me. Your muslim brother. masalam
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by LagosShia: 12:58am On Dec 18, 2010
Abuzola !:

Sunni hadith my foot, bros, there is no sunni hadith, authentic hadith is what we believe,

if you do as you say,why do you accept the fabricated hadiths of banu umayya as sahih hadith regarding ashura?you believe ashura is a joyous day but the Prophet himself cried on that day.even the ahdith you say the Prophet declared fasting on Ashura after seeing the jews fasting is disproved with calculation of the calendar.that event did not happen.the dates presented in that hadith conflict with calculations.

the problem is not in accepting the sahih hadith.the problem is in identfying the fabricated hadith that you still regard as reliable.that is the problem and that is what makes those hadith sunni hadith.others other than you dont see them as sahih hadith.

me myself i don't like associating myself with sect because of ALLAH's verse Quran 6:159, and there are many people like that we do not have sect, we are ahlu sunnah because we follow the sunnah of the prophet and that does not mean we have sect, authentic hadith does not belong to any sect, plz rectify that misconception.

i mourn on ashura and believe that Imam Ali was the first legitimate successor of the Prophet.and i dislike some sahaba like abu bakr and umar.i also believe i am following the sunnah of the Prophet.i also believe what i follow is true islam and because others have got something else that have distortion,i call my own shia islam and you call your own sunni islam.i dont like sects either.but when a group of people have shun the truth,the truth must be protected.therefore i am not the one disobeying the Quran.the wrong-doers are!

And who told you that there is no iota of truth in the bible, the bible is said to be corrupt because they twisted many things, in the bible there is true word of God, reported word of messengers. Times without number we have tried to convince the christian that jesus is a muslim by comparing some of their bible verses and that of the Quran.

and where did i say there is no truth in the bible?why do you put words into my mouth?there is truth but there is also falsehood in the bible.

but the christians want us to accept everything,both the truth and falsehood.if you dont they also call you a hypocrite for quoting from their books like you did towards me for quoting bukhari and muslim.

as for Jesus being a muslim,the christians can also tell you,they will know that on judgement day,just like you say you will know about yazeed on judgement day.in this regard,you have even ignored your own books of hadith altogether and turned a complete blind eye on history.that is shameful,painful and a weak iman.

As for Yazeed and hussein, we will get to know on the day of judgement.

you want to write your exam after the result!!!

You know what ? Since you are a hardline shia who can never be dissuaded so be it, am not here to argue to win, i end this incessant talk. May Allah guide us to the right path all amin, is nice having discourse with you, if in anyway i offend you by hurling any vilify, do forgive me. Your muslim brother. masalam

its good to communicate.but its also bad to throw accusations based on ignorance and empty words.that is haram.you should not base your thinking on suspicion.suspicion is haram in the Quran.
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by LagosShia: 2:54am On Dec 18, 2010

firstly,i still did not find where a particular individual or group was assured of paradise regardless of what they do and the evil they commit in their future sins and no matter how great the sins are and no matter whose right is violated.of particular interest are those men like abu bakr,umar,usthman,muawiya and yazeed.you're simply speculating and trying to judge.we cannot deny history nor disregard the rights of the family of Muhammad that were stripped off from them.we cannot forgive.we feel their pain and sympathize with them.and as good muslims and believers and as clear evidence and historical facts show,it is incumbent upon us to follow the Ahlul-Bayt.

follow the guide of the Ahlul-Bayt to lead us right.we as good muslims must follow their footsteps and learn from them and no one else.the Prophet said he is leaving behind the two weighty things:the Quran and his progeny,the Ahlul-Bayt.that if we hold onto them we shall never go astray.if you like you can ignore abu bakr and umar and not say anything.but you will be forced to not be on their side because you are obliged to love and obey the Ahlul-bayt.i in this world cannot love those who harmed the Ahlul-bayt in this world.in the hereafter,Allah will judge everyone and punish and forgive as people deserve.you cannot tell me that i am wrong to dislike people who harmed the family of Muhammad (sa).because the Ahlul-Bayt (as) did not have the power or needed support to get their right and even stand up with force,but rather they stayed quiet and passive and only voiced their fury when necessary,by no means translate that we should love the violators of the Ahlul-Bayt's rights.we are reasonable people and have guidance.it is just and natural for us to be angry with those who harmed the Prophet's family.you dont need to justify their acts or turn a blind eye.

the hadith you presented say one important thing:the man accused of espionage was compelled out of fear for the lives of his near ones to conive with quraysh.as for the issue of forgiving sins and whether they will be wiped out or not,Allah is the judge of that.as far as we are concern and the Quran orders us to "enjoin good and forbid evil",those who harmed the family of the Prophet with good knowledge of their merits,status and the command of Allah to love the family of Muhammad,we simply dislike those pople for that and we are justified to do that.those who harmed Fatima,who the Prophet said her anger is Allah's anger,have clearly angered Allah.those who did a coup in SAQIFA BANI SAEDA to disobey the command of Allah in respect to the succesionship of Ali Ibn Abi-Talib as declared by the Prophet as an order from Allah will be judged by Allah.

one thing you need to know is this:if you dont pray,Allah will/can forgive you.if you dont fast,Allah will/can forgive you.if you commit any sin Allah will/can forgive as far as it is not shirk.but if you commit a sin against a fellow human being even if that human being is a kafir Allah will not forgive you.when you violate the right of a fellow slave,Allah will not forgive you on behalf or at the expense of that slave.in islam there are rights rendered to Allah and rights of the slaves of Allah.Allah is just and islam is built on justice.

you will realize the magnitude of the crime abu bakr,umar,usthman,muawiya and yazeed committed if you know the status of the Ahlul-Bayt in the sight of Allah and the commands those men abandoned or ignored after their profession of faith.of what use is your good deeds,when afterwards you want to burn the house of your Prophet's daughter?that is like burning the house of the Prophet himself!and that is like burning the House of Allah Himself.its like burning the ka'bah!!!that is what umar did.all said and done,those who are grieving and displeased because some men harmed and hurt the family of the Prophet are right in being angry.the shia are right for being angry at abu bakr and umar.the shia are right to be very angry because their (abu bakr and umar)actions angered Allah.we are not pleased with them.those who professed islam from the outside,did more harm than the kuffar did to islam.

i will leave you with this verse  of the holy Quran (and you can find more) which will clear your wrong understanding of forgiveness as the verses you present suggest.you have the wrong understanding.good deeds can wipe the bad deeds after repentance and good intentions.your bad deeds can also wipe your good deeds if you turn bad and abandon the commands of Allah and refuse to follow those who Allah designated to lead and guide the muslims.if you have thirst for power and fame and wealth to the extent of taking the rights of the Ahlul-byt and denying them what Allah gave them and harming them,that is clearly wrong and we condemn that.may Allah save us from that.how worse would it be when your bad actions stand against true belief and the direct orders of Allah that must be executed?
of what you presented:if you avoid evil deeds that have been forbidden to you Allah will forgive you your transgressions.and what happens if evil deeds are not avoided but rather evil is made mandatory to be accepted and followed in terms of leadership??what if the Prophet's family are wrongly and continuosly denied their god-given rights?what if they die while in anger from some men?everyone will be held accountable and no one is above justice.Allah does not give a blank cheque to anyone to sin.Allah can forgive your future sin other than shirk and killing and taking the rights of others and harming them.

Lo! those who disbelieve after their (profession of) belief, and afterward grow violent in disbelief: their repentance will not be accepted. And such are those who are astray. (90) Lo! those who disbelieve, and die in disbelief, the (whole) earth full of gold would not be accepted from such an one if it were offered as a ransom (for his soul). Theirs will be a painful doom and they will have no helpers.
(holy Quran 3)
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Abuzola1(m): 3:39pm On Dec 18, 2010
This shia boys are very stubborn, won't u let me go ? Ha

If you like don't believe in sahih bukhari and muslim thats not my concern.

Hassan and hussein were believers, Muawiya and yazeed are true believers too, history tell us this, infact my brother's name is Yazeed, and we have millions of Yazeed on earth, if you like commit suicide i no send u.

You made mention of the bible that it contains iota of truth, thats interesting, the reason why we quote the bible is that our Quran made mention of it, so where is it in your shia hadith that says fatimah anger is anger of the Prophet ?

As for your fetish ashoura, if you like bath with hot water, it will be a pleasure for me to watch
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by LagosShia: 5:05pm On Dec 18, 2010
Abuzola !:

This shia boys are very stubborn, won't u let me go ? Ha

i really dont know whether i should laugh or cry for you

you are free to go.but when you go make sure you read more about shia islam from both sides.dont be a one eye man.

If you like don't believe in sahih bukhari and muslim thats not my concern.

but you said i am a hypocrite for quoting bukhari and muslim.how is it not your concern?

Hassan and hussein were believers, Muawiya and yazeed are true believers too, history tell us this, infact my brother's name is Yazeed, and we have millions of Yazeed on earth, if you like commit suicide i no send u.

i see.so its because your brother's name is yazeed and the mistake your parents did in giving him that name that is inflaming you and driving you crazy.

sorry for you but i got good news for you.there are people who were called yazeed who were good.because your brother is called yazeed doesnt make him a butcher and un-islamic.

you should try and seek tauba for calling yazeed ibn muawiya,the butcher of the Prophet's family a "true believer"in which planet are you from?

You made mention of the bible that it contains iota of truth, thats interesting, the reason why we quote the bible is that our Quran made mention of it, so where is it in your shia hadith that says fatimah anger is anger of the Prophet ?

the Prophet (sa) said:
"Fatima is a piece of me and I am from her. Whoever disturbs her, disturbs me and whoever disturbs me has disturbed Allah, and whoever disturbs her after my death then as if he has disturbed her in my lifetime and whoever disturbed her in my lifetime then as if he has disturbed her after my death.”

Shia refereence:
Bihar al-anwar 43/201-202

"Fatimah is a part of me. Whoever makes her angry, makes me angry."

Sunni references:
- Sahih al-Bukhari, Arabic-English, v5, Traditions #61 and #111
- Sahih Muslim, section of virtues of Fatimah, v4, pp 1904-5

As for your fetish ashoura, if you like bath with hot water, it will be a pleasure for me to watch

you can call it as you like,may Allah judge you for that.

as for us,we will always remember Imam Hussain(as).the remembrance of Imam Hussain is the remembrance of Muhammad (sa) and the remembrance of the Prophet (sa) is the remembrance of Allah (swt).grieving for Imam Hussain (as) is grieving for the injstice done to the grandson of the messenger of Allah (sa).you can celebrate if you like and watch us with pleasure.on judgement day,we shall know who will have everlasting pleasure.inshaAllah!
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Abuzola1(m): 5:59pm On Dec 18, 2010
Don't cry for me, just grin.

Too bad, and you are even proud of saying it, what a shame, the enemy of Abubakar is enemy of the prophet, whoever is an enemy of Aisha, may Allah curse be upon those enemy amin,

You talk like a kid, where is your brain ? Foot ? People name their children after good people, And thats why million of people do it, so your insinuation is futile.

Since you quote your shia hadith then let me answer your question: Fatimah is not immune from blunder. Didn't Allah say if you follow the Prophet you follow Allah or if you obey the Prophet you obey Allah, we have seen in so many hadiths that umar impel the prophet to do things and aftermath a revelation will descend confirming umar's suggestion. So bros fatimah isn't immune, if she made mistake she must be corrected
Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by LagosShia: 6:22pm On Dec 18, 2010
Abuzola !:

Don't cry for me, just grin.

Too bad, and you are even proud of saying it, what a shame, the enemy of Abubakar is enemy of the prophet, whoever is an enemy of Aisha, may Allah curse be upon those enemy amin,

so you're now "prophet" abu zola!?

can back up your revelation for aisha and abu bakr with evidence?

You talk like a kid, where is your brain ? Foot ? People name their children after good people, And thats why million of people do it, so your insinuation is futile.

i hope you still dont consider the butcher of Muhammad's family as a "true believer"?do you?

Since you quote your shia hadith then let me answer your question: Fatimah is not immune from blunder. Didn't Allah say if you follow the Prophet you follow Allah or if you obey the Prophet you obey Allah, we have seen in so many hadiths that umar impel the prophet to do things and aftermath a revelation will descend confirming umar's suggestion. So bros fatimah isn't immune, if she made mistake she must be corrected

Fatima my dear is one of those in which the verse 33:33 otherwise known as the verse of purification was revealed.Fatimah is pure and clean from blemish and impurity.there is no such verse in respect to the thieves that angered her whom you love and exalt so much as if they were your prophet and they were infallible.why is it so hard for you to be honest and accept that those men committed a wrong deed?

you should also question and correct the Prophet Muhammad (sa) on judgement day if you see him ever and inform him that Fatima (as) is not immune from blunder and therefore the Prophet Muhammad (sa) was wrong to say what angers her angers Allah.you must correct him "prophet" abu zola!!!!

thirdly,even if we are to take Sayyida Fatimah (as) and abu bakr on the same level (auozubillah) and consider the case fairly,her case is valid and abu bakr,your beloved grey-haired baba was wrong.he claimed that prophets dont leave inheritance.he claimed that is what the Prophet said.that is wrong.the Quran testifies to prophets leaving inheritance behind for their offspings.who is wrong?abu bakr,the Prophet or the Quran?you choose!!!!

consider this:

Re: Refuting Shia Baseless Theology by Abuzola1(m): 12:40am On Dec 19, 2010
Audhubilahi minal shia rajeem, i fear you people more than i do before,
Show me the verse of inheritance by the Prophets , no long story just summarize it.

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