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China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Minjim: 11:24am On Dec 22, 2019
China kills Muslims is currently trending on Twitter.

Follow the link to see pictures and videos of the horrible experience Muslims are facing in Communist China.
Just last week, Mesut Ozil, an Arsenal player voiced the condemnation of the hostility of the Chinese government against Muslims in China.

Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Npfn: 11:32am On Dec 22, 2019
Nawa islam
Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by alfasexy: 11:35am On Dec 22, 2019
Great country China is with a great history.


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by saaron(m): 11:35am On Dec 22, 2019
Those who are very current about happenings in Xianjing region of China and the campaign of terrorism/bloodshed by Islamist Jihadist to create an Islamic Caliphate will know why China is not taking ANY CHANCES with these terrorist.
Let the whole world rise against the scum of a satanic religion that call itself ISLAM.


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Vado(m): 11:36am On Dec 22, 2019
Who will cry for the people of other faith killed in Saudi, Iran for daring to practice their religion?


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by NotBeenPaid: 11:38am On Dec 22, 2019

Christians are also receiving the same treatment as Muslims, so I don't see why they should make it only a Muslim thingy.

Is not a must that you practice your religion in a country where it isn't accepted.


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by StaffofOrayan(m): 11:43am On Dec 22, 2019
I would never support the killing of anybody but one of the few ways of not eradicating your culture from the face of the earth and enshrining poverty is keeping your Muslim population at bay.
First they open a sect and call themselves ultra conservative. The biggest criteria to join is to be conversant with Arabic and be a hypocrite.
The conservatives would start shaming the moderates amongst them (with the Quran), calling them fake muslims, taunting them till those one lose credibility.
Now the radicals start to get power, their blessings are needed to get political posts. They start to rise in their field with one goal in mind,
They start with the claim of injustice against muslims and the need to have their own courts and laws(within the country)

Chinese culture is older than Islam,

34 Likes 2 Shares

Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Xisnin(m): 11:48am On Dec 22, 2019
Fake sponsored news.
Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Karemarealty288(m): 11:52am On Dec 22, 2019
Hunter became hunted .....

1 Like

Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Nobody: 11:54am On Dec 22, 2019
I pray China fight the scum called Islam with all its might and power.
China is what it is today because of its culture and tradition.
May God help them.


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Omololu001: 11:56am On Dec 22, 2019
Fake sponsored news.
yea, the news is bullshit.


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by flyingdutchman(m): 11:59am On Dec 22, 2019
Those who are very current about happenings in Xianjing region of China and the campaign of terrorism/bloodshed by Islamist Jihadist to create an Islamic Caliphate will know why China is not taking ANY CHANCES with these terrorist.
Let the whole world rise against the scum of a satanic religion that call itself ISLAM.
I am a Christian and I refuse to go with your mentality. Repent!!!

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by backnbeta(f): 11:59am On Dec 22, 2019
Propaganda undecided
Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by igbesachick: 12:11pm On Dec 22, 2019
chinese kill chinese muslim, great, let them kill themselves. they are all chinese, i dont give a shiet to them.
Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by javaguru: 12:14pm On Dec 22, 2019
to me, religion is beginning to turn devilish, we should stick to our inner voice and do what is right
this world would have been better if we stick to our culture and tradition without having to convert another. what about our forefathers that never heard of Christ or Allah but did what was right. they would be judged by their faith. me support China , but not in the killing. Islam should practiced in Islamic country not China.
Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by nijabazaar: 12:32pm On Dec 22, 2019
I am torn. I don't like what China is doing and at the same time I kinda like it. Give Muslims a chance and they breed like rats. Crowding you, obliterating your social cultural identity and eventually eliminating you. That was how they once invaded Spain. They need to be kept in check but in a humane way. Not the China way.

I wonder why all the muslims hate to emigrate to Saudi Arabia.?


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Keemsleek005(m): 12:40pm On Dec 22, 2019
You guys don't even know that christains are facing the same thing like the Muslims.


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by zikcash(m): 12:41pm On Dec 22, 2019
Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Nobody: 12:45pm On Dec 22, 2019
Muslims hate America and love China
Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by CSTR2: 12:50pm On Dec 22, 2019
And China is a communist country.
Unlike in the west, Muslims cannot use their own liberalism against them.

They are basically fuccked.


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Astark: 12:52pm On Dec 22, 2019
grin twitter isn't even in China so wasting of time.

Mhen I love Chinese


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Astark: 12:53pm On Dec 22, 2019
And China is a communist country.
Unlike in the west, Muslims cannot use their own liberalism against them.

They are basically fuccked.

I swear, China don't care about freedom of anything, if you can't stand by Chinese rules then leave their country


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by chiefolododo(m): 1:54pm On Dec 22, 2019
We are all created by God and I think we shouldn't kill one another in the name of religion or ideology
Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Iscoalarcon: 2:11pm On Dec 22, 2019

Is not a must that you practice your religion in a country where it isn't accepted.
this is just like saying igbo christians in the south east should leave Nigeria if for example they are facing persecutions from the govt

Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Zagee: 2:17pm On Dec 22, 2019
Everyone is so not comfortable having them as neighbors, But why??...
Same way India is currently passing laws "CAB" to checkmate them and chaos brewing... It's mad oo!!


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by sunsewa16: 2:17pm On Dec 22, 2019
Is for their own good,is better to kill the cancerous cell early, before it turns to full blown cancer.


Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by ednut1(m): 3:02pm On Dec 22, 2019
Let saudi grant them asylum. Useless hypocrisy. Muslim countries dont allow other religions spread. China is doing same dem dey cry

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Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by NotBeenPaid: 3:14pm On Dec 22, 2019
this is just like saying igbo christians in the south east should leave Nigeria if for example they are facing persecutions from the govt

Somehow you found away to chip in tribalism. You must be really sick in the head.

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Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Captainrambo2: 4:25pm On Dec 22, 2019
I would never support the killing of anybody but one of the few ways of not eradicating your culture from the face of the earth and enshrining poverty is keeping your Muslim population at bay.
First they open a sect and call themselves ultra conservative. The biggest criteria to join is to be conversant with Arabic and be a hypocrite.
The conservatives would start shaming the moderates amongst them (with the Quran), calling them fake muslims, taunting them till those one lose credibility.
Now the radicals start to get power, their blessings are needed to get political posts. They start to rise in their field with one goal in mind,
They start with the claim of injustice against muslims and the need to have their own courts and laws(within the country)

Chinese culture is older than Islam,
leave ignorant people. Muslims in Pakistan have a man in prison for over 8 yrs now on charges of blasphemy.

China will be stupid to allow such useless religion creep into thier state

1 Like

Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Cletus77(m): 6:29pm On Dec 22, 2019
The funniest thing is that it's Christian countries that are even voicing out for the oppression of the Uyghur Muslims in China undecided

What then happened to their great Muslim Caliphate countries like Saudi, Turkey and the rest? They're busy buying expensive cars and going on holidays, sharing oil wealth and more focused on tourism and Muslim festivals. Who then will speak up for their brothers being brutalized in China? People of other faith??

One thing I've noticed from Asian Tigers like Japan, China and Korea is that they preserve their traditional beliefs against foreign religious influences not only Islam, and it has been that way for centuries. If Buddhism and Hinduism couldn't fully penetrate these countries, why do you think european religions will?

I hear people screaming boycott Chinese products, do they even know that China is the No 1 manufacturing country in the world? Almost everything is manufactured in China, even the United States knows this and can't survive without importations from China unlike the Chinese that are almost self sufficient. For me China has attained great economic and political status that won't be stopping anytime soon.

In conclusion, Muslims should try and look out for each other, they shouldn't be discrimination against the rich and poor muslims, how will this movement gain weight when strong and powerful Islamic countries are not even interested in backing it? If you think it's by trending tags on social media, am sorry to inform you that the China i know no go answer una.
Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by tunjiajayi: 11:07pm On Dec 22, 2019
Re: China kills Muslims is trending on Twitter. by Oches4me(m): 11:14pm On Dec 22, 2019
When Muslims get killed their jubilate, what is the difference between u and terrorist.

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