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Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? - Travel - Nairaland

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Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by chrisxxx(m): 7:27am On Dec 31, 2019
Why do we have to raise airplane window blinds before landing?

If you're a frequent flyer, you've probably heard a cabin crew member say this: “Before landing, please ensure that your window blinds are raised…” But why is it necessary?
Aviation expert John Walton explains. 

There's an important reason we have to raise window blinds.
Why are we asked to raise airplane window shades? 

It’s not just to give you a better view out of the window on landing, although that’s a side benefit. As with many of the things we must do on flights, it’s for safety. Opening that blind is a good plan for a combination of reasons. First of all, it’ll give your eyes time to adjust to the light level outside. If it’s a day flight, you won’t emerge blinking from a darkened cabin into the bright sunshine, and if it’s at night you’ll be able to see better. (That’s also why the cabin lights are dimmed before landing at night time, in case you were wondering.)

Second, opening your blind helps the cabin crew to see outside. It’s not just that their eyes need to adjust: it’s that having an overall view of what’s going on outside the aircraft is very useful. Often, the crew seats face backwards, and in the event that there’s some sort of incident then it’s helpful if they have a quick eye on any issue.
Does opening the shades help in an emergency? 

Aircraft are designed and tested — and cabin crew are trained — to get everyone off the plane in under ninety seconds if needed. During training, the crew learn to assess the safety of what’s going on outside the plane, and they need to be able to see out — as do you. Passengers are extra eyes for the crew in case something looks amiss, so you shouldn’t ever feel silly about asking questions. Keeping your blind open means that, in the very rare event that emergency services need to attend the aircraft, they can see inside quickly and easily. And, of course, having more light coming into the cabin is a good idea if there’s any kind of smoke. In the event that you need to make a quick emergency exit from the plane, that makes it safer for you and everyone else around you.

There are also a few extra benefits. Once it’s time for the aircraft to get ready for its next flight, having all the windows open means that the checks of the wings can be made more easily — that’s checking for ice in winter, or anything else that might seem amiss. And, completely away from safety, having the blinds open also makes it easier and more obvious to clean the windows if necessary, whether that’s by a dedicated cleaning crew or a flight attendant with a quick wipe-down in case a sticky sproglet has got gooey fingers all over your nice clean window!

 John Walton is an international aviation journalist. Find him on Twitter @thatjohn

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Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by northvietnam(m): 7:43am On Dec 31, 2019
Highly informative..
But our Nland moderators won't take it to front page for people to learn new things... Until maybe 2020 or 2021.. Because it's not Toto Decay or Tasha and mercy.

120 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by OTayobami(m): 7:44am On Dec 31, 2019
Simple and short answer - Areal view

13 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by chrisxxx(m): 8:10am On Dec 31, 2019
Highly informative..
But our Nland moderators won't take it to front page for people to learn new things... Until maybe 2020 or 2021.. Because it's not Toto Decay or Tasha and mercy.
Bros no be small. Sometimes contributing here is no longer encouraging. Tasha goes to toilet it makes front page. Reginal Daniel goes out with husband it is on front page while educative topics lie fallow.

177 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by good4all40: 3:39am On Jan 01, 2020
This should be on Frontpage highly informative

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Emmyk(m): 3:52am On Jan 01, 2020
My window blinds are always raised. smiley

1 Like

Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by GeneralPula: 4:46pm On Jan 01, 2020
It’s just like an Alert for the Passengers. Everyone in the plane should be at alert as plane is about taking off/landing Incase of emergency issues!

Some passengers might even be sleeping but must get woke when the Airplane is about taking-off/landing !


Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by moonberry: 4:47pm On Jan 01, 2020
cheesy....On a special day I will board an air plane ✈ out of this country for good..


Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by rentAcock(m): 4:48pm On Jan 01, 2020
Some people leave the blinds open throughout the flight gazing outside at total emptiness all because they paid for a window seat. Somehow they think they will see people and houses beneath them but most flight path goes through bodies of water.


Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by EverestdeBliu(m): 4:48pm On Jan 01, 2020


Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Expert17: 4:49pm On Jan 01, 2020
Nice one.

1 Like

Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Nobody: 4:49pm On Jan 01, 2020
Agree with the article but simple answer is that in case of an emergency, it helps the passengers and cabin crew to identify the source and plan an effective evacuation.
Many incidents on an airplane happen during take off and landing.

14 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Flame4chi(m): 4:49pm On Jan 01, 2020
Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Usihyelda(m): 4:50pm On Jan 01, 2020
Very educative.
Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Hypocrit: 4:51pm On Jan 01, 2020
Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by kolafolabi(m): 4:52pm On Jan 01, 2020
Highly informative..
But our Nland moderators won't take it to front page for people to learn new things... Until maybe 2020 or 2021.. Because it's not Toto Decay or Tasha and mercy.
Now it's been moved to fp. Give credit to the mods


Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by gloriaunobi(f): 4:52pm On Jan 01, 2020
Until I enters plane for the first time


Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by visijo(m): 4:53pm On Jan 01, 2020
Low comment base on say majority of people like me never near airport before talk of entering grin

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Btruth: 4:53pm On Jan 01, 2020
To view the beauty of the cities from the sky nii oooo.


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Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Nobody: 4:54pm On Jan 01, 2020
Some people leave the blinds open throughout the flight gazing outside at total emptiness all because they paid for a window seat. Somehow they think they will see people and houses beneath them but most flight path goes through bodies of water.
same for me too, I leave it open throughout the trip. I like to feed my eyes.


Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Nobody: 4:54pm On Jan 01, 2020
Some people leave the blinds open throughout the flight gazing outside at total emptiness all because they paid for a window seat. Somehow they think they will see people and houses beneath them but most flight path goes through bodies of water...
Would really be interesting to know how you came about this.
For me I only keep my window shut when it's too sunny or I'm flying at night.
Gazing outta the window is a good past time, I'm a lover of geography and landscape and it's always a good sight to identify mountain ranges, snow capped peaks, lakes, important rivers, downs, etc and different types of clouds which I learnt in ss2 geography.

51 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Btruth: 4:54pm On Jan 01, 2020
Until I enters plane for the first time
eeyah! ....you go enter it soon IJN if you believe. And no be local ooo, but international.


Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by YorubaPrince: 4:55pm On Jan 01, 2020
For dis kain educative thread, you no go see pple here. Na for useless stuff like showing pictures, stupid stories you go see dem flood.

Fact... Nigerians are too ignorant to be educated. I mean real education NOT 9ja way of education


Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Nobody: 4:55pm On Jan 01, 2020
I'm here to read comments
Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by RedBlackPepper: 4:57pm On Jan 01, 2020
Wow. Just learnt a lot now. Seem Nairaland is going to be a big package of right and educative info in this new year. Old things are passed away.
Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by ikorodureporta: 4:57pm On Jan 01, 2020
for plane users
Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by Benjaniblinks(m): 5:01pm On Jan 01, 2020
Us wey Neva enter plane fa?

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Re: Why Do We Have To Raise Airplane Window Blinds Before Landing? by puregrace(m): 5:02pm On Jan 01, 2020
I pray I enter and fly in an Aeroplane this year. Not too big a demand for my creator and I will show this comment as testimony. Ameen

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