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How To Make Your $500 Monthly Via Amazon KDP - Career - Nairaland

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This SECRET BLUEPRINT Will Make You $300 - $500 Monthly Online With Your Phone / $500 Monthly With Info Products! The Secret Known To The Top 1%. Don't Skip This / Make Atleast $500 Monthly Sharing Links On The Internet. (2) (3) (4)

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How To Make Your $500 Monthly Via Amazon KDP by SchoolPedia: 7:12am On Jan 10, 2020
It’s a stale news to say there is no longer jobs in Nigeria. Everyone knows, including kids. Yearly, millions of graduates are churned out from the four walls of the University system with the high hopes of gainful employment. But alas, their hopes are not dashed even before they graduate. 
The bitter truth : The situation is not getting better!
Out of the millions that graduate yearly a little percentage get their desired dream jobs while the rest are grossly underemployed or unemployed. Even those that are gainfully employed are not “safe” as there is no security in their jobs. Massive sacking and retrenchment has been the order of the day in Nigeria. 

Am I lying? The below links will confirm my statements. 

No need to put up much links. I’m sure you are aware of what’s going on in Nigeria. I have been in such terrible experience. But today by God’s grace, I have moved on up in a bigger and grand style. All thanks to the goldmine I found in Amazon Kindle Publishing Platform. From managing with peanuts as salary back then to making a minimum of #360,000 monthly on Amazon, it’s been an awesome experience. 
I took advantage of the opportunities available on the internet, one of which is the Amazon KDP. Today, the story has changed for me from grass to grace. That same opportunity I took advantage of in 2017 via mentorship and paid trainings is what I am presenting to you in 2020.

Are you ready to make at least 1 million between now and July 2020?
Do you want to end 2020 as a millionaire or a multi-millionaire?
Do you want to end all your hitherto financial struggles?
Do you want to take charge of your destiny?
You want to narrative to change for you as it did for me in 2020?
If Yes,…
Then, you need to act smart. 

Here is presenting…

The Amazon KDP Millionaire Club 2020

Here is the idea:
I want to raise 30 millionaires this year via Amazon KDP. But wait… Persons with the willingness and readiness to learn, work and apply what I will be teaching in order to attain financial freedom by July 2020. I will hold them by the hand and show them the real drill of milking $$ from Amazon. People will be thinking you have gone for money rituals. LOL. The target is that the least earning of any of my mentees is $700 monthly by July 2020. But you must be willing to work. Yes, you MUST work. It’s not a Ponzi scheme. It’s a business. With that, you will kiss goodbye to jobs for life like I did. In this Mentorship class, I will:

1. Train You from the fundamentals of Amazon KDP
2. Teach You how to churn out quality books in little time (You shouldn’t be saddled with writing a quality book for a month)
3. KDP research methodology. High Volume keywords / Little competition. When you master this, you live like a king.
4. How to apply the right keywords and titles in ranking your books
5. How to multiply your sales
6. How to source for materials (Forget Google. Google is not everything, sorry to say)
7. Free resources to boost your earnings
8. Paid tools I personally use in researching, writing and publishing my books
9. Secrets to ensure your books are constantly raking in sales
10. Evergreen niches to tap into.
11. Others

TRAINING PLATFORM: Online Via Whatsapp and Skye (for individual consultation and technical cases)

TRAINING FEE: N18,000 / participant (MONEY BACK GUARANTEE –after a month if not satisfied)
TRAINING DURATION: Until each mentee starts making $500 monthly.
1. Internet Access
2. A working Laptop/PC

Training Starts on Monday, 20th January 2020. 

NOTE: This training is not for everyone. Just one condition: Ability to learn and put to practice what is taught. If you are teachable, then you are good to good! 
Immediately I get the required intake, I close the door till next year.

Act Smart. Be wise. End financial struggles in 2020. If you are interested, send me a DM right away on : https:///

Re: How To Make Your $500 Monthly Via Amazon KDP by LaCremy: 9:36am On Jan 10, 2020
LOL ... waiting for the bonus gift

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