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New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 10:02pm On Mar 19, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Thursday March 19, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* It is God's desire to bless us by enlarging our borders but we can limit our capacity to receive. Ephesians 3:20

*Note/prayers:* Dear Father, help me to develop my capacity in the areas that pertain to my 10 Year plan.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 12:05pm On Mar 20, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Friday March 20, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* To increase our capacity we must learn to take God at His Word and to think beyond our imagination.
Ephesians 3:20

*Note/prayers:* Dear Father, help me that I will not be limited by my mind, help me to expand my imagination.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 11:16am On Mar 23, 2020
Episode 11 – Developing Physical, Social and Mental Capacities for Your 10-Year Plan

Last week we started examining the need to develop our capacities so we can begin to walk into the reality of our 10 year plan. We were reminded that our 10year plan is not limited to what you want in the next 10years…it is series of interconnected events, occurrences, goals, etc that culminate into the big picture in the next 10years.

Today we are going to consider developing our physical, social and mental
capacities in the line of your Decadal Blueprint for Global Impact.

In Isaiah 54:2, God instruct us to develop our
capacity. “Enlarge the place of thy tent, & let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;”

- Developing Physical Capacity:
With respect to your projected engagement for your 10 year plan, will your physical body be able to sustain you to deliver a global impact and all that comes with it?

Messages about our physical body are relatively ignored. This is why most people still have no theology of health. Probably due to our culture’s
obsession with physical beauty and sexy bodies, many believers ignore their bodies as if they don’t matter. But they do. God has a lot to say about the importance of the body He gave you.
“…Do you not know that your
bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1Corinthians 6:20

1. My body belongs to God. It is His property, not mine. I don’t own it, God does. He created my body, and He expects me to use it the way He intended for it to be used.

2. Jesus paid for my body when He died for me on the cross.

3. God’s Spirit lives in my body.

4. God expects me to take care of my body.

To develop our physical capacity, we must keep our body in the best state of health, function and fitness and this includes: Eat & Drink as close to nature as possible, get proper rest, get appropriate exercise to stay fit, observe personal hygiene and do periodic medical exam to
ascertain your state of health and discover any aspect needing attention.

- Developing Social Capacity:
We are commanded to do good and we have to accomplish this through social interaction. Did you use to make ends meet by stealing? Well no
more! Get an honest job so that you can help others who can’t work. Eph. 4:28(MSG)

Jesus socially interacted with people throughout his ministry, which started at a wedding in Cana. Later he fed thousands of people on two
occasions, and dined with disciples and sinners alike while teaching the gospel.

Clearly, instructions about developing social capacity are not the discovery of psychologist or sociologist. This is why they do research and not
discovery.The Bible is the "social skills training manual." Think of how "socially skilled" a person would be if they were as the Bible teaches--kind,
forgiving, generous, gracious, thoughtful of others, hospitable, cheerful, humble, loving, honest, hard-working, and trustworthy!

To develop our social capacity, we have to:
Network proactively & strategically, Create a diverse network, Pay it forward, nature and leverage relationships, Keep in touch with former
colleagues &alumni, Be intentional with your social media interactions.

- Developing Mental Capacity:
We are yet to absolutely unveil the power of the human mind. “And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language…and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” Genesis 11:16 (KJV).

Even spiritual warfare has a mental component (II Corinthians 10:4-5).
God instruct us to renew our mind (Romans 12:2)
To develop our mental capacity, we have to:
Expand your horizons, Be imaginative, Pleasure reading, Train your brain – take advantage of the brain neuroplasticity, Consistently learn and Physical activity.

Action Point: This week, start taking practical steps towards developing your physical, social and mental capacities…“grow large, to go beyond, to make more room, to increase capacity, to break out; to breakthrough; to expand, go further, occupy new territories, no limits, no boundaries,
thinking big.”

Practicing and taking steps in corresponding areas of life will help you develop your capacities.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 11:17am On Mar 23, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Monday March 23, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* I don't own my body, God does. He created my body, and He expects me to use it the way He intended for it to be used. 1 Cor 6:20

*Note/prayers:* Father, help me to see my body the way you see it. Help me to be a good steward of the body You have given to me. I receive perfect health in my body in Jesus name.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 2:04pm On Mar 24, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Tuesday March 24, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* Will your physical body be able to sustain you to deliver a global impact and all that comes with it? 1 Cor 6:20

*Note/prayers:* Father, give me the wisdom to take care of this body You have given me to eat right and adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 5:09pm On Mar 27, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Thursday March 26, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* Think of how "socially skilled" a person would be if they were as the Bible teaches kind, forgiving, generous, gracious, thoughtful of others, hospitable, cheerful, etc

*Note/prayers:* Dear Father, help me to Network proactively & strategically and create a diverse network. Just like Jesus, help me to develop capacity to be able to relate with people with a different background.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 5:51pm On Mar 27, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for friday March 27, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* The limitation in your life is an expression of the limitations in your mind. Genesis 11:16 (KJV).

*Note/prayers:* Dear Father, help me that I will not be limited by my mind. Help me to expand my imagination. Help me to work in the consciousness that you are able to do what I think.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 12:33pm On Mar 28, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Saturday March 28, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* Expand your horizons, be imaginative, read a book, train your brain, consistently learn and be physically active. This will contribute to developing your mental capacity. Romans 12:2

*Note/Prayers:* This week, what steps have you taken to start developing your physical, social and mental capacities. Pray that God will help you to be consistent and not get discouraged along the way.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by Brunicekid(m): 12:43pm On Mar 28, 2020
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 12:52am On Mar 30, 2020
Episode 12 –Financial Freedom Strategy for Your 10-Year Plan

- As we conclude the Decadal Blueprint for Global Impact, our 10 Year Plan series, it is very important we examine the financial dimensions of our 10Year Plan and also develop a financial strategy in that dimension.

- We need to still remind ourselves that our 10year plan is not limited to what you want in the next 10years…it is a series of interconnected events, occurrences, goals, etc that culminate into the big picture in the next 10years.

- Let’s reflect on God’s instruction with respect to developing our capacity…applying this to our financial capacity
“Enlarge the place of thy financial capacity (tent), & let them stretch forth the financial curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy financial cords, and strengthen thy financial stakes;” Isaiah 54:2

- Do you know that the Bible has a lot to say about money?
Of the 38 recorded parables of Jesus, 16 deal with money or possessions.
In the Gospels, one out of ten verses (288 in all) deal directly with the subject of money. The Bible offers 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 on faith, but more than 2,000 verses on money and possessions.

Why would Jesus put a lot of emphasis on money?
“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:21). Since your heart and your money are so inextricably bound together, it is crucial to your spiritual life to study what Scripture teaches about money and also apply it to your 10Year Plan.

Our ultimate financial goal with respect to our 10Year plan should be directed towards getting to a state of Financial Freedom/Independence.

What is Financial Freedom/Independence?
- having enough income to pay one's living expenses for the rest of one's life without having to be employed or dependent on others. Income earned without having to work a job (passive income). “And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. ” 2 Corinthians 9:8 NLT

- taking ownership of your finances. You have a dependable cashflow that allows you to live the life you want. You aren’t worrying about how you’ll pay your bills or sudden expenses. And you aren’t burdened with a pile of debt.

- having enough savings, investments, and cash on hand to afford the lifestyle we want for ourselves and our families—and a growing passive income that will allow us to retire or pursue the career we want without being driven by earning a certain amount each year.

Financial freedom is about much more than just having money. It’s the freedom to be who you really are and do what you really want in life. It’s about following your passion, making choices that aren’t influenced by your bank account, and living life on your terms. (richdad.com)

What Does Financial Freedom Mean to You?
You have to customize Financial Freedom terms in the light of the above. Dream big and get specific about your goal.

To you, Financial Freedom may look like this:
· Freedom to choose a career you love without worrying about money
· Freedom to take an international trip every year without it straining on your budget
· Freedom to pay cash for a new item
· Freedom to respond to the needs of others with outrageous generosity
· Freedom to retire a whole decade early

When you are financially free, you have options. You don’t have to wonder if your bank account can handle buying groceries for a single mom who just lost her job.

A summary of your Financial Freedom Strategy:
- Change your perspective about money. See money from God’s perspective. Money is a tool to be used for God’s purposes. (Luke 16:9a). The primary purpose of money is to multiply it and not to spend it, Remember the parable of the talent in Matthew 25.
- Evaluate your current financial state
a. Evaluate your current assets and liabilities
b. Evaluate your potential assets and liabilities
Examples of assets: investments, real estate, skills, certificates, Network (social circle), Knowledge, Job, Business, Time, etc
Examples of liabilities: subscriptions, rent, relationships, debt, etc
- Ensure your passive income outgrows your active income
- Be intentional and make annual plans to ensure you increase your assets and reduce your liability.
- Take advantage of emerging technologies towards your financial freedom.

Action Point: In the next 24hrs, carry out a sincere self-evaluation about your current financial state and come up with monthly/year projections and actions that will lead you into financial freedom.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 12:56am On Mar 30, 2020

Thank you Sir. We appreciate your kind words. We sincerely hope you're been inspired. smiley
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 12:39pm On Mar 30, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Monday March 30, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matt. 6:21). Your heart & your money are bound together, it is crucial to your life to study what God says about money.

*Note/prayers:* Father, help me to see money just the way You see it. Help me to see money as a means not an end in itself. Help me to realize that money is a tool to be used for Your purposes and my 10Year Plan.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 3:47pm On Mar 31, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Tuesday March 31, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* We should strive towards Financial Freedomhaving enough (passive) income to pay one's living expenses for the rest of one's life and help others. 2 Corinthians 9:8 NLT

*Note/prayers:* Father, give me the wisdom to take steps towards financial freedom, since it is Your will for my life. Help me to walk in the consciousness that I should be a blessing to humanity.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 12:57pm On Apr 01, 2020
Hello Friend,

Hope you and yours are doing well? Hope you're keeping safe? Hope you're staying indoors? Hope you're keeping active? Hope you are allowing God's peace in your heart and head?
We are just checking on you. Take care.
Happy New Month.

#StaySafe #StayAtHome #TrustGod #NoFearZone #PeaceofGod #ItisWell
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 12:58pm On Apr 01, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Wednesday April 1, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* Financial freedom is the freedom to be who you really are and do what you really want in life. John 8:36

*Note/prayers:* Father, help me to take practical (&discipline) steps towards my financial freedom.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 10:18am On Apr 03, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Thursday April 2, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* When you are financially free, you have options. You don't have to wonder if your bank account can handle helping others. Ephesians 4:28

*Note/prayers:* Dear Father, help me to experience the financial freedom that will make me a blessing to my generation.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 10:20am On Apr 03, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Friday April 3, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* The primary purpose of money is to multiply it and not to spend it. The parable of the talent in Matthew 25.

*Note/prayers:* Dear Father, help me to be more focused on multiplying my financial resources much more than spending it.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 11:52am On Apr 04, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Saturday April 4, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* Be intentional & make plans to ensure you increase your assets & reduce liability.

*Note/prayers:* What is your personal strategy to financial freedom? Carry out a sincere financial self-evaluation.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 9:26am On Apr 06, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Monday April 6, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* In what ways have you been
adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic?
No matter what comes Our way, our trust in God must not be shaken. Isaiah 43:2

*Note/Prayers:* Father help me that no matter
what is happening globally, my trust in You will not be shaken. Help me to always be more conscious of Your presence more than the various COVID-19 updates.
Re: New Series: The Ten Year Plan 2020-2029: A Decadal Blueprint For Global Impact by LifePortConnect: 10:42pm On Apr 07, 2020
```Focus for Daily Personal Reflections/Devotion for Tuesday April 7, 2020```

*Focus/Reflection:* Though we believe in and propagate divine protection, we should also take the lead in promoting and practicing basic hygiene principles. I Cor 6:19,

*Note/prayers:* I receive the wisdom to take necessary physical precautions with respect to my health in this period. Father open my eyes to vital info about my health.

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