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Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty - Family - Nairaland

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Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by Nobleking2000(m): 12:28pm On Jan 11, 2020
I have lived with my aunty since january 2012 uptil this present moment. She was the person that was sponsored my education throughout my years in school both ND and HND she paid every dime needed to be paid until i graduated last december.

My problem now is that while i was in school i was also running another course(chinese language) which i am yet to graduate from i still have six months left to graduate from. Right now my aunty wants me to serve her for two to three years as a master/servant relationship for her to settle me and i start up my own business.

I am in.a state of indecision that if i complete my chinese course which i have six months left i am certain get a job of not less than 70,000 as a start up bechmark salary but having been with her for the past 8 years i have known all the information needed to go into her line of business and be successful having seen the profit margin they make in one of their business trips to china after selling the imported goods. some of my chinese class mates have already started working with good salary scale.

I will be 26 years by december and am yet to go for the compulsory NYSC. But currently her business currently needs a servant to control one of her shops.

Should i continue my studies which will end in june and most likely get a job in not more than two months or quit the studies to serve my aunty.

Please help a brother.
Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by SocialJustice: 12:35pm On Jan 11, 2020
You have opportunity to be a successful entrepreneur but you're confused because of future rubbish salary.

Stay with your aunt and let her set you up.


Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by Pubichairs(m): 12:40pm On Jan 11, 2020
U have them all in a platter of gold...

Once u miss this opportunity.. Don't come here to blame the devil..better humble ur self..and serve ur aunty..since the reward will be a stepping stone to ur success

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Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by popsy2(m): 12:47pm On Jan 11, 2020
Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by Osgilliat(m): 12:55pm On Jan 11, 2020
Don’t follow your class mates that are earning peanuts..

Serve your aunty and get established, since you already know much about the business.
Forget NYSC.. it’s a waste of time.

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Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by CreepyBlackpool: 12:55pm On Jan 11, 2020
Why not discuss with your Aunty, reach a compromise.
come back and start serving her after graduating in 6 months

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Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by frozen70(f): 12:56pm On Jan 11, 2020
I have lived with my aunty since january 2012 uptil this present moment. She was the person that was sponsored my education throughout my years in school both ND and HND she paid every dime needed to be paid until i graduated last december.

My problem now is that while i was in school i was also running another course(chinese language) which i am yet to graduate from i still have six months left to graduate from. Right now my aunty wants me to serve her for two to three years as a master/servant relationship for her to settle me and i start up my own business.

I am in.a state of indecision that if i complete my chinese course which i have six months left i am certain get a job of not less than 70,000 as a start up bechmark salary but having been with her for the past 8 years i have known all the information needed to go into her line of business and be successful having seen the profit margin they make in one of their business trips to china after selling the imported goods. some of my chinese class mates have already started working with good salary scale.

I will be 26 years by december and am yet to go for the compulsory NYSC. But currently her business currently needs a servant to control one of her shops.

Should i continue my studies which will end in june and most likely get a job in not more than two months or quit the studies to serve my aunty.

Please help a brother.

Plsead with her to complete your studies, it's just 6 months from now

Go for your service and come back to serve her

If you didn't go for your service now, it will cost you something in the future and you will have to pay higher to get yourself to go for the service

All you need is to assure her of your loyalty and respect

Before then you have to keep thanking her for making you whom you are

She will definitely reason with you
Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by Kendumazy(m): 1:36pm On Jan 11, 2020
In the Nigeria we are now. Multiple streams of income is the best. I will suggest, you serve your Aunty but discuss with her to allow you set up a Chinese language lesson center. You can get a self contain apartment for it. You can run it on part time basis. Like Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday can be from 2pm to 6pm, Saturday can be from 10am to 4pm and Sunday can be 3pm to 6pm.

You think you have known all about your sister's business. You don't know all. You only know the theory and not the practical. Practical is the best. Also, business evolves. Hope you know that. Things might have changed about the business when you are ready to start your own in which your Aunty may not want to put you through.

Take the advantage of Aunty promising to set you up also when you are done and just serve her. 2 to 3 years is almost here bro.

Even when you are free with your Aunty and got set up already. You will be happy you have another means of income which is your Chinese learning center.

This is just my thought. Wish you all the very best.
Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by lahizak: 1:57pm On Jan 11, 2020
Ur choice of word give u away. U keep saying servant rather dan employee or staff. I believe you have already made ur decision towards completin ur study. And im assuming ur aunty av enough to hire a staff for her shop so if u not interested, inform her. I dont think she will made a big deal out of it. However most of us graduates will tell u to resume the shop duty and build urself towards becoming independent


Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by LilMissFavvy(f): 2:38pm On Jan 11, 2020
If your aunty stood by you footing your education, then she is a reliable woman. Serve your aunty, you can always go back for studies in future, no diggidies after all you already have a HND. The most important thing is to discuss your NYSC, would she wait till you complete your service, ask her all necessary questions.


Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by Lamanii22(f): 2:49pm On Jan 11, 2020
I'd advise that you stay with your aunt and learn the business well... Business pays...
Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by nams77: 2:59pm On Jan 11, 2020

Plsead with her to complete your studies, it's just 6 months from now

Go for your service and come back to serve her

If you didn't go for your service now, it will cost you something in the future and you will have to pay higher to get yourself to go for the service

All you need is to assure her of your loyalty and respect

Before then you have to keep thanking her for making you whom you are

She will definitely reason with you
Please op go with this position.
Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by frozen70(f): 3:05pm On Jan 11, 2020

Please op go with this position.

Thanks for the acknowledgement

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Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by Acidosis(m): 3:14pm On Jan 11, 2020
Why the confusion?

Servant Vs. Employee/Staff?

Better don't let the English language f00l you. grin grin


Re: Should I Quit My Studies And Serve My Aunty by Nobleking2000(m): 6:23pm On Jan 11, 2020
Ur choice of word give u away. U keep saying servant rather dan employee or staff. I believe you have already made ur decision towards completin ur study. And im assuming ur aunty av enough to hire a staff for her shop so if u not interested, inform her. I dont think she will made a big deal out of it. However most of us graduates will tell u to resume the shop duty and build urself towards becoming independent

don’t be in a haste to make your generalization on what you know little about. Her line of business requires someone that is willing to be there for long period of time not some sales girl or boy that will only be there for six months after learning the prices he or she will look for another place to work.

I kept saying servant relationship not employee/staff relationship because it is more of a normal igbo man business of oga /boy boy relationship.

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