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I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her - Romance (3) - Nairaland

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Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by micflo28(m): 6:09pm On Jan 25, 2020
Useless boy. Extra year fall on you

1 Like

Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Nobody: 6:10pm On Jan 25, 2020
All these small small children and their wahala.


Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by WHITELIGHTER: 6:11pm On Jan 25, 2020

In the name of KARMA I pray for you that you will love a lady, even marry her then discover she never loved you, that she just wanted children and that's all she will leave you too.

You are not well. Your brain is in your deek

Haha, y are so pained? Don't u girls do this on a regular to this? Give this guy a break, at least his conscience is very active unlike some out there


Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by TruthSpeaker: 6:11pm On Jan 25, 2020
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by socialmediaman: 6:11pm On Jan 25, 2020

In the name of KARMA I pray for you that you will love a lady, even marry her then discover she never loved you, that she just wanted children and that's all she will leave you too.

You are not well. Your brain is in your deek

Is it safe to say we’re looking at that lady?
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by blackjack21(m): 6:13pm On Jan 25, 2020
Should I Use And Dump This Girl Or Not?

PLS I have an issue bothering me.
There is this girl in my class that likes me.. but I don't like her one bit. Yes she's fine and all that but the feeling is not jus there.

At first I jus wanted to bang her and break up with her but. I don't want to break her heart...I don't want to be seen as the devil in my class..

Due to pressure from her friends...I jus lied to her that I had feelings for her. Now the thing is paining me badly...

I know that this relationship won't last

You're so selfish
You're not even worried about how she would fare if you broke up with her rather, you're worried about how the people would perceive you in the class.
So sorry for you.


Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by bluefilm: 6:13pm On Jan 25, 2020
Can you get another of your guys to go after her?

That is the only way out.

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Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Nobody: 6:17pm On Jan 25, 2020

In the name of KARMA I pray for you that you will love a lady, even marry her then discover she never loved you, that she just wanted children and that's all she will leave you too.

You are not well. Your brain is in your deek
Leave him alone to exploit his options.

Op use and dump her but always play safe ok.
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Nobody: 6:18pm On Jan 25, 2020

You're so selfish
You're not even worried about how she would fare if you broke up with her rather, you're worried about how the people would perceive you in the class.
So sorry for you.
Who cares how she would fare? His image is everything..
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Nobody: 6:18pm On Jan 25, 2020
I'm surprised y'all didn't see the "class" he belonged.
at least he was honest unlike many active nlanders that are in secondary schools with a java enabled phone but pretend to be working class adults


Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by UnimkeAk(m): 6:19pm On Jan 25, 2020

In the name of KARMA I pray for you that you will love a lady, even marry her then discover she never loved you, that she just wanted children and that's all she will leave you too.

You are not well. Your brain is in your deek
See this one
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by uthlaw: 6:19pm On Jan 25, 2020
Chop go front,even ladies does same so what the pity there!
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by KenModi(m): 6:20pm On Jan 25, 2020
What is your definition of use and dump?
If it's sex, then you are both using each other.

Nothing like use and dump except you are collecting her money.
If she's collecting your money, then you are the one who is being used and most likely will be dumped.

Please tell the idiot that sex is often enjoyed by both partners. Infact women enjoy sex more than men. We (men) would just be there pushing and pulling; and panting like we would be given awards for best performance! cheesy

He thinks he would use and dump her, not knowing she would eat his money while she also enjoys the sex between them.


Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Nobody: 6:21pm On Jan 25, 2020
Should I Use And Dump This Girl Or Not?

PLS I have an issue bothering me.
There is this girl in my class that likes me.. but I don't like her one bit. Yes she's fine and all that but the feeling is not jus there.

At first I jus wanted to bang her and break up with her but. I don't want to break her heart...I don't want to be seen as the devil in my class..

Due to pressure from her friends...I jus lied to her that I had feelings for her. Now the thing is paining me badly...

I know that this relationship won't last
Get used to lying to women,that way they open those legs faster. It's part of a womans makeup to be sexually turned on by fantasy stories of feelings and love.
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by cjeriia: 6:22pm On Jan 25, 2020
Should I Use And Dump This Girl Or Not?

PLS I have an issue bothering me.
There is this girl in my class that likes me.. but I don't like her one bit. Yes she's fine and all that but the feeling is not jus there.

At first I jus wanted to bang her and break up with her but. I don't want to break her heart...I don't want to be seen as the devil in my class..

Due to pressure from her friends...I jus lied to her that I had feelings for her. Now the thing is paining me badly...

I know that this relationship won't last
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Nobody: 6:23pm On Jan 25, 2020
Imagine y don't u let her kw u don't feel d same way in the first place nd if she still wanna cont then is her prob but u're too coward to be sincere wit ur feelings because u're not man enough to make decision on ur own. So y seeking advice now? Anyway u better 4get about wat people gonna say nd let her go early without wasting more of her time bcoz u can't force ur heart to love some1.
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Helicobacter: 6:23pm On Jan 25, 2020

In the name of KARMA I pray for you that you will love a lady, even marry her then discover she never loved you, that she just wanted children and that's all she will leave you too.

You are not well. Your brain is in your deek
He wanted a temporal relationship, + he was pressured by her friends so he told her he's got feelings (which probably seemed like d easy way out as not everybody have the courage to outrightly tell someone they don't love em). He has realised his mistake and is seeking advice. This shows he is not the typical f*ck boy, but u just took your time to arrange curses. Instead of u to give an advice.

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Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by tolguy(m): 6:25pm On Jan 25, 2020

In the name of KARMA I pray for you that you will love a lady, even marry her then discover she never loved you, that she just wanted children and that's all she will leave you too.

You are not well. Your brain is in your deek
hahahahaha haba bro take it easy
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by bluefilm: 6:25pm On Jan 25, 2020

Do unto her as you want done to your sisters and daughters.

Karma is real.

So you mean to tell me you would like some guy who is not really romantically interested in your sisters or daughters to continue to be with them?

Let's try to be rational at times, biko.
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Kaydans(m): 6:29pm On Jan 25, 2020
Should I Use And Dump This Girl Or Not?

PLS I have an issue bothering me.
There is this girl in my class that likes me.. but I don't like her one bit. Yes she's fine and all that but the feeling is not jus there.

At first I jus wanted to bang her and break up with her but. I don't want to break her heart...I don't want to be seen as the devil in my class..

Due to pressure from her friends...I jus lied to her that I had feelings for her. Now the thing is paining me badly...

I know that this relationship won't last

Oga she is not fine say the truth.
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Nobody: 6:31pm On Jan 25, 2020

So you mean to tell me you would like some guy who is not really romantically interested in your sisters or daughters to continue to be with them?

Let's try to be rational at times, biko.

Calm down. Drink a glass of cold water. Then re-read my post.

If you still don't understand it and you feel the urge to jump to conclusions and respond to this post again, do as instructed above.

Keep doing that until you understand my post.

1 Like

Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Tajbol4splend(m): 6:31pm On Jan 25, 2020
Waiting patiently for the 'face your studies' crew to arrive.

Face your study
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by bluefilm: 6:34pm On Jan 25, 2020

[s]Calm down. Drink a glass of cold water. Then re-read my post.

If you still don't understand it and you feel the urge to jump to conclusions and respond to this post again, do as instructed above.

Keep doing that until you understand my post[/s].

Go toss off, man.

I think you need it.
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by kayusely70(m): 6:35pm On Jan 25, 2020
Be Guided By Your Conscience And Remember Karma Is A Bitch.
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Tajbol4splend(m): 6:36pm On Jan 25, 2020
Too many sissy Indomie generation on Nairaland who can't make simple decisions about relationships on their own.
Some will start with this line, 'I have to open this new moniker' to talk about my wife, we got married two weeks ago and I just discovered that she likes snake stories like Lalasticlala, please what should I do...,..

Back to your story, you don't like the girl, so why are you disturbing us and yourself, you want us to advise you to start liking her by force? Make una me, see motorcycle o angry

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Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Mazikic(m): 6:38pm On Jan 25, 2020

That babe is a mami.. She will use u not the way u think..

Use her and dump her, ur life will be ruined without no remedy

Use her and don't dump her, ur life will still ruined but with little remdey

If you no use her not dump her, ur life will still be ruined by another one..

Don't come online and start shouting, can I still make 3rd class? Can I drop out and start afresh?

Ur choice. I'm watching ooooo cool grin
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Youthleader22(m): 6:46pm On Jan 25, 2020
Should I Use And Dump This Girl Or Not?

PLS I have an issue bothering me.
There is this girl in my class that likes me.. but I don't like her one bit. Yes she's fine and all that but the feeling is not jus there.

At first I jus wanted to bang her and break up with her but. I don't want to break her heart...I don't want to be seen as the devil in my class..

Due to pressure from her friends...I jus lied to her that I had feelings for her. Now the thing is paining me badly...

I know that this relationship won't last

Guy you in school. It’s all fun. Bang your thing and if you wanna stay, stay... if you don’t leave. Live goes on. But bang her first.
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by Oyiboman69: 6:48pm On Jan 25, 2020
Waiting patiently for the 'face your studies' crew to arrive.
He should face his studies
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by golddare: 6:50pm On Jan 25, 2020
Should I Use And Dump This Girl Or Not?

PLS I have an issue bothering me.
There is this girl in my class that likes me.. but I don't like her one bit. Yes she's fine and all that but the feeling is not jus there.

At first I jus wanted to bang her and break up with her but. I don't want to break her heart...I don't want to be seen as the devil in my class..

Due to pressure from her friends...I jus lied to her that I had feelings for her. Now the thing is paining me badly...

I know that this relationship won't last

1. Be sure that you just didn't get your destined wife on a platter of gold.

2. Be sure her friends are born again and not the fetish.

3. Be sure you are not overrating yourself.

1 Like

Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by blackjack21(m): 6:54pm On Jan 25, 2020
Who cares how she would fare? His image is everything..

Oh come on, stop trying to act tough on behalf of someone. And, I care because, the day we stopped caring about the plight of one another that's the day you will find out how privileged you were to participate in this thing called humanity.
Re: I Lied To Her That I Have Feelings For Her by michealoluwaseyi(m): 6:57pm On Jan 25, 2020
Too many sissy Indomie generation on Nairaland who can't make simple decisions about relationships on their own.
Some will start with this line, 'I have to open this new moniker' to talk about my wife, we got married two weeks ago and I just discovered that she likes snake stories like Lalasticlala, please what should I do...,..

Back to your story, you don't like the girl, so why are you disturbing us and yourself, you want us to advise you to start liking her by force? Make una me, see motorcycle o angry
the op after reading ur post will be like

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