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Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by Rashduct4luv(m): 6:11pm On Jan 29, 2020
Kindly read the background on "Noise pollution, Loud speakers and the Neighbors" here

Here are the LASEPA (Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency)'s Guidelines on Noise Pollution

Guidelines on Noise Pollution:

1. The standard approved noise level in residential areas shall not exceed 55 decibels during the day and 45 decibels at night. (We talked about decibels in the previous post Click here to read)

2. The standard approved noise level in industrial areas shall not exceed 90 decibel during the day.

3. The standard approved noise level for commercial areas shall not exceed 70 decibel during the day.

4. All religious houses, Club Houses and other entertainment outlets are to operate within enclosed and soundproof environments with regulated use of speakers, giving due consideration to neighbouring residents.

5. The above facilities shall equally reduce the number of internally placed speakers to the barest minimum to address only the congregation and clientele and not the neighborhood..

6. All open air and outdoor activities shall be carried out with due authorization from relevant Government agencies while those involving the use of amplifiers and speakers shall hold after due authorization from LASEPA without contravening the stipulated approved noise limit for that environment.

7. The use of power generating sets in commercial, residential and industrial areas shall be in compliance with the stipulated noise levels without any negative impact on human health and the environment.

8. The use of megaphones/amplifiers at motor parks, commercial centers and more shall be duly controlled/regulated to ensure that the permissible noise limit for the environment is not exceeded.

9. Religious activities are to be carried out in a completely enclosed structure while uncompleted buildings and tents are not allowed.

10. Pending enclosure of facilities that are yet to be enclosed/soundproof, no musical instruments shall be used at night so as not to disturb the neighborhood especially during week day evening services and night vigils for religious houses, and events on entertainment/clubbing activities etc.

11. Obtain noise permit for open air shows, crusades and promotional advertisements etc.

12. The use of power generating plants in residential, commercial and industrial outlets shall not affect others by way of noise pollution.

Words in red are my insertions.

Copyright © 2020 Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency.
Taken from https://www.lasepa.gov.ng/noise-pollution-control/

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Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by Doctor2020: 9:17am On Apr 17, 2020
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by olamilekan72(m): 9:17am On Apr 17, 2020
Kindly read the background on "Noise pollution, Loud speakers and the Neighbors" here

Here are the LASEPA (Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency)'s Guidelines on Noise Pollution

Guidelines on Noise Pollution:

1. The standard approved noise level in residential areas shall not exceed 55 decibels during the day and 45 decibels at night. (We talked about decibels in the previous post Click here to read)

2. The standard approved noise level in industrial areas shall not exceed 90 decibel during the day.

3. The standard approved noise level for commercial areas shall not exceed 70 decibel during the day.

4. All religious houses, Club Houses and other entertainment outlets are to operate within enclosed and soundproof environments with regulated use of speakers, giving due consideration to neighbouring residents.

5. The above facilities shall equally reduce the number of internally placed speakers to the barest minimum to address only the congregation and clientele and not the neighborhood..

6. All open air and outdoor activities shall be carried out with due authorization from relevant Government agencies while those involving the use of amplifiers and speakers shall hold after due authorization from LASEPA without contravening the stipulated approved noise limit for that environment.

7. The use of power generating sets in commercial, residential and industrial areas shall be in compliance with the stipulated noise levels without any negative impact on human health and the environment.

8. The use of megaphones/amplifiers at motor parks, commercial centers and more shall be duly controlled/regulated to ensure that the permissible noise limit for the environment is not exceeded.

9. Religious activities are to be carried out in a completely enclosed structure while uncompleted buildings and tents are not allowed.

10. Pending enclosure of facilities that are yet to be enclosed/soundproof, no musical instruments shall be used at night so as not to disturb the neighborhood especially during week day evening services and night vigils for religious houses, and events on entertainment/clubbing activities etc.

11. Obtain noise permit for open air shows, crusades and promotional advertisements etc.

12. The use of power generating plants in residential, commercial and industrial outlets shall not affect others by way of noise pollution.

Words in red are my insertions.

Copyright © 2020 Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency.
Taken from https://www.lasepa.gov.ng/noise-pollution-control/


Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by aleeyus(m): 9:20am On Apr 17, 2020
So we no go pray in peace again?

1 Like

Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by Pavore9: 9:25am On Apr 17, 2020
Noise pollution is not good for our health.

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Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by bazrule1(m): 9:29am On Apr 17, 2020
Seun, even you don't understand yourself, I don't know where Muslim is written in the topic that made you limit comment. Well, newsflash! That declaration is full of s*hit. I am a born again Christian.

To the topic. I don't understand why people cannot simply pray in their religious building and must inconvenient others informing them as if they are daft, that will make them disgust such gathering.


Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by sunshineV(f): 9:31am On Apr 17, 2020
Lala delete this comment

Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by SWORD419(m): 9:34am On Apr 17, 2020
Masha Allah
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by DuBLINGreenb(m): 9:36am On Apr 17, 2020
Religiousness of Nigerians won't allow them practice it, those speakers for Muslim call to prayers and Christian churches need to be ceased and the bodies find.

Anyway where is Abba Kyari. Covik 1-9 done take am?
Maybe they are in Lome looking for stunt double for him the way jibril of sudan... Coughs coughs

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Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by wittyt98(m): 9:37am On Apr 17, 2020

My fellow nairalanders
Today is my birthday
Show some love abeg
Airtime : O8118847515(glo)
Thank you[i][/i]
A nice birthday wish is still ok[/i]
Stay safe this period much love from kiki
happy birthday Kiki darling. much love coming your way. u re doing well


Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by HappyPagan: 9:44am On Apr 17, 2020
So we no go pray in peace again?
You can pray in peace, without affecting other people's peace. How can God be smiling at you when your neighbor is squeezing face because of your disturbance?


Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by aleeyus(m): 9:47am On Apr 17, 2020

You can pray in peace, without affecting other people's peace. How can God be smiling at you when your neighbor is squeezing face because of your disturbance?
you be pagan?
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by Delson2020: 9:47am On Apr 17, 2020
Pollution is bad
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by HappyPagan: 9:47am On Apr 17, 2020

you be pagan?

1 Like

Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by Chinkos99(m): 9:48am On Apr 17, 2020
happy birthday Kiki darling. much love coming your way. u re doing well
Thanks dear
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by aleeyus(m): 9:48am On Apr 17, 2020

My fellow nairalanders
Today is my birthday
Show some love abeg
Airtime : O8118847515(glo)
Thank you[i][/i]
A nice birthday wish is still ok[/i]
Stay safe this period much love from kiki
are u d pesin in d photo?
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by aleeyus(m): 9:49am On Apr 17, 2020

then what brought u there
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by HappyPagan: 9:50am On Apr 17, 2020

then what brought u there
Front page...


Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by koffsman(m): 9:52am On Apr 17, 2020
What this bull crap that one must be a Muslim to comment is this some religion bullshit am a Christian married to a Muslim what sought of rubbish is this you posted about lasepa and u are asking if we are Muslim Seun get your acts together or close the fucking tread and Op nice job if you don't pay Lasepa and the close your business it will cost you fine ranging from 1m to 5m I work in a mobile industry so I deal with them and their new GM damn she no send anybody


Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by aleeyus(m): 9:52am On Apr 17, 2020

Front page...

but you testify that U believe that there is no god/God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet.
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by Abukhaleedah: 10:04am On Apr 17, 2020
Hmmmmm just observing things
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by fatymore(f): 10:53am On Apr 17, 2020
Las las all you complaining of having the signature on your profile.

Who send you or force you to comment...
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by HappyPagan: 11:00am On Apr 17, 2020

but you testify that U believe that there is no god/God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet.
Yes... It's just words, surely you don't identify a Muslim by words only?

1 Like

Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by Onlyonebuhari: 11:25am On Apr 17, 2020
May Allah safe us from agbero evangelism and road side Gospellers
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by sheffyUTD(m): 11:52am On Apr 17, 2020
7. The use of power generating sets in commercial, residential and industrial areas shall be in compliance with the stipulated noise levels without any negative impact on human health and the environment.

On strict compliance with the bolded, close to 80% of the populace will not use generator. Even a new generator I saw weeks ago has above 70 Db (decibel i.e noise level) boldly written on it. Then we can imagine of badly managed overused generator. This is not realistic.
Re: Noise Pollution, Loud Speakers And The Neighbors 2 (LASEPA GUIDELINES) by chiefdiye(m): 12:04pm On Apr 17, 2020
why will you say Islam is the only true religion?
that there's no God but Allah, then why is Mohammed the only true prophet of GOD why not ALLAH,,.

.tire for this bullshit
Is lasepa an Islamic group?
AND THE AFONJAS AND THE BIAFRANS will say northerners will Islamise Nigeria....
I rest my case...

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