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7 Signs That Your Dad Might Not Be Your Biological Father! — - Family - Nairaland

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7 Signs That Your Dad Might Not Be Your Biological Father! — by Busolami2015(f): 12:47pm On Jan 30, 2020
Signs That Your Dad Might Not Be Your Biological Father! — Run a DNA Test if you Notice #2 and #6

To be told that the person you believed was your father for years 'may not be', would be a tremendous shock. Still surprised, but wait! How confident are you that the man you call your dad is really your biological father?

Questions of paternity are built over the deepest well of human insecurity, for children searching to know who they are, for fathers wanting to know whose kids they are raising and for mothers uncertain about the strength of the bonds holding their families together. If you aren't sure if your dad is really your father, use these signs to start searching for the truth.

1. No Physical & Personality Traits

Your physical features, and to some extent your personality traits, are a direct result of the DNA you’ve inherited from your parents. So it should come as no surprise that these are often the first clues people recognize in cases of paternal misidentification.

And never be a fool with the Misconception by most of our parents that you picked some traits from the grandparent or great grandparents you never knew off. It's a bluff.

I also understood the fact that Many people simply resemble their biological mother. In addition, it’s possible to inherit a pair of recessive genes for features that neither biological parent outwardly manifests.

Nevertheless, if you find that you have absolutely no resemblance to the man you believe to be your biological father, it could be enough of a red flag to take more conclusive actions.

2. Born Out of Wedlock
Based of definitions -- Child born out of wedlock means a child begotten and born to a woman who was not married from the conception to the date of birth of the child, or a child that the court has determined to be a child born or conceived during a marriage but not the issue of that marriage.

I knew the majority out there falls in this category, which is why you need to ask your parents the ugly truth. Especially if you have been noticing some disaffection especially from your mother or no single physical or personality trait from your dad.

3. Lack of Love & Attention:

No sane parent will hate their children without a reason or if you are perplexed or baffled as to why your father figure showered your siblings with love and attention while treating you with indifference or even disdain, it’s a possible sign that he isn’t your biological father. Ask them now.

4. Children raised by grandparents
Even though Children that are raised by grandparents due to parental difficulties are mostly subjected to substance abuse, prison, physical abuse, neglect, abandonment, HIV/AIDS, mental illness, divorce, and death, but the most overlooked reason is a result of Paternity fraud. In fact, unnecessary holidays -- which your mother compelled you to embark on every time -- might be another sign you need think of. ... Children raised by their grandparents are at an increased risk for emotional and behavioral problems in adulthood. Hence, Paternity fraud results in delinquency activities in the society by these kids... are you guilty of that?.

5. Pregnancy In school or By mistake:

This is related to point two(2), A common situation is one where the mother has had a number of sexual partners during her youth age, which later resulted in pregnancy, and the father is not aware of this. According to research, 1 out of 5 mothers are guilty of the issue of multiple sexual partners or boyfriend.

6. Your Mother is an Ex Slay Queen:

If your mother is a slay queen or slay mama in her youth age, then there is a 95 percent chance that your father is not your biological dad. Ask her now.

The Direct Way to Know Is a DNA Paternity Test and Ask Questions
Though the above signs might be justifiable reasons to question the family narratives you’ve grown up with, remember that they are not definitive proof. For that, you will need to undergo a DNA paternity test and compare your genes to those of the man you believe(d) to be your father. I will also advice to ask your Mother, seat her down to ask her. For Husband, Study your wife, and discover the truth. If you suspect that a woman you are or were involved with has committed paternity fraud, you should seek a DNA test immediately. I pray you will not waste your income on another man's child(ren)

In the ever-dynamic game of sexual relations, the one factor that has always weighed decisively in the favor of womankind is the secure knowledge that who your father truly is. According to an old aphorism: “Maternity is a matter of fact, whereas paternity is a matter of opinion.” I understand that it can be painful to confront longstanding suspicions about paternity, but if you notice any of these signs, Please run a DNA. And to every husband out there, please be smart.

Meanwhile you can also share your story with us, let's learn from each other experience. And to those affected about this, Hopefully, you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for.

Read more: http:///s346d9439200113en_ng

Re: 7 Signs That Your Dad Might Not Be Your Biological Father! — by Busolami2015(f): 12:50pm On Jan 30, 2020
Cc. Lalasticala
Re: 7 Signs That Your Dad Might Not Be Your Biological Father! — by TonyeBarcanista(m): 2:16pm On Jan 30, 2020
Number 6 angry
Re: 7 Signs That Your Dad Might Not Be Your Biological Father! — by Reichel99(f): 3:14pm On Jan 30, 2020
Almost all the points are useless.

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