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Jobs In Dubai by bash673(m): 4:04pm On May 31, 2007
I recently saw a topic that shell is recruiting and under it a reply by sammy77. I visited the site www.careersnigeria.com and within the site saw www.jobsindubai.com which I also browsed and  applied for a job. I got a reply from them check it http://jobsindubai.com/umembers/status.asp that  I am the perfect candidate they are looking for but have to pay a refundandable $70 deposit. Please advise me  on wether to pay or not. I have ten days to pay the from when they sent the message.
Re: Jobs In Dubai by theeds: 8:31pm On May 31, 2007
bash be very very careful. please shine ur eyes.due to the desperation of unemployed youths, people are really taking advatage. wat i would've expected them to ask for is if u have a work permit or somethin professional. my guy keep ur money and search harder.and moreover they stated 'refundable' but how u wan take get am back when ther's no legal backing.see its well, if u get the pay to trow around u could give it a trial afterall one egg fit dey good inside a crate of bad eggs. i hope i'm not bein a cynic.
Re: Jobs In Dubai by maden9ja(m): 9:06pm On May 31, 2007
bash 673, o boy, that jobsindubai website is a scam,

at least that's what i heard from one reliable source,

I mean why would one have to pay some money to apply for a job, it doesn't make too much sense,

Just be careful sha, my brother,
Re: Jobs In Dubai by CoolGuyB(m): 9:38pm On May 31, 2007
It's a scam. Do a google search with the search key "jobsindubai.com + scam" and you'll see for yourself.
Re: Jobs In Dubai by Rlst84sale(m): 9:57pm On May 31, 2007
Anyone charging you to get a job is 419 agent you need to watch out. Why don't ask you them to deduct the money from your first pay check?. If you don't have a job, where did they expect you to get the money from?. Watch out don't get gyped
Re: Jobs In Dubai by bash673(m): 4:46pm On Jun 01, 2007
Thank you for your response and useful advices. I did the search on google for scams and I have seen testimonies of those who were duped by the so called jobsindubai.com. Thank you once again.
Re: Jobs In Dubai by Nzeribe: 5:03pm On Jun 02, 2007
abeg no mind dem , i got a job offer from them in 2005. i was asked to pay about $95 Canadian. i was so skeptical about it and let it go. but what i discovered later on was dat months after job listings, the same job still remians open. i checked back a year after and still those same positions were still available. i believe you know better now ,
watch out ,
Re: Jobs In Dubai by bash673(m): 3:05pm On Jun 04, 2007
yes I"ve seen that of nigeria are very authentic. That is why I have to confirm because I saw the jobsindubai.com through careersnigeria.com, thank you all once again.

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