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Tractor On The Go: Achieving Food Security With Low Cost - Agriculture - Nairaland

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Tractor On The Go: Achieving Food Security With Low Cost by Tractoronthego: 4:57pm On Feb 08, 2020
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) defined food security as a state when all
people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe
and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an
active and healthy life. This a major task to every country, especially Africa where
technology adoption is still low.
Nigeria with over 200 million people, and having 82 million hectares of arable land
with only 41% being cultivated. Over 80% of these farmers are smallholders who
practice farming using crude implements such as hoe and cutlass, resulting in low
productivity. Also, smallholder farmers are faced with the challenge of getting casual
workers due to rural-urban drift, thus limiting the scale of production. Then, how can
food security be achieved with this practice?
Mechanization is the use of machines in place of crude implement, which increases
productivity and efficiency. It helps farmers achieve good weed management and high
yield. Farmers’ education is very important to create the needed awareness, and build
their interest for easy adoption. The cost of using a machine is cheaper than that the
cost of using crude implement because the output or yield makes the difference.
In conclusion, Tractor On The Go is an UBER-like tractor platforms where farmers can request for a
tractor without stepping out of their community. It is convenient, cheap and accurate.
Envision 2030 is just a decade away and safe, sufficient and nutritious food is the only

Facebook: @tractoronthego
Twitter: @tog_ng
Instagram: @tractoronthego



Re: Tractor On The Go: Achieving Food Security With Low Cost by RuggedTraction: 4:20pm On Feb 20, 2020
@TractorOnTheGo, how much do you charge per hectare for all operations?
Re: Tractor On The Go: Achieving Food Security With Low Cost by jomolu: 7:44pm On Feb 20, 2020
Pls contact me on whatsap
Re: Tractor On The Go: Achieving Food Security With Low Cost by Isaaco82: 8:57pm On Feb 22, 2020
Drop your WhatsApp line
Re: Tractor On The Go: Achieving Food Security With Low Cost by grpCaptain(m): 12:55pm On Mar 17, 2020
Has anyone use this tractor on the go service before? Please let us know your experience with their service.

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