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My inspirational Vertical Sack Farming of tomatoes and pepper - Properties - Nairaland

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My inspirational Vertical Sack Farming of tomatoes and pepper by my2chains(m): 3:28pm On Feb 10, 2020
A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men (proverbs chap18 vers16)

hello nairalanders,
greetings to you all

all i want to say is that i have now devised a new way of growing tomatoes and peppers vertically in sack bags

pavore9 the man from kenya i want to thank you for all this

for making me to believe there is truelly no limits in farming

all i want to say is that everyday technologies and science keeps making us to say goodbye to hoes and cutlasses,

the old farm ways are really going out for good to be replaced with modernized farming techniques

there is really a gold mine in agriculture if only you can find a loophole and exploit it to your own advantage,

back to the discussion,

this vertical type of farming will make you to grow tons of vegetables in a limited area or space,

no need going to ogun state or any rural areas again to go and buy lands for farming

just a plot of land can be converted to an hectare of land,

with just a little space someone can really grow what is normally been grown in an acre of land or even more

to those of you simply surprised about all this,
you can go all out and browse about vertical sack farming

this method utilises the little amount of space,water and farm workers

i can say to you with just a plot of land you can simply make a lot of money growing different vegetables,

lets do business together and i will show you the things i have already learned so far.

With an investment of 50k then you will be sure of a bumper harvest

i have a free land that we can use and there is a water source there

just only 10 vertical sacks will be enrolling you to sell on a commercial scale,

tomatoes or pepper are the main target here,

come to my world and i will show you hidden things that are hardly been found online.

But promise me you will not use me and dump

for many are only interested in knowing how it is done and after that they will discard you

this investment will make you grow in doulble figures and in hundred folds

please can someone help me answer what the bible said about someone reaping in an hundred fold,

it is not 1000 naira to make you 100,000 naira

it is not 1 million naira to make you 100 million naira

but it is a little amount of just 100 naira that can make you an unlimited amount of billions of money,

an hundred fold is what we all are praying and hoping for

unfortunately we can truelly achieve this from just vertical sack farming

many will call me just to ask me to explain a little all about it,

but i will tell you this,

the methods that you will employ are just the once you will see or have seen online,

this are the types the kenyans do now,

this are the types that are been pictured online,

with proper planning you will surpass all that

mine is different,

for the kenyans has devised a way to grow things in a very big sack bags

but i have now think out a way that can make you grow things that are worth growing in an hectare of land with just a limited space.

This kind of farming is what we need around here,

this are things we ought to be discussing here in this agricultural threads not virgin lands available in ogun state limited slots still available do call us on 090*** for your land inspections thanks.

This is not good,
because i can stay here in my house and grow what the full mile 12 markets wont be able to sell off in 2 weeks

some say am joking or am kind of day dreaming,

please i am not joking here in anyway,

let me ask you a question

hybrid tomato seeds against our local tomato seeds which one will you prefer to buy?

To me i will prefer the local seeds because its way cheaper and will fill up my farmland in no time

but with hybrid seeds my productions will be limited

you can even spend upto 200k on hybrid seeds that will fill up an hectare of land

to me afterall both of them will produce tomatoes that will be sold why then give me the headache that hybrid seeds is better all because of its disease resistance and fast maturing period.

What if am to tell you there is a substance you get to buy and mix with water that can help boost the production of your tomato plants all through the season?

Hmm i have said enough on this,
all i need is someone that i can trust so i can share all this things with,

with just a limited space we can kick this off to a start and wait for 3-4 months of harvesting tomatoes or pepper

please remember i am based in lagos and i have a piece of land that we can use that has a good water source there,

when the project is a succes then we can move to rent other areas for larger production

please and please this is for those that are really serious and needs agricultural investments,

banks can not gurantee you an investment profit of just 20% in a whole year

but agriculture can guarantee you way much more than that in just only 6 months

just like tomato jos in kaduna,
i have now changed my name to tomato boss,

do call me on 07041246325 lets do business
Re: My inspirational Vertical Sack Farming of tomatoes and pepper by my2chains(m): 3:30pm On Feb 10, 2020
There would be shortages in supply of tomatoes and peppers in 4-5 months from now,

why not fill in this gap by investing now

the land is free and there is a water source there, (a not too deep well)

no need for drip irrigations since we are using sack bags that can hold on to water for 3-4 days intervals

no need to spend on fertilizers since we will be making our own liquid free fertilizer

the things that are needed are

1. one trip of loamy soil,
2. sack bags
3. bamboo sticks
4. ropes
5. Pesticides/insecticides
6. Manure for mixing with the sand before filling it in the sack bag
7. Manual labours like the aboki mallams that can help put and mix the manure with the sands, and also errect the bamboo sticks
(after that we can now wave them bye bye for they are no longer needed for this project)
8. Fungicides for diseases if incase they arises

the little tomato that was mistakenly planted there grew well even without any proper care

indeed nature really knows how to take care of its self

the extimated startup investment is 50k

and would generate not less than 200k in 6-7 months,

in which after those months then we can now simply be in profits and will aim to get more bigger areas of land to be used for this project

the main plants to be cultivated are pepper and tomato

because this two are the everyday neccesity of food consumers

and they sell very fast onlike other crops

there is need to start the nursery very early so the extimated target of 5-6 months can be achieved

the nursery stage has already started and we need investors,

the project will kick start as soon as everything has been agreed and finalised

the maximum growing stages of peppers and tomatoes are 5 months,

and you can harvest them for 6 months and above

potential investors are welcome to call me 07041246325

Re: My inspirational Vertical Sack Farming of tomatoes and pepper by my2chains(m): 9:31am On Feb 13, 2020
Tomatoes can be grown in 90-120 days depending on the variety,

some even do mature for harvest 2 and a half months,

they tend to need much sunlight and also adequate watering but not waterlogging

organic fertilizers and dry manures are best to boost its production

pesticides/insecticides to chase away dangerous insects and pest,

the production rate is pretty simple and we can accomodate upto 5000 tomato plants in just a plot with vertical sack farming,

just think about the profit of harvesting 5000 tomato plants?

Thats really huge!

the yeilds when it reaches harvest is really maximum

we are to target nearby available markets,

lets do it this way,

if any investor is ready to invest 30k then we can kick start this from scratch,

there is one available not too dip clean well water there to be used,

the land is free although it has been sold out,

and the buyer is not ready to commence work there yet,
and this can take upto more than 8 months

there is also an available space nearby that we can use,

the best part of it is that we are doing this on vertical,

just even a half plot of land or your backyard can do as far you have the soil and sack bags to use,

vertical sack farming is growing crops upwards and not the regular type we are used to been grown in the ground,

any investor will benefit greatly here because of the free water and the land,

no pumping maching to be used,
no irrigation since we are just starting off,
no paying of farm labourers per day or per harvest since i will be the one incharge of the production

all we need is just 1-2 catarpiller trips of loamy soil,
sack bags,
dry manures
bamboo sticks

with the kind of production am thinking here we can add it with self watering technique,

something that one can construct with all this waste cans or bottle water cans,

its easy to do,

once you set it up it can water your crops for upto a week before you can even refill it again
making the soil moist without even thinking of watering it for days.

this helps to replace drip irrigations and too much of watering the plants

this can really make you use less water to grow your plants.

as for the profits
i dont have much to say

just go and ask for the prize tomatoes and pepper per baskets are been sold now and also estimate how much it wouid be sold later in scarcity,

and thats 4-5 months from now,

i can guarantee you that our first startup investment will be recovered from the first season of this production,

and make even greater and larger profits so we can decide if we are to move away to ogun state for larger areas of land,

or to simply stay in lagos here and rent any plots of land that has been left empty and fallow since

to rent a plot here can range from 10k to 15k depending on the area

but better still if you have any available space or land that we can really use for the start and there is water there then its also really good

vertical sack farming is the way,
because you can really use them to grow cucumbers,peppers,tomato,water melon,egg plants,okro,lettuce,ugu leaf,water leaf,ewedu,shoko, etc

there is hope in nigeria when it comes to farming

because there is a vast market for it to be sold,

one can turn to a millionaire overnight if you invest wisely in vertical farming,

dont you know that banks uses your money to invest in agriculture while your money stays idle and doing nothing in the banks?

at the end of the day you are only left with bank charges and withdrawal statement fees,

banks takes our money to invest in so many sectors and agriculture is one of them,

do ask yourself if agriculture is not really profitable then why are banks investing in it?

do call me lets meet and talk one on one,
am here in lagos opposite ojo barracks along mile 2 express road.

for those staying far off,
if you have the mind and the trust to invest even the little 30k for a startup then thats also very good,

its not a must you should come see the place with your eyes after all a good name is better than a bad name,

i cant spoil my entire empire i have built here for just a mere startup investment grin

i hope indeed to run many more profitable investments here with time and i cant just spoil it with just this one

i dont have issues on trust,
as far we can be in sales and once i make harvest and sell to market women,

i will surely remit back your money to your bank account,

you can really trust me on that,



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