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Good And Evil - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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What Is The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil / Simple Definition Of Sin, Lawlessness And Evil / Adam And Eve Couldn't Have Sinned If They Had No Knowledge Of Good And Evil. (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 10:49am On Feb 25, 2020

grin don't you wanna save an atheist? So you thought I'll believe it just because some book says it? undecided

The reason was because what you wrote has noting to do with what I asked.

I didn't asked you why there is evil in this world and what your God would eventually do

This was my question, answer it.
I answered it here:


As to the bolded, the problem of evil ceases to become a problem when you consider God created beings with free agency, and promises to one day judge all evil completely.

This promise of a new completely good creation is also a promise of judgement on the beings who side with evil. Thus the Christian message of repentance and warning.
It seems you didn’t understand me. I disagreed with your mutual exclusivity and explained why an omnibenevolent God present doesn’t mean evil wouldn’t exist.
Re: Good And Evil by LordReed(m): 11:17am On Feb 25, 2020
I answered it here:

It seems you didn’t understand me. I disagreed with your mutual exclusivity and explained why an omnibenevolent God present doesn’t mean evil wouldn’t exist.

How does free agency stop an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent god from acting? According to the tales he has acted several times to intervene.
Re: Good And Evil by Reality11: 12:55pm On Feb 25, 2020
I answered it here:

It seems you didn’t understand me. I disagreed with your mutual exclusivity and explained why an omnibenevolent God present doesn’t mean evil wouldn’t exist.

OK is your God omnibelenovent and willing to stop evil?
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 4:22pm On Feb 25, 2020

How does free agency stop an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent god from acting? According to the tales he has acted several times to intervene.
Yes, he has acted several times to intervene, but he won’t force you to join His kingdom or encroach on your freewill. But He will judge you.

According to your beliefs, life is a pointless endeavor, as meaningless as death, why do you keep on living, and why do you struggle to remove the meaning from the lives of others?
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 4:22pm On Feb 25, 2020

OK is your God omnibelenovent and willing to stop evil?
Yes nau. How many times will I answer you?
Re: Good And Evil by LordReed(m): 4:30pm On Feb 25, 2020
Yes, he has acted several times to intervene, but he won’t force you to join His kingdom or encroach on your freewill. But He will judge you.

According to your beliefs, life is a pointless endeavor, as meaningless as death, why do you keep on living, and why do you struggle to remove the meaning from the lives of others?

So then why doesn't he intervene and stop evil? It indicates lack of omnibenevolence.

Strawman. I have expressed no such beliefs. That is entirely your fabrication.
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 5:51pm On Feb 25, 2020

So then why doesn't he intervene and stop evil? It indicates lack of omnibenevolence.

Strawman. I have expressed no such beliefs. That is entirely your fabrication.
He does so at his own time. And he has promised to do so ultimately in a final judgement which will affect all men, including you, an atheist.
His omnibenevolence is shown by His giving you time to repent of your sins, and His giving you breath, and a mind, and a mouth, which you use to blaspheme His name.

He remains merciful, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Re: Good And Evil by LordReed(m): 6:36pm On Feb 25, 2020
He does so at his own time. And he has promised to do so ultimately in a final judgement which will affect all men, including you, an atheist.
His omnibenevolence is shown by His giving you time to repent of your sins, and His giving you breath, and a mind, and a mouth, which you use to blaspheme His name.

He remains merciful, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

This is not what I am asking you. Someone being raped could do with an intervention yet your god apparently does nothing, why? He is not omnibenevolent if he does nothing, that straight up negates that trait.
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 7:52pm On Feb 25, 2020

This is not what I am asking you. Someone being raped could do with an intervention yet your god apparently does nothing, why? He is not omnibenevolent if he does nothing, that straight up negates that trait.
He is very omnibenevolent. I’ll explain:

If God eliminated every evil thought from entering your mind and the mind of every human on earth, there would be no free agency, and we would all do good, not because we choose to, but because we are made to. God’s nature is Love, and He would have no meaningful relationship with beings who loved and obeyed Him not from free choice, but from force.

So God chooses to make humans in His image, with a will of their own, and gives them choice. You know about the garden of Eden don’t you? In the garden, humanity chooses to define good and evil for themselves, and sin is born. Humans, by choice, allowed evil to enter this world.

God has been active throughout our history, and He promises to eventually judge rapists and liars and murderers and adulterers in the end, but before the end, He himself enters this broken world full of evil, and even offered up his life, so that those who desire true light and love and righteousness would be forgiven of their sins through Him, and have their very nature’s changed from darkness to light. By choice, they would become reconciled to God and people of righteousness through Jesus Christ.

Jesus’ Spirit is still at work today, birthing life and joy in this world of pain and sorrow, and He will one day judge the living and the dead and crush the darkness of rape and sin forever in hell.

Like it or not, this Simplistic Good news is what we call the gospel, in this world full of suffering, there is hope through Jesus Christ. May His name be praised forever. This goodnews, if you’re humble enough to believe it, will give you light and eternal life, and a relationship with the God you dare deny.

In His omnibenevolence, He spreads this message of hope and warning everywhere, even on nairaland. Jesus identifies with every pain, and he offers hope of a good and perfect world, and a free ticket therein.

God bless you.
Re: Good And Evil by LordReed(m): 8:26pm On Feb 25, 2020
He is very omnibenevolent. I’ll explain:

If God eliminated every evil thought from entering your mind and the mind of every human on earth, there would be no free agency, and we would all do good, not because we choose to, but because we are made to. God’s nature is Love, and He would have no meaningful relationship with beings who loved and obeyed Him not from free choice, but from force.

So God chooses to make humans in His image, with a will of their own, and gives them choice. You know about the garden of Eden don’t you? In the garden, humanity chooses to define good and evil for themselves, and sin is born. Humans, by choice, allowed evil to enter this world.

God has been active throughout our history, and He promises to eventually judge rapists and liars and murderers and adulterers in the end, but before the end, He himself enters this broken world full of evil, and even offered up his life, so that those who desire true light and love and righteousness would be forgiven of their sins through Him, and have their very nature’s changed from darkness to light. By choice, they would become reconciled to God and people of righteousness through Jesus Christ.

Jesus’ Spirit is still at work today, birthing life and joy in this world of pain and sorrow, and He will one day judge the living and the dead and crush the darkness of rape and sin forever in hell.

Like it or not, this Simplistic Good news is what we call the gospel, in this world full of suffering, there is hope through Jesus Christ. May His name be praised forever. This goodnews, if you’re humble enough to believe it, will give you light and eternal life, and a relationship with the God you dare deny.

In His omnibenevolence, He spreads this message of hope and warning everywhere, even on nairaland. Jesus identifies with every pain, and he offers hope of a good and perfect world, and a free ticket therein.

God bless you.

You are pivoting to everything but what I asked. I gave a specific scenario, can you answer that? You believe rape is intrinsically wrong so there is no need for an omnibenevolent god to watch it happen. Omnibenevolence dictates that he must intervene or else rape is not intrinsically wrong or he is not omnibenevolent.
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 9:32pm On Feb 25, 2020

You are pivoting to everything but what I asked. I gave a specific scenario, can you answer that? You believe rape is intrinsically wrong so there is no need for an omnibenevolent god to watch it happen. Omnibenevolence dictates that he must intervene or else rape is not intrinsically wrong or he is not omnibenevolent.
I truly hoped that you’d be affected by my preaching in some way...

I addressed everything you asked btw. Didn’t you read what I wrote about the cross and judgement? Toh. I can’t say anything more.

And surely an Omni being will work by His own transcendent wisdom, and He does.
Re: Good And Evil by LordReed(m): 9:50pm On Feb 25, 2020
I truly hoped that you’d be affected by my preaching in some way...

I addressed everything you asked btw. Didn’t you read what I wrote about the cross and judgement? Toh. I can’t say anything more.

And surely an Omni being will work by His own transcendent wisdom, and He does.

When you asked me about rape I answered you straight forward, now its your turn and you bend everywhere but to the question.

If his transcendent wisdom is to ignore rape, then it means rape is not intrinsically bad because he just proved it is on a scale, that there are more important things than preventing a person from being raped.
Re: Good And Evil by jyz200(m): 9:53pm On Feb 25, 2020
To me both good and evil coexist
Just like positive and negative
Night and day
One can't exist without d other
Both need each other for balance
Wat I term evil maybe good to others

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Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 10:05pm On Feb 25, 2020
To me both good and evil coexist
Just like positive and negative
Night and day
One can't exist without d other
Both need each other for balance
Wat I term evil maybe good to others
The fact that something may be accepted as good to others doesn’t make it good.

And good can exist without evil of course.
Re: Good And Evil by jyz200(m): 5:19am On Feb 26, 2020
The fact that something may be accepted as good to others doesn’t make it good.

And good can exist without evil of course.
How is that possible
Can we have only positive Without negative
Can we have only day without Night
Even God have an opposite which devil ,there by creating balance,

It's part of nature
A lion devouring an antelope, it may be evil to d antelope, but good to d lion

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Re: Good And Evil by jyz200(m): 5:19am On Feb 26, 2020
The fact that something may be accepted as good to others doesn’t make it good.

And good can exist without evil of course.

Can God exists without devil
Re: Good And Evil by MrPresident1: 6:11am On Feb 26, 2020
There is no duality between good and evil. One does not exist because of the other, after all, we know that in the kingdom of God, when Jesus returns, there will be no evil.

Satan is a messenger of God, an angel. The one who allows himself to become useful to satan becomes a devil. Everything in the world is action and recompense, there is no coincidence in creation.

Joshthefirst, you called me an enemy of Jesus, I am not. Was Jesus himself not called Beelzebub?

1 Corinthians 15:23
But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.

Stay with Christ, my advice to you. Be unwavering and unshakeable.
Re: Good And Evil by MrPresident1: 6:12am On Feb 26, 2020

Can God exists without devil

Go away!
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 7:26am On Feb 26, 2020

How is that possible
Can we have only positive Without negative
Can we have only day without Night
Even God have an opposite which devil ,there by creating balance,

It's part of nature
A lion devouring an antelope, it may be evil to d antelope, but good to d lion
Where do you get your philosophy?
We can and will have positive without negative, and day without night soon.
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 7:29am On Feb 26, 2020
There is no duality between good and evil. One does not exist because of the other, after all, we know that in the kingdom of God, when Jesus returns, there will be no evil.

Satan is a messenger of God, an angel. The one who allows himself to become useful to satan becomes a devil. Everything in the world is action and recompense, there is no coincidence in creation.

Joshthefirst, you called me an enemy of Jesus, I am not. Was Jesus himself not called Beelzebub?

1 Corinthians 15:23
But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.

Stay with Christ, my advice to you. Be unwavering and unshakeable.
I agree with only the first paragraph. But something seems off about you.

Are you a Christian? Have you had your sins forgiven? If you haven’t, then you’re an enemy of God in your mind through wicked works.
If you have, then you’re my brother, and a Child of God. I apologize.
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 7:30am On Feb 26, 2020

Can God exists without devil
God by definition is self-existent and eternal. He doesn’t need any being to exist. You’re grossly mistaken
Re: Good And Evil by jyz200(m): 8:11am On Feb 26, 2020
God by definition is self-existent and eternal. He doesn’t need any being to exist. You’re grossly mistaken
Where did evil originated from
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 11:02am On Feb 26, 2020

Where did evil originated from
The heart of Lucifer.
Re: Good And Evil by jyz200(m): 3:31pm On Feb 26, 2020
The heart of Lucifer.
Who creates Lucifer
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 6:06pm On Feb 26, 2020

Who creates Lucifer
Lets say you have a son, and he becomes a serial rapist, are you responsible for his raping?
Re: Good And Evil by jyz200(m): 6:08pm On Feb 26, 2020
Lets say you have a son, and he becomes a serial rapist, are you responsible for his raping?
Who create devil
Re: Good And Evil by sonmvayina(m): 7:57pm On Feb 26, 2020
God by definition is self-existent and eternal. He doesn’t need any being to exist. You’re grossly mistaken

Is God a man?
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 8:32pm On Feb 26, 2020

Who create devil
im beginning to think we’re moving in circles here
Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 8:33pm On Feb 26, 2020

Is God a man?
what do you think?
Re: Good And Evil by MrPresident1: 9:14pm On Feb 26, 2020
I agree with only the first paragraph. But something seems off about you.

Are you a Christian? Have you had your sins forgiven? If you haven’t, then you’re an enemy of God in your mind through wicked works.
If you have, then you’re my brother, and a Child of God. I apologize.

You dont need to agree to anything I say and you don't need to apologise for anything.

Stay steadfast in Christ, many devils are abroad, be resolute and unshakeable.
Re: Good And Evil by jyz200(m): 9:28pm On Feb 26, 2020
Lets say you have a son, and he becomes a serial rapist, are you responsible for his raping?
Not really
Lucifer is created by God, and sin(evil) originated from Lucifer
How did Lucifer have that evil thoughts, who tempt him
Since Lucifer is created perfect, then how did evil come over his mind

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Re: Good And Evil by Joshthefirst(m): 9:36pm On Feb 26, 2020

Not really
Lucifer is created by God, and sin(evil) originated from Lucifer
How did Lucifer have that evil thoughts, who tempt him
Since Lucifer is created perfect, then how did evil come over his mind
Good. And there is the answer to your question.

The same way you would not be held responsible for your son if he became a murderous rapist, simply because your son has a will of His own; is the way you should not hold God responsible for Lucifer’s evil. Lucifer has a will of his own. We all do. Almost every time we lie or steal or blaspheme, we do by choice.

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