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How To Contain The Corona Virus - Health - Nairaland

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How To Contain The Corona Virus by supercase1(m): 4:40pm On Feb 25, 2020
The world are in tumoil as this Corona virus is not smiling at all,it's affecting both politicians scientists business men and even the poor men,just as the world look for a cure am dropping this tips and I hope it would be able to tackle this disease if it eventually find its way into nigeria!!!!
*Get ur face mask ready
*get your hand sanitizers ready
there is currently no cure in sight but the following will help in strengthing your ability in resisting the infection
*start taking immune bosters drugs regularly as the virus succeed in infecting those with a weak immune system immune bosters will go a long way in strengthing your immune system
*take vitamins and fruits regularly,as they help in fortifying your body defence systems
*there is a rumour that chloroquine has a chance of curing the infection at early stages,so in case of an infection take chloquine when u noticed early symptoms get chloroquine and also take bitter kola,garlic,onions as these may help in suppressing the infection and help us stand a chance of getting infected

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Re: How To Contain The Corona Virus by Charleys: 4:44pm On Feb 25, 2020
Which one is oxygen mask?
Re: How To Contain The Corona Virus by saymax(f): 4:58pm On Feb 25, 2020
The world are in tumoil as this Corona virus is not smiling at all,it's affecting both politicians scientists business men and even the poor men,just as the world look for a cure am dropping this tips and I hope it would be able to tackle this disease if it eventually find its way into nigeria!!!!
*Get ur face mask ready
*get your hand sanitizers ready
there is currently no cure in sight but the following will help in strengthing your ability in resisting the infection
*start taking immune bosters drugs regularly as the virus succeed in infecting those with a weak immune system immune bosters will go a long way in strengthing your immune system
*take vitamins and fruits regularly,as they help in fortifying your body defence systems
*there is a rumour that chloroquine has a chance of curing the infection at early stages,so in case of an infection take chloquine when u noticed early symptoms get chloroquine and also take bitter kola,garlic,onions as these may help in suppressing the infection and help us stand a chance of getting infected

Are you saying the Chinese do not consume these?
Re: How To Contain The Corona Virus by supercase1(m): 5:09pm On Feb 25, 2020

Are you saying the Chinese do not consume these?
According to report stand a higher chance of getting the virus when your immune system is weak or average in strength the virus mostly affect the elderly due to their weakened immune system
Re: How To Contain The Corona Virus by supercase1(m): 5:10pm On Feb 25, 2020
Which one is oxygen mask?
Face mask I mean sorry for the typo error
Re: How To Contain The Corona Virus by ican2020: 5:22pm On Feb 25, 2020
Always wash your hands with sapele water and sip a little
You will be fine

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