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A Look At The Things Nigerian Women Want Most In 2020 by Tisg(m): 12:13pm On Feb 27, 2020
What do Nigerian Women want most in 2020?

This question is like asking a 3-year-old kid to explain Albert Einstein Theory of Relativity. What you get is a pool of drooling spits.

And like a 3-year-old kid, I would try to scribble down some answers knowing fully well that no matter how right or perfect my attempt to answer this daunting question might be, my answers would almost be wrong three days from now.

Don’t ask me how I know, I mean we are talking about Nigerian women here. What they want, their needs, desires, their hunger, and their drive can change faster than Barry Allen running into the speed force.

Don’t get me wrong, Nigerian women know what they want, they just want many things at different points in their existence.

It’s like when you are hungry and you know you want to eat rice but 5 mins later, you know you want something else and you’d rather murder everyone around you than eat that rice. If you are a guy, you most certainly cannot relate to this but not to worry, our women know what I mean.

So what do our women really want in 2020?

Well for a start, how about you learn to be faithful.

2019 was a year of cheaters and homewreckers. It was like the devil decided he no longer wanted to steal, kill and destroy. Instead, he concentrated all his resources into ensuring these Nigerian men cheat on their wife/girlfriends.

And Men, Let’s not lie. This has been going on way before 2019. The women, I believe no longer want to deal with that nonsense. Stop justifying your penchant to cheat with a flimsy “men are polygamous in nature” excuse, men are not.

Let’s not forget “cooking”. Yes, these women want you to cook. It’s some form of feminist propaganda. They have said, to cook is not a woman’s responsibility and you should learn to at least light the stove and boil a kettle of water for peace to reign.

To be fair, nowhere was it written that it’s a woman’s responsibility to cook and I guess these women have forgotten that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. But, hey, who am I to judge? I’m just here to say what they want.

So men, the next time your in-laws come visiting, take a time out and go to the market, get some soup ingredients and prepare the best meal of your life. Burn the house down if you must but cook. Learn to cook, it is now a husband material requirement.

Finally, and I know its something you all have been expecting. These women want money and I do not mean the “you must be as rich as Dangote and buy me flashy Cars” money.

I mean the “I want to work for my own money while I help you spend the little you have” money. One thing that comes handy with Feminism is that women now see the need to make their own money. “Equality Baby!!!”

Not like it has never been like that but fewer and fewer women are now dependent on the wealth or lack of it of their soul mates. They also want the right to earn for themselves.

And please enough with the Joint accounts, they know its just an excuse to track how much they earn and spend. Unless your woman suggests it herself, don’t bring it up.

And less I forget, the fact that I say these women want to earn their own money doesn’t mean they don’t want to spend yours, no matter how small it is.

In the thought process typical of Nigerian women, they believe helping you spend your own money while saving theirs is the ultimate expression of true love. And who are we to argue?

It is what they want in 2020.

And we must give it to them.


Re: A Look At The Things Nigerian Women Want Most In 2020 by Tisg(m): 7:40pm On Feb 27, 2020

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