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What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? - Jobs/Vacancies (4) - Nairaland

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Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by nobone(f): 2:33pm On Mar 01, 2020
My brother, they downsized. First time, I was lucky not to be affected. But the second time,more than 50% of stall were dropped.

Why did you leave your former place of work, since the pay is better than the current one
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by mechanics(m): 2:41pm On Mar 01, 2020
The job won't last.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by abdeiz(m): 2:48pm On Mar 01, 2020

It has already be signed na to jst forgt the issue till bttr work come. But hope dey gave u an appointment letter shall? This wan wen dey mke person sign sey no more leave again.

Yeah.. We do.. I Don forget the matter.. Me move
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by luluman: 3:24pm On Mar 01, 2020
Nothing, in as much as your name is on the payroll. It gives you an added advantage over others that may be restricted by the codes of conduct in the letter; you can easily claim ignorance of the rules whenever you flout any of it
It also place you at a receiving end if the employer wants to play smart by not giving you any due benefit as a staff.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by mindtricks: 3:37pm On Mar 01, 2020
Must you demand for an appointment letter before starting work?

It's a necessity.
Working without, OYO be your name.
You are better off having it.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by ussv: 3:59pm On Mar 01, 2020
Wetin consain agbero with overload ? Na appointment letter i wan chop abi na monthly Salary ?

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Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by taiwosamwell(m): 5:21pm On Mar 01, 2020

It's a two way thing, what if the "employee" steals and run, the company has no case too.
Still no case
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by pappy4real(m): 6:12pm On Mar 01, 2020
but there is what they called appointment letter which you must collected before you touch any thing in any organization then follow by confirmation letter after successful undergoing training

An invitation for training is not an assurance for employment but just an offer of interest in d person by d company which is subject to performance during training, after successful training, then u get an employment letter which is validated by a subsequent confirmation letter after d agreed probation period.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by themanderon: 6:23pm On Mar 01, 2020
In case of accidental death or permanent disability they can deny you and boy I have seen a place where such happened. The man and his conductor died in an accident while the MD was denying them right before me that they are not his staff. I myself had to Japa from that sick place.
Truth is any organization that does not give you any document to show that you have any dealings with them is not up to any good. You should be wary of them, protect yourself and as a last resort leave them if you can.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by 4four(m): 6:53pm On Mar 01, 2020

An invitation for training is not an assurance for employment but just an offer of interest in d person by d company which is subject to performance during training, after successful training, then u get an employment letter which is validated by a subsequent confirmation letter after d agreed probation period.
this mean different coy with different procedure, where I work, once you passed ur written apt test and oral interview, u given appointment letter which States the duration of your training and conditions that is involves in order for you to be confirm,and subsequently after six months u re given confirmation letter if u performance is OK and can also be extended for three to six month if u do not meet up and after this if not still meet up then ur appointment is terminated. This ur own method is strange to me and only happen in all this unorganized coy, if any thing like accident happen to you while still under training, they can easily denial you
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Legendguru: 7:42pm On Mar 01, 2020
Sack letter
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Babaalajo(m): 8:25pm On Mar 01, 2020
What of someone that doesn't given an appointed or employment letter but he's on the payroll of the company and received his salary through his bank and the alert indicate that company name on it,can that person print his or her statement of account for confirming he's a staff in case if anything happen.....
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Ambassadors: 4:38am On Mar 02, 2020
I have worked somewhere before didn't collect contract or appointment letter and the job I did was to fetch me about 3 million. Till today I haven't been paid. I couldn't approach the court since I don't have an appointment letter that's how bad it is.

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Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by babyfaceafrica: 5:16am On Mar 02, 2020
I have worked somewhere before didn't collect contract or appointment letter and the job I did was to fetch me about 3 million. Till today I haven't been paid. I couldn't approach the court since I don't have an appointment letter that's how bad it is.

Are you serious?
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by In4matic: 6:09am On Mar 02, 2020
I just resumed a job in January, and the director insists on not giving appointment letter. In her words "don't you know appointment letter is an agreement" she hires and fires at will. The pay isn't even fantastic, not up to half of what I was earning in my previous job. I just tire. The annoying thing is that within the short period I've worked, they've seen what I can do. I know the job even more than they that employed me. I am also working with my heart like say na MY father company. It is well.

That's a grave mistake you're making.
It's a lesson I learnt the hard way.

You don't know the job better than the other staff. They just know this RULE which no one has explained to you.

If you continue, you may end up being set up and booted out unceremoniously.
You may not even get
paid for the work you've done.
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by In4matic: 6:20am On Mar 02, 2020
I have worked somewhere before didn't collect contract or appointment letter and the job I did was to fetch me about 3 million. Till today I haven't been paid. I couldn't approach the court since I don't have an appointment letter that's how bad it is.

You still can. though it is tricky. Provided you can show evidence of working there: vouchers /reports you prepared, contracts you signed for on behalf of the form, and evidence of previous payment eg bank alerts etc. Don't let any greedy Shylock go with your money without putting up a fight...

PS. Don't forget to add another 5 Million for General damages and another 2 million for specific damages (this is to cover the cost of litigation).
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Nobody: 11:30am On Mar 02, 2020
first of all there is an express agreement between you and your employer.
1. you can not take any legal action against your employer because no legal/formal relationship subsist between you and your employer pertaining to employment.
2. there will be preferential treatment
3. your employment is not secure
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by Nobody: 11:35am On Mar 02, 2020
What of someone that doesn't given an appointed or employment letter but he's on the payroll of the company and received his salary through his bank and the alert indicate that company name on it,can that person print his or her statement of account for confirming he's a staff in case if anything happen.....

yes it is actionable in the law court
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by osax4pal: 5:11pm On Mar 02, 2020
You have to abide by what is stated on the letter. If it states that before you leave you must give a one month notice,

You mean you can't easily leave if they give you?
Re: What's The Implication Of Working Without An Appointment Letter? by nobone(f): 9:05pm On Mar 05, 2020
You made serious sense. Thanks so much

That's a grave mistake you're making.
It's a lesson I learnt the hard way.

You don't know the job better than the other staff. They just know this RULE which no one has explained to you.

If you continue, you may end up being set up and booted out unceremoniously.
You may not even get
paid for the work you've done.

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