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Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Some Cultural Practices Islam Frowns At In Yorubaland! / Don't let Cultural Challenges make you immodest and vulgar person (2) (3) (4)

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Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by AbuTwins: 11:39am On Mar 04, 2020
Recently, I was amused and at the same time disturbed by the so called Yoruba day celebration as students and pupils adorned our streets with different Yoruba costumes and regalia. They were all celebrating culture and perhaps, traditions.

On the Facebook, thousands of pictures posted by teachers in various schools displaying what they know to be culture and cultural heritage. Some of the events were so 'thrilling' that the essence of the cultural day was abused with all sorts of cultural diffusion and innovations.

What is culture? Culture is material and immaterial aspects of a particular set of people transferred from generation to generation. Culture is both tangible and intangible. For instance, the way dog ear likened cap(fila abetiaja) and Agbada(flowing top) are sewn in Yoruba are cultural and tangible. But, family eulogy (oriki ebi), proverbs (owe) are intangible. Oríkì (Eulogy) can be historical and traditional... Hence, Ikoyi people have eulogy of bravery while Egba people have eulogy based on victory over adversities.

Culture are shared, transmitted, taught, unique and equally a symbol of identification. With a material symbol you can identify the source and people that practises it. Sociologically, some cultural practices die over time, when they had no promoters again, and some non existing cultural practices are picked up due to contact with another culture or through societal growth and development.

Islam has her own culture transmitted to us throughout ages. These cultural practices are backed by Islamic jurisprudential sources.. Quran, Sunnah,opinion of the Sahaabah, individual opinion of a Sahabah, qiyas, Istihsaan, Istislaah, Urf)...Throughout generations, Islam has a robust, unique, and upright cultural practices... These practices are spiritual, some are seen as act of Ibadah and others as integral aspects of a whole Islaam.

Today, Muslims are involved in provision of education under private schools authorisation by the government. The curriculum to be used in these schools is from the government, hence, Muslim schools are expected by the government to exercise one hundred percent compliance. Any contrary position may be viewed as being academic rebellion.

There are different types of Muslims' schools, we have Muslim proprietors' schools, the schools are owned by Muslims but they have no provision for Islaamic programmes and admits all and sundry.

Secondly, we have Islaamic schools, these are equally owned by Muslims that allow Islaamic ethics and etiquettes to have a place in their schools, but the Islaamic activities are used as dragnet to woo Muslim parents to their schools while the real motive of the proprietors are profit making, economic survival instincts and self actualisation. All the interests are purely personal.

The third category are ideological Islaamic schools, these are schools owned and established with the sole aim of Islam advancement. The schools are daawah centres, ideological base, Masaajid for reorientation, reformation and nurturing of Muslim children's soul. It can be compared to welfare home where deviant and delinquent children could be remoulded, guided and reformed.

How could a Muslim school allowed the removal of hijab from her female students all in the name of culture? How could there be intermingling, dancing and drinking of palm wine ? What is cultural in gourd filled with palm wine for under age pupils and students? What is cultural in dancing to Naira Marley's lyrics and beats?

How many Muslims schools bothered to investigate cultural practices before dabbling into it? What is the real meaning of horsetails (Irukere) and beads in Yoruba traditions? What are their evolution and usage? What is the relationship between IFA, Obatala and Irukere? Most Yoruba Muslims destroy their Tawheed on the basis of celebrating cultural practices.

Provision of Islaamic based mundane education is not meant for every Tomiwa, Dike and Haruna. You have to do it base on knowledge and clear intention. Today, some so called Muslim schools and teachers assist students in external examinations. Then, where is Islaam in what they are doing? It is better to remove the apron of Islaamic school from their bodies, so that people can know their true identity.

It is not a crime to promote Yoruba culture, but where it is at variance with Islaamic culture, Islaam takes the lead...Ours is spiritual, social, legal, historical, behavioural and accountable cultural practices, let's be a role model as a our Prophet (may the peace of Allaah be upon him) was a ROLE MODEL for the world. The intangible beliefs of OMOLUABI that are generationally engraved in the heart of Yorubas is an orientation worthy of emulation and promotion rather than ignorance display of fetishistic items, encouragement of Godlessness and promotion of moral laxity.

@Adeotan Tajudeen Abu Mardiyyah

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by AntiChristian: 9:19am On Mar 06, 2020
I love this part most

There are different types of Muslims' schools, we have Muslim proprietors' schools, the schools are owned by Muslims but they have no provision for Islaamic programmes and admits all and sundry.

Secondly, we have Islaamic schools, these are equally owned by Muslims that allow Islaamic ethics and etiquettes to have a place in their schools, but the Islaamic activities are used as dragnet to woo Muslim parents to their schools while the real motive of the proprietors are profit making, economic survival instincts and self actualisation. All the interests are purely personal.

The third category are ideological Islaamic schools, these are schools owned and established with the sole aim of Islaam advancement. The schools are daawah centres, ideological base, Masaajid for reorientation, reformation and nurturing of Muslim children's soul. It can be compared to welfare home where deviant and delinquent children could be remoulded, guided and reformed.

It is not in Islam for us to prostrate in greeting to anyone!

18 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Chronicle222: 9:20am On Mar 06, 2020
. I don't have any negative tot about it as long as its practice is not bidha in tag with religion. Seriously I can't believe any Islamic school can b so low up to the extent that they will be telling dia students to taking off hijab and drinking palm wine. Allahu alam

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by sunshineV(f): 9:20am On Mar 06, 2020
Too much confusion in this country already.

Una go tell me when Islam enter this country sef.

most of y'all can't even speak Arabic clearly

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by madridguy(m): 9:21am On Mar 06, 2020
How could a Muslim school allowed the removal of hijab from her female students all in the name of culture? How could there be intermingling, dancing and drinking of palm wine ? What is cultural in gourd filled with palm wine for under age pupils and students? What is cultural in dancing to Naira Marley's lyrics and beats?

May Allah help and guide us to His path, Ameen.
Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by xtratagem(m): 9:21am On Mar 06, 2020
It's Yoruba cultural day not Arab cultural day. You can simply send your children to Mecca if you're not pleased.

182 Likes 16 Shares

Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by SouthNigerian: 9:22am On Mar 06, 2020
Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Romanoff(f): 9:23am On Mar 06, 2020
I had to accept your disclaimer to comment on this picture, not cause I meant to throw any religious jabs but just to break the rule.

If there's no disclaimer in Christian posts, why is there one here?

Cc lalasticlala

Please, answer me.

78 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by drips8(m): 9:23am On Mar 06, 2020
Islamic culture is actually Arab culture.

62 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by AbuTwins: 9:24am On Mar 06, 2020
I had to accept your disclaimer to comment on this picture, not cause I meant to throw any religious jabs but just to break the rule.

If there's no disclaimer in Christian posts, why is there one here?

Cc lalasticlala

Please, answer me.

Hold on you will soon see the reasons from the non-Muslims!

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by totowunmido: 9:26am On Mar 06, 2020
I had to accept your disclaimer to comment on this picture, not cause I meant to throw any religious jabs but just to break the rule.

If there's no disclaimer in Christian posts, why is there one here?

Cc lalasticlala

Please, answer me.
don't mind them


Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Sormeh: 9:27am On Mar 06, 2020
I'd have loved to read it all but...

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Nobody: 9:29am On Mar 06, 2020
How could a Muslim school allowed the removal of hijab from her female students all in the name of culture? How could there be intermingling, dancing and drinking of palm wine ? What is cultural in gourd filled with palm wine for under age pupils and students? What is cultural in dancing to Naira Marley's lyrics and beats?

May Allah help and guide us to His path, Ameen.
Oga,in turkey hijab is not allowed in public places,go to schools and see evils perpetrated by Muslim girls wearing burga

63 Likes 1 Share

Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Wickedtruths: 9:29am On Mar 06, 2020
Can a Yoruba Muslim be the spiritual head of Muslims in Nigeria? No
Can a Yoruba Christian be the Pope? No

Keep carrying borrowed religion on your head. Foolish people.
You people swear by your Holy books and still steal in the workplace and engage in different evil acts.

I dare any of you to swear by Ogun, Sopona or Ayelala and steal.

80 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by King44(m): 9:31am On Mar 06, 2020
This days most people don't have common sense to differentiate between religion and culture not a single atom of common sense


Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by REMMEI(m): 9:35am On Mar 06, 2020
If you don't know religion is embedded in culture, if you don't know that Islam is an Arabic culture then I can see the reason why you are so lost and made to believe your own very culture doesn't worth a thing.

Lost identities and misplaced priorities everywhere.

74 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by sofiscatedmoron: 9:36am On Mar 06, 2020
Its Yoruba Muslims again grin

17 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Newnas(m): 9:36am On Mar 06, 2020

There are different types of Muslims' schools, we have Muslim proprietors' schools, the schools are owned by Muslims but they have no provision for Islaamic programmes and admits all and sundry.

Secondly, we have Islaamic schools, these are equally owned by Muslims that allow Islaamic ethics and etiquettes to have a place in their schools, but the Islaamic activities are used as dragnet to woo Muslim parents to their schools while the real motive of the proprietors are profit making, economic survival instincts and self actualisation. All the interests are purely personal.

The third category are ideological Islaamic schools, these are schools owned and established with the sole aim of Islaam advancement. The schools are daawah centres, ideological base, Masaajid for reorientation, reformation and nurturing of Muslim children's soul. It can be compared to welfare home where deviant and delinquent children could be remoulded, guided and reformed.

It is not in Islam for us to prostrate in greeting to anyone!

Apt and concise

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Skillsnigeria: 9:37am On Mar 06, 2020
grin Islamophobia,the religion of �

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Newnas(m): 9:37am On Mar 06, 2020
Muslims should stop accommodating unIslamic acts.

Dear Muslim scholars and entreprenuers, could you please quit the islamization of thrash?!

Today, there's barely no anti-islamic act that you won't find one 'scholar' or popular speaker promoting. From alcohol to fornication and even idolatory! Just pick the mic to speak against gambling and some so-called islamic scholars will jump up and start calling you names; he's not tolerant, he's too backward, he's too this and that. They'll even quote the Quran and hadith to backup what they know isn't islamic.

See, if you want to fornicate because the Nigerian law permits it and you can't control yourself, please go ahead without trying to justify your fornication with verses from the Quran. At least that way you will be commiting just one sin of disobedience. But trying to prove what is halal to haram or vice versa makes your sin two. Rather it is an act of disbelief.

And one of the reasons for the widespread of this is the widespread of ignorance and ignorant speakers.

A bigger reason is that many 'scholars' are willing to sell their hereafter and integrity for a crumb of this world. Imagine a 'cleric' whose sponsor works in a conventional bank, definitely he's never going to say interest and usury is anti-islamic.

The worst are those clerics that follow politicians. The only islam most of them have is their cap.

We ask Allaah for safety.

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Nobody: 9:38am On Mar 06, 2020
Seun. Why is this post on the Frontpage while It's blatantly anti-yoruba culture. I understand the need to be religious but we are yoruba first before anything else.

Trying to be islamic than the Arabs is slave mentality. Free yourself

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by osuofia2(m): 9:38am On Mar 06, 2020

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by MZrapper(f): 9:41am On Mar 06, 2020
What sort of primitive thinking is this one? You wrote this nonsense because of one single moment of displaying one's cultural heritage in the whole of the 365 days we have to observe our Islamic rites?
What has this harmless disposition got to do with our faith in Allah?
Shame on whomsoever pushed this to front page.
Most of our Islamic doctrines are even Arabs' culture, what will you say about that?
Confused extremist.

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Xisnin(m): 9:43am On Mar 06, 2020
Arab Supremacists hiding under religion.
Islam has no culture but rules inspired by Arabian culture.

Many of the acts being enforced as "Islamic" these days do not exist in the time of Muhamad.
They were rulings created by "scholars" who supposedly know better than others even though
they are mere mortals with no divine inspirations.

Islam is said to be complete at the time of Muhammad's death yet the "guardians" of
Islam has no problem following the reforms and teachings of radical Mullahs that agrees with their Islamic interpretation.
How ironic for those who preach "pure" Islam?

These Wahhabists and Salafists group claim to be against innovation in all forms but it is all lies
they innovate mindlessly to control and coerce others to follow their ways.

This is why I laugh at the ignoramus who thinks Islam is Islam and paint it with one brush when a cursory look will reveal that
it is as different as the people and place it is being practiced. Of course, fanatics will call others fake Muslims and condemn
their way of life because they want everyone to follow their sect/cult's rules.

They will condemn other sects such as Shiite and Sufi's for innovation while freely making up new rules on how people should live.
Even among the Arabs, there are tribes with distinct identities and cultures.

Religion is a function of the practicing society regardless of where it comes from, whenever foreign interests become its focus,
the eventual result is conflict and the rise of Boko haram and ISIS

The rise of these dangerous elements in the SW should be a call for concern. It mimics the pattern of the rise of AlQaeda, ISIS and Boko haram who hates anything "non-Islamic".

There is nothing wrong with the Yoruba cultural day. Too bad one can't change their ethnic group. If anyone is ashamed of being a non-Arab, they are free to migrate to Arab countries to serve their masters.

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Chamber2000: 9:44am On Mar 06, 2020
Metaphysical Staffoforayan oodua1stson solmus you people should come and take a side now between yoruba culture or Islamic Arabia culture


Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Ykc2(m): 9:48am On Mar 06, 2020
You go to mecca to kiss a black stone then proceed to throw stone at devil but your angry that children are holding horse tail on yoruba cultural day?assuming Chinese came to yoruba land with their religion buhddasim before Usman danfodio came with Islam today you will be defending buhddasim putting on yellow and red robe like Buddhist monk,if horsetail is evil then no oba in yoruba land supposed to be a Muslim

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by Nobody: 9:50am On Mar 06, 2020
Slaves. Islam is another man's culture m. Islam is idolatry just like yoruba traditional worship. What makes you think Islamic Arabic idolatry more Pius and holy than that of your ancestors? They're all Bullshits but isn't it more sensible to follow the bullshit of your ancestors?

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Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by madridguy(m): 9:51am On Mar 06, 2020
What you're saying is different from the writer observation.


Oga,in turkey hijab is not allowed in public places,go to schools and see evils perpetrated by Muslim girls wearing burga
Re: Muslim Schools And Yoruba Cultural Day by isram: 9:51am On Mar 06, 2020
you guys are always looking for rubbish to post,everything na sin to una

seun the islamic fanatic

NONSENSE people that makes women slaves,in this heat they will dress like ninjas while the men can wear what they like.

WAKE UP GUYS......one man took the Bible edited it to favour only men

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