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Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by coded777: 5:19pm On Dec 21, 2010
Thats if there is any at all.
I haven't debated this with anyone.
How effective can a promise make, are there consequences for breaking a promise made to a spouse or girlfriend knowingly or unknowingly?
It baffles atimes when i see how highly dependent gals are with promises, they want you to just PROMISE them at all cost that you won't break their hearts and the sort after which they feel protected, my girl made me promise her that i wont break her heart, now
it makes me ponder if promise is same as 'Love Covenant' (LC),
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by Kelvinj(m): 5:53pm On Dec 21, 2010
Well in life never make promises u cant keep period!!!!promises are just meant 2 be kept
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by HTownEve(f): 6:04pm On Dec 21, 2010
What if she breaks yours?
Make the promises you think you can keep.  If you ever have to break a promise, make sure you tell the person involved why.
You want to be happy or at least have peace of mind in a relationship.  You cannot make someone else happy when you are not.
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by Nobody: 6:08pm On Dec 21, 2010

Thats if there is any at all.
I haven't debated this with anyone.
How effective can a promise make, are there consequences for breaking a promise made to a spouse or girlfriend knowingly or unknowingly?
It baffles atimes when i see how highly dependent gals are with promises, they want you to just PROMISE them at all cost that you won't break their hearts and the sort after which they feel protected, my girl made me promise her that i wont break her heart, now
it makes me ponder if promise is same as 'Love Covenant' (LC),
promises is like the law
keep them and be safe
break them and face the consequences period.

i try to keep the ones i make
but i'm not God so i do break a few, heheheh grin
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by pw2009(m): 8:05pm On Dec 21, 2010
Personally, I think one should be careful about making a promise cos it not a must for you to make one. Just be your self period, cool
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by livedit(f): 8:44pm On Dec 21, 2010
Some circumstances can happen beyond your control, in that case.  You can be forgiven if you break a promise (or at least you should).  However, if you are known to make promises and don't keep them then your word won't mean nothing to no one.  Your word should be bond.  Therefore, IF you KNOW that you are going to make a promise you can't possibly keep or unsure of, it's best not to make it. Because you are basically making the commitment saying: I will do/say yada yada.  Be a person of great integrity.  I'm a woman of her word and it will take me a whole lot to make me go back on my word.  So my family and friends know, if I say so, it will be. 

@Coded777 I'm sorry to say, but making a promise that some guy/gal won't break your heart sounds a bit crazy.  Nothing is guaranteed and anything can happen. God forbid. So making a commitment like that was a little "off".
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by iice(f): 4:38am On Dec 22, 2010
Don't make promises you cannot keep. . .Simple undecided
For me, yes there are consequences for breaking promises. So 98% of the time, i don't believe promises. . .people are not people of their words anyways so it's all chimes in the wind.
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by billybaby: 12:12pm On Dec 22, 2010
Every Promise one made in life is binding in that a promise unfulfilled is a sin against God and humanity. So many have blocked their ways in life because of certain unfulfilled promises to fellow human beings. The worst aspect of them all is any promise made to God and the second, is the one made to a clear conscience person whose hands are clean in all ramifications.
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by Ify55(m): 12:53pm On Dec 22, 2010
promises are modernized oaths. Wey make dem some times unconciously and definately have side effects.
In relationships, promises are mostly smashed espectially when d conji is high and could only b  prevented by controlling our emotions
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by turboman(m): 2:29pm On Dec 22, 2010
Ify 55:

promises are modernized oaths. Wey make dem some times unconciously and definately have side effects.
In relationships, promises are mostly smashed espectially when d conji is high and could only b  prevented by controlling our emotions

[size=15pt]What promise are you referring to?

"I will . . . . . . . ."


"I promise i will . . . . . . . . ."
[/size] grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by otukpo(f): 2:39pm On Dec 22, 2010
not keeping to promises erodes trust.
Don't ever make a promise u can't keep.
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by duality(m): 2:42pm On Dec 22, 2010
since i joined nigeria politics i learnt not to keep all promises
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by Dsense(m): 2:44pm On Dec 22, 2010
A promise is a debt . . . . . . .
The unfulfiled ones are very consequential . , , Beware!!!
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by Nobody: 5:43pm On Dec 22, 2010
promises are like employment, depending on what you do and how the "company" goes, will determine if youkeep that job or not. expecting to stay in that job regardless of what happens there is  lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed

any gal who ask you not to break her heart is a fool and you should let her know that exactly. unless you are a demon who can foresee the future, how the hell can you promise something as silly as that?
what you should tell this gal is:" as much as i am never gonna break your heart intentionally, i do not know what the future brings and, event in our relationship will dictate what i do towards you. expecting me to do whatever YOU want to please you is, not only brainless, but childish"
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by coded777: 6:11pm On Dec 22, 2010
@MrBownJAy my guess is we've never had any issues on this forum before now that warranted you calling an anonymous being a 'fool'. inasmuch as i like your post it makes much sense. Thanks for contributing^^  I bid you to reverse that statement, pls. there're better ways to express your opinion without openly calling people names especially unknown
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by MRBrownJ: 7:05pm On Dec 22, 2010
^^^bro, if what i wrote above offended you then accept my apologies, as it was not my intention.
as for my comment, saying that people act in foolish ways should not be viewed as an insult, but i could have used NOT WISE/SENSELESS or DEFICIENT IN JUDGMENT and it would mean exactly the same thing.
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by davedozz(m): 9:00pm On Dec 22, 2010

Thats if there is any at all.
I haven't debated this with anyone.
How effective can a promise make, are there consequences for breaking a promise made to a spouse or girlfriend knowingly or unknowingly?
It baffles atimes when i see how highly dependent gals are with promises, they  want you to just PROMISE them at all cost that you won't break their hearts and the sort after which they feel protected, my girl made me promise her that i wont break her heart, now
it makes me ponder if promise is same as 'Love Covenant' (LC),

NEMESIS grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin [list]
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by Ify55(m): 12:15am On Dec 23, 2010

[size=15pt]What promise are you referring to?

"I will . . . . . . . ."


"I promise i will . . . . . . . . ."
[/size] grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
i will, I promise, All has thesame meaning.
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by coded777: 12:20am On Dec 23, 2010
MrBrown, u're efficient.

@daveozz it nt what you think. tell me u've never made a single promise to any one ever in ur whole existence, its obvious you dont seem to understand the question posed.
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by tunde247: 9:15am On Dec 25, 2010
bad bad bad
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by Nobody: 9:30am On Dec 25, 2010
promises just like rules are made to be broken, cool
Re: Effects Of Failed Promise(s) by Fearcom(m): 9:41am On Dec 25, 2010
". . . . . .cos in this world of pain and sorrow. . . . . .were a promise won't hold truuuuuueeeeee. . . . .here's a promise you can be sure of. . . .i'll be faithfull to youuu. . . . ."-Don Williams. grin grin grin grin

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