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I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? - Romance - Nairaland

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I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Nobody: 5:18pm On Mar 08, 2020
Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Akinowon123(m): 5:21pm On Mar 08, 2020
It's not a problem. I stand to be corrected, I think it's normal

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Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Nobody: 5:23pm On Mar 08, 2020
Hello guys! I will need some help.

One major problems that I have is that I feel too attached to a girl at the wooing and early phase of a relationship. How do I get over this? Please share your experience.
Go and study ubunja miseducation.. thank me later.

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Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Nobody: 5:24pm On Mar 08, 2020
It's not a problem. I stand to be corrected, I think it's normal
Who is this? It’s a problem not normal .
Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by yomi007k(m): 5:31pm On Mar 08, 2020

Go and study ubunja miseducation.. thank me later.

Learnered collegeau. grin


Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Nobody: 5:40pm On Mar 08, 2020

Learnered collegeau. grin
Ok next time
Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Nobody: 5:47pm On Mar 08, 2020


Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by MJBOLT: 6:11pm On Mar 08, 2020
it's a big problem

It's not a problem. I stand to be corrected, I think it's normal

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Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by MJBOLT: 6:12pm On Mar 08, 2020
ubunja miseducation threads will mess up your head,search for HARDDON and start reading his dating drill thread.

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Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Ytea(f): 6:15pm On Mar 08, 2020

I actually thought it wasn’t a problem until a recent event drew my attention to it. I just broke up with my girlfriend because I care too much about her. Sadly, the relationship is not even up to six months. According to her, “I want too much closeness and care too much “. This has made me to lose many good girls.

My parents divorced even before I was born because none could show care and love to each other. I grew up shaped by that; that I am to show love and care to my partner or even a potential partner. But it seems I learned the wrong thing out of my parents failed marriage. I really just want to get over this trait.
So sorry about your parents. What you feel is not a problem, may you meet who'll want and appreciate it soon. You've just been taught subconsciously or consciously not to make the mistake of your parents, maybe due to the not so palatable experience that came with being raised in a separated family. Your soul wants balance, it seeks something solid that's why you feel you care to much.
Some people just do not like being closed upon, they want their space and they can't tolerant the idea of being crowded, while some feed on attention, they crave and want it, it doesn't overwhelm them. May you meet the one for you soon.

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Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Nobody: 6:32pm On Mar 08, 2020
So sorry about your parents. What you feel is not a problem, may you meet who'll want and appreciate it soon. You've just been taught subconsciously or consciously not to make the mistake of your parents, maybe due to the not so palatable experience that came with being raised in a separated family. Your soul wants balance, it seeks something solid that's why you feel you care to much.
Some people just do not like being closed upon, they want their space and they can't tolerant the idea of being crowded, while some feed on attention, they crave and want it, it doesn't overwhelm them. May you meet the one for you soon.
i disagree with the bolded tho.
Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Nobody: 6:36pm On Mar 08, 2020
I agree with Ytea. Unconsciously, your personality has been shaped by your negative experience growing up in a seperated family. You don't want the same thing to happen with your relationship and it's completely understandable. That's the exact reason i dread the thought of getting married. The fear of making a mistake...
It's a problem thought. No matter what, even if you meet a woman who craves attention more that the oxygen she breathes, your over_caring would in one way or the other ruin some thing. Everyone wants their personal space...

As for stopping, i think it would be best if you accept the gospel truth that you ain't your parents. Fear pushes us to do the very thing that would hurt us. Like the paradox of the oracle. It warns you, but in taking action against the future, one ends up creating it.
You should try to be conscious of your emotions.

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Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Cleanworld(f): 6:36pm On Mar 08, 2020
Take your time to fall in love. make sure that the one you want to fall for want you badly as well. Make a criteria list of what you want in a woman.
You will find the one that want you for who you are and be patience in your dealing knowing your weakness


Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by seedretainer: 6:37pm On Mar 08, 2020
Women don't love as men. Movies love is unrealistic and fake. They need little space to miss you before they are truly in love with you. When you text, call and visit her every single time it makes her loose interest in you. When you over compliment, worship her buy her gifts unnecessary she interpretes it not as love but as being clingy. Thats her role. She wants to chase you. Why you as a man withdraw and focus on your purpose. Let her wonder where you are? What are you doing? Who are you with? That makes her really love you. Let her be the one to call you mostly just be patient she will call. When she does come to visit be unpredictable ALWAYS make her experience one new fun thing when she comes see you, a game, a place not expensive but with lots of physical play and fun. Women are like kids. Dont tell her you love her, SHOW HER. Telling her scare her away just make everything fun light. Do not push. She wants to feel she loved you on her own. While being a man focus on your business, friends, family. Let her talk 80% and you talk 20%. Lead her. Women want a man who can lead, they want to follow. Decide the topic of discussion, the activity you guys will do.DECIDE EVERYTHING just adjust a little from her suggestions. Say NO to her atleast once in a month. She loves it subciously when her man CAN disagree with her sometimes and has his own opinion. DO NOT BE YES MAN! Needy or begging for affection. She wants to win you like a prize, let het chase you. Then reward her with a fantastic time only when she chases you. Rarely compliment her and not her body something good she did. It will send the message that you are qualifying her and make her love you more. You know why? Every other guy is complimenting her looks. Rarely do that. Otherwise you look cheap. Disappear for some days be mysterious go improve your business. Never agree to see her the very day she wants it move it to next day. BE THE MAN. Lastly focus on YOU. Always be playful and happy even without her NEVER GET ANGRY or emotional be a man and be masculine strong and fatherly. She will be soft and sweet and feminine. Call her less often, end conversations when its very interesting it makes her want you more. Talk maximum off 3 minutes on phone and that should only be to set up a physical date. DONT CHAT HER UP ON SOCIAL MEDIA.l OR TEXT HER GOOD MORNING OR GOODNIGHT. LET MISS U AND CALL U. Invite her over and play as friends. But let your body language show u are interested in her BUT NOT desperate. Send her to do stuff for you. And dont spend much money on her unless she is your wife. She will know u arent buying her up. Continue like this until she pesters you for relationship. She should be emotional not you. MASCULINITY IS STRONG. IT ATTRACTS FEMINITY SOFT, CLINGY AND EMOTIONAL. IF YOU ARE SOFT SHE WILL RUN. BUILD UR HAPPY WORLD LET THE WOMAN FEEL LIKE SHE WILL BE A FOOL TO MISS OUT FROM THIS HARDWORKING FOCUSED AND HAPPY MAN. Focus on YOU. She wanna brag with you so increase your value.


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Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by ubunja(m): 6:37pm On Mar 08, 2020
ubunja miseducation threads will mess up your head,search for HARDDON and start reading his dating drill thread.
Our content is not for the faint at heart.
Only guys in need of a hard reset enter the Miseducations.

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Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by XhosaNostra(f): 6:42pm On Mar 08, 2020
Whatever you do, don't become a hardened, psychopathic headcase. I doubt people like that have any joy in their lives. Allow yourself a few pleasures in life, one of them being the ability to love. It's a wonderful feeling when reciprocated. However, do learn to master your emotions. Detach when you have to & you should do just fine.


Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Nobody: 6:43pm On Mar 08, 2020
Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by MJBOLT: 6:46pm On Mar 08, 2020
keep telling yourself that
Our content is not for the faint at heart. Only guys in need of a hard reset enter the Miseducations.

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Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Nobody: 6:51pm On Mar 08, 2020

Thank you. I have been going through some useful contents there.
You are welcome. After reading ubunja post your life will never remain the same again and make sure you put them
Into practice.
Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Nobody: 6:55pm On Mar 08, 2020
ubunja miseducation threads will mess up your head,search for HARDDON and start reading his dating drill thread.
Don’t say that. The only he need now is ubunja teaches . red pills for life.
Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by ubunja(m): 6:57pm On Mar 08, 2020
keep telling yourself that

Says a guy who believes the same things that ubunja teaches... I wonder what gets over you sometimes...

there's nothing like true love,people are only in relationships for their own benefits.

love is overrated and cannot last forever.

is that not what you ladies love to hear?most of you do not appreciate honest men.

all this girls up there telling lies,they will go after the guy that does not love them and use the guy that loves them to pass away time

i have seen it happen many times,the guy that care,adore,loves,treat a lady well always end up in the friendzone while the other guy will get all the love,care and attention from the girl


Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by ubunja(m): 6:59pm On Mar 08, 2020
Whatever you do, don't become a hardened, psychopathic headcase. I doubt people like that have any joy in their lives. Allow yourself a few pleasures in life, one of them being the ability to love. It's a wonderful feeling when reciprocated. However, do learn to master your emotions. Detach when you have to & you should do just fine.

there's nothing like true love,people are only in relationships for their own benefits.


Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by Nobody: 7:02pm On Mar 08, 2020

Says a guy who believes the same things that ubunja teaches... I wonder what gets over you sometimes...

He is not a good person instead of him to save the guy he wants to destroy the guy by going against.
Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by XhosaNostra(f): 7:02pm On Mar 08, 2020

HAHAHA. I live life strictly by my own rules, papa. Tell that to your pathetic, sycophantic boy choir of rejects.

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Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by MJBOLT: 7:05pm On Mar 08, 2020
what you teach and what i believe are 2 different things


Says a guy who believes the same things that ubunja teaches... I wonder what gets over you sometimes...

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Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by ubunja(m): 7:07pm On Mar 08, 2020

He is not a good person instead of him to save the guy he wants to destroy the guy by going against.

he's even going against the truth he himself once spoke. Smh. Today's men...


Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by ubunja(m): 7:09pm On Mar 08, 2020
what you teach and what i believe are 2 different things

don't argue with your own comments.


Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by galadima77(m): 7:10pm On Mar 08, 2020
Our content is not for the faint at heart.
Only guys in need of a hard reset enter the Miseducations.

Those who have read and could relate to the 'miseducations' know better.

You must learn to ignore some comments, pls.
Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by MJBOLT: 7:11pm On Mar 08, 2020
my comments do not see ladies as sex objects,your miseducations does undecided

don't argue with your own comments.


Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by ubunja(m): 7:11pm On Mar 08, 2020

HAHAHA. I live life strictly by my own rules, papa. Tell that to your pathetic, sycophantic boy choir of rejects.
if you feel like your point can only be made by adding insults then Im sorry for your loss of femininity.


Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by ubunja(m): 7:14pm On Mar 08, 2020
my comments do not see ladies as sex objects,your miseducations does undecided

So do you

play along,when she show up for the money,f*ck sense into her


Re: I Feel Too Attached In A Relationship. How Do I Get Over It? by XhosaNostra(f): 7:18pm On Mar 08, 2020
if you feel like your point can only be made by adding insults then Im sorry for your loss of femininity.

Oh please stop it, that doesn't work on me. My "frame" is strong grin I'm not on the internet looking for validation. I'll be as masculine as I want to be because I'm not here looking for a boyfriend. Copy that!

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