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Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) - Religion - Nairaland

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Baby With Heart Condition Completely Healed. See Photos + Testimony / T.B Joshua Heals Crippled Man At Mexican Crusade (Photos) / Miracles Are Still Real:true Life Story Of Suwimon Panyangarm A Living Testimony (2) (3) (4)

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Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by kris2glo: 4:07pm On Dec 27, 2010
Crippled Up Then Healed

I want to tell you for certain that we do serve a miracle working God that is a Divine Healer.

I was 26 years old, was married since age 18, and had two small children, ages 5 and 6. We were Catholic ever since my family originated, because we never thought to search, we just were "spoon-fed" "believers". I started getting very sick, starting with pain and a limp. This condition progressed to the point that I was crippled up and could not breathe, and had no energy, but only extreme pain throughout my body.

My husband was trying to go to school and work and he had to help me and take care of us all. It was very difficult times for us. The climax was when the doctor told me to get my affairs in order because, at age 28, I was going to die and had less than a year to live. He told us not to loose hope because someone might find a cure.

My husband was a film collector and used to show movies to children's groups and churches. He showed the Life of Christ to this little congregation at a Baptist Church. He was one nervous Catholic, because they were a pentecostal congregation! This precious man, whom we call Brother Joe, witnessed to my husband that night and led him to the Lord. He asked us both to come to service that Sunday. He said we should come up to the altar for prayer. When we walked in that day, he motioned for us to sit with him. They were singing "I Surrender All".

Something moved in my heart and the tears started to flow. I never heard the song before, but I was singing the words. I raised my hands, and I felt a hand reach inside of me, I jerked, because that "hand" ripped the sickness out of me! I heard a sound like contact paper being spread apart. I screamed and I was crying. My husband said I get too emotional and he wasn't going to bring me anymore. But I knew I was not sick any more. I didn't know to say I was healed. At Columbia Hospital on record my healing is recorded! The doctor, after treating me for the flu two months later, said."Well, we either treated you wrong for two years or you got a miracle! We got a Miracle! Praise the Lord

Carolyn Madden
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by Joagbaje(m): 4:44pm On Dec 27, 2010
Thanks for sharing these great testimony, but is it possible to have a link to the source?
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by JeSoul(f): 6:53pm On Dec 27, 2010

you're not allowed to spam the section with countless topics. Please post all your testimonies on one thread, others will be subject to deletion.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by e36991: 7:06pm On Dec 27, 2010


you're not allowed to spam the section with countless topics.

Please post all your testimonies on one thread, others will be subject to deletion.


Same I was thinking too and that he can append or align them on one single "Miracles Are Still Real " thread title

This one too needs taken care of:
Miracles Are Still Real (healing From Trigmineal Neuralgia)

PS: Thought our fav mod was on a festive period break . . .

Happy New Year in advance JeSoul  wink
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by JeSoul(f): 7:12pm On Dec 27, 2010
^Thank you oh my dear smiley

I have been on a break of sorts - running on 4 days. I figured I'd check in and not leave all the load on MMW smiley.

How you dey now? how was Christmas? I wish you a fantastic new year ahead, full of joy and contentment. Amen oh smiley
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by cemehere: 6:12am On Dec 28, 2010
Praise God, that was indeed a miracle and we give God thanks for that.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by kris2glo: 8:31am On Dec 28, 2010
Gods work - No pain

Hello I'm now a 22 year old girl. Many years ago i started to get stomach pain and it came and left. Soon it started to get worse. And i didn't go to the doctor because it wasn't that bad at the beginning. Its just the type of person i am. I don't eat painkillers unless its really bad. I don't take medicine unless its really bad. I don't cry if unless its really bad. So i didn't go to the doctor because it was pain only a few times and not so often. But it got worse and worse and i couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.

And the few people i told told me to go to the doctor and i didn't want to go there. Maybe a year past by and soon it started to bleed when i went to the toilet. First time i was really scared and i thought tomorrow i will have to go to the doctor, but the morning after it didn't bleed and i didn't have any pain. So i didn't go to doctor, why should i? I'm not sic any more.

So it went a few months and it started to bleed again. And i didn't want to go to the doctor so i did some fast not honest pray to god, it went like this: Oh god please heel me it hurt so much i think i will start cry. And i wasn't even sure god existed so i didn't even believe anything would happen. Nest time it started to bleed i ate some painkillers. And time went by and i refused to go to the doctor.

I one day asked a true christian man in church to pray for my stomach pain and i told the man that i had so much pain and it was bleeding and i wanted it to go away. He told me lots of stuff that god wanted to tell me. That he loves me even if i don't believe it. I was so happy because he answered some stuff i been asking god. After i realized he never started to pray for my sickness. So i went home again and this time i was thinking god doesn't heel people.
I didn't want to go to church and i still didn't want to go to a hospital. I asked my friends what they thought was wrong with me, and i thought i had the answer, what my pain was. So i called a doctor over the phone and said i think i have this sickness and i have these symptoms. The pain was so often and painful so i some times told god to just kill me.

The doctor on the phone told me to go to the pharmacy and get some medicine for my sickness, so i did. And i treated my self with this medicine for around 3 months. And it didn't help. So i went to church and asked people to pray away the sickness and that didn't help either.

So i thought if god existed I'm sure he doesn't want to heel me. So i waited for someone to say anyone with this sickness can come up and get prayed for. I waited and waited and if people said someone with stomach pain, i didn't thought it was detailed enough. I was sure it was plenty people with stomach problem, i wanted them to call out more detailed about my sickness.

I waited and waited and waited. And was thinking GOD why are you not calling for me, when you see I'm in pain. I again thought god didn't love me. I one day thought i was going to die when i was on the toilet and the water was filled with dark red blood!! Then i went to the hospital were people enter were they have something that cant wait ( like car accidents, people who cut there arms of and stuff, in Swedish we call it akuten, and i cant find the English word for that.)

I explained to the doctor in the desk i was really sick and she first didn't want to let me in because i don't look that sick and she wanted me to get a appointment instead. But finally they let me get examined. Then another doctor put tools in my ass and it hurts like crazy so i started to cry and said please stop! After some minutes of crying he didn't even find anything. And i was really sad and also a bit angry. The tools gave me so much pain and then the doctor didn't find ANYTHING. I thought i would never go back to the doctors who are trying to give me so much pain I'm screaming.

The doctor who put the tools in my ass then said i should take more medicine! And i told him i already taken that medicine at it didn't work. I went home really angry and with tears in my face and was thinking what a evil doctor. A few months after the hospital gave me a new appointment to a doctor that was specialized on stomachs and they also decided to put the tools in my ass. And i was so afraid because i remembered how it felt the last time.

I was thinking NOT AGAIN! They did the tools check and i cried a lot again. After they saw that i had a hole inside of me that was bleeding and every time i was going to the toilet it riped open and gave me huge pain. Then the doctors gave me new medicine because the old one was to heel a sickness i didn't had at all and the medicine was a a complete waste because it didn't heel the bleeding i had inside my body. The new medicine for the bleeding was pills you should stick inside your ass 4 times a day for 3 weeks.

I didn't take them because it gave me so much pain to put them inside. Instead i went to church and asked them to ask god to heel my bleeding, now when i knew it was another sickness. My bleeding and pain started to be more rare. And i didn't want to go to the doctors again, all day say is eat more medicine and everything will be fine. I don't really think they understand how it hurts inside of me and i feel like they don't care. Though i thought it was embarrassing to tell people that my ass was bleeding when i had to go to the bathroom, so i didn't ask a lot of people to pray for me because i thought it was embarrassing. Now it been maybe 4 years i had these pains, i cant really remember when it started i was maybe 16 or 17 years old when small pains started and I'm now 22. Its a bit scary when i now knew the pain came from a hole inside my even if it didn't always bleed it did often give me pain.

In the beginning it gave me pain not even once a moth in the end it gave me every time i had to go to the toilet. Last month i went to CA, redding and the bethel school and many people give me words from god. And they told me lots of stuff from god but they didn't ask me if i wanted to to pray about. Then one girl asked me is there anything special you want to pray for, and i felt like it was god who wanted to heel my bleeding and stop the pain. We prayed together and she felt like god told her i will heel you because of my love to you(me).

I was happy and the pain didn't come until today and i went to the toilet and then it started to give me pain and i was thinking oh not again and i started to cry in pains and i was thinking maybe i will go to bed early Tonight. But i stayed up longer i still had lots of pain. Then before i went to bed i had to go to the toilet again. And once it starts to bleed it get worse if yo had to go again.

And so i cried even worse the second time today. I dent went to my bed and was thinking i have to talk with some friends online to make me less sad. So i logged in and one of my friends were online and i asked him to pray for me and he did and the pain started to disappear as i told him why i needed some heeling. He then started to pray and all the pain was gone. Even if i would have taken painkiller to go to sleep the pain wouldn't never gone away that fast. God really helped me so i wouldn't cry my self to sleep.

Now I'm really happy. I hope it never starts to bleed again. If it does i will pray again and again until its completely gone. Also i want to say my faith has grown much stronger the past month. and the past weeks i did believe that god could heel me. Maybe that's why he took away my pain now, I'm not sure. I'm just very happy. God thank you for taking care of me. And if someone is reading this God Loves even if you don't believe in him and seek god and you will find him. Sorry for bad spelling English is not my native language
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by KunleOshob(m): 9:22am On Dec 28, 2010
I am certain this kris2glo character is another I.D for one of the regular CE patrons on this forum chief suspect is the usual suspect uncle joe
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by Joagbaje(m): 10:07am On Dec 28, 2010
I will rather share CEC miracles But Thanks for the compliments. All things are mine. All your multiple I.Ds on NL are mine too!
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by Enigma(m): 10:52am On Dec 28, 2010
I of course do not believe the lies and fraudulent claims of miracles etc of Christ Embassy --- so this post is not particularly to support any claim being made on this thread.

Nevertheless, totally unrelated to Christ Embassy, the following was major news aroubd around the world recently; while I don't know whether it is true or not, the claims and the nature of the reporting does indeed suggest that something miraculous or at least more than ordinary happened in this case.


She was paralysed from the waist down when a drink driver ploughed into her car on Christmas Day in 1987.

Then this year, during a visit to a British spiritual healer, Delia Knox suddenly stood up and walked.

And the 46-year-old has been walking ever since.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by Zodiac61(m): 12:03pm On Dec 28, 2010
And you believe the story because it was reported in the Daily Mail?
Oh my!!! It appears to me that you will believe anything.
As Christopher Hitchens once said "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
Where is evidence in any of the claims made by the poster? Nowhere to be seen, because none of the so-called miracles are true.
If you are ill you stand a far better chance of survival by seeking medical treatment than by waiting for a miracle.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by Enigma(m): 12:16pm On Dec 28, 2010
^^^ Did you read my post clearly at all? I said the particular case was major news around the world - I also said I dont know whether it is true or not; comprehension, mate! Why not google the person's name --- Delia Knox --- and see how many newspapers and news organisations around the world reported the story?

I chose to post from the Daily Wail or Daily Fail or whatever you might call it for my own reasons --- including the fact that there are videos and further links in it. I could have chosen a "quality" "broadsheet" if I had wanted. If I feel that The Sun or the News of the World would serve my purpose, I will post a link to them. Shikena.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by Joagbaje(m): 12:41pm On Dec 28, 2010
Even though you don't you don't like my face but I must commend you for the speed at which you get info on the net. I remember when I shared a testimony on how in an exhibition I sold my works in one day more than others. Before I knew it you brought article online of a small boy who's painting sold for million or so. Even though the article was to ridicule my testimony, but I still wonder how quickly you could get such things.  Or were they stored in your library ahead of time?
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by Enigma(m): 1:06pm On Dec 28, 2010
^^^ I don't dislike your face; I hate your false doctrine and poison and the arrogant manner in which you keep spreading it; I also find your boy boy licking of Oyakhilome's arse to be pathetic.

As for the information about the miracle, my first post stated that it was major news which means it was carried by several news organisations; all I had to do was retrieve the story; same with the case about your fellow "artists".
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by Joagbaje(m): 1:24pm On Dec 28, 2010

^^^ I don't dislike your face; I hate your false doctrine and poison and the arrogant manner in which you keep spreading it;

Why don't you think that the so called poison could be truth. Why don't you think you could be wrong. If there is a false doctrine , you should prove it false by the light of  truth.  But rather it is SO so attack and abuse , opaks , oyaks . And we don't get anywhere. When you prove my claim wrong in a thread , I checked the bible and admitted you were right. That is discussion. Even though i still manage endured some yabis. On that thread.

  I also find your boy boy licking of Oyakhilome's arse to be pathetic.

Far from it. It's only because he teaches truth , and I believe in them. Several people and ministers from all over the world are being blessed by his teachings. I can only defend what I find as truth in the bible. And it's not everything I post here that reflect CEC Teaching . I share my convictions.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by InesQor(m): 2:43pm On Dec 28, 2010
lol grin
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by cemehere: 9:37pm On Dec 28, 2010
Anyone that does not believe in mirracles in our day, should travil back to 2000bc, because God is out to do more in ourlives.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by thehomer: 11:17pm On Dec 28, 2010
But, why won't God heal amputees? Does he hate them?
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by Joagbaje(m): 8:33am On Dec 29, 2010
They don't need a healing. They are not sick,it's the sick that needs healing
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by Nobody: 10:11am On Dec 29, 2010
So when Jesus placed back the cut-off ear of that soldier, was that healing or what?
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by thehomer: 9:43pm On Dec 29, 2010

They don't need a healing. They are not sick,it's the sick that needs healing

Oh really? I even wonder why hospitals waste time treating amputees such as those who lose their limbs in accidents. Something that God refuses to do.


So when Jesus placed back the cut-off ear of that soldier, was that healing or what?

Please help me ask him. It seems excuses are all we get for this God.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by Joagbaje(m): 2:13am On Dec 30, 2010

So when Jesus placed back the cut-off ear of that soldier, was that healing or what?

Jesus had the cut off skin to heal back. Several people have done similar miracles.I've even placed back my own cut skin and it healed after few days! Does your amputees have the missing parts? for a missing amputee bone to be replaced ,that's not healing , it's a creative miracle. And it's posible if we have faith.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by regged4u: 8:58am On Dec 30, 2010
Everybody have their own believe, if you don't believe in Miracles, then wait for one to happen in your life so you can believe. But make unna stop putting your life and that of children into condemnation by refusing to believe an awesome act of God's miraculous did.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by kris2glo: 1:31pm On Dec 30, 2010
Jesus healed me from Black Magic

This is my testimony to the living Lord Jesus Christ which has been long over due but only recently have I realized the importance of a testimony. I belong to a Roman Catholic family (third of five children).

I married in 1982. Little did I know that my sister-in-law had a fling with my brother and was seeking to turn it into marriage which wasn’t my brother’s interest at the time. My husband and I started facing problems and started hearing noises. I could feel a tapping sensation every time I slept at night and I feared going to sleep. If I slept during the day, I would wake up with some part of my body swollen and palpitating. I had fallen very ill and had reduced to mere skin and bones. I visited my doctor due to pain in my abdominal area. The doctor said that my uterus had shifted and I would have to undergo surgery but he was unable to figure out what exactly was wrong with me.

I was then directed by a friend to a gifted Roman Catholic priest in Dec 1983. It was here that the priest told us that my sister-in-law had done black magic to me and cast multiple spells to break my marriage initially (which by the grace of God, though many hardships prior to and on my wedding day didn’t come into effect) and also cast a spell to stop me from getting children.

Prior to going to the priest, my family had me go to some Hindu tantric places (Please never go to these places, your problem only worsens as they converse with spirits). They too had mentioned that black magic was done by my sister-in-law. After going to these places, my problems still persisted.

The priest prayed over me and at that very moment I felt the world so much brighter. He then instructed my husband to pray (using the precious blood of Jesus) over my abdominal area everyday for the next couple of weeks. In the next couple of weeks by July ‘84, I conceived and was blessed with a healthy baby boy.
On the 30th of December 2010, I will be completing 28 years of marriage.

I thank the Lord Jesus for these blessings.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by thehomer: 9:24pm On Dec 30, 2010

Jesus had the cut off skin to heal back. Several people have done similar miracles.I've even placed back my own cut skin and it healed after few days! Does your amputees have the missing parts? for a missing amputee bone to be replaced ,that's not healing , it's a creative miracle. And it's posible if we have faith.

And touching someone whose ear was cut off which proceeded to close up is not a creative miracle? How about raising someone from the dead? Or making a blind person see? Which of them should be easier?
And it's now the amputees fault that his faith is not enough. It seems God really hates amputees since he has refused to give any of them enough faith.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by thehomer: 9:29pm On Dec 30, 2010

Jesus healed me from Black Magic

This is my testimony to the living Lord Jesus Christ which has been long over due but only recently have I realized the importance of a testimony. I belong to a Roman Catholic family (third of five children).

I married in 1982. Little did I know that my sister-in-law had a fling with my brother and was seeking to turn it into marriage which wasn’t my brother’s interest at the time. My husband and I started facing problems and started hearing noises. I could feel a tapping sensation every time I slept at night and I feared going to sleep. If I slept during the day, I would wake up with some part of my body swollen and palpitating. I had fallen very ill and had reduced to mere skin and bones. I visited my doctor due to pain in my abdominal area. The doctor said that my uterus had shifted and I would have to undergo surgery but he was unable to figure out what exactly was wrong with me.

I was then directed by a friend to a gifted Roman Catholic priest in Dec 1983. It was here that the priest told us that my sister-in-law had done black magic to me and cast multiple spells to break my marriage initially (which by the grace of God, though many hardships prior to and on my wedding day didn’t come into effect) and also cast a spell to stop me from getting children.

Prior to going to the priest, my family had me go to some Hindu tantric places (Please never go to these places, your problem only worsens as they converse with spirits). They too had mentioned that black magic was done by my sister-in-law. After going to these places, my problems still persisted.

The priest prayed over me and at that very moment I felt the world so much brighter. He then instructed my husband to pray (using the precious blood of Jesus) over my abdominal area everyday for the next couple of weeks. In the next couple of weeks by July ‘84, I conceived and was blessed with a healthy baby boy.
On the 30th of December 2010, I will be completing 28 years of marriage.

I thank the Lord Jesus for these blessings.

An interesting story. Congratulations on your marriage and child(ren).
I have a few questions.

1. What does this shifting of your uterus mean? I'm sure that's not a medical term.
2. Did you have the surgery?
3. Were you able to confirm that your sister-in-law was performing black-magic?
4. This priest must have been an interesting fellow. Did he perform any exorcisms? Because I heard they were trained at it and even intend to resume training in exorcisms.

Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by smallman1: 10:41pm On Dec 30, 2010
Miracles exist, they are real. But the big question is, were do the miraculous powers come from, lets have in mind 1Corinthians 13:8-13 and Mathew 24:24 & 25. "please read". please let your ansers be realistic and let the bible be your base.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by kris2glo: 2:35am On Jan 02, 2011
Healed of Rheumatic Fever and Enlarged Heart

In the early 70's, a friend and I had planned a trip to Hawaii. Shortly before we were to leave, I suffered a heart attack. The trip was delayed for many weeks.

When I was finally able to get my doctor's permission to leave, my friend and I set out on an amazing journey.

While vacationing there, we came across an announcement about a visiting evangelist named Vaneta, and decided we would like to attend her meeting.

The next night we drove down to Kahalui to find her. After a fruitless search, we gave up and returned to our borrowed home on the mountainside.

Not wanting to miss her, we drove down the next night. Again, we were met by a darkened building and a parking lot. No light was visible anywhere. Just as we were about to leave, another car arrived.They, too, were looking for her. Being natives of Kahalui, they knew of another building on the campus and soon guided us to it. Sure enough, there was light from a single bulb in a hallway! Making our way to it, we were soon surrounded by others who had come to hear Vaneta.

At the end of the session, my friend and I joined the healing line. As I approached Vaneta she exclaimed, "Where have you been? I have been looking for you." The next thing I remember was my friend was on her knees beside me (I had fallen under the power of the Holy Spirit) saying to the evangelist, "She has a heart problem." Veneta's reply was, "Not anymore."

And sure enough, God had reached down and healed my life-long disease of rheumatic fever. Gone were the painful, swollen, joints. The enlarged heart began shrinking and my doctor subsequently cancelled my medication.

I was and still am healed through the caring of an intercessor, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus. Alleluia!

Fran Bassett
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by kris2glo: 8:21am On Jan 03, 2011
Back from the Dead

March 16th, 2010

On October 2, 2009 I was told by my cardiologist to return on the 9th for an echocardiogram to confirm VSD- adult. On October 14, 2009 I went to my Cardiologist for an Angiogram in the Catheterization Laboratory to make sure there was blockage for surgery to close the hole in my heart. During the angiogram I suffered a Mycardial infarction. I passed away for about 20 to 22 seconds. The warm blue ink caused a piece of plaque to break off and lodge into my left main coronary artery and cut off all blood and oxygen. The rt. coronary artery was completely blocked.

It was so so painful like an elephant sitting on my chest and my heart feeling it was going to brust at any second. They had a coronary defibrillator that was placed on my shoulders twice. When I was stabilized two stents where put in two days later from ICU I complained of heart pains they decided to go back into my heart to put six more stents into my rt. coronary artery. I’m a miracle because with a hole in my heart and a completely blocked RCA GOD still allow me to live. The cardiologist told me that patients have passed away with no damage to their heart.

I know it’s true because people have died during angiogram proceduce. I have a blocked main artery and VSD-Adult and the LORD still brings me back from the dead. I’m not finished I have to get the VSD-Adult problem fixed. There is a hole between the Rt. venticle and the Lt. venticle pouring oxygen pure blood in with the deoxygenated blood causing shortness of breath etc. So, sometime in 2010 the surgery will happen and I look forward to it.

I’m confident that the LORD is for me and HE has great things for me to accomplish for his Kingdom. What’s so incredible about this is that I was weighing 245 lbs. doing over-hand pull-ups for 18 to 20 reps for sets of 12. I was curling 135 lbs for 8 reps. sets of 5. I was a member of the Planet Fitness I worked all the machines with maximum weight. I had never been stronger in my entire life. All the time GOD knew I could die at any moment. My right coronary was completely blocked and I had a hole in my rt. venticle.

His name is LOVE and MERCY.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by kris2glo: 8:55am On Jan 06, 2011
I have been a Christian since I was nine years old. I have always lived for the Lord.
I have had a lot of trials and heartaches. In 1982 I had cancer in a class 4b stage.
I had Hodgkins Disease. It had spread into my bone marrow. I was given six months
to live unless chemo did a miracle. I was on chemo for 10 months (went past my six months, thank GOD).

I went to a Spirit-filled revival and GOD healed me!
That morning I had went for chemo and x-rays and my doctor told me I was still in poor condition. That night I could hardly walk and was so sick at my stomach from chemo, but I wanted to go to this revival so bad, my mom took me.
I was called out of the audience and was anointed with oil. I knew instantly that I had been healed! I cannot explain the feeling, but it was like nothing I have ever felt before (or felt since then).

It was wonderful. I went in for chemo the next morning and I told my doctor I did not want to take
chemo because the Lord had healed me. He told me he believed in miracles, but the test the day
before showed him differently. I ask him to redo the tests. He said no. He explained to me
that if I did not take the chemo he would no longer be responsible for my health.
My mom begged me to take the chemo for her, so I did. Within 45 minutes after chemo,
I was on my way home and I became deathly ill and had an instant high fever.

My mother took me back to my doctor. I was rushed to the emergency room and put
in isolation for 9 days (no visitors etc). My mom could stay, but she had to stay
with me 24 hours a day because everything had to be sterile. She even had to wear
hospital clothes. My doctor thought I had hepatitis or something contagious.

Then it was all kinds of other infections. Every time the tests came back clear.
Finally after the ninth day he admitted that I no longer had cancer!
That I had seven different kinds of infections because my body had rejected the chemo.
Praise the Lord a million times!!! I have been in remission ever since!!!
When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I guess I was in shock.

I could not believe that I could have another major illness, especially since God healed me
from cancer. I still believe GOD can heal me, but if he chooses not to,
that is ok too. Many people are not as fortunate as I have been
to have a healing like I have had, and by rights, I should be dead.

But through God's grace
I have lived 15 more years that I would not have been blessed with. I am doing my best
to live everyday to it's fullest and not worry about what could or could not happen with the MS.
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by kris2glo: 10:00am On Jan 07, 2011
Healed Of Leprosy And More
I take this opportunity to thank my Lord Jesus Christ who is my everything. He has done so much for me that this is the least I can do to glorify His wonderful name.

The reason I started writing this testimony was because He had just healed me from a very painful toe injury. He has been healing me from all sorts of sickness and pain right from the time when I was just a little boy about 30 years ago in a remote town called Kuala Lipis in Malaysia.

When I was 6, I came down with a skin disease that left most of my face in big white patches. Strangely the patches were only on my face. Being the only child in the family, my parents were obviously worried and took me to the best skin specialists in Malaysia. All the money spent and all the medicine taken didnt solve the problem and this went on for 5 years. Not to mention all the painful and sarcastic taunts in school.

In 1975 we flew down to India to see a  renowned skin specialist. Some tests were made and a small section of the flesh on my face was removed for further tests.

A few weeks later the results came back. It was supposed to be the early stages of leprosy. My parents were close to being in a state of panic. By this time, my mother had accepted Christ as her personal saviour. She decided to take my case to the church elders and pastors. At the Kuala Lumpur Pentecostal convention, we met the senior sister who told us that she will pray for me. At the same time she told me to praise God everyday for 15 minutes for the healing He was going to give me.

Amazingly all the bright patches on my face just disappeared after a few months. What the doctors failed to do over a period of six years, God did it for me in less than 5 months. Today my face looks fine and I look as normal as the next guy. The only scar left being the one made by the specialist in India !!

Then about 8 years ago, I started developing a chronic backache. It used to get so painful, I had trouble breathing. I couldnt sleep at nights and had problems at work since being in the computer line required me to sit long hours in front of the PC. Going to the doctor wasnt very helpful since all of them would just give me some pain killers. The problem will go away for a while but will be back again. I tried changing everything from my chair in the office to the mattress at home but nothing helped.

Finally I turned to God and placed this problem at His feet. I stopped taking all pain-killers and depended solely on Him to deliver me from the pain. About 2 days later, I had a dream. In the dream, my mother who had passed away by then, and another person whom I have never seen before were praying hard and chasing away an ugly looking being. The creature had the shape of a human but its skin looked like it was covered in some oily susbstance. The creature ran away and the next morning I woke up without any pain. And I havent had a backache ever since.

Back to my toe now. Well by know I should have been a little more intelligent when it comes to having Jesus Christ as my personal doctor. But sadly, I happen to be one who gets easily discouraged when I fall sick. Despite my past experiences, I still rush to the doctor first before I take my problems to my Saviour.

About a month back, on Easter day, I accidently kicked my big toe on a table. It was just a small knock which quickly turned into a nightmare. The toe-nail had cut into the flesh and it turned septic. The pain was unbearable. In 2 days I wasnt able to walk anymore. I informed the pastor and the servants of God were upholding me in their prayers. After a few days the pain left, the toe started getting better and the swelling went down.

The reason why I am writing this is to share with others the wonderful things Jesus has done for me. Time and time again He has pulled me out of all sorts of problems. Once again He has shown me that He still heals even though I get discouraged and give up hope easily. We are healed by His stripes. He paid a terrible price so that we could receive this wonderful gift.

"Andrew Sukirtharaj"
Re: Miracles Are Still Real (crippled Up Then Healed) by lillyveezy: 10:15am On Jan 07, 2011

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