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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? (33998 Views)
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Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Validated: 5:27am On Mar 26, 2020 |
The National Centre for Disease Control reportage of cases in Nigeria is suspect and lack transparency. I think that this is not the time for propaganda and misinformation or disinformation. Misinformation and the poor reportage make people to be lackadaisical and not take the pandemic serious. A very vital MISSING information on the NCDC report is Number of Patients tested. The standard world wide is as follows Number Tested xxxxx Number of Confirmed Cases xxxxx Number of Active Cases xxxxx Number of cases resolved xxxxx Number of deaths xxxxx If you look at the NCDC report below, you would agree with me that Number of people tested is MISSING and this is a critical piece of information. It is frightening to know that some states that may have cases would be living in fools paradise because cases that ought to have been detected are not and such individuals will be spreading it on daily basis. A World Health Organisation (WHO) report indicated that as of March 22, 2020, Nigeria has tested only 152 persons with a record of (40 positive which represents 26%) while South Africa tested 15,500 with about (702 cases representing 5%). Extrapolating these numbers, you would agree with me that if 15,500 patients were tested in Nigeria just like it is in South Africa, the number would conservatively be between 2-3% or 300 - 450 minimum. This deceit need to stop. Here is calling on NCDC to be open and transparent in the interest of all and not play politics with peoples' lives. 153 Likes 24 Shares
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by otokx(m): 5:27am On Mar 26, 2020 |
You are right. 65 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Kubernetes: 5:43am On Mar 26, 2020 |
Some crises have a way of humbling us. Where are those who have dual citizenship or visas in case? 28 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by stickright(m): 6:06am On Mar 26, 2020 |
We should expect information hoarding and report doctoring. This is Nigeria for the umpteen times: money, greed and corruption are the order of the day . Sometimes I hear that they don't want to create fear in the minds of people. I smile because the question now is not the fear, it is between life and death. Tell me who is not afraid now, whether you tell them or not.. Better the fear with adequate and genuine information than silent death from deliberate information hoarding that keep giving forlorn hopes that everything is alright. This subtly executes citizens who are ignorant about how this God-forsaken government works. Take your destiny in your hands, don't hope to get good things from this government except you are influential or are one of them(they're the one who brought it to Nigeria. Poor people no dey travel upandan, they stay to hustle even when they are abroad), stay safe and stay at home. God help us 51 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by xynerise: 6:16am On Mar 26, 2020 |
Op, you are right. I don't always rely on NCDC report. They are not saying the truth. 23 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Miner13: 6:16am On Mar 26, 2020 |
just stay home and stay save.if you depend on this present government you're a working corpse.government that refuse to ban international flight and close border for their selfish interest.if not why will they be flying about like butterfly after covik 1-9 is on the loose 43 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Sehindemi(f): 6:19am On Mar 26, 2020 |
True ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by ITbomb(m): 6:23am On Mar 26, 2020 |
I would disagree with you Test are done by almost all the personnel all over the country and it would be waste of time to document each of them (considering the inadequate manpower) However every confirmed case is escalated to the database because that's where action is needed. 45 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by RealLordZeus(m): 6:58am On Mar 26, 2020 |
ITbomb:Bros! Have u seen the tester, testee or tested or even the test kit Op raised a valid point, the people that are being tested are majorly the elite and the educated, the infected people have gateman, servants, cooks etc who in turn can transmit to their wife and children. The educated knows when to get tested but the illiterate masses does not. If voting kit can be made available in evey polling unit of the country, then a testing kit should be made available in at least every local govt. We have NEMA, if this is not an emergency, I don't know what is! Regarding funds, $10 million out of the ECA account should be able to provide these kits. The first step is getting tested and know the infected ppl, then we can start working on a soln but asking ppl to be watching out for the symptoms is total nonsense for a disease that is asymptomatic for almost 2 weeks, infact due to the WIP road in my area, I have been having coughs frequently, and that's also true for like 70% ppl living in my area.The point is Waiting for the symptoms before getting tested is wrong 140 Likes 10 Shares |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by youngwarlocks: 6:59am On Mar 26, 2020 |
I think I will agree with you 8 Likes 1 Share
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Stephenomozzy(m): 7:02am On Mar 26, 2020 |
ITbomb: Unless they're relying on pen-on-paper documentation, it shouldn't take Jack to document a single set of data into a "central system" (Which is obviously non-existen). This patch-patch reporting does not truly help put things in perspective.... it's more or less a report that they've only screened 50+ so far. 12 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by ChelseaDr(m): 7:12am On Mar 26, 2020 |
ITbomb: I don't know what you mean by " it would be a waste of time to document each of them (considering the inadequate manpower)" 10 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by ImmaculateJOE(m): 7:15am On Mar 26, 2020 |
OP, I totally agree with you.. I don't know why testing for the virus is a rocket science for Nigeria.. Like someone has said, let every LG have @least one testing kit... And let's have 50+ people tested per day for each LG... 9 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by mignone(f): 7:48am On Mar 26, 2020 |
We should remember d case of a nairalander who sought to be tested but they just wouldn't let him. Here's a link to his story: 12 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by ITbomb(m): 7:52am On Mar 26, 2020 |
Exactly my point, it is pen and paper The supervisor stroll in periodically to confirm and sign off the report then use "phone" to update the control center. No central database, no computer Stephenomozzy: 3 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by edoairways: 8:01am On Mar 26, 2020 |
lalasticlala can you please move this to draw the attention of government |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Tpharell: 8:38am On Mar 26, 2020 |
Indeed we're living in a fools paradise going by those NCDC figures. Globally the observed growth rate of the virus has been at geometric progression, that is exponential growth which doubles every few days. Like 12...20...31.....42.....68. It is only in Nigeria that it grows at arithmetic progression i.e. 12....14....16....18....21. The infection figures are far higher than what is being put out (even the NCDC knows that) and the transmission rate quickly accelerating because a large proportion of our people still don't see this global pandemic for what it is. We just aren't testing enough to know the true figures. And please, lets not deceive ourselves thinking we are doing anything better than those countries with strong health care systems that have been brought to their knees, because we have done absolutely nothing compared to them. What we have seen so far is the tip of a huge iceberg so BRACE FOR IMPACT every one. 21 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Uyi168: 8:42am On Mar 26, 2020 |
ImmaculateJOE:.. Getting anything done in Nigeria is rocket science.. ![]() 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Tpharell: 8:42am On Mar 26, 2020 |
edoairways:Attention of government ke? NCDC is part of the government na! People just need to know what's going on at the moment to be able to forecast what lies ahead! I believe the write up is not intended to cause panic but to give a true perspective of the infection/transmission rate as it stands. lalasticlala can you please move this to draw the attention of the populace. 3 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Period007(m): 8:45am On Mar 26, 2020 |
Validated:You cannot expect them to be testing anyone who wants to get tested (no enough test kits even in the US).except u have had close contacts with a suspected or confirmed case or showing the classical symptoms of fever,dry cough ,soar throat and dyspnea 12 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Validated: 8:46am On Mar 26, 2020 |
Tpharell:At least let them know to improve level of awareness. For example the whole of NE and NW excluding Abuja is thought to have just 1 case and SE have 0. How possible ![]() 6 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by gambia(m): 8:52am On Mar 26, 2020 |
At this point, we are in God's hand. I urge everyone to please take cover and follow all the necessary precautions, Chinese virus will not kill me IJN. 4 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by SmartProf(m): 8:53am On Mar 26, 2020 |
I have genuinely had concerns over the figures being rolled out by the NCDC. It has become worse since many of those tested are political elites, so it appears that powerful forces in the country are controlling the information fed to the public. How can in a day, 2 cases will be reported before 7am, and that's all for that day. It speaks volume, about the country's disregard to disseminate honest information to its citizens. Stay safe people. 11 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by gambia(m): 8:53am On Mar 26, 2020 |
Validated: You are right, it high time people are aware so as to take precaution. |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Tpharell: 8:54am On Mar 26, 2020 |
Period007:No one has asked for everyone who requests to be tested. We are questioning the way that the NCDC stats are being put out. It gives a very false sense of safety for the entire country. This will make people let down their guards thinking is only a handful of cases. 7 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by HAYSHIRES: 9:23am On Mar 26, 2020 |
I have always say this, we are in the wrong hands as a country, If we keep looking for people who have had contacts with infected persons.then i wonder how serious we really are. 3 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by edoairways: 10:57am On Mar 26, 2020 |
Tpharell:Thanks for the clarification |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by Greystone: 11:02am On Mar 26, 2020 |
As of yesterday, California state alone in the USA had already tested 66,000 people out of which 3,158 are positive. We r just joking with lives in this country. Ebola method of only testing symptomatic people will not work this time. As of yesterday Wednesday also, South Africa has tested 15,529 total people and out of this 709 are positive for corona virus. It's ok. Let us continue fooling ourselves. 6 Likes |
Re: Coronavirus: Why Is NCDC Not Showing The Number Of People Tested? by BiggestGurl19(f): 3:01pm On Mar 26, 2020 |
Am sure they have their reasons 2 Likes 1 Share |
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