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Preparing Your Garden Space For The Next Coming Farming Season by fmwise2k(m): 3:14pm On Mar 26, 2020 | Gardening Tips for the Century Getting your garden ready for summer March 26, 2020 The spring is always a welcome season as it brings with it songs that brighten the sky, and also gives life and color to barred surfaces. It is also the best time to start preparing your garden for the much-awaited summer! Together, let us get you going for summer gardening Getting your garden ready for summer Together, let us get your garden ready for summer with these six steps 1. Prepare your garden space This should not be any big deal if you once had a garden running last summer. If you're establishing your very first garden, you should start by measuring and mapping out your garden area. Areas directly exposed to full sunshine will be well suited for siting your garden. You might also want to fence out your garden area to prevent pests like rodents, deers, etc. from gaining access to your garden if you live in areas prone to pest attacks. You must test your soil to determine if it lacks any major nutrients. If your soil is dark brown or black, you’re are good to go. Otherwise, you should add a 15cm layer of compost to your soil. A fork will be handy to mix up the compost and also loosen the soil. 2. Get your tools in place! Now is the best time to clean your tools, get them oiled and sharpened, ready for summer gardening. You shouldn't forget pumping your wheelbarrow tires to the appropriate pressure. As a first-time gardener, you might want to have your collection of tools. Having the following tools in your gardening arsenal should come in handy. i. Garden gloves ii. Wheelbarrow iii. Garden hand trowel iv. Digging shovel v. Digging spade vi. Bow rake vii. Garden fork viii. Garden knife ix. Machete/cutlass x. Looper xi. Secateurs xii. Pruning fork xiii. Weeder 3. Prepare your garden beds For old beds, you should clear out dirt from the beds, weed, and clean out your garden area. Mix in some good amount of compost to revitalize the soil and get it set to welcome new plants. As a first time gardener, preparing garden beds would be your foremost preoccupation. Although dimensions vary depending on the soil type and the kinds of plants you intend growing. Averagely, your garden beds should have the following range of dimensions · Height: the height of your garden bed should range between 12 to 18 inches · Width: your bed should have a width between 3 to 4 feet to give your plants enough space for growing without getting overcrowded · Length: This depends on the space you have available for gardening. There is no specific dimension for length; hence your beds can be short or as long as you want it to be. · Spacing: a spacing of 2feet should is enough to permit easy movement between beds. For raised beds, a distance of 4feet between beds will be ideal enough for flexibility. 4. Get your seeds and planting stocks ready Old stocks from previous gardening season come in handy at this season. Prepare your shrubs and perennials for planting either by taking cuttings or dividing up tubers with buds for planting. As a new gardener, you can gather up stocks from neighbors by taking a walk through your neighborhood while watching out for desirable and thriving plants. If you spot your desirables, be bold enough to approach your neighbor for a stock in a friendly approach. If you don't want to do the neighbor thing, you can visit botanical/plant centers; they will be willing to help you get a collection of desirable plants. If you intend planting a vegetable garden, here are suggestions of some of the vegetables you can cultivate for the season · Peppers · Cabbage · Squash · Beets · Potatoes · Tomatoes · Corn · Celery · Beans · Zucchini · Carrots · Spinach · Broccoli. · Lettuce · radishes / Provided you have enough space, you can plant as many types of vegetables as you want, but I suggest you limit it to a maximum of four types. 5. Protect your crops from pests If you're cultivating vegetables, you must protect them from pests. One best way of doing so is using floating row covers. Aside from protecting your crops, floating row covers also trap the heat from the soil to promote the growth of your vegetables. 6. Provide support for climbing plants Climbing plants like cucumber, watermelon, pumpkins need support or trellises. For cucumber, stretches of rope might provide as much support as you need for your plants. Supports make harvesting easy and also prevent fruits from rotting on the ground because the fruits will be dangling from the support. GARDEN BEDS GARDENING HORTICULTURE PLANTING PREPARING YOUR GARDEN FOR SUMMER PLANTING VEGETABLES Comments Floralworld gardening Services Consultancy Garden establishment maintenance procurement Facebook: @floralworldgs |
Re: Preparing Your Garden Space For The Next Coming Farming Season by CrazyJill: 7:42pm On Apr 22, 2020 |
Guys, does anyone know where you can see the rating of these products? I am considering whether to buy it. |
Re: Preparing Your Garden Space For The Next Coming Farming Season by CakeChow: 8:12pm On Apr 22, 2020 |
You can choose the best and high-quality garden products on the site The Tool Assistant Here are described in detail the basic tools for the garden and fertilizer. You choose the best for your garden. |
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