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Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 - Celebrities (13) - Nairaland

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Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by MrPRevailer(m): 5:43pm On Mar 28, 2020
where was Jesus when the virus started

Most sincerely, You ask a silly question.
The endtime prophesies must be fulfilled. These are the signs. And the powers that be are calling for a One World Government which is the prophesied Anti-christ era.
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by HappyAmInCANADA: 5:44pm On Mar 28, 2020
lol Tacha herself is covid 19..useless fool.prostitutue
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by dax4real(m): 6:46pm On Mar 28, 2020
Wetin olosho get for mouth to talk. Mtchewww
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by kenzosky: 7:03pm On Mar 28, 2020
Why should we listen to her...what does she know, what's the quality of the substance in her head. olosho has no business with the affairs of the nation.
She should crawl back to do what she knows how to do best
Is this a satirical statement or what?, i just want to know, because, if it's not, and you mean all you just wrote, then i have something to tell you.
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by dazzlingd(m): 7:12pm On Mar 28, 2020

Is this a satirical statement or what?, i just want to know, because, if it's not, and you mean all you just wrote, then i have something to tell you.

No it's not a satire...my opinion stands!
So what do u have to say?
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by kenzosky: 7:18pm On Mar 28, 2020
Dirty, stinking Olosho.

What an era! Whores and dupers (yahoo-boys) are now the ones 'representing' the people.

I'm disgusted.

BTW, what she's said makes absolutely no sense. Health and life come first in priority before food, shelter and clothing. This is common knowledge. Unfortunately, she's too daft to know this.

She just did what you can never do in your entire Life even if you are giving a thousand years to live on earth, representing her generation by calling out the president of her country to do the needful in time of crisis, why People like you hide behind your mother skirt and half broken android phone to insult a Young girl with ovaries who was bold enough to do the needful no matter the consequences. My advice to you, take a blade and cut Off those little balls between your legs, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT FIT TO BE A MAN.

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Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by kenzosky: 7:29pm On Mar 28, 2020

No it's not a satire...my opinion stands!
So what do u have to say?

She just did what you can never do in your entire Life even if you are giving a thousand years to live on earth, representing her generation by calling out the president of her country to do the needful in time of crisis, why People like you hide behind your mother skirt and half broken android phone to insult a Young girl with ovaries who was bold enough to do the needful no matter the consequences. My advice to you, take a blade and cut Off those little balls between your legs, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT FIT TO BE A MAN.

PS - I'm not even her fan,but i know she she did the right thing.

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Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by EVILZIMBO: 7:39pm On Mar 28, 2020
Why should we listen to her...what does she know, what's the quality of the substance in her head. olosho has no business with the affairs of the nation.
She should crawl back to do what she knows how to do best
bro u jst made my day
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by anoziechi(f): 7:48pm On Mar 28, 2020
first time she is making sense
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by dazzlingd(m): 8:14pm On Mar 28, 2020

She just did what you can never do in your entire Life even if you are giving a thousand years to live on earth, representing her generation by calling out the president of her country to do the needful in time of crisis, why People like you hide behind your mother skirt and half broken android phone to insult a Young girl with ovaries who was bold enough to do the needful no matter the consequences. My advice to you, take a blade and cut Off those little balls between your legs, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT FIT TO BE A MAN.

PS - I'm not even her fan,but i know she she did the right thing.

grin grin ..... my opinion stands!
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by alfsalami: 8:22pm On Mar 28, 2020
I cry for African democracy , even mumu oloshos have found a voice !
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by Olomba1: 8:28pm On Mar 28, 2020
As a matter if facts hunger will turn to corona virus here in Nigeria.
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by Phreeze99(m): 8:52pm On Mar 28, 2020
Dirty, stinking Olosho.

What an era! Whores and dupers (yahoo-boys) are now the ones 'representing' the people.

I'm disgusted.

BTW, what she's said makes absolutely no sense. Health and life come first in priority before food, shelter and clothing. This is common knowledge. Unfortunately, she's too daft to know this.

Well, everyone has a specialization. She should return to tbe whoring and shamelessnes that's her speciality. She should leave public health for it's specialists and economics for it's specialists.

common kipp quiet dere.....if she call u if u like no ansa....na ur type dey follow her post on insta for giveaway...
at least even tho na olosho...her name alone dey carry her mata go front page...
what has ur name done for you?....#think_abourit
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by yawehoverall: 9:01pm On Mar 28, 2020
Some one is making sense, all we could do is attack her!! SMH
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by Kennypraise: 9:17pm On Mar 28, 2020
Why is the colour of ur face different from the colour of ur neck? You are still asking where is buhari? Bubu dey my house, finish.
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by WeRblessed(f): 10:21pm On Mar 28, 2020

I care less about her or what she thinks

We have more pressing issues at hand.

God please deliver us from this plague and have mercy on the world

What are the pressing issues? What sense did she not make? At least she spoke up!
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by PgmMccoy: 10:26pm On Mar 28, 2020
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Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by Nobody: 11:01pm On Mar 28, 2020
Dirty, stinking Olosho.

What an era! Whores and dupers (yahoo-boys) are now the ones 'representing' the people.

I'm disgusted.

BTW, what she's said makes absolutely no sense. Health and life come first in priority before food, shelter and clothing. This is common knowledge. Unfortunately, she's too daft to know this.

Well, everyone has a specialization. She should return to tbe whoring and shamelessnes that's her speciality. She should leave public health for it's specialists and economics for it's specialists.

Health and life you said.
Health is not entirely the absence of diseases but also a Social, Economic and Mental well being. So if they care for the health of Nigerians, they should try and strike a balance.
Since they are not ready to tackle this virus, they should allow people to go on with their normal life.
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by TruthinAction: 11:17pm On Mar 28, 2020

Lagos is providing staple food. Let's promote and create awareness for this instead of steady criticism.
A bag of rice will go along way in your neighborhood.
If you can why not.

Nothing is happening in Rivers state. A small custard bucket of garri now cost 1,700 naira as against the normal 400 - 600 naira it sold for before the crises.
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by TUANKU(m): 4:00am On Mar 29, 2020

With due respect... You are seriously lacking in objectivity.

You can't just shut down a nation because few people like you are comfortable... What happens to the vast millions that depend on daily hustle??! What is the plan to feed them??! Should they go hungry for weeks??!... Do you think the fear of spread of disease is anywhere close to the threat of anarchy??!...

Don't jump into arguments without points... Your government and nation are far from ready for a nationwide shutdown!!! Facts!!!
Well written garbage. You are brain dead stupid.
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by talk2stefan(m): 6:20am On Mar 29, 2020
An average Nigerian gets his feeding money daily , if they dont work , they can't feed , this touched me
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by Angelfrost(m): 7:43am On Mar 29, 2020

Well written garbage. You are brain dead stupid.

Sticks and stones sir... Insults are for petulant kids.

Find your objectivity, if you even know what that means, and answer those nagging questions posed.

This is a civilized discussion forum, not the beer parlour, where louts indulge in insults and pissing contests... Happy Sunday!!! grin
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by nathdim: 9:39am On Mar 29, 2020

Most sincerely, You ask a silly question.
The endtime prophesies must be fulfilled. These are the signs. And the powers that be are calling for a One World Government which is the prophesied Anti-christ era.
oga go sit down with your religious mentality when the Spanish flu came 100 years ago claiming 500 million people.. Folks like you said its end times but humanity still here 100 years after
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by Gaso6ix: 9:59am On Mar 29, 2020
all this make up for buhari?
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by MrPRevailer(m): 10:24am On Mar 29, 2020
oga go sit down with your religious mentality when the Spanish flu came 100 years ago claiming 500 million people.. Folks like you said its end times but humanity still here 100 years after

Things that must happen in the endtimes.

* Israel must become a nation again. Fulfilled in 1948
* Surrounding the nations will hate Israel and seek to destroy her. And she her have no peace till the Messiah comes. Fulfilling
*Political expert analysts say the Third World War will start in the middle-east. The battle of Armeggeddon, when the Messiah, Jesus Christ returns. Fulfilling
*The Kings of nations shall give their powers to the Beast/Antichrist to rule the world. There have been major moves toward a one world government/financial system. And will be once this collapsing financial system collapses.
*Because Iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold. There has been no other time as lawless where world governments rules to normalize indency of diverse kinds.
*Cashless society. The first time in man's history. "without his mark, no one can buy or sell". The Federal Reserve and governments are gradually adopting cashless/blockchain due to global pandemics.

The end could not come except these things come to pass. These things are happening in our generation, since Israel became an Independent nation.
In addition, the Vatican Pope is calling all world leaders to the Vatican city to educate them on "GLOBAL ALLIANCE" (A World ruled by one man). Date fixed is May 14th (Israel's Independence Day)
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by mannieblak(m): 10:31am On Mar 29, 2020
Please what's d color of her face

This one wey no sabi anything done turn to national crisis ambassador
No worry DSS go pick u soon..
how is the color of her face any use to what she is saying?
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by nrexzy: 11:27am On Mar 29, 2020
how is the color of her face any use to what she is saying?

Because I need to look into her eyes to know the truth
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by TUANKU(m): 11:49am On Mar 29, 2020

Sticks and stones sir... Insults are for petulant kids.

Find your objectivity, if you even know what that means, and answer those nagging questions posed.

This is a civilized discussion forum, not the beer parlour, where louts indulge in insults and pissing contests... Happy Sunday!!! grin
If you've been working on a daily and you have no form of saving then it's your fault, you can die and stop moaning just don't take your stupid self around to serve as a distributing agent for the virus simple.
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by Angelfrost(m): 11:58am On Mar 29, 2020

If you've been working on a daily and you have no form of saving then it's your fault, you can die and stop moaning just don't take your stupid self around to serve as a distributing agent for the virus simple.

Sigh... You see my point??!... Emotional submission lacking highly in objectivity and realism!!!...

So, why are developed nations putting out stimulus packages and palliative measures in place to cushion the negative effects of lockdowns??!... Why don't they just borrow a leaf from your "high position" and compel their citizens to take their chances indoors?!!..

There is no point to this exchange good sir... Go find out what real leadership entails before you truly embarrass yourself on a public forum.
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by TUANKU(m): 12:21pm On Mar 29, 2020

Sigh... You see my point??!... Emotional submission lacking highly in objectivity and realism!!!...

So, why are developed nations putting out stimulus packages and palliative measures in place to cushion the negative effects of lockdowns??!... Why don't they just borrow a leaf from your "high position" and compel their citizens to take their chances indoors?!!..

There is no point to this exchange good sir... Go find out what real leadership entails before you truly embarrass yourself on a public forum.
Are you living in a developed nation? Stop this stupid clout chasing and face the reality on ground.
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by Izaya3(m): 1:36pm On Mar 29, 2020
A time will come when u will say it's better they should have locked down... Numbers been increasing everyday since.

Lock down without basic amenities ba.
Re: Tacha Blasts President Buhari For "Addressing Nigerians On Twitter" Over COVID19 by nathdim: 4:21pm On Mar 29, 2020

Things that must happen in the endtimes.

* Israel must become a nation again. Fulfilled in 1948
* Surrounding the nations will hate Israel and seek to destroy her. And she her have no peace till the Messiah comes. Fulfilling
*Political expert analysts say the Third World War will start in the middle-east. The battle of Armeggeddon, when the Messiah, Jesus Christ returns. Fulfilling
*The Kings of nations shall give their powers to the Beast/Antichrist to rule the world. There have been major moves toward a one world government/financial system. And will be once this collapsing financial system collapses.
*Because Iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold. There has been no other time as lawless where world governments rules to normalize indency of diverse kinds.
*Cashless society. The first time in man's history. "without his mark, no one can buy or sell". The Federal Reserve and governments are gradually adopting cashless/blockchain due to global pandemics.

The end could not come except these things come to pass. These things are happening in our generation, since Israel became an Independent nation.
In addition, the Vatican Pope is calling all world leaders to the Vatican city to educate them on "GLOBAL ALLIANCE" (A World ruled by one man). Date fixed is May 14th (Israel's Independence Day)
continues dreaming on your roman fairy tale
Stay tuned coroo will go one day I would come back to remind you of your comment

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