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A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero - Celebrities - Nairaland

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A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 6:31pm On Mar 28, 2020
So here she is the Emperoress Julia Agrippina the daughter of Rome's first Black Emperor Augustus and Mother of Nero. Emperor Augustus who the month of August bears his name. These Romans were Blacks and not Whites who appear only in early Black Rome as slaves. In fact the word slave comes from Slavic Whites that the Black Moors held as slaves and serfs. So when you think of Romans feeding Christians or believers in the mother goddess to lions just know that these psychopaths were Blacks. Everyone has read that Emperor Nero was a pervert who converted a whole palace into a brothel. Yet you didn't know Nero was Black. In fact Nero means Black in Latin. Nero was so evil that writers and scholars often refer him to him as the Anti Christ.





It all means Black

Early pictures of Jesus Christ and His mother Mary is always Black and even statues. This is because all the thrones on Earth belonged to the Black race. When will you wake up?


Wake up out your slumber

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Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 7:00pm On Mar 28, 2020
Without the Fallen Church they can't erect their Satanic New World Order


The Coronavirus is pedophilia Baal worship
Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 7:31pm On Mar 28, 2020



At a time when the people and leaders of the world are looking for unity between church denominations and religions through this ecumenical-interfaith movement, God is calling His people OUT of it. Will you heed the warning?

Revelation 18:1-4 ...'And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.'

Now the majority of people wrongly identify who Babylon is, and therefore cannot respond to this urgent message to come out of Babylon. If you look at ourWHO IS THE LovePeddler OF BABYLON page, you will see that the 'MOTHER of harlots' is none other than the Roman Catholic Church. But is the pronouncement in Revelation 14:8 and Revelation 18:2 of Babylon now being 'fallen' and 'becoming' the habitation of every foul spirit, a pronouncement of the Roman Catholic Church? No. And I will tell you why.

The fact that this call is to a 'body' that is become fallen, means that at some point it was in good standing with God. Yet the Roman Catholic Church has been in an apostate, 'fallen' condition right from the very beginning of the church. So to say that the Roman Catholic Church is 'now fallen' and has 'become' the habitation of devils, is just the same as saying that Paganism, or Hinduism, or any other false religion has 'become fallen'. And that, as we know is not possible, because these false religions have always been the 'habitation of devils'.

"And since the fall here introduced is a moral one, it must apply to some branch of Babylon besides, or outside of, the Pagan or Papal divisions, for from the beginning of their history, Paganism has been a false religion, and the Papacy an apostate one."(Uriah Smith, Daniel and the Revelation, p.664)

"The message of Revelation 14, announcing the fall of Babylon must apply to religious bodies that were once pure and have become corrupt. Since this message follows the warning of the judgment, it must be given in the last days; therefore it cannot refer to the Roman Church alone, for that church has been in a fallen condition for many centuries."(E.White, Great Controversy, p.382-383)

So this specific end time call for God's people to come out of Babylon, isn't a specific message for the Roman Catholic Church or any other false religion, because the call has always been for people to come out of false religion, and to turn to the one true God. No, this call is a specific call for God's very own people to come out of a 'body' that has BECOMEfallen and has BECOME the habitation of every foul spirit. And what 'body' is that? The fallen Protestant churches.

The Daughters of 'Mother' Babylon

Revelation 17:5 ...'And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.'

As you can see, Revelation 17 reveals that 'MOTHER' Babylon has 'daughters' who will also share in her many sins and plagues. And who are the daughters of Babylon? These can be none other than the churches and institutions which arose from the Roman Catholic Church [the Mother], during the Protestant reformation. The Protestants ran well for a 'season', but ended up fencing themselves about with creeds, causing them to fail in the advancement of light and truth, and have ended up developing a character as that of their 'mother', the Roman Catholic Church.

All of the various Protestant denominations have retained in their ecclesiastical organizations, worship and doctrines, relics of popery! Most, if not all of the denominations of today, should be called 'churches of the world', more than churches of God. The desire for power and worldly gain has infected most, if not all of them. They have ended up making a god of this world, and they are no more churches of Christ, than their 'mother', the Roman Catholic Church. Is the condition of the Protestant, now called Evangelical, churches any better than the Jewish church, when Christ uttered the words ... "Woe unto you ... hypocrites"? (Matthew 23). I think not!

"Thou art found wanting!" is engraved upon the doors of the churches today. But alas! They proclaim, "I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing!". But they know not that they are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked!(Revelation 3:14-22)

The prophet Isaiah described the condition of the various churches in the last days when he said ... "And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, we will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach." (Isaiah 4:1). The various Protestant/Evangelical churches today have 'taken hold of one man', and call themselves by the name of 'Christian', and yet they 'eat their own bread and wear their own apparel', instead of eating the 'bread from heaven', which is the Word of God, and living by it, they follow after tradition and the teachings of men.

The first pronouncement of the fall of the Protestant churches came in 1844, when they rejected the light from God, sent to the world through the Advent movement. The prophecy of the 2300 days of Danielcame to it's fulfillment in 1844 and those churches which rejected this light, and failed to follow Jesus Christ into the most holy place in heaven, where judgment was to begin, became 'fallen', just as the angel in Revelation 14:8 proclaims. And from there, the various Protestant churches have clung to their creeds and the relics of Rome, instead of advancing in truth and light. Let me just give you a few examples of what 'relics of popery' the Protestant churches cling on to today:

They have held on to the false 'sabbath' of Papal Rome (Sunday). They have fully embraced the false trinity god of Rome. They have embraced spiritualism through the false teaching of the 'immortal soul'. They proclaim the devilish teaching that the lost will burn for all eternity!

As a counter to the above false teachings, please see the following:


Slowly but surely, the churches have been piling up the sins and abominations, where they have now reached the point of turning back to their 'mother', the Roman Catholic Church and are fully embracing her! No longer are the Protestant (Evangelical) churches proclaiming the truth that the Papal Church is that 'man of sin' and 'antichrist' which the Bible speaks of. No! Instead, they are embracing that mother of abominations in this ecumenical movement we have going on today. Not only that, the Protestant churches today are now making an unholy union with the governments of the world. And this, as we saw with the Jewish church of old, spells disaster!

So this message - "come out of her My people", is to the people of the fallen protestant churches. And yes, this message also applies to Catholics, because the call to come out of the Catholic Church has always applied right throughout history, as the Catholic Church has always been in apostasy from it's very beginning. But this specific end time call is for those within the various fallen Protestant denominations which are now 'fallen' and have 'become' the habitations of foul spirits.

But notice that God is saying "Come out MY PEOPLE". This means that God has people within the fallen churches who are living up to the light they have received. They are living a true faith according to what they know. And once they see the truth of God's Word, which the priests and pastors of these fallen churches have been hiding from them, then they will come out and join with God's true remnant people who "keep the commandments of God AND the faith of Jesus."

PLEASE NOTE: Is this just a message to come out of the fallen churches? Is it enough to just separate from these fallen churches? No, this is also a call to get Babylon OUT OF YOU! Babylon is fallen, because of her unity with the world and committing sinful things. So even if you come out of the fallen churches, but still live for the world and continue to do sinful things, then you will still be part of Babylon. So a COMPLETE conversion is required in our lives! This is part of the call to come out of Babylon.

So if the Catholic Church is an apostate church, and the various Protestant churches are 'fallen', who is God's church today?

"God has a church. It is not the great cathedral, neither is it the national establishment, neither is it the various denominations; it is the people who love God and keep His commandments. 'Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them'. Where Christ is, even among the humble few, this is Christ's church, for the presence of the High and Holy One who inhabiteth eternity can alone constitute a church. Where two or three are present who love and obey the commandments of God, Jesus there presides." (E.White, Manuscript Releases, Volume 17, pgr.81)

Revelation 14:12 ...'Here is the patience of the saints, here are they(GOD'S TRUE CHURCH) that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.'

What Church is Giving This Message?

This is where one specific Protestant denomination needs to be mentioned. You see, the first 'coming out' of the fallen churches happened in the 1800's, when the advent call was being proclaimed. This was a great movement, ordained of God, where the truth of the 2300 day prophecy of Daniel was coming to light through a preacher called William Miller. And this movement became the Seventh-day Adventist Church. A 'called out' church that was ordained of God to take the final messages (three angels messages) to a dying world, before the return of Jesus Christ.

Now during the early years of this church, it was a faithful church and proclaimed the truth that is found in Jesus Christ. The early Seventh-day Adventist church rejected the false trinity god and proclaimed the truth about the one true God and His Son. She proclaimed the truth about the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus (Rev. 14:12). She also proclaimed the truth about the 'fallen' churches of babylon, and that apostate system of religion, called Roman Catholicism. But sadly, 'wolves' have entered 'not sparing the flock', and the truths which the Seventh-day Adventist Church once lived and proclaimed have now been rejected, in favor of being 'friends' with Babylon and the world.

But we here at end-times-prophecy.org are preserving the original truths that God gave to our Seventh-day Adventist pioneers.

Will You Come Out of Her?

If you read Revelation 18:4, you will see that Babylon is guilty of many sins and will receive the final wrath of God before Jesus Christ returns which are the 7 last plagues. And anyone who stays in Babylon, whether it be the 'Mother' or the 'daughter' churches, they will also receive of the plagues and be forever lost. So this is a VITAL message to those still in Babylon.

Are you a member of Babylon, whether it be the Roman Catholic Church or the fallen Protestant churches? God is calling you out today! Don't settle for half truths from your priest or pastor, study God's Word for yourself and let Christ Jesus light up your life with the whole truth. God is waiting to save you!

2 Corinthians 6:14,15,17 ...'Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.'

The churches of the world are saying "LET'S JOIN TOGETHER FOR A COMMON CAUSE", but God is saying "COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM AND BE YE SEPARATE". Please heed the warning.

Revelation 18:4 .....'And I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out of her My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues.'



This article was planted to defend Rome yet he tells you that Rome was wicked from the beginning. St. Augustine calls Rome a combination of God and demons. All these churches return to Rome because they are based upon Roman doctrine and are under the jurisdiction of order of the Jesuits and the Pope. Christianity is the church of Rome. And through the Freemasonry Shriners they control Islam. Since the Jesuits are crypto Jews still practicing Kabbalah so Rome is also in control of Judaism.

See for yourself the Fallen Church

Google Images of 100s of pastors worldwide arrested for child rape of 100, 000s of babies and children. Think how many pedophile pastors never get caught because they are too powerful to bring to justice. They are of all races and nationalities because the demons of pedophilia don't discriminate. The Coronavirus is pedophilia Baal worship a detractor public scare scripted by the Simpson cartoon as well as other forms of medium.


Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 8:03pm On Mar 28, 2020
Now that you know Nero is Black and not White and was an Anti Christ of his day, what does that make you think about Barack Obama? Like Nero he is a homosexual who is married to another man whom he calls his wife. Nero was married to a man. Two black men married to each other with adopted children from East Africa. They sell children in East Africa for a 1000 Naira to European perverts. I'm speaking of the underground pagan idol sex worshippers who masks themselves as Christians. You think they do it for poverty? No it is a religion and it traces back to Black Rome and Black Babylon.


Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 8:42pm On Mar 28, 2020
Even in hot azz Africa, where the virus can't survive the climate to be a serious threat, the secret society members of celebs are encouraging the ignorant to wear masks. Like America the Fallen Church has been exposed so the orders of the church are out to deceive.

Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 8:48pm On Mar 28, 2020
French African countries being forced to take the satanic vaccine.

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 9:14pm On Mar 28, 2020
Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 9:40pm On Mar 28, 2020
This information is critical to understanding the End Times and The Fallen Church
Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 9:44pm On Mar 28, 2020
They are protecting the Roman world order and preparing for the New World Order of 5g Deception.

Rome the most evil creation of the Black race. 

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 10:06pm On Mar 28, 2020
The Coronavirus is pedophilia
Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 11:01pm On Mar 28, 2020
While many are stressing over the common cold this distraction has covered up all the arrests of pedophile cabals by brave enforcement.


The Coronavirus is pedophilia Baal worship a detractor public scare scripted by the Simpson cartoon as well as other forms of medium.

Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 11:32pm On Mar 28, 2020
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Crimes against children

February 02, 2019


People's Tonight

Unless the nature of criminal and immoral activities such as child trafficking, child torture, child rape, trauma-based mind control programming, and child blood sacrifices on the altars of Satan are clearly understood, it will be difficult to intervene in the dark system that is consuming perhaps as many as 8 million children in the world every year.

There is No Child Love in Pedophilia.

Acts of child molestation are commonly called pedophilia. Pedophilia is defined as “child love.” Clearly this term is a misnomer – there is nothing loving about raping children, feeding children into the sex trade, torturing children and using mind control techniques to turn them into slaves, or tying them to altars where they are gang raped prior to being mutilated and killed as an offering to Satan.

Thus, I will not use the word pedophilia in this article, but instead will call the perpetrators of such evil – pedovores, because they consume children. Another term that I will use for these people is pedo-predators, because they prey upon children like snakes or wild beasts prey upon the animals they kill and eat.

Pedovores use children as consumable products. They freely use them for their sexual gratification, for their financial gain, and for Satanic rituals.

This article is the next installment in the series about child molestation and the predators who destroy the lives of children. The first two articles focused on the scandals rocking the Catholic Church.

What our research has uncovered is that the issue of predators destroying the lives of children are much more widespread than we ever imagined.

The Activity of Paedo-Predators goes Far beyond the Roman Catholic Church.

The RCC and other religious institutions are not the only perpetrators of crimes against children.

Children are abused in numerous secret societies, in the CIA and other government agencies, in many different religious organizations, in families, and in every imaginable program that has been designed to serve the needs of children.

Child protective services and both the law enforcement and judicial systems rarely protect children from this abuse, and sadly they often contain pedovore rings of abusers who perpetrate these crimes against the children they are sworn to protect, while protecting the pedovores.

Warning – Adult Content.

The remainder of this article contains graphic and gruesome descriptions of what happens to children. I will not sanitize the truth to make the crimes seem less horrific.

Types of Crimes Pedovores Commit against Children.

These crimes can be roughly organized into four categories, though there is most certainly overlap between the crimes: (1) child molestation, (2) child pornography and prostitution, (3) child sacrifice, and (4) trauma-based mind control slavery.

I will not be discussing child forced labor for manufacturing, the harvesting of organs from children for transplantation, involuntary medical experimentation, or the use of child soldiers in war, because I need to limit the scope of these articles.

Kidnapping and selling/trafficking children are also crimes, which go hand in hand with some of the other crimes against children. It is the beginning point for the horrors of abuse that follow.

1. Child Molestation

These children are fondled, exposed to various forms of sexual activity, and anally, orally or vaginally raped.

These children usually reside in local communities with their parents or caregivers and are victimized by pedovores who also live in the same communities. They are usually released by pedovores after molestation. Sometimes children are killed, but not usually.

The full extent of damage caused by molestation is often not immediately seen.

Molestation is like a slow acting poison – it permeates every aspect of a child’s life for many years to come.

As these children mature their lives will be marked by dysfunctional relationships, depressions, low self-esteem, distorted views of sex, mistrust of adults, and immune system suppression which eventually unfolds in long-term chronic illness.

2. Child Pornography and Prostitution

Children are kidnapped and trafficked into the international sex trade. They can be raped by the hour and may only live a few years before the physical and emotional damage is so severe that their captors simply kill them, because they are no longer useful or profitable.

They are used to make child pornography films and possibly child “snuff films.” Snuff films show actual film footage of people being raped, tortured, and killed to stimulate the sexual pleasure of those who purchase the videos on the dark web.

You won’t find links to real snuff films in an internet search since they are recordings of criminal activities. For this reason, there is considerable propaganda that suggests that snuff films just don’t exist.
Evidence, however, is strong that recordings of children being tortured, raped, and killed are being made for high price purchasers who can pay several thousand dollars per video.

3. Child Torture and Sacrifice

Other children are kidnapped and channeled into dark occult activities where they are destroyed and consumed in Satanic rituals. Their lives are taken on altars dedicated to Satan, Lucifer, Moloch, and other “gods” of darkness.

The sacrificial ritual usually begins with gang raping of the child. Children are further tortured by cutting, stabbing, and other types of mutilation designed to cause pain and intense fear, which produces high levels of adrenaline in the blood.

Sometimes the adrenaline-rich blood is consumed by the pedovores to get an intense adrenalin rush. The pedovores may enjoy watching the child bleed to death or they may hasten the process of death by dismemberment.

Sometimes babies are burned alive as sacrifices dedicated to Moloch as has been done for more than 3,000 years.

4. Trauma-Based Mind Control Slavery

Extremely sophisticated techniques of physical torture and emotional abuse are used to break the consciousness of children into pieces to create children with multiple personalities.

The most effective programming happens during the first six or seven years of life. Programming sometimes begins in the womb with electroshock abuse.

The programing is designed to create a permanent replacement for the true self. The slave is intended to obey their “handlers” and the needs of their secret organizations. A handler is a person who manages, monitors, and fortifies the mind control process to be sure the programming does not fail.

Compassion, empathy, independent thinking, and love for others is driven far underground so that the lives of the mind-controlled slave will be dominated by greed and lust for power, and obedience to their handlers.

Sometimes the goal of mind control programmers is to create a slave with multiple personalities who will have multiple lives, which are intended to be completely disconnected from one another.

These victims are managed by handlers who maintain the programming and establish tasks for the slave to complete. The handlers are able to use the programing to force the slave to switch from one personality (alter) to another and do the bidding of the handler.

The mind control techniques used with children were enhanced after World War II through research done under the CIA’s MK-Ultra program. Former Nazi researchers, such as Josef Mengele, were brought to the United States through Project Paperclip to mastermind and refine these techniques.

Functions of Mind Controlled Slaves

Mind-controlled children are used as sex slaves, presidential level blackmailers, drug smugglers, high profile entertainers, and world class athletes.

When they reach adulthood, they occupy positions in every profession. They commonly serve as university faculty, high level religious leaders, corporate executives, mainstream media workers, and for various other tasks that control and shape the thinking and behavior of general society.

They are also called Monarch slaves or just Monarchs.

In the extreme, mind control programmers seek to supply the networks of certain secret Satanic elite groups with a race of mind-controlled zombies. They function as mindless assassins, crazed gunmen, and agents provocateurs.

The Investment in Creating Mind Controlled Slaves is Extensive

It takes many years to program a Monarch mind control slave. Thus, these children are intended to stay under the control of their handlers for a lifetime or until they are deemed unfit for the work.

Some are scheduled for being killed at their 30th birthday. Sometimes they are used as Satanic sacrificial victims  when they are no longer seen as valuable...


Crimes against children is horrific on this plane of existence. The Black Gods are real and although they have been gone for thousands of years for them it's only a few days. Some groups have contact with them all the time. There is a cosmic force that works for good. We are in a cycle that has revealed the hidden ways of the world.

The Black Gods you should fear!

He who does not respect a king does not respect God Almighty

Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 11:57pm On Mar 28, 2020
We battle not against flesh and blood yet principalities in high places.

The principalities are perversion psychopathology pedophilia

Wake up out your slumber
Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 12:39am On Mar 29, 2020
Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 1:31am On Mar 29, 2020
28 nations legalized Gay Marriage which allows perverts, pedophiles and psychopaths rights to adopt children.

Children are preyed upon like never before since the time of human and child sacrifice in the ancient world.

God will respond.

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 1:40am On Mar 29, 2020
Children are being devoured out right by demon possessed men. Drag Queens and some registered sex offenders teaching horrible lessons in perverted sex with graphic pictures of nudity and lewdness.

This is apart of the comprehensive sexuality education ordered by the United Nations based in New York City USA.

Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 2:40am On Mar 29, 2020
Fornication is the gay prostitution and initiation ceremony of all Roman officers, priests, knights, politicians and high public officials. This homosexuality is a form of mind control and ritual hazing to keep members in line. It's all over the world! This is the fornication of the great harlot.

Fornication means gay prostitution

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 2:43am On Mar 29, 2020
Freemasonry is the modern knights Templars who also committed acts of homosexuality as a part of their occult worship.

The only spirits that accept unclean acts are unclean spirits i.e devils

Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 2:47am On Mar 29, 2020
Gay is the New World Order

The Coronavirus is pedophilia Baal worship a detractor public scare scripted by the Simpson cartoon as well as other forms of medium.

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 2:53am On Mar 29, 2020
Some question why I'm saying Black people are behind this whole New World Order thing. Look Black perverts, psychopaths and pedophiles are not new. If they were doing this now what makes you think some Blacks are not capable of these abominations back in Rome? There is no race just bloodlines and there were evil Moor dynasties that come to power over the good. All it takes is for an immoral man to become king and all his sons there after become evil until one is so bad he becomes a Nero.

Black pedophiles they do exist

Female pedophiles they do exist

Wake up out your slumber

1 Like

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Ejike07: 9:55am On Mar 29, 2020
educating...such an eye opener. We really need to know many hidden Truth

1 Like

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Ejike07: 9:56am On Mar 29, 2020
educating...such an eye opener. We really need to know many hidden Truth ......


Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 11:55am On Mar 29, 2020

Unclean Spirits - Six You Need To Know About


Page 1 of 4

Unclean spirits, python spirits, divination spirits, seducing spirits, and spirits of infirmity. It seems strange the first miracle of Christ is seldom discussed in church circles or preached from our nations’ pulpits. “What was the first miracle of Christ,” you ask? Was it walking on water, feeding thousands with a few fishes, turning water into wine, healing the sick or raising the dead?

 No, the first miracle was none of the above. The first miracle of Christ was deliverance. (I know what you were taught, but Biblical scholars still debate this because John said the first miracle was in Cana (John 2:11). The other three Gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, did not agree. Matthew suggests it was the man with leprosy (Matthew 8:1-4). Mark and Luke say deliverance. With two witnesses, I'm going with Mark and Luke (Mark 1:23, Luke 4:33). I don't think Jesus did any miracles before the Holy Ghost came on him.)

Nevertheless, and don't miss the main point, Christ cast out an unclean spirit, a demon, out of a man. Not only did He cast it out of the man, but Jesus also spoke to the spirit, it was done in public, probably embarrassed someone in attendance, and certainly was an uncommon event. The main point is this. A man walked away free. As suggested, this was Christ’s first act of public ministry. Decide for yourself. 


Right after Christ’s wilderness confrontation with Satan, He went to church. While there a man with an unclean spirit spoke to him with a loud voice saying “let us alone.”

“And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit, and he cried out, Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God. And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the unclean spirit had torn him and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him. And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this? What new doctrine is this? For with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits and they do obey him. And immediately his fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee.” (Mark 1:23-28)

Let’s pull out eleven interesting facts:

The unclean spirit was inside a man.The man was in church.The spirit had a voice and spoke.The spirit recognized Christ.The spirit manifested in the Anointed One’s presence.The spirit wanted to be left alone.There was more than one spirit in the man –“leave us alone.”The unclean spirit did the speaking.These spirits were afraid Christ came to destroy them.The spirits knew who Jesus was, the Holy One of God.This unclean spirit was uncivil and confrontational.

We don’t know much about the man only that he wasn’t sitting in the church alone. This man had company, an unclean spirit. 


Homosexuality is apart of worship to the devil. So is urinating and defecating during the sex act. Orgies are apart of devil worship as well as pedophilia. Dead corpses and eating them is apart of devil worship. Having sex with animals od apart of many devil pagan rituals. All these acts cults around the world are committing including Freemasons and Triads. All this nasty act is the dark side of the ancient traditional sciences whose spirits of light revealed to man. The gods blessed us with science of alchemy we must use creating diseases to destroy our fellow man. Spreading disease and degenerate culture in hopes of conquering others.

It's all Demonic and hand sanitizer doesnt remove the unclean spirit only Amen.

Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 3:17pm On Mar 29, 2020
Sodomy is worse than White Supremacy and White slave owners and Black slave owners created White Supremacy.
Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 4:28pm On Mar 29, 2020
There are pockets of these evil pagan cults in every nation on Earth. Where you have homosexuals you will have these pagans in your community. Homosexuality is the manifestation of the unclean spirit passing among the people like the Coronavirus. You can't wash it off and you can't get rid of it once this unclean spirit has infected you. Perversion is an unclean spirit.


Wake up out your slumber
Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 4:52pm On Mar 29, 2020

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Do You Have A Cursed Bloodline?

 Do You Have A Cursed Bloodline?

Now, I realize that this subject may be too deep for some folks, but let's talk about it anyway. Are you aware if your bloodline is cursed? Is it a coincidence that you suffer or struggle with something similar from your father or mother side of the family? For example: your father struggles from alcoholism and so did your grandfather, and now you do. Or maybe your mother has verbally abuse you since you were a child because she has been verbally abused from her mother, which is your grandmother.

Here it is...

A cursed bloodline can be anything negative that has been passed down from generations to generations that can hinder a individual from reaching their potential in life. Once the cursed has been identified, then dealing with it is next . "Dealing with it" means researching the history of that stronghold; ask questions like when, where, how, and why; receive good counsel from someone like a pastor and praying and asking God for deliverance.

Why are some believers living under a generational curse? Bondage. Bondage that was passed down to them before they came into covenant with God.  Good news! Once you accept Jesus, the transference of bondage stops from your ancestors by means of the generational curse. You no longer have spiritual bondage from this point on. Isn't this wonderful!

Saints, you may not believe it, but strongholds and curses can be attached to your family unknowingly. That's why it is imperative to research, ask questions, and pray that God sends you the right mate. God can reverse any curse in your life and put it to doormat.  In Jeremiah 31:29-30 it saids, "In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge."

A Cursed Bloodline can be:

1. Drugs & Alcoholism
2. Poverty & Debt
3. Narcissism
4. Angry
5. Mental Illnesses
6. Cancer
7.Witch craft curse
10. Jealousy
11. Gossip
12. Strife 
15. Spirit of Perversion (Having unnatural sex, flirtatious, pornography, having sex with children, etc.) 

Read and understand that the first dynasty of Rome was cursed and this is why Nero was insane and possessed with devils. Possession doesnt discriminate like the common cold. Just one dynasty started the downward spiral of Rome. And it seems Rome was so cursed it never recovered even though its still in power. We are witnessing it the Fall of Rome and the rise of the Babylonian One World Government.

The Coronavirus is pedophilia Baal worship

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 6:16pm On Mar 30, 2020
Babylonian Sex magick is going on inside the church. The Hebrew definition for sodomite is Qadesh or temple male prostitute. The word for female temple prostitute is Qadesha the feminine form. So the hidden orders of the Catholicism which means universal order of Christianity is pagan sex magick. The pagan which is unclean spiritual practices done for physical fulfillment and sexual pleasure. These demons love to indulge in blood so they bestow upon man the rewards of food and sex, the two most things for animal life. So in exchange for blood sacrifice of babies the demons grant the devotees favors. These families who do this for them it's a curse yet they call it tradition. These are secret tradition of some royal families whose powers have created secret society orders hidden under the white cloth of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The world bankers are just treasury secretaries of royal houses and any holdings attributed to them actually are state property.

Transgenders are temple prostitutes of the highest sacrifice. To be in the Boule you must be gay. Some second and beyond first generation of Boule or secret society of hidden pagans they sacrifice their children. One of the highest sacrifices is changing the gender of your own child. Sometimes adopted children are suited for sex change. These sex change operation are done before puberty, before the Male or Female distinctions begin, allowing for an almost flawless illusion. It is an illusion however, transgenderism can be exposed by the distinct differences between Male and Female bone structures.

The Black pedophile is the ring leader of the gay New World Order. This I will prove to you.

Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 6:46pm On Mar 30, 2020
Let's talk about this Black pedophile. Alot of people think Aleister Crowley brought sex magick to the West yet a Blackman by the name of Pascal Randolph introduced it. The
Fraternitas Rosae Crucis of pagan sex magick was founded by Pascal Randolph. As you can see from the red cross emblem with white background they are associated with Freemasonry which is Moors Knights Templars.

Here a young African American woman exposes the sex magick in the church.

Listen to her


Wake up out your slumber

Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 7:31pm On Mar 30, 2020
Sodomite pagan blood cults rule the world

So called Whites learned this unclean spirit worship from the Moors. This is the misuse and abuse of the spiritual sciences like alchemy, astrology, numerology and magick for the purpose of ego. Ego is the individual delusion that the material is real when it is actual a product of the spirit. When the flesh is worshiped over the soul the ego reigns.

These are shocking scenes of pedophilia, homosexuality, incest and beasiality done by some rural tribe in Africa. Mind you this satanism is done all over the world by cult groups so this exposure shouldn't be viewed as bias.


Wake up out your slumber
Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 8:21pm On Mar 30, 2020
Sodomy is worse than White Supremacy
Re: A Darkskin Fat Black Woman Daughter Of Augustus & Mother Of Nero by Truthfulvoice: 9:04pm On Mar 30, 2020
Again fornication means gay prostitution or temple prostitution to unclean spirits.

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