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Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister - Health (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by micellgevity: 6:38pm On Mar 31, 2020
No need to buy more, the available ones can be flown all over where they’re needed. Wonderful!
God protect us from evil!
That is called lean logistics.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by SmartyPants(m): 6:39pm On Mar 31, 2020
You yourself, Mr. Minister, said you can never have enough ventilators, so how has your reasoning now lead you to understand that you should not purchase more? It's like saying that since one can't be too careful, it becomes okay to be ruthless.

Why are most Nigerian leaders so stupid?

People struggling for breath, will sit tight and be waiting for your stupid asses to convey ventilators from Abuja to Lagos and back, because breathlessness is moimoi for you dumbos. I hope you all continue to test positive and not be asymptomatic, to the point where you'll experience firsthand the result of your complete lack of discernment.

Why ignore the part where he said only 1 patient has needed a ventilator so far? It seems evident to me that what he is saying is that we have an oversupply of ventilators considering the nature of current cases but in the worst-case scenario some ventilators can be moved from other places without strain on the system.

Now, what qualms could you have with this?
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by WINDSOW(m): 6:40pm On Mar 31, 2020
A reasonable n well meaning country is suppose to have standard infrastructures in every town, village n city. Just imagine, a country where quality meal isn't guaranteed. About 90% of Nigerians dont have the means to eat a balanced meal. I have said it over n over, Nigeria can never be okay!

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Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by X0012(m): 6:40pm On Mar 31, 2020
People like you always thinks they got everything figured out until they realise they dont.

undecided undecided undecided undecided

Who is still surprised? Abeg make una prepare for the mass burials wen dem already don plan keep.

Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by viccipedia: 6:41pm On Mar 31, 2020

Why pick out what you want from what he said? The gist of his entire statement was that there is a very low need for ventilators as the majority of the cases are mild. Let's be fair to each other.
im sorry but coming from the health minister who needs every possible instrument to contain this virus, that statement is myopic. It’s better you have more, than less at any point in time when it comes to health matters. The gist is for people like you.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by jasman1: 6:42pm On Mar 31, 2020
I thought he’s an accountant, am I missing something?
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by bjtinz: 6:44pm On Mar 31, 2020
You yourself, Mr. Minister, said you can never have enough ventilators, so how has your reasoning now lead you to understand that you should not purchase more? It's like saying that since one can't be too careful, it becomes okay to be ruthless.

Why are most Nigerian leaders so stupid?

People struggling for breath, will sit tight and be waiting for your stupid asses to convey ventilators from Abuja to Lagos and back, because breathlessness is moimoi for you dumbos. I hope you all continue to test positive and not be asymptomatic, to the point where you'll experience firsthand the result of your complete lack of discernment.

Kikiki. Rockstation dey vex ooo. grin
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by DJMCOTTY(m): 6:47pm On Mar 31, 2020
Doctor sef no get sense sad
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by bjtinz: 6:50pm On Mar 31, 2020
Lol. Peeps just be hyperventilating.

While I agree he misfired when he said ventilators can be flown to another state if needed (seriously was he high or something?? shocked )

but the point is investing scare resources to procure a large quantity of the ventilators might not represent a very prudent use of scarce resources. Over 80% of those infected will not need it. What we need NOW urgently is testing.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by doe: 6:57pm On Mar 31, 2020
This minister is ignorant. Early detection does not improve survival rate. People across the world are in lockdown and sweating it off. Only when they develop difficulty in breathing they go to hospital bfor oxygen. Then the more serious ones go on ventilator.
Old school people like this should be in the village enjoying retirement. Adds zero value.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by dingbang(m): 7:00pm On Mar 31, 2020
Corona virus has exposed the stupidity, nonentity and grin of our leaders.

I didn't want to mention the last word. wink
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by shazam47: 7:01pm On Mar 31, 2020

Demand and supply
over life and death situation ?

I am happy with the way this coronavirus is infiltrating into every sector globally.

so many people orientation needs to return back to factory default settings. undecided
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by thatigboman: 7:07pm On Mar 31, 2020
grin Jokers! Looking for reasons not to buy ventilators. Looking for reasons to divert the monetary contributions made by well meaning Nigerians. Looking for reasons to STEAL!
buy from where? No one is selling.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by thatigboman: 7:12pm On Mar 31, 2020

Always get your facts right not to just sleep hatred. He is not an accountant but a Surgeon.

are u minding all those marabouts?
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by Nobody: 7:17pm On Mar 31, 2020
Better to have too many than too few.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by SmartyPants(m): 7:19pm On Mar 31, 2020
im sorry but coming from the health minister who needs every possible instrument to contain this virus, that statement is myopic. It’s better you have more, than less at any point in time when it comes to health matters. The gist is for people like you.

Okay sir.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by SoNature(m): 7:35pm On Mar 31, 2020
So even if we don’t use it now its not going to be useful in the future??

Upon all the donations that they have received,sometimes when some of our public officers say somethings you start thinking if they were High before making some statements.

But what do you expect from a Health minister that studied accounting?

Forget this government cox they don’t give a shit about you! #Staysafe

Stop writing nonsense on Nairaland

That man is a Germany-trained surgeon

Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by BrutusOj(m): 7:39pm On Mar 31, 2020
So even if we don’t use it now its not going to be useful in the future??

Upon all the donations that they have received,sometimes when some of our public officers say somethings you start thinking if they were High before making some statements.

But what do you expect from a Health minister that studied accounting?

Forget this government cox they don’t give a shit about you! #Staysafe
You can see why when someone is critically down let's say in Enugu, the public hospitals there will be referring him to another state ko? If we don't get things right now, it can never be. Is it a crime for our hospitals to become equipped to world class standard?

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Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by ZEPHYREN(m): 8:02pm On Mar 31, 2020
No.... No.... No... F**k no
His he out of his dam mind
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by walejummy: 8:12pm On Mar 31, 2020
If one ventilator is 1million then 100 ventilator is 100m, 1000 ventilator is 1billion, oga go and buy it jare, remove 1billion from donations and buy it, 1000 ventilators divided by 36state, do we know another series China will produce come 2021?

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Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by walejummy: 8:15pm On Mar 31, 2020

Stop writing nonsense on Nairaland

That man is a Germany-trained surgeon

it true, he's a surgeon and also has a lot of work experience in Germany, he secondary school days was in Ibadan but he should go n buy the ventilators sha o
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by sapientia(m): 8:17pm On Mar 31, 2020
If chloroquine is very effective and they are using it, then I guess we will need less ventilators per case.

However, if this is not the case, it means the NCDC is woefully unprepared, the honorable minister is engaging in wishful thinking, and a lot of elderly men and women, young people with diabetes, heart disease, lung disease from smoking or exposure to polluted air and dust, asthma, HIV, or bad luck, are going to die.

Certainly testing and isolation is key to preventing this upcoming calamity, but the government is clearly not yet ready to spend the kind of money it will take to test and isolate infected people at a rate fast enough to contain the disease, and they don’t have workers who are as efficient as they need to be.

They are using same drug in USA and people are dying. The Minister is a clown. Its that simple.

Each state should have at least 1000 ventilators before now and should have been one of the priorities.

Is all the money donated for just test kits?

undecided undecided undecided undecided

Who is still surprised? Abeg make una prepare for the mass burials wen dem already don plan keep.

The above statement is my opinion on this matter, and it's not up for discussion.

The military second eleven orishirishi was not a plan to build or maintain field hospitals but to maintain order and discard corpses.


Have heard 2 different presumed experts predict 40 and 45 million death respectively.

How possible can that be since we have not started recording multiple deaths already.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by kruzyempire(m): 8:21pm On Mar 31, 2020
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by Rocktation(f): 8:42pm On Mar 31, 2020

Why ignore the part where he said only 1 patient has needed a ventilator so far? It seems evident to me that what he is saying is that we have an oversupply of ventilators considering the nature of current cases but in the worst-case scenario some ventilators can be moved from other places without strain on the system.

Now, what qualms could you have with this?

Can you truly believe that we can have an overwhelming number of any medical equipment in our Nigeria? Truly? Are ventilators even exclusively meant for covid-19 patients? To what end is he having a principle of selectivity, for funds already devoted to the fight of the pandemic? Is it to diversify into agriculture now, or what is he suggesting they keep the money for? My problem is that I can't seem to understand whether the Nigerian government has been cursed with a knack for impugning the underlying value of preparation for the unexpected. Even nations with better measures of preparedness could not completely remove the risk of such big no-notice event from trying and sometimes overcoming the capacity of their governments, so by all means, let us fast pedal ourselves to nothingness, by not putting up a proper fight.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by BruncleZuma: 8:43pm On Mar 31, 2020

They are using same drug in USA and people are dying. The Minister is a clown. Its that simple.

Each state should have at least 1000 ventilators before now and should have been one of the priorities.

Is all the money donated for just test kits?

Have heard 2 different presumed experts predict 40 and 45 million death respectively.

How possible can that be since we have not started recording multiple deaths already.

You can run simulations based on the available cases right now...heck you can even do it with Microsoft Excel.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by BruncleZuma: 8:45pm On Mar 31, 2020
People like you always thinks they got everything figured out until they realise they dont.

And people like you are the reason I stopped typing RIP on NL because they are not worth the waste of bits and bytes.

It's better to overestimate and be wrong than to understimate and be wrong... in which case millions die and we chalk it up to the will of God.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by Bekool(m): 9:00pm On Mar 31, 2020


The greedy minister obviously doesn't want to spend money I heard the Chinese are now selling their ventilators for $50k each up from $20k due the high demand from the US and other countries.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by Jamesbiodun(m): 9:04pm On Mar 31, 2020
I don't want to be a covidiot but this minister is making me believe that we are only treating malaria and not coronavirus
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by Matthew322(m): 9:34pm On Mar 31, 2020
Who did this to us? cheesy cheesy
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by Fulcrum15: 9:50pm On Mar 31, 2020
So even if we don’t use it now its not going to be useful in the future??

Upon all the donations that they have received,sometimes when some of our public officers say somethings you start thinking if they were High before making some statements.

But what do you expect from a Health minister that studied accounting?

Forget this government cox they don’t give a shit about you! #Staysafe
Ur points are salient. But not the health minister is a medical doctor not an accountant.
Re: Coronavirus: Nigeria May Not Need Many Ventilators For Patients – Minister by Babateemd: 11:09pm On Mar 31, 2020
i Pray that he is right, no country needed ventilators at less than 200 cases. problem is when the number of cases go up , we should buy more now that we are this stage, it is not a waste, you can send them to teaching hospitals after covid has ended.

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