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Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. - Politics - Nairaland

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Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by Abagworo(m): 9:54am On Jan 01, 2011
After a critical analysis of our situation based on history,experience and other factors I figured out few things as the bane of Nigeria's unity and growth.

The 1st and most important is the issue of being stuck to the past with regards to indigene/settler dichotomy.Should a Nigerian be regarded as a settler in his own country?The Jos crisis was partly fueled by this because an Hausa man won Jos North while the Governor rigged to make sure a Berom becomes LGA chairman.I personally see nothing wrong in an Hausa being a Governor of my State if he wins.

I have interacted with many Nigerians who believe the Igbos did wrong by buying land and investing in other remotest parts of Nigeria just because of ethnicity.They also believe that those Igbos are strangers and therefore have no right to contest and win elections or they would be sent packing.

Abolishing this indigene/settler dichotomy is a wise step towards improving local investment since every Nigerian will automatically become indigene of wherever he decides to settle and will invest there as a home.

More points coming.
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by seanet02: 9:58am On Jan 01, 2011
1. Lets divide the country into three.
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by Abagworo(m): 10:11am On Jan 01, 2011

1. Lets divide the country into three.

Peace will still not be achieved if you divide the country into 250.

The 2nd factor is religion.Nigerians believe wholeheartedly in other peoples religion while discrediting our own traditional religion.Japan developed after abolishing Islam and Christianity and adopting their traditional religions.USSR outlawed any form of religion.

I think it is high time Christianity and Islam is abolished in Africa.

1 Like

Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by seanet02: 10:20am On Jan 01, 2011
Why should YORUBA problem be that of yours and vice versa. We the YORUBA people dont fight ourselves over religion or ethnic issues. We go about our normal activities day in day out. It is you Northerners that can kill because somebody refuse to return your salam alaekun greeting. Lets resolve this thing like the sudan decision day coming in january. Lets divide Nigeria without any rancour. Its your north that does not know how to feed millions of almajiris that want to finish Niger delta oil before Dividing the nation.
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by dempeople(m): 12:52pm On Jan 01, 2011

Peace will still not be achieved if you divide the country into 250.

The 2nd factor is religion.Nigerians believe wholeheartedly in other peoples religion while discrediting our own traditional religion.Japan developed after abolishing Islam and Christianity and adopting their traditional religions.USSR outlawed any form of religion.

I think it is high time Christianity and Islam is abolished in Africa.

cheesy cheesy cheesy
At last, someone who's making some serious sense and getting to the root of our problems. Its high time that we Nigerians (and Africans in general) look inwardly into our ways of doing things. Infact, we outrightly need an overwhelming cultural revolution.

In the case of Nigeria,

1) Convene a Sovereign National Conference to better design a well-rounded constitution accepted by Nigerians as well as use the conference to address age-old issues plaguing the country.

2) Revert back to regionalism or better still, geopolitical zones whereby each zone elects its leaders. Confederacy is championed here but, will differ from America's style such that, it wouldn't be about states but geopolitical zones. (The current form our our government is quite expensive and cumbersome to maintain).

3) Remove Nigeria from the OIC (Organization of Islamic Countries) and implement secularism. Anti-Secularists should be regarded by the state as potential terrorists and punished, where necessary.

4) Implement a thorough cultural revolution - every level in society has to be Africanized. Meaning? Institution of an Africanist ideology required in every level of public and private life. People should be encouraged to see Nigeria (and Africa) as the ultimate holy land rather than Mecca(Islam), Rome(Catholic Xtianity) or London(Anglican Xtianity).

Personally, though I believe in a creator and pray to him, I'm neither Christian (although born into a Christian family) nor moslem rather, I'm a devoted Africanist - and this is my own religion. The thing here is that, our people are not that psychologically matured to understand that these foreign religions are used to control Africans. Yes, with all our degrees and Phds, most Nigerians are not critical and abstract thinkers. We need people to question things without fear.  We need our own ways of doing things.

Will come back for more. . .
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by Abagworo(m): 1:17pm On Jan 01, 2011
@dem_people.Thanks a lot for your contributions.I am a Christian but I always clash with other Christians because they refuse to accept other peoples belief.I believe every Religion is right and should be followed moderately.African religion has suffered the most form of dehumanization,destruction and persecution both in the hands of the Whites and Arabs as well as our own people.
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by aljharem11(m): 1:40pm On Jan 01, 2011
abagworo,,, Allah bless you

must people here just think dividing nigeria will be the solution when they have not had a thought on how there new republic will be like undecided

@ topic

1.)let the government make an assembly of all ethnic group and let them have representatives each in that assembly

2.) electricity should also be done so that investments will increase undecided

3.) proper police system were data base of all nigerian citizen is collected and they can be traced from kaduna to port harcount

4.)free proper education in certain schools in the federation.

5.) have functioning refineries to generate revenue for the country undecided
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by Metalgoong(m): 1:45pm On Jan 01, 2011
alj harem1:

abagworo,,, Allah bless you

must people here just think dividing nigeria will be the solution when they have not had a thought on how there new republic will be like undecided

@ topic

1.)let the government make an assembly of all ethnic group and let them have representatives each in that assembly

2.) electricity should also be done so that investments will increase undecided

3.) proper police system were data base of all nigerian citizen is collected and they can be traced from kaduna to port harcount

4.)free proper education in certain schools in the federation.

5.) have functioning refineries to generate revenue for the country undecided

The government should also make secondary school education free and mandatory for Alj Harem and his Almajiri brothers.
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by dempeople(m): 1:49pm On Jan 01, 2011

The government should also make secondary school education free and mandatory for Alj Harem and his Almajiri brothers.
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by Beaf: 1:54pm On Jan 01, 2011

The government should also make secondary school education free and mandatory for Alj Harem and his Almajiri brothers.

Damn! grin
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by aljharem11(m): 2:18pm On Jan 01, 2011

The government should also make secondary school education free and mandatory for Alj Harem and his Almajiri brothers.

and how does that relate to the topic undecided

you insult northerners, i want to ask, are you any better than the almajiri that you try to insult? undecided

but if u meant no insult, thank you brother smiley smiley smiley

happy new year brother smiley wink
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by sochan: 2:41pm On Jan 01, 2011

Your point is well taken, but not as simple as you think to implement.

firstly, you need to educate the populace on the benefits of having and living with people of different tribes and religions.

Secondly, I do not think that religion is necessarily the problem, it is people interpretation of religion that is the main issue, if you take that away they will find something else to fight about.

So one again, education remains key.

Do you guys see any correlation between our failing education and the sharp rise in untold crimes and restiveness?
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by violent(m): 3:33pm On Jan 01, 2011
Let's move the Yorubas,edo,delta and may be Bayelsa state join the republic of benin

see map

Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by Dede1(m): 5:30pm On Jan 01, 2011
My solution is to deconstruct Nigeria. Nigeria is a colonial relic its foundation was wrongly conceived.
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by kdecifer: 2:33pm On Dec 15, 2012

Peace will still not be achieved if you divide the country into 250.

The 2nd factor is religion.Nigerians believe wholeheartedly in other peoples religion while discrediting our own traditional religion.Japan developed after abolishing Islam and Christianity and adopting their traditional religions.USSR outlawed any form of religion.

I think it is high time Christianity and Islam is abolished in Africa.

You are absolutely right in your comment. Religion creates lots of divides. And as you rightly know, a Nigerian is greatly motivated by the religion he/she practices and can go to any length to defend it. But it's just a pity that abolishing religion in Nigeria would require a rational dictator who would'nt care about the bloodshed that will accompany the process.
Re: Solution To Nigeria's Problems.let Us Suggest. by kdecifer: 2:45pm On Dec 15, 2012

cheesy cheesy cheesy
At last, someone who's making some serious sense and getting to the root of our problems. Its high time that we Nigerians (and Africans in general) look inwardly into our ways of doing things. Infact, we outrightly need an overwhelming cultural revolution.

In the case of Nigeria,

1) Convene a Sovereign National Conference to better design a well-rounded constitution accepted by Nigerians as well as use the conference to address age-old issues plaguing the country.

2) Revert back to regionalism or better still, geopolitical zones whereby each zone elects its leaders. Confederacy is championed here but, will differ from America's style such that, it wouldn't be about states but geopolitical zones. (The current form our our government is quite expensive and cumbersome to maintain).

3) Remove Nigeria from the OIC (Organization of Islamic Countries) and implement secularism. Anti-Secularists should be regarded by the state as potential terrorists and punished, where necessary.

4) Implement a thorough cultural revolution - every level in society has to be Africanized. Meaning? Institution of an Africanist ideology required in every level of public and private life. People should be encouraged to see Nigeria (and Africa) as the ultimate holy land rather than Mecca(Islam), Rome(Catholic Xtianity) or London(Anglican Xtianity).

Personally, though I believe in a creator and pray to him, I'm neither Christian (although born into a Christian family) nor moslem rather, I'm a devoted Africanist - and this is my own religion. The thing here is that, our people are not that psychologically matured to understand that these foreign religions are used to control Africans. Yes, with all our degrees and Phds, most Nigerians are not critical and abstract thinkers. We need people to question things without fear.  We need our own ways of doing things.

Will come back for more. . .

Waoh!!!!!! I'm so feeling you bro. Well said. I think we somehow think alike and I'll really like us to talk more. Here is my email davidsondare@yahoo.com.

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