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Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 10:29pm On Apr 08, 2020
Well now that I have had my fun writing a comedy. I can finally go back to my beloved Romance genre. Hope you'll join me.

Synopsis below.

Infinite Love

Something much stronger than friendship happened back in high school when Mike agreed to tutor Angela. And neither of them realized that years later, they would have to overcome distance, loss, status, jealousy and heartbreaks to finally be together.


Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 3:39am On Apr 10, 2020
A Chance Meeting

The young man seated behind the okada rider was using his hand to shield the okada man's eyes from the rain. It was a light drizzle but riding on a motorbike made the water droplets feel like little stones being pelted in the face. He had to protect the okada man, because he was lucky to get one at all. The rider was a Northener, a Hausa man that only agreed solely because Michael was polite and greeted him respectfully when he asked for a ride. Hausa people are very proud if you show them respect, they can do almost anything for you, but when you try to be smart or ridicule them then you can have a formidable enemy.

Mike was running late for the interview, it was a good one with a lot of prospects. He knew he had to make a good impression and so he borrowed a suit from Uncle Sunday, who only accepted to lend it out to him because he was fond of Michael and he had to return it dry cleaned, even though Michael wasn't sure how exactly he would get the N2500 dry cleaning fee.

He got the interview notification late because his phone's battery was dead and the power was out so there was no way to charge it. After getting it charged from the local barbershop he saw the notification and so he had spent the rest of the evening looking for what to wear; he got the suit a sandy brown Italian suit that was more appropriate for dinner parties than an interview but it was still better than his own clothes. The shoes were an old pair of his late fathers too big for his flat feet but it was still all he had. He had to run over to the closest cybercafe to him which was still considerably far, to make copies of his credentials.

All this he did, the night before his interview.

He'd hardly slept at all. The interview was a distant away; on Victoria Island behind Silverbird Galleria film house. And the only wat to get there and back was to walk half the way to and fro. But he was determined to do it. The job position was one with a lot of promise; Ticketer at British Airways. He saw the ad in the Thursday Guardian that he always skimmed at Papa Onome's newsstand. He usually couldn't afford to buy the papers so like many others he would only skim through the pages and focus only on the Ads section. He would copy out details of all the appropriate job positions and then carefully place the paper back on the stand and pay N50 instead of the N500 paper price. He and so many other job finders did so daily or weekly.

He woke up very early and trekked as fast as he could to the checkpoint but wearing an old suit and big shoes he wasn't as fast as he wanted to be. When he saw the clouds gathering and realised that he wasn't going to make the mandatory 8a.m interview time he chartered the motorbike.

He approached the Hausa man lounging under the army barracks bridge on his bike with his best smile.

"Salam aleikum, megida. Good morning." he learnt long ago from his university Hausa roommate Wonders that one should always approach men with a smile and throw in a little Muslim greeting if he was Muslim, it melts their hearts right away. The okada man responded smiling;

"Wa Alaikum salam warahmotullahi. Where are you going?"

"Lincoln Consult behind Silverbird Galleria. How much?"

The okadaman's smile drooped a little. He explained that he wasn't going that route but Michael was so polite that would still get him there. Michael was grateful. And boarded the bike with high hopes. This interview was going to bring changes into his life, he was sure of it. The job was fantastic. A ticketer, maybe later he would become a flight attendant and with hard work and a lot of perseverance he could become a pilot someday. All these thoughts floated through his mind as he rode along behind the okada rider shielding his eyes.

"Thank you, aboki." the rider told him for shielding his eyes.

They stopped briefly to ask directions and went about their way shortly after. They finally arrive at the street and Michael could see a black gate with people outside being ushered into it. He quickly got down and paid the bike rider, who shortly zoomed off. Mike now thoroughly wet ran up to catch them as the last man got ushered into the building and someone closed the door from inside.

He got to the door, it was closed and so he knocked on it.

A young man from inside opened the door. He was smartly dressed with his custom made long sleeved shirt obviously more expensive than everything that Michael had on. He took one look at Michael, with his wet sagging suit and oversized 90s shoes and he wrinkled his nose up and said:

"Are you also for the interview?"

"Yes shir" Michael responded trying to hold his sneeze.

"You're late, and I'm sorry but we don't entertain lateness. So please, you may go now."

Shocked! He couldn't be more shocked if an electric cable fell on him. As the man tried to close the door he panicked, checked his watch and said;

"B...but, I'm only five minutes late. And its because I had to walk half the way."

The young man opened the door wider and sternly responded; "We do not entertain excuses either. People like you fail because you don't take responsibility for your actions. You're late means you're late. So please leave!" And disappeared behind the door slamming it most unnecessarily.

Mike almost staggered as he stepped backwards; "What just happened?" he thought disoriented.


Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 3:45am On Apr 10, 2020
For updates check out:

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Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by purity23(f): 7:39am On Apr 10, 2020

Lovely one

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Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 8:30am On Apr 10, 2020
Thanks fam


Lovely one
Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by oloyedprince1(m): 4:01pm On Apr 10, 2020
baba I dey wait for ur long update

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Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 4:49pm On Apr 10, 2020
God, everything na long ting with this my oga, lol

baba I dey wait for ur long update
Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by oloyedprince1(m): 6:27pm On Apr 10, 2020
I dey enjoy am boss, abeg just drop 2

1 Like

Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 6:30pm On Apr 10, 2020
TWO AGAIN!? Ah! My brain go fry o!

I dey enjoy am boss, abeg just drop 2
Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 11:43pm On Apr 10, 2020
He had imagined how the day would play out. And it was entirely different from what just happened. He planned to meet the interview before anyone else. Get all their interview questions correct and charm the interviewer if possible. Then go home with a positive response of a job offer which would open the doors to the prestigious British Airways to him. Hailing the end of his tedious and dreary life. That opportunity and dream were not closed to him. Taking away by another snooty probably entitled man who thought himself better than him because he had on better clothes.

"What did he mean by people like me anyway?" He was suddenly angry and felt like kicking their trash bin but remembered that he had to return Uncle Sunday's suit spotless and drycleaners would charge extra to remove garbage stains he was sure.

So he took off the suit jacket, folded it and tucked it inside a nylon bag and carefully placed it inside his bag. He angrily took out all his document copies and shoved them in the trash. No matter how hard he tried, how much he struggled, to rise up and leave his tiring life, the powers that be simply kept pinning him down. It wasn't fair. Michael Osu's life was not meant to be like this. Before he let the sadness and self-pity overcome him he slung the bag diagonally over his shoulder. And folded his cuffs and removed the tie and placed it in the bag. He was ready for the long trek back home. Which would now be longer thanks to the rider fair he had to pay.

It was already some twenty minutes into his trekking and the rain had stopped leaving a mild scorching sun in the sky when a passerby approached him.

"Hello, sir. Abeg please I am going far and I don't have transport money, can you please give me some money?" the man said in pidgin English.

"I'm sorry but I don't have money either, that's why I'm trekking."

Before leaving the beggar gave Michael a look that seemed to say "cheapskate" and that made Michael smile at the ridiculous irony of it all. Now beggars were looking down on him. For some reason, a large group of people in Lagos have taken to begging instead of actually trying to do something in their lives. The old "I need fair to go somewhere" was a tired line that Michael didn't fall for again.

He went his merry way starting to forget his disappointment when a car that had just passed him, stopped and reverse backwards to meet him.

"I hope the driver isn't going to ask me for fuel money," he thought "I've had enough comedy for one day."

But when the car got closer he saw a woman behind the wheel.

"Mike, Michael Osu?" she called looking outwards.



Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by oloyedprince1(m): 2:41pm On Apr 11, 2020
boss I dey bust my brain ooo, thanks for d update

1 Like

Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 12:11pm On Apr 13, 2020
"A...Angela" he stuttered "Is that really you?"

"YES, it's me!" she said getting out of the car and reaching out to hug Michael. She released him just as suddenly as she hugged him. "Mike, Michael Osu? Oh my God, you've gotten so tall," she said thoroughly staring at him.

He could have blushed both from the hug he got and from the compliment in her tone. He couldn't remember the last he had such close physical contact with a woman. Maybe when cramped in a tin can bus? Most women judge his financial situation under five minutes of meeting him and put him at arm's length. But not Angela Nwolisa, she squeezed him into a bear hug to the astonishment of passersby, staring at the gorgeous wealthy-looking lady with a car hugging a near homeless-looking man on the Island expressway.

Mike still couldn't she was there. Angela, Angel, his Angel, from back in high school? Such a lifetime ago, when life was still a dream with hopes and laughs. That life was gone and yet, here was Angela who was long gone in his life. Seeing her started bringing it all right back. Angela!

"Angel?" he called out almost not believing it was her.

"Oh, Mike. You're the only one who's ever called me Angel. We simply must catch up! Where are you headed?"

"Well Umm...i was just headed home"

"Oh, I remember that! Wait, don't tell me. It's Block B, Flat B at Dolphin Estate right?"

"Oh wow, you remembered our old place!" He was astonished, she still remembered his parents old flat on the Island! She really was Angela! Her memory confirmed her existence to him. And woke him up. It was like he was hallucinating before now. Dreaming her up again, the way he used to daydream about her whenever he hit a very low point in his day. She was the best part of his former life when things were still good. Whenever he was ironing or washing a client's clothes and the dark wave washed upon him he would think of her and then whatever he was doing wouldn't seem so bad. Life couldn't be that bad as long as Angela was alive in it. Somewhere, out there.

Now she was here and it was really her!

"Of course I remember your old place and your mum and dad and Johnie. Oh, I'd love to see Johnny."

"Wow, I'm sure he'd love to see you too!"

"Yes! But...hey aren't you headed the wrong way? Isn't the way to Dolphin, that way!" he pointed behind him.

"Yeah, umm...but no. We, we, we don't live there anymore. We live on the mainland now." he said.

"Oh! So...is that where you're going now?"


"But why are you walking, where's your car? I mean...um couldn't you find a cab?"

"Oh um...you know Lagos cab drivers they can be so thick-headed." he laughed nervously. Or what do you say to an old school flame when she drives by in a Carina and asks you why you're trekking on the highway? Angela got the picture though and tried her hardest to hide her surprise in order not to hurt his feelings.


Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by Zara20(f): 4:39pm On Apr 13, 2020
keep it rolling,you've got what it takes. Kudos
Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 5:17pm On Apr 13, 2020
Thank you Z

keep it rolling,you've got what it takes. Kudos
Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 5:18pm On Apr 13, 2020
Na you dey inspire my brain oga

boss I dey bust my brain ooo, thanks for d update
Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 1:09am On Apr 14, 2020
Angela had been driving by humming along to Jamila's Superstar track playing on the radio when she noticed a gangly man talking to another man on the sidewalk of the overhead express bridge and when the man smile she had just thought to herself; "Hmm, my old school mate Michael, had a smile like that."

"He was even skinny just like that man standing there." she thought.

Michael was a student prefect and the school gave him a special super cool blazer that only prefects wore. The blazer looked amazing on all the other prefects but Michael due to his slim stature just looked like a human clothes hanger in it.

She giggled. His friends used to tease him about it, while she agreed but never said so.

"I think you look nice", she would always say and he would give him his special smile. A shy smile that took up mostly the left side of his face and she melted whenever he did it.

"Wait a minute," she said out loud "that is Michael." No, it can't be her mind told her. But it had to be, the man also looked like a clothes hanger in his creased shirt. As she drove by him she was even more sure that it was Michael Osu, but he looked in a way that disproved her theory. So slowed down her car, stopped and reverse to catch up to the man. And when she caught up to him and called out his, she half expected the man to say that he wasn't Michael and she would have apologized feeling awkward like a fool. But he had called her nickname; Angel, and it turns out that she wasn't seeing things.

"But hey, never mind that. I was just coming back from rehearsals and I was headed to a place for lunch. Why don't you come with me?"

"Oh, I don't know. I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"No, what are you saying? We're friends, you have to come. How else do we catch up?"

"Well, yeah...sure. Of course." he resigned smiling.

"Great, well get in please." and he turned around her car carefully withdrawing his body not to stain her car's shiny paint job. As if poverty could stain car paints. He opened the car gingerly and clicked on her car seat belt. It looked so fancy that he was almost certain that it was worth more than everything he had on. He noticed that Angela was delayed from entering the car and looked up to see the same that accosted him for transport fare talking to Angela saying: "Anty please my wife is in the hospital giving birth and I can't pay hospital bills please help me."

He didn't hear her response just watched her get in the car and open a compartment to bring our crisp N1000 notes and give the man some. Michael only saw that it was close to the amount he made in three months that she gave him.

"Here, for your wife. I pray she gets better." she said and he instantly collapsed on his knees and started fervent prayers upon Angela.

"Ah, aunty. God bless you. God bless your work. Anything that you are looking for God will do it. God will promote you in your job. Even in your business ehn. Uncle, please help me thank aunty for helping me."

He suddenly realised that the man he had begged for transport fare was the one seated beside the woman he had begged for his wife's hospital bills. Quick as a flash he said "Thank you ma" and he was gone. Michael watched him take brisk steps and disappeared just as fast as he pocketed the money. He wondered if he should tell her that he suspected the man to be a fraud but decided against and suddenly Angela pinched him.

"Ow!" he shouted.

"So it really is you?" she was smiling.

"It is me now. Why are you pinching me? he asked patting his arm.

"Just checking, I thought you could be a ghost."

"But how can I be a ghost when I haven't died yet?" he said and they both laughed as she drove off taking him along.


Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 9:52pm On Apr 15, 2020
Dinner with the Queen

"Oh my God, Mike! I still can't believe it! And I was just thinking of you right before I actually saw you. That is so crazy..." Angela was saying, but Mike only managed to mumble a one-liner in response, he was feeling a little dazed.

About five minutes ago he was trekking his way home which was about eleven kilometres away when she came out of nowhere. Angela Nwolisa, his Angela, Angel. How many times had he thought about seeing again? So many times. So many times he had thought about the scenario of their meeting and exactly what he would say if he ever saw her again. So many times he had tried to look her up or call her, but he always chickened out at the last minute. Not wanting to seem like a stalker. Or worse to seem like someone who only wanted her money. Rich people were always suspicious of their middle-class peers.

But now sitting right here beside her, so close, after so much distance between them was...unbelievable. He had even thought he would never see her again. After all, in what scenario would a movie star meet someone like him? Maybe if she ever needed a handyman to pick up her trash.

"Mike, do you remember that time Chibuzor and you had a fight? Wow, that was so intense. I can still remember it like it was yesterday..."

"Yes, I do." He said, not really listening to her. He rubbed his hands on her car's armrest trying to get warm because she had on the AC and he was still a little wet from the rain and so he was starting to feel cold, he was too shy to say so. Not wanting to offend her or interrupt her nostalgic reminiscence in any way. But she noticed.

"Oh, let me turn that down for you." and she turned down the AC without much thought.

"Thank God, I came this way or else I might never have seen you. I only came because I had a hard time at rehearsals this morning, my costar was being difficult again and I just had to leave there before I lost my cool, you know? I don't like to flare up in front of the crew like that, it's bad for my image. So I asked to be excused and I was. You see the director's a friend of mine."

He was surprised at the way she was treating him! She was talking to him the way she used to long ago, when they were friends. It was like the gap in their lives had never happened. Like they had never lost touch and had been all these years!

Well, Mike couldn't help but feel intimidated. So, all he could give were one-sentence responses like; "yes", "okay", "fine", "thanks" or "no". And who could blame him? He was a nobody while she was Lisa Angels; Nollywood's Queen of Soap Opera, very successful and her car's fueling alone would cost about two months of his salary.

Even her car alone was awesome. A cherry red 2016 Chevrolet Malibu. With silver and brown leather skinned upholstery that felt so smooth and cool to touch like baby skin. He was so comfortable in his seat that he felt like sleeping in the car. It was more comfortable than his bed, than his entire house.

The car's dashboard looked like an aeroplane's cockpit panel. And she drove it so well, like a seasoned pilot in his aircraft. He was awed by the way her hands glide over the compact steering wheel. Michael couldn't even ride a motorbike not to mention drive a car.

Riding beside her was so smooth, like floating on clouds. It all felt like a dream. He imagined this is what it must feel like being the royal escort of a queen.


Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by Ann2012(f): 7:38am On Apr 16, 2020

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Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 8:59am On Apr 16, 2020
Glad you liked it.


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Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 2:42pm On Apr 17, 2020
They arrived at Willies, a newly established confectionery that was said to be very pricey. Immediately she drove in; the valet and the security men all became instantly animated and began to dote on her.

"Welcome, Ms Lisa. Please let me help you with that." the valet asked reaching for her bag.

"It's fine, Oga Bassey. Thank you. Good morning." she replied

"Morning Ms Lisa." said the security. "How is your day?"

"Fine, Mr Thomas. Morning."

As Mike quietly followed beside her, the men gave him a nod too. Some fellow shoppers along the hallway glanced at her, some stopped in their tracks and nudged their partners to have a look at the famous Lisa Angels.

"Good morning, ma. Welcome, what are you having today?" asked the waitress already bobbing up and down to wait on her.

"Ah, Lily, please I will be having my regular mini chicken and chips with water and please bring a menu for my friend here.

"Okay, ma. I'll be right back." and the waitress left them alone for a minute and even though there were few people dining at Willies at that time in the morning the few people there were staring at them both. They started at her because she was a celebrity, the heroine in many soap operas on the Nigerian television network and they stared at him too because quick frankly...

"What was a guy like that doing with a girl like her?" they thought and if you saw them together, especially Michael's clothing...you would think the same thing too.

"Wow, so you're now Ms Lisa Angels, famous soap star, wow?" he gushed finally finding his voice.

"Guilty," she responded, raising up her hand and they both laughed.

"Please, I'm confused. How did you get into acting and when did you change your name to Lisa Angels?"

"Oh, Michael. You remember that last time we saw each other I was leaving for Zaria right? I had gotten that admission to study Nursing and I was going to live with my aunt?"

"Yes, I remember that. It was the last time I ever saw you."

"Yeah, so I got to RNU, Zaria and I really like the place. For once, life was a bit chill with none of the hustle and bustle that my mum and I were always doing to make ends meet in Lagos. In Zaria, I could fall into the slow ease of life there, I could breathe finally. And my aunt Juliet, she was amazing! She really took care of me and never made me feel like a burden or want anything, she and her husband.

So, there I was studying Nursing and unfortunately, I hated it! The endless lectures, the labs, and trials, it was such a grind. In nursing school, you study a lot and can't have any distractions. You constantly have to be on your toes because a life practically depends on it. If you mess up a medication, you could kill a patient. If as a nursing student, you can't find a way to balance your classes and studies well, you're finished. It was highly challenging and took all of my time and thank God my aunt and uncle were very supportive, they almost always left me alone to study and never asked me to do chores whenever I had a quiz or exams to prepare for. But I didn't want that type of a highly demanding course.

"Oh, but isn't it worth it at the end? I mean, then you would be a qualified nurse? Which is wonderful" he said.

"Well, yes! Becoming a nurse would be amazing, and at the end that would make it all worth it. But I didn't want that type of a highly demanding life. I don't know if you remembered how rough it was for me and my mum back then, how hard it was when my father left us and we had to struggle every day."

"I remember. " He said.


"That time was really tough and I just wanted to let my hair down and relax a bit you know? I had already had enough of struggles. High school was all about; always exerting myself to keep my head above water, to attend school and help my mum with the shop and hawking her wares. I just wanted to ease up a little."

So I wasn't happy, and i realized that...It wasn't my dream to be a nurse. It was my mother's, and I just followed along to make her happy, but I still didn't know what I would want to do If I didn't want to be a nurse."

"But early in my second year. A friend managed to convince me to watch her class rehearsals of a play, you know Ola Rotimi's; The Gods Are Not To Blame?"

"Yes, I...I know that one."

"Well, while watching them, I suddenly felt the urge to join them. To be on stage and act, you know? I never felt like that before and I managed to convince them to let me join their troupe. They gave me a small role as an extra but while performing that small role, I felt alive and never wanted to do anything else in my life."

"But I still couldn't think of letting my mum know about it, so I kept it a secret. It was my aunt's husband who was a lecturer in the school where we performed a play in which I was the lead that first found out. He wasn't even angry about it but instead he just had a straight talk with me about what really I want to do with my life. I told him I wanted to be an actor. And surprisingly, he was very encouraging! He offered to talk to my aunt about it, which he did. My aunt was disappointed, but eventually, she came around. So early in my second year of nursing school I dropped out and enrolled in theatre arts. But none of us could still muster the courage to tell my mum so we all kept it a secret and do you know how she found out?

"No, I don't know." he confessed.

"Our neighbourhood chemist told her! She was always bragging about me to him that she had a nurse for a daughter I would someday own a chemist like his and sell cheaper drugs." She laughed.

"And so one time while at that same chemist shop, he told people I was a nurse and they kept asking me questions and, one thing led to the other, I told them I was in fact and actress and not a nurse. He told her soon after and she nearly collapsed." she grinned.

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Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 1:57am On Apr 18, 2020
I hope you guys are enjoying the updates. Another one coming soon. wink

Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by Treasurewamiri(f): 4:00am On Apr 18, 2020
Yes, we are. Waiting for the next update

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Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by nastynic(m): 8:05pm On Apr 18, 2020
Yes, we are. Waiting for the next update
Adjust please..

Nice story you've got here

1 Like

Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 8:33am On Apr 19, 2020
"Woah!" he said.
"Yeah, we almost had to have her hospitalized, but...she also accepted it with time."
"Okay. But why Lisa Angels? Why did you change your name from Angela Nwolisa?"
"I have actually...not changed my name at all. I'm still Angela Nwolisa, Lisa Angels is the name of a character I played in school and it just stuck me with it, since the audience loved the character. And I kept acting in different shows and plays while in school that by the time I graduated there was a job already waiting for me and I sort of blew."
"Oh, Wow... Interesting. Hmm!" he said thoughtfully.
"I know what you're thinking Mike." she said playfully.
"Really, what...?"
"You're thinking that it was selfish of me to drop nursing, don't you? That I should have stuck with it so as to help people, right?" she asked teasing.
"No, not at all." he said "I was just thinking that it was really brave of you to find something you love and go for it regardless of anything."
"Awwww." she melted. "Thanks, Mike. You know, I've really missed this! I've missed talking to you. I always did feel better by talking to you. So tell me what about you? What interesting things happened in school or your life?"
"Well, not much really. There's nothing much to say." he hesitated.
"Oh, come on Mike I just told you everything about me. Now it's been ages, come on. Fill me in on the blanks of your life."
"Alright... if you insist. Well, after high school my dad died, unexpectedly."
"What! Oh, Mike. I'm so sorry." she said.
"Yeah, thanks and things sort of went downhill from there. We lost everything, my mum got sick from the grief and she was hospitalized a couple of times. She still hasn't fully recovered and so we became strapped for cash and I had to take over caring for my mum and my little brother anyhow I could. I have only managed to graduate two years ago because I had to pay for school myself and take care of my family. And so far the jobs aren't forthcoming and so I have been taking odd jobs here and there to survive."
"Oh, Michael that's awful." she said.
She reached out across the table and held his hand to comfort him. He stiffened from the contact, wondering where the electricity came from.
"It's... Ahem" he coughed "it's okay."
Just then the waitress brought the chicken for Angela and a menu for him.
"Oh, thank you Lily. I was starving." And she began eating with relish. While Mike only stared at the prices on the menu. He couldn't bring himself order anything yet. He was wondering if the restaurant would be willing to accept his dishwashing skills as a means of alternative payment. She sensed his trepidation and said;
"You know what, Mike? They make great Jollof rice here, you have to try it."
She called Lily, the waitress who was hovering above them and she was by their side in seconds.
"Please, Jollof Rice, Chicken and a Malt drink for my Michael."
"No, erm... no malt please, water is fine, thank you." He said not wanting to cost her unnecessary bills.
"A bottle of water please." She told Lily.
"Alright ma, right away." And Lily left them blushing away.
"You know Mike, I had no idea things were that tough. Now, I feel very bad. I should have contacted you sooner and tried to help."
"Oh, that's alright, Angel. My brother is about rounding up his secondary school and he would soon be in the university and my mum's health is a lot better these days. She still a little hypertensive but it's a lot better now."
"Thank God."
His food arrived and it looked amazing. He planned to eat it slowly, with style but after having a spoonful of mouthwatering Jollof Rice, he could no longer control his hand or his mouth. He finished his food before she finished hers.
"So Mike, what course did you study?" She asked.
"Oh, I er..." he swallowed " I studied engineering, Electrical Engineering."
"And knowing you, you probably came out with first class." She teased. Trying not to brag, he admitted it.
"I knew it, efiko. You put the rest of us to shame." She laughed, he joined in.
"You know what? I think I might know someone who can help you with a job." And she fished out her card.
"Oh, you don't have to do that. I don't want you to bother yourself about me."
"Nonsense, we're friends. You've helped me a lot before, remember? And besides, I want to. Here, take one. Now, you have to come see me next Thursday. We really need to talk, okay?"
"Great. Now, I'll call you a cab. And then I'll see you next week, alright?"
"Alright. Thanks."
"Oh, no. I haven't done anything yet. Come, let's go."
They left the restaurant and she got takeaways for both of them and still gave him the two and as they left she tipped the valet, security and the waitress nicely. And waited with him outside, talking about everything; the weather, high school, life, until an uber came. He got in and she reached through the window for a handshake and also squeezed something in his palm and closed his hand over it.
"Thank you very much."
"Shh. " She shushed him.
She went over and paid the driver on his behalf and they said their goodbyes. As she drove off, he watched her car disappear in the opposite direction from the uber's rear window.
"Wow," he said "Angela still remembers me."
He finally had Angel back in his life. Now, everything would be better. He could feel it. He opened his palm and saw the cash she had given him. He became giddy. He couldn't believe how wonderful his day had turned out. It was perfect. He only wished she hadn't called an uber. The money she paid was too much. He would have preferred to be given the money instead.


Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 10:40am On Apr 19, 2020
I like to laugh. There's no way I can write a love story without adding comedy, I just can't do it.
I hope my stories make you guys laugh too? Hope I didn't add to much comedy?


Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by oloyedprince1(m): 12:44pm On Apr 19, 2020
bro ur story is so interesting, but there are some errors... but anyway it z awesome
Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 1:14pm On Apr 19, 2020
Thank you Bro.

But I would like to know the errors because I hope to print this story out as a book when its finished.

It would be a disaster to see my errors after printing the book.

bro ur story is so interesting, but there are some errors... but anyway it z awesome
Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by oloyedprince1(m): 3:33pm On Apr 19, 2020
u just need editing and proofreading, cus their are lot of typographical error like their is a place you wrote he for she

1 Like

Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by Treasurewamiri(f): 3:57pm On Apr 19, 2020
Awesome story.... Even me would think like Mike, why call an uber when I can pick a bike and save money
Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 3:58pm On Apr 19, 2020
Me sef my sister. I would trek small and enter danfo abeg. grin

Awesome story.... Even me would think like Mike, why call an uber when I can pick a bike and save money
Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 10:30am On Apr 22, 2020
The Neanderthal

Mr Oyem the Physics teacher had his back to the class, as usual, and was scribbling notes
on the chalkboard and while reading out the same notes simultaneously from his old worn notebook. But he might as well be talking to himself as the class was too loud, making it difficult for the serious student to hear him properly. A few of the class, pupils seem to be trying hard to listen but way too many of them were simply gisting of which Mr Oyem had grown accustomed to.

After many futile attempts to discipline the class, he had simply given up. His attempts failed because one; he was short, much shorter than most of the students in the senior class and any attempt to be strict would inevitably cause confrontation with some of the hardened students, which he preferred to avoid, it was not uncommon for a student to beat up a teacher in these types of public schools.
Another reason his attempts to shape up the class failed was because his mind was not really into it. His meagre salary barely covered basic teaching services not to mention putting in extra work to reform wayward students. Since it meant extra effort uncompensated for the government he just gave it up. He would teach his bare minimum and leave them in their ways. So he continued drawing the optical reflection rays illustration on the board and tried to concentrate above the dim of their noise.

"Since the law of reflection states that the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the surface of the mirror all lie in the same plane, therefore the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir!" only one or two students responded, but he was undeterred. It was their future they were risking by not paying attention not mine, he thought. "Let them do as they wish."

And then one of the students' voice piped up.

"So the girl said, that she only talks to prefects and I said; Look here, I am the commander of prefects. The principal himself gave me the title, come to my school and see how I order them around anyhow." and a group of students obviously listening to the first speaker laughed. Usually, Mr Oyem would ignore such distractions but the silliness of it, really got to him and he uncharacteristically turned around to face them.

"Hey, who said that?" he said turning around and the class suddenly became quiet as a graveyard in attention.

"You! " He said, pointing to the noisemaker, a boy conspicuously much taller and older than the rest of the class.

"Sir!" the erring student asked unnecessarily.

"Don't sir, me. Yes, you! Get up!"

The student stood up, and turned out to be almost twice the height of Mr Oyem and looked more like a university student instead of a senior in secondary school.

"What were you making noise about?"

"Nothing, sir!" he replied innocently.

"Nothing, abi? What is your name?"


"How many times have you repeated now?"

Chibuzor was quiet.

"I pity you. Instead of paying attention, you are busy chatting in my class and I am sure that you don't even know anything."

No response.

"Okay, tell me. What is Newton's third law of motion?"


"Are you deaf? Newton's third law of motion, what is it? We have gone through it about twelve times in this class already."

Chibuzor, scratched his head in deep thought and pinched the student beside him under the table. That one used a hand to cover his mouth and with a poker face side whispered the answer to Chibuzor as they had often done many times in the past. Chibuzor tried to listen to the cheat answer and repeat it to the teacher.

"Er... yes sir. Newton's third law of motion... states that... to every action... there is a... wall... of opposite... erection!"

The class entire class roared in laughter. The answer was so ridiculously funny that even Mr Oyem, while shaking his head could not help grinning, trying to hold back his laughter.


Re: Infinite Love - (Novel) by adeabdul2(m): 11:27pm On Apr 25, 2020
The class entire class roared in laughter. The answer was so ridiculously funny that even Mr Oyem, while shaking his head could not help grinning, trying to hold back his laughter.

"... a wall"

"... of opposite erection"

"Erection!" The students mimicked. Mr Oyem, raised his small cane threateningly to quieten the class.

"You see! You don't even know anything, you have an empty head! Is that Newton's third law of motion? Class, what is Newton's third law of motion?"

Nobody answered they knew that whoever answered a question correctly after Chibuzor had answered it wrongly would get a thick knock on the head later after the teacher had left.

"You! Michael! What is Newton's third law of motion? I can bet it  anywhere that you know."

The skinny but tall boy got up slowly in obedience to his teacher and though with fear of the class bully and recited it from memory.

"Newton's third law of motion states that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

"Correct clap for him!" he barked and so the class clapped in their six rhythmic applause. Michael quickly sat down under the growling eyes of Chibuzor hoping that the bully would soon forget the transgression.

"You see! That was a very simple question but you are empty-headed and unserious."

The class giggled.

"Quiet! Most of you are empty-headed as well. Listen to me. Soon, you people will graduate and then where will you be? You don't know. But if you don't face your studies and learn very well, oh, I pity all of you. After you finish secondary school, nobody will be begging you to do anything again. Nobody will be chasing you around or force you to achieve something good in your life. If you graduate not knowing anything, I'm afraid, you will not like where you will find yourselves in the future. A word is enough for the wise."

If it was in one of the junior classes that such an offence had happened, he would have flogged the student harshly. But Chibuzor looked built like a bulldozer, and some students even smaller than him have been known to slap teachers in class, and so Mr Oyem gave a firm but harmless warning and went back to scribbling notes on the chalkboard. And immediately he turned back, the students' noise went right up again and they continued their chatting and antics as if they had not just had a pep talk about seriousness.

Mr Oyem sighed, he was tired of the class, he imagined the day when their set would graduate from the school and they would no longer be his problem anymore. By then they would be their parents' problems if they like let them listen.

Soon after, the bell rang for the eleven-thirty class break and with surprising speed, half of the students rushed out cheerfully even before their teacher. Michael and his friends were among the first ones to go out for break.

"Can you imagine what Chibuzor said? Erection indeed." Dayo asked and the guys laughed again.

"Why wouldn't he say erection? Girls are the only thing always on his mind, aside from that, the guy knows nothing. I wonder how he managed to get into science class?" Onos responded.

"Is it not by copying off guys like Michael? If it weren't for Michael, he wouldn't have even passed his S.S.1 exams." Dayo responded.

"Yes o! Michael maybe you should stop letting him copy you. Let him fail and repeat the class. That way, we won't have to see his ugly face every day."

"Are you blaming me? Have you seen the size of that guy? He is so tall and big he looks like the commando. I would like to see any of you two, refuse him." Michael protested.

"I can! I will just say it to his face. Look here, Ugly! Stop copying me and go read a book for once, you overgrown neanderthal!" Onos boasted

Just then, the guys heard Chibuzor's voice coming from behind.

"Hey, you!" He called, but they pretended not to hear him and instead, they quickened their steps moving away.

"Hey, don't run o! If you run and I catch you..." he barked and the boys stopped dead in their tracks. They recognized the threat all too well.

When he caught up to them, he said: "So, Michael you too dey try embarrass me abi? You dey form efiko, abi?"

"No, I..."

"Mtchew," he hissed "don't try that nonsense with me again, you hear! If not that you help me with tests I would have flattened your head."

"Er... no, please." Michael pleaded.

"Ah ah, I wouldn't touch you now. I need your head intact to study well so that I can copy off you later." he smiled.

"Okay." Michael responded quietly and Chibuzor turned to leave. Just then, Dayo said;

"Chibuzor wait, Onos has something he wants to say to you."

Chibuzor quickly turned back around and faced Onos squarely, up close and Onos panicked.

"Ah... no, I have nothing to say o!"

"Warri boy, abi you sef don get liver to fight?" Chibuzor asked in local pidgin English.

"No, no sir. No, sir!" and with that Chibuzor gave them a final growl and turned to chase some of the female students. Seeing him move away, the three friends finally exhaled and relaxed, then Onos smacked Dayo on the head

"Are you trying to get me manslaugthered?"

Dayo responded with his own slap across Onos's ears.

"You said that you will call him an... an..." he forgot.

"An overgrown neanderthal" Michael interjected.

"Yes, God bless you, Mike. An overgrown neanderthal. Ever since you got that new edition Oxford dictionary you have been using big, big words and grammar and I'm warning you seriously, one day that dictionary will get your mouth in big, big trouble."

Onos pouted. "Shoot! Is that why you two want to catapult me to an early demise? Thank you. I have seen my true enemies now. You have shown your true colours, chameleons!" The boys laughed.

"Next time, what you can't do, don't say it, Warri boy!" Dayo said.

"Yoruba boy, your own is too much. Don't worry, next time, I will show him and then I will show you too!" Onos threatened

"Excuse me, guys! Someone said from behind and Onos practically jumped in shock. Mike and Dayo almost fell over in laughter.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Angela said coming to them.

adesokan abdulafeez

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