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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / 7 Mistakes WAEC 2020 Candidates Should Avoid (791 Views)
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7 Mistakes WAEC 2020 Candidates Should Avoid by MasterMindX1(m): 8:18pm On Apr 18, 2020 |
7 Mistakes WAEC 2020 Candidates Should Avoid Mistakes happen sometimes at a point in anything we carry out and this my article is for WAEC 2020 candidates who are preparing to sit for their exams . These simple might cause big problems e.g failure in examination , not securing Admission. 1. O'level Course subjects combination 2. Mistakes In Student Data 3. Failure In Preparation. 4. Studying Wong Syllabus 5. Exam Time Management 6. Bad Handwriting 7. Mode Of Answering Questions 1. O'level Course subjects combination: A huge amount of students do make this mistake every year due to non proper guidance, students should first make sure they selected their five relevant subjects correctly and then other subject , imagine a science student choose Financial accounting that sounds stupid isn't it ? Good , so avoid it. 2. Mistakes In Student Data : This mistake should be totally avoided this, it is the most silly mistake candidates make in the course of their registration, e.g a wrong age wrong names , Some put their surname as first names. 3. Failure In Preparation : Failure to prepare is said to be the preparation to fail, we know it still many won't avoid it , it is very advisable for Students to prepare hard and prepare earlier for the examination , don't start reading few days to the examination , that's ba sign of failure . 4. Studying Wong Syllabus : Get the right syllabus , get the past questions , preparebyour textbooks and prepare for the battle . 5. Exam Time Management : This is very essential , learn to manage and use your teacher wisely , don't waste time on things you don't know , hunt those you know , clear them properly and then if you've enough to you can set back and look carefully on what you don't seem to be sure of. 6. Bad Handwriting : Sadly , bad handwriting cause many problem , some examiners don't have time to stress on what gives them problem and will end up failing the candidate , some candidates will realise despite their effort , they still fail ... So it is better to brush up your handwriting and make it clear for examiners to go through. 7 . Mode Of Answering Questions: In WAEC EXAMINATION learn to answer questions in their appropriate places , one page for one question solution. Bonus : 8. Having Issue With Invigilators: Avoid having issues with invigilators , you all understand this , many are ready to fail you without looking back. Thanks for reading. I know you find this helpful and interesting , use the share button and share to your friends and drop comment. Source : Read more.
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