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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order (3474 Views)
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Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Gombs(m): 10:03am On Apr 30, 2020 |
Over the past 4 weeks, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome D.Sc D.D has been sharing on the end times, the anti Christ, one world religion, the forced vaccination to get everyone to have with a digital identity, 5G and lots more. Read more He spoke on the realities of emergency laws and forced vaccinations where the state enforces a rule to take people out of their homes, forcefully take body samples, separation of family members etc. Recently the Nigeria, the legislators became a part of the grand conspiracy playing to the tune of global forces who are in script for the One world order, paving way for the antichrist. Read below ARE THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES TURNING CONSPIRACY REALITIES? Yesterday, a bill to strengthen NCDC was nicodemusly brought to the house of Reps, the bill immediately scaled 1st & 2nd reading and was scaled for passage on the 3rd reading, but what was puzzling was that against the tradition of Bill reading and passage in the House, the 55 pages document of the bill was not given to the members of the house for them to go through and understand what were the contents of the Bill they were being rushed to pass. Some woke members of the house raised alarm on this anomaly, poked further and learnt that there were many suspicious and controversial contents of this Bill, among them being that NCDC will now have unlimited powers to force every citizen of Nigeria to be vaccinated and be issued vaccine certificate, failure to accept to be vaccinated and be certified (by any means they deem fit) you will not be allowed to purchase air tickets, board flights or move about in public places. These members of the House who raised the alarm pointed out that the contents of the bill are very suspicious and fitted perfectly into some conspiracy theories that are being peddled on social media locally and internationally on the intention of some suspicious global power interests to create vaccines, forcefully make people to accept these vaccines and go further to implement a means of identification by way of chips implant or any other means they deem fit to identify those that have taken the vaccines.. The House members wondered on why Nigeria should be at the forefront of enacting such a Bill at this time and even in a hurry to pass the Bill which will support forced vaccination and certification to identify who has been vaccinated and who has not, even when no effective vaccine has been created. The House turned rowdy amidst the concerns and complains of some members of the House which necessitated the suspension of the passage of the Bill pending further review of the Bill by members of the House. Two lawmakers from the House who were on Channels TV Sunrise program this morning who were asked what their opinion on the Bill was, clearly stated that the Bill is suspicious and lend an amazing credence to the conspiracy theory that has been in circulation over sometime now on forced vaccination and identification by some certain global powers, they insisted that every content of the Bill must be made public and proper clarification given on the Bill contents and implementations. What are your thoughts?? 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by petra1(m): 10:17am On Apr 30, 2020 |
It's happening world over . They are secretly and hastily passing laws in favour of forced vaccinations of this their unproven and untested vaccine of bill gate. If they are honest why dont they let the law makers read the documents first before asking for approval. Well they themselves are puppet of the organisation behind this fiasco 4 Likes |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Nobody: 10:19am On Apr 30, 2020 |
Lies anybody who believes all those lies deserve two medals
one for stupidity the other for gullibility 5 Likes |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by PYQueen: 10:24am On Apr 30, 2020 |
I refuse to be gullible I am knowledgeable and will defend the truth always |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by dangermouse(m): 10:25am On Apr 30, 2020 |
We are watching keenly. If true, then this bill should be vehemently rejected. 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Buliwyf: 10:30am On Apr 30, 2020 |
PYQueen: petra1: Dude why are you this shameless? What's the point of using your two handles in one thread? And both of the handles uses female names but you are male. Why is deception the goto method by so-called pastors? Shame on you. |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Gombs(m): 10:51am On Apr 30, 2020 |
Fabulouzjoseph: What are lies? |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Gombs(m): 10:51am On Apr 30, 2020 |
dangermouse: It's terrible
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Gombs(m): 10:53am On Apr 30, 2020 |
Buliwyf: Please, don't Sera this thread. Whatever your thoughts are, please keep them in line with the thread's topic. Thanks |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Omotokeoloye: 10:56am On Apr 30, 2020 |
I think you should be careful with how you address people, how can could you have assume the handles are one person. Moreover does it matter � |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Buliwyf: 11:02am On Apr 30, 2020 |
Gombs: How does that stop him from being deceptive? I am calling out his dishonesty and amoral practices. If you don't like it you can look away. Don't start finding ways for us to overlook it because he is supporting you. People like you will love the devil as long as he is supporting you. Thanks as you comply. |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by jared007: 11:04am On Apr 30, 2020 |
The Church is marching on... The Bill Gates of hell shall not prevail. 2 Likes |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by dangermouse(m): 11:06am On Apr 30, 2020 |
Gombs:i mean, this is not the first sickness that requires vaccination of which everyone did comply without any conditions. So why is this one coming with all these conditions attached? Time will tell. 3 Likes |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by newmi(m): 11:34am On Apr 30, 2020 |
They say "STAY AT HOME" We say "STAY ALERT! Watch out..." 1 Peter 5:8 (New Living Translation) According to the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, all truth goes through three steps. First, it is RIDICULED. Second, it is VIOLENTLY OPPOSED. Finally, it is ACCEPTED AS SELF-EVIDENT They said the man (Chris Oyakhilome) is a conspiracy theorist well only time would tell but perhaps we don't have to wait for long as that which was concealed in grand deceit is beginning to be made manifest in broad daylight. He who has an ear let him hear the voice of wisdom speak... 2 Likes |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by petra1(m): 11:41am On Apr 30, 2020 |
Gombs: Good advice but Best to ignore him . The bible says not to answer fools. 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by petra1(m): 11:49am On Apr 30, 2020 |
dangermouse: I saw the article in vanguard . I'm amazed Gbajamila |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Nobody: 11:57am On Apr 30, 2020 |
It's a Worldwide attempt! But the fact is Nothing Tangible can be done now! What do I Mean? The Nwo and The Globalist One World Government proponents are Working behind the scene . They are aware that there is no much time left.. Next month May 14 , the pope is holding a Global Peace Pact Summit, which invitation have been given to leaders all over the World since September last year.. The Vaccine and 5g is in a haste to be rolled out.. All these are a prelude to what will happen once the Bride of JESUS Christ is taken away. I.r the Rapture.. Many of the Main Stream Media have been recruited.. There is no time.. That's why we should Repent and Accept JESUS to avoid been left Behind to witness what will happen here on Earth 6 Likes |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by LordReed(m): 12:37pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
Just more nonsense fearmongering. However, when it was time for consideration of the bill at the Committee of the Whole before it was passed for third reading, Gbajabiamila said that it should be stepped down to Tuesday, June 4, to enable members go through the bill. The contents of the bill will be scrutinized before it is passed and any objections can be raised. I don't know why you people are even making all this noise, is this not supposed to be part of your god's plan? You want to stop your god's plan from taking place? Rubbish. 4 Likes |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by byinks(f): 12:41pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
Gombs: I got this on my WhatsApp just now *HOW FEMI GBAJABIAMILA IS SECRETLY WORKING WITH BILL GATES TO IMPLEMENT THE MARK OF THE BEAST IN NIGERIA* House of reps speaker *Femi Gbajabiamila* has smuggled a bill which most of the house had not even read yet to pass a second reading on April 29th 2020. *The bill empowers NCDC to enforce vaccinations on Nigerian citizens without which, they cannot buy, sell, conduct business transactions, travel or visit public places...* _This is line with the prophecy of the beast, in the book of revelation which causes all men to receive a mark, without which they cannot buy or sell.._ *Femi wants to sell Nigerians to the antichrist.* Other members of the house stopped at the second reading when Femi could not produce the 55 page document for scrutiny. *Please speak up against the evil bill and evil speaker of the house.* They will not stop here, they will keep trying to pass this bill to beyond a third reading. *Money from Bill gates has corrupted members of the house and the EFCC should be called into this matter as well.* _No such bill has been passed in the USA or Europe, why do your lawmakers want to pass an evil bill in Africa ? _ *Please pass it on for the sake of our families and loved ones* . 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Jokerman(m): 12:56pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
Why must you force someone to accept a vaccination?? Well at these can't happen until the Antichrist is revealed who will come with sweet mouth and many lying truths 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by kingxsamz(m): 2:22pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Buliwyf: 2:48pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
Jokerman: Unfortunately from what you fellow Christians will have us believe it is happening already and no need for the antichrist. Just look at the lying fool up there who is using a woman's name go about promoting the theory on all threads. Shame. ![]() ![]() |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Lawly: 5:34pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
LordReed: Hell ll be full of people who know the truth and yet kept deceiving themselves with the believe that they re wise and educated. these days people re afraid of accepting the truth and reality they already know. please Bible's prophesies coming into existence is no coincidence at alllllll. save your soul before it's too late. remember hell is not a place to repent or second chance. as for me, my village people did very nice job in making me to be use to the extremest of unfortunate life. like it's normal things for me now. I have suffered hunger, poverty, lack, oppression, abuses, attacks of all kinds and more in my life. I have attempted severally to take my own life but God saved me in all. people have hated me passionately like I'm sth that ought not to exist. life makes no meaning to me at all. I have questioned God severally why I'm still alive, and why my existence at all in the first place, life is always most unfair to my family. my own siblings hate my and don't consider me as one of theirs. I'm still suffering these and worse more even till this adulthood. some people have sworn that they won't rest till I'm dead like they did to my parents. there's nothing anyone has suffered in life that I be not seen at least double. so let the antichrist people do their worst and die anyway, me and my loved ones' answers can always be no to them in everything and me and my loved ones' answer will always be no to them in everything. we cannot receive the mark of the beast and we will not receive the mark of the beast. we can all make it to heaven and we will all make it to heaven. Amen and Amen. 2 Likes |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by LordReed(m): 5:48pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
Lawly: While I empathize with your suffering, your story has no bearing on the subject. |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by ThinkFreely: 6:16pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
I support the government on this. Give ignorant people vaccines on gunpoint. We can’t overstretch our health facilities because we have some paranoid ignoramuses. We have to prevent that with vaccines m. |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by ThinkFreely: 6:18pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
Jokerman:Its not force, we can’t put so much pressure on our health facilities when we can prevent that with vaccine. Make that thing a law, you people cannot drag us backward. |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Gombs(m): 7:22pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
Buliwyf: Your opinion is noted. Thanks |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Gombs(m): 7:25pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
byinks: They always think people are idiots or Christians are joking in this earth. They'd not progress until we say so. 2 Likes |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by Gombs(m): 7:26pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by petra1(m): 8:02pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
ThinkFreely: How can you give vaccine for a virus under study Its not vaccine . Why making lawmakers pass laws hastily without reading it. It happened in UK . It almost happened in nigeria until a lawmakers raise alarm on why they have not been allowed to read the content. I though they should be concerned about cure . But they must inject healthy people with this vaccine. Hpw come every death is now covid 19. And the bodies are not allowed for autopsy . The bodies are seized by government except kyari Body which was later discovered to be bleeding from the head . |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by ThinkFreely: 8:16pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
petra1:Who said they have not identified the virus? There’s no point reading any law that enforces vaccination. Don’t give anti-Vaxxers time to think about it, there’s no amount of evidence you will present to ignorant anti-vaxxers that will make them see beyond the religious fanaticism. It’s a fact that vaccines safe lives, so give it everyone even if it’s on gun point. Idiots will always be idiots |
Re: Pastor Chris Was Right About Forced Vaccination And Build Up To One World Order by PYQueen: 8:25pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
Buliwyf:You have just shown the height of your stupidity for insinuating rubbish Are you me? Is me you? Bia bia bia @Buliwyf be very careful. Don’t digress from the topic of discussion and start pointing accusing fingers like Lucifer!! You know the story of what he does in heaven against the saints and if you don’t, ur loss. Moreover even if a fish brain had ever had same thought as u to use multiple accounts, what is ur own business? Not everyone is as deceptive as you are. Thank you |
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