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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / Best 4 Ways To Eat And Lose Weight (254 Views)
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Best 4 Ways To Eat And Lose Weight by markbor: 12:56pm On May 07, 2020 |
1. Mixing food and entertainment. It’s easy to mindlessly eat while you’re watching TV. Make eating a separate activity, and you’ll consume less. Also, five days of hard work eating and exercising can easily come undone from a weekend of binging. If eating out is your problem, then eat lightly before you go out to curb your hunger. 2. Eating to relieve stress. There’s nothing wrong with taking pleasure in eating, but don’t use food as your primary stress reliever. Find other ways to dissipate stress, such as exercising, reading, meditating, rather than eating. 3. Eating on the run. With the abundant availability of convenience foods, it’s easy to grab something from a vending machine or fast food store. But don’t make this a regular habit. Plan your schedule to include enough time to prepare and eat your meals in a quiet place, without the rush. 4. Avoid getting too hungry. Always try to eat before you get hungry. This may seem counterintuitive, but it’s very effective. There are two ways which can help make this easier to accomplish: Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Instead of three meals per day, you should be eating five or six smaller meals. By eating more frequently, there will be less time between your meals and less chance you’ll experience hunger. Eating more frequently also helps to raise your metabolism. One Easy way to lose weight and fight belly fat is to eat balanced diet. To effectively do this, one needs education. The website is an excellent place to start in learning what is right and what is not when it comes to eating. and exercising However, if you’re not sure about which of these foods to take, then you MUST use PhenQ weight loss product that combines five nutrients in one pill. PhenQ has “5 Powerful weight loss pills in One” a comprehensive solution that targets your weight loss in five different ways… Click here for details ->
Re: Best 4 Ways To Eat And Lose Weight by Lordjiggs09(m): 12:59pm On May 07, 2020 |
Okay, nice. |
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