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Money Does Actually Grow On Trees. - Agriculture - Nairaland

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Money Does Actually Grow On Trees. by ifegold: 11:09pm On May 08, 2020
This is not to fault that age long idiom-‘money doesn’t grow on trees’, rather it is aimed at exposing the actual secret of attaining the status of ‘nouveau riche’ through tree plantation (investment) and also being an environmental protector as the investment also caters for the purpose of salvaging the environment from the adverse effects of deforestation and environmental degradation at large.
The abundant wealth opportunities and high profitable investment potential that lies in investment in economic trees can never be over emphasized. Gone are the days of waiting 30/40 years just to get reasonable harvest in woods.
Two major hard woods that falls in this category of early maturity and harvest are Gmelina tree (Gmelina arborea) and Teak tree (Tectonia grandis).
Incidentally, we specialize in the PROPAGATION, NURSERY MANAGEMENT and ESTABLISHMENT of these trees both at the level of SEEDLINGS SALE and PLANTATION ESTABLISHMENT.
Tree planting investment is a win-win case to whoever engages in it for the following inclusive and yet limitless advantages.
• Suitable for absentee farmers who are interested in agro-related enterprise
• High ratio of return on investment to production cost
• Landed properties’ salvage and protection from grabbers, encroachers and trespassers alike
• Environmental protection advocacy and agent
• Good legacy for coming generation. etc

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Re: Money Does Actually Grow On Trees. by ifegold: 11:32pm On May 08, 2020
very timely, planting season is at hand...
the earlier a tree is planted, the earlier it grows.
Re: Money Does Actually Grow On Trees. by ifegold: 8:03am On May 09, 2020
To further confirm the high profitability (yet scarce) of hard woods generally, you can take a tour to a nearby saw mill or engage with building contractors and furniture makers around to confirm this claim.
Re: Money Does Actually Grow On Trees. by ifegold: 8:12am On May 09, 2020
Teak seedlings in the nursery ready for transplanting...

Re: Money Does Actually Grow On Trees. by ifegold: 8:15am On May 09, 2020
Few weeks old Gmelina seedlings ready for transplanting...Gmelina generally have a high growth rate that they sometimes grow above 2m in a year

Re: Money Does Actually Grow On Trees. by ifegold: 8:33am On May 09, 2020
Trees have generally been used since times immemorial in marking out boundaries and land entitlements...they always symbolize an unending presence of such land owners, thereby not making such land vulnerable to encroachers.
How would it feel like if that land you ve left to fallow for long can be productively utilized as this rather than leaving to the mercies of trespassers.

Re: Money Does Actually Grow On Trees. by ifegold: 2:32pm On May 10, 2020
'Thanks God for those trees you saw outside, each time any of my children in school calls to ask for money, I just take out my saw and slice one of them to be sold.' These were the exact words of Mr Are (not real name), a rural dweller who takes delight in planting Gmelina trees, Haven seen the economic benefits and the high demand for the tree.
Re: Money Does Actually Grow On Trees. by ifegold: 8:56am On Jun 01, 2020
Do not delay...
Re: Money Does Actually Grow On Trees. by ifegold: 1:40pm On Jun 26, 2020
The time is now
Re: Money Does Actually Grow On Trees. by ifegold: 4:48pm On Jun 27, 2020
Still in business

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