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Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? - Health - Nairaland

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Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Ejima1: 8:29am On May 15, 2020


Founder, Daar communications High Chief Raymond Dokpesi discharged from hospital alongside two of his grandchildren after testing negative for Coronavirus.

High Chief Raymond Dokpesi though grateful to God for his recovery from Covid-19 but questions why malaria patients are taken as Covid-19 patients, to him it's food for thought for another day

64 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by NaijaRoyalty(m): 8:31am On May 15, 2020
scamdemic it is .

it's so so easy to brainwash Nigerians I swear .

if you see how some of them come on nairaland and other media platform to argue , you would think they've got there senses all intact.

most Nigerians are educated mumus and the old polithiefcians are taking advantage of that .

221 Likes 17 Shares

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Ejima1: 8:32am On May 15, 2020
grin grin grin
scamdemic it is .

35 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by latestsportsnew: 8:34am On May 15, 2020
food for thought Indeed, we don't talk about Malaria Again, Everybody is now talking about Covid-19

52 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by latestsportsnew: 8:35am On May 15, 2020
Some many People who are Admitted as Covid-19 patients are just people who have normal malaria.

224 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by wewe1(m): 8:35am On May 15, 2020
scamdemic it is .

Really scamdemic

74 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by latestsportsnew: 8:38am On May 15, 2020
grin grin grin

Really scamdemic


Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by latestsportsnew: 8:39am On May 15, 2020
what is the possible cure for the Scandemic please grin

Really scamdemic

31 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Xisnin(m): 8:43am On May 15, 2020
He is just another fool.
Aside from looting the national wealth, most Nigerian politicians are surprisingly dumb.
They can't see the next move.

He could have checked Nigerian statistics on active malaria cases
and compare them with the meager 5000 Covid-19 cases recorded for the last 3 months.

Here is what any thinking person already knows:
Patients can have a combination of diseases such as malaria, Typhoid,
Tuberculosis and others at the same time especially when the immune system is overstressed.
Having malaria doesn't mean you don't have other diseases.

If the government had done nothing, doctors would have fled the hospital en masse
or refuse to treat patients. People like him with high BP and various health conditions
wouldn't survive a month without medical assistance.
He doesn't care that doctors, nurses, pharmacists, other hospital workers, and emergency patients
will suffer disproportionate deaths from the fallout of his proposed idiocy.

Unfortunately, the people that are supposed to be dying are not.

172 Likes 14 Shares

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Ejima1: 8:43am On May 15, 2020
scamdemic it is .

it's so so easy to brainwash Nigerians I swear .

if you see how some of them come on nairaland and other media platform to argue , you would think they've got there senses all intact.

most Nigerians are educated mumus and the old polithiefcians are taking advantage of that .


Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Ejima1: 8:43am On May 15, 2020
He is just another fool.
The people that are supposed to be dying are not.
Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Ejima1: 8:43am On May 15, 2020
what is the possible cure for the Scandemic please grin
Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by adadike(f): 8:47am On May 15, 2020
When I said it, people called for my head. If you have malaria, just go to NCDC office and see if you won't test positive for Covid 19. ! NCDC , stop lying to Nigerians , they have suffered enough

162 Likes 13 Shares

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by internationalman(m): 8:49am On May 15, 2020
Breaking News

Malaria has been abolish in Nigeria to make room of Covid - 19

38 Likes 1 Share

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Discovery4today: 8:50am On May 15, 2020
When I said it, people called for my head. If you have malaria, just go to NCDC office and see if you won't test positive for Covid 19. Lalasticlala! NCDC , stop lying to Nigerians , they have suffered enough
Seriously, there are people there in the hospital that just have fever just simple malaria symptoms that are taken as covid-19 patients

27 Likes 1 Share

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Discovery4today: 8:50am On May 15, 2020
Breaking News

Maleria has been abolish in Nigeria to make room of Covid - 19


Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Discovery4today: 8:50am On May 15, 2020
Breaking News

Maleria has been abolish in Nigeria to make room of Covid - 19
In fact after this covid-19 pandemic malaria will be nowhere

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by adadike(f): 9:09am On May 15, 2020

Seriously, there are people there in the hospital that just have fever just simple malaria symptoms that are taken as covid-19 patients
May God bless you more my darling for saying the truth

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Xisnin(m): 9:14am On May 15, 2020
When I said it, people called for my head. If you have malaria, just go to NCDC office and see if you won't test positive for Covid 19. Lalasticlala! NCDC , stop lying to Nigerians , they have suffered enough
How do you know you have malaria and not any of Typhoid, Lassa fever, Dengue fever, and their combinations?

The above diseases share many symptoms.
If you are presented with patients with the above diseases can you tell what specific diseases they have based on looks or
symptoms alone?

Also, nobody goes to the NCDC's office for anything beyond business or media reports.

23 Likes 1 Share

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by GamalNasser: 9:15am On May 15, 2020
Plandemic AKA Scamdemic !!!!!!!!!!!!! ..Open the Economy now before hunger finishes off NIGERIANS !!!!!!!..Since that COVID Scamdemic started in Nigeria I have seen people die of poverty , people lose their jobs , people get salary cuts , people lose good business deals but I haven't seen anybody choking from Corona till date and our first case was just a week after US had their first case ..The NCDC keeps populating the death sheet with fake deaths or deliberately wrong diagnosis.

27 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Nwanyiogwashi(f): 9:23am On May 15, 2020
what is the possible cure for the Scandemic please grin
grin cheesy


Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Diiet: 9:24am On May 15, 2020
CoronaSCAM...... Lol

1 Like

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by helinues: 9:24am On May 15, 2020
When Almajiri's also don dey contract Coronavirus..

Liars them

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Discovery4today: 9:54am On May 15, 2020
When Almajiri's also don dey contract Coronavirus..

Liars them


Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by LibertyRep: 10:03am On May 15, 2020
These people should at least fear whatever they hold supreme.

The untold hardship this forced lockdown is causing or has caused is unimaginable.

If NCDC hasn't been entirely truthful to us, now is the time for them amend their ways.


Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Discovery4today: 10:22am On May 15, 2020
These people should at least fear whatever they hold supreme.

The untold hardship this forced lockdown is causing or has caused is unimaginable.

If NCDC hasn't been entirely truthful to us, now is the time for them amend their ways.


Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Discovery4today: 10:22am On May 15, 2020
May God bless you more my darling for saying the truth
Amen, you too ma'am


Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Karlifate: 10:36am On May 15, 2020
Food for thought for another day.


Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Discovery4today: 10:41am On May 15, 2020
Food for thought for another day.
Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by TripA(m): 10:47am On May 15, 2020
those figures are just unimaginable imagine having 90+ cases in sokoto at least we don't do anything differently here we still free and go to the market is just banks and cooperate bodies that are forming ....the first three cases where three doctors all the way from Lagos ....I knew they where importing the virus

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Re: Raymond Dokpesi: When Did Malaria Become Synonymous With COVID-19? by Ejima1: 10:49am On May 15, 2020
those figures are just unimaginable imagine having 90+ cases in sokoto at least we don't do anything differently here we still free and go to the market is just banks and cooperate bodies that are forming ....the first three cases where three doctors all the way from Lagos ....I knew they where importing the virus

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