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How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex - Investment - Nairaland

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How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex by Nobody: 10:08pm On May 21, 2020
The purpose of creating this topic is to teach as many as are interested how to make money trading bitcoin and forex.

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Re: How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex by Soltiade(m): 10:10pm On May 21, 2020
The purpose of creating this topic is to teach as many as are interested how to make money trading bitcoin and forex.
Re: How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex by Nobody: 10:12pm On May 21, 2020
The purpose of creating this topic is to teach as many as are interested how to make money trading bitcoin and forex.
Bitcoin is an online digital currency use for online payments, but a lot of people will think bitcoin is scam, and saying bitcoin is scam is just like saying our normal Nigeria currency is scam
Re: How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex by Nobody: 10:16pm On May 21, 2020

Bitcoin is an online digital currency use for online payments, but a lot of people will think bitcoin is scam, and saying bitcoin is scam is just like saying our normal Nigeria currency is scam
While the meaning of forex is just foreign currency
Re: How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex by Nobody: 10:21pm On May 21, 2020

While the meaning of forex is just foreign currency
Now when we now talk about bitcoin and forex trading it simply means
Bitcoin trading: this is the process of buying and selling or exchanging bitcoin against other currencies.

Forex trading: this is the process of trading foreign currencies e.g EUR/USD against other currencies pairs just for the purpose of making profit.
Re: How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex by extol1(m): 10:37pm On May 21, 2020

Now when we now talk about bitcoin and forex trading it simply means
Bitcoin trading: this is the process of buying and selling or exchanging bitcoin against other currencies.

Forex trading: this is the process of trading foreign currencies e.g EUR/USD against other currencies pairs just for the purpose of making profit.
please just teach me bitcoin mining
Re: How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex by mrnate: 12:26am On May 22, 2020
Re: How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex by Chukwuemeka2025: 1:37am On May 22, 2020
Bitcoin started in 2009 it was just $0.08(#29:08kobo) for 1Bitcoin._*
*But in 2017 BTC rose crazily against the dollar.*
To buy 1bitcoin at the moment you will need about #2,718,675.00 naira
*Imagine if you are among those who bought 1btc for 29naira and left it till 2017.*
you would have become a millionaire from scratch with just $0.08 just 29naira)��
�� Unfortunately, we all missed that opportunity.
*Another opportunity is here again a cryptocurrency second to Bitcoin is #Ethereum*��
*Analysis shows it will rise to $1000 by December 2020�*
*(Google it)*
*The value flew from $130 to $215 in 5weeks.*
*How do we take advantage of this? Buy a little Etherum of 0.036 with 4000NGN and with small effort, you will raise yours to about $1500 ( 587 000) before December 2020.*��
*Imagine if you have put 200 naira in Bitcoin as at 2009 you would have gotten over 30 billion in your account not million.*
*Let's not make that mistake in Ethereum*
*That's why we're here to accumulate ethereum and make millions in months.*

Join our WhatsApp group using this link

Re: How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex by Nobody: 11:23am On May 22, 2020
[quote author=extol1 post=89816691]
please just teach me bitcoin mining[/quote
Do you want to learn bitcoin mining watsapp me at 09012685933
Re: How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex by Jaxx123: 5:06pm On Apr 30, 2021

If the above headline is one of the thought you carry or your believe.

Or it is one of the fact that is pushing you from learning it because your spiritual father said it..

hello sir/ma, can you permit me to correct and straight it well.

crypto currency cannot only make you rich it can make you wealthy!

Yes! what I just said now is not from fact nor any motivation speech but real talk about it.

crypto currency trading has turn many Nigerian to instant millionaire infact billionaire!

I have seen an average Nigeria make a great wave of $20,000 from this business within a week.

I have seen a man move from rental appertment to his own house.

Hear this, last month , somebody I know bought a coin called doge at #115 and before anyone know what was happening the coin increase to #145 per one .

He eventually bought over 3,000 of it. Much profit.

Don't invest into what is not profitable but something strong and valuable.

This is what you need to succeed in this business.

Good information and knowledge is the first key you must know.

let me tell you this,

Binance finally list a token but only few people.know.
The price for one is just #5.

The name of the token is *MDT.
Though this coin was in the market but yet to transact.

I told people especially my ongoing student Nationwide to buy this token because of deep information over this project.

Early this morning, the transaction kick started.

The price is now #40 per one !!!!

My fellow,

With just #1000 you will buy 200 of this coin if only you know and you have this said information.

Let assure you wanted to sell this token now at #40. 40*200. You make #8,000. just like that. The price never stop rising!!!!

See the power of good information and knowledge!

Can you please change your mindset?
Can you please find someone to teach you deep details of this business?
Can you please change your mindset?

Do and see good reason why you should do it earlier

That is exactly, what crypto can do for you when you have good information and knowledge towards project.

What are you doing now?

I have advice u enough not to sit behind the door but kick started now.

If you think you need my help in any place in this crypto trading or you need good signal

chatting me and reaching me is not far.

0815 246 9749

DM me* if you need any help!

You are the best!

Great day
Re: How To Make Money Trading On Bitcoin And Forex by Jaxx123: 3:04pm On Jun 18, 2021

Hey, this is indeed information for real trader and investor who believe in Crypto power.
Today, I have these strong coins that can bring back to you over #25,000,000 before December if you buy it good now
The solid truth is each of this coin is sold for #4 and below now at present.
This coin is one of the unpopular token in the market but with great power manifesto, strong Whitepaper and so on
Early this week, this coin sold for #1.30 but #4.80 as this time of writing!


Can you please change your mindset?
Can you please find someone to teach you deep details of this business?
Can you please change your mindset?

Do and see good reason why you should do it earlier

That is exactly, what crypto can do for you when you have good information and knowledge towards project.

What are you doing now?
Don't just come into the market and buy but buying what is pulling real profit!

I recommend this same coin to my brother and he bought 24M of it when it's was selling for 0.15!!!
Why you are not taking Crypto as real life changing opportunities?

I don't pursue what many pursued
Get this coin and keep.
Don't just put your money in the bank where no good return for you.

I use this privilege to advice as many NIGERIAN to be part of this great move today!
DM me for help if you need.

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