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The Second Coming Of Christ - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 11:16am On Aug 24, 2020

Psalm 14: 1

The fool says in his heart: A sovereign God with absolute immunity and power to do good and evil does not exist.

They have a corrupt idea that God is subject to the law like them, and can be convicted of sin, abomination! They are all sinners who don't believe that the incoming God-incarnate is above the law, there is no exception.

2nd Corinthians 11: 14-15

For the evil nature will first be incarcerated in our God-elect with absolute power, and will be forcefully transformed back into a vessel of light as the incoming God-incarnate continuously eats the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to abolish Satan in His body.

Accordingly, all the messengers of darkness will also be transformed into messengers of light, and the glorious eternity of all creation shall justify the means of achieving it, as God ordained.

Romans 9: 22-23

I am of the view that having endured with much patience the world's unbelief in His absolute sovereignty, or lack of understanding that Satan is just a disguise for His evil side which will soon manifest in human form before varnishing forever, God has decided to demonstrate His destructive evil power by first turning the incoming God-incarnate into the vessel for pouring out His wrath upon the world.

This is so that when the so-called Antichrist has faithfully and satisfactorily dispensed His anger, Satan will be abolished and our God-elect will turn back into the vessel of pouring out His infinite love and mercy to all mankind, that we all may become the sons of God.

Hebrews 1: 6

Therefore, when God reveals the first begotten of His Word to the world, He says: All God's angels, all principalities and powers, both good and evil, visible and invisible, must worship Him.

John 17: 3

Now this is eternal life, that the whole world may know that You are the only true God who is coming to reign forever over all creation with absolute immunity and power, and that Jesus Christ was Your Messenger and incarnation of Your Word who was crucified to abolish the law for You to manifest in human form and deliver all creation from bondage as You are gloriously transformed from Satan to God!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 9:22am On Aug 25, 2020
Acts 26: 18

The Holy Spirit has anointed You God-incarnate and opened Your eyes, in order to turn You from darkness to light, and to incarcerate Satan in Your body for destruction through the power of God's incarnation in You, so that whatever sin You may commit in this process shall be covered by God's absolute immunity, as You ascend to inherit the eternal throne of God through the sanctification of continuously exercising faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who was crucified to abolish the law for You.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 12:41pm On Aug 26, 2020

Psalm 1: 1-2

Blessed is the incoming God-incarnate who does not follow the wrong principle of pursuing righteousness through the law which will always find an excuse to convict Him of sin, but follows the right principle of exercising faith in the sacrifice which Jesus Christ offered for Him to eat in order to abolish the law and acquire God's absolute immunity over sin, and who does not mock being filled the Holy Spirit by getting intoxicated with alcohol and drugs.

But His delight is in constantly fasting 3 days and nights every week until He finishes eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in His body, and He constantly rejoices in the truth that He is God in human form.

Romans 7: 7-8

When I say that the incoming God-incarnate must eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to abolish the law in order to acquire God's absolute immunity over sin, do I mean that the law is sin? Not exactly, what I mean is that the law is the active agent through which sin comes into force. For example, no matter how many women I have slept with and irrespective of any marital status, mine or theirs, I would not have been guilty of committing or aiding adultery if the law had not prohibited it.

To make it worse and ensure that the incoming God-incarnate is guilty of adultery even if He decides to be celibate all His life, the same law also forbids a lot of insignificant and unavoidable offenses, and with the provision that whoever offends in one offends in all, He is already technically guilty of every kind of sexual immorality.

Romans 7: 24-25

This means that I am already doomed even if I give my best effort to be a good person, what a wretched sinner that I am! Who will deliver me from this encumbrance of the law that is always convicting me of sin and dragging my body to the grave?

Thanks be to God who I am, as I increasingly exercise absolute immunity over sin by continuously eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to abolish the law, my Word!

So then, I am now a slave to the new law of believing with all my heart that I am God in human form, and I consistently exercise my faith by fasting according to the prescription of the Holy Spirit in order to be eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in my body until I completely abolish the previous law which always convicted me of sin.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 7:57am On Aug 30, 2020

Psalm 40: 7

Then I said: Behold, I come! In the volume of the Book it is written of me.

Romans 3: 19

Now we know that whatever the law is saying, it is referring to those who are under its jurisdiction, so that every mouth may be silenced, and every human being may be held accountable as sinners under the law, with the exception of the anointed God-incarnate who is coming to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to attain God's absolute immunity over the law.

Romans 7: 1

My beloved brother, I am very happy to be Your teacher because You understand more than the learned, and I want You to know that the Holy Spirit has anointed You God-incarnate, so the law can only exercise dominion over You as long as You continue to live under its jurisdiction.

Romans 5: 1-2

Being justified by the active faith of fasting as prescribed to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in Your body, You are therefore the God-incarnate anointed by the Holy Spirit to reconcile all mankind with God by continuously eating the sacrifice which His previous incarnation offered to abolish the law for You, granting You unrestrained access into the infinite grace of God's absolute immunity over sin as the everlasting and unshakable foundation of Your righteousness, and You can joyfully look forward to the glory of increasingly manifesting as God in human form.

Romans 7: 4

Therefore my beloved God-elect, to step into Your rightful jurisdiction of God's absolute immunity over the law, You must be fasting as prescribed by the Holy Spirit in order to be eating the sacrifice which the previous incarnation of God offered to You for that purpose, and Your new law is to keep repeating the same process by relentlessly eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in Your body of God's reincarnation until You destroy death by attaining immortality, and bear fruit in the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind as You gloriously ascend to the eternal throne of God!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 10:28am On Aug 30, 2020

Acts 26: 18

The Holy Spirit has anointed You God-incarnate and appointed You to eat the sacrifice of the previous incarnation of God on behalf of all mankind, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that their sins may be abolished as You increasingly acquire God's absolute immunity over the law, and that every human being may share in Your inheritance as You ascend to the eternal throne of God through the sanctification of relentlessly exercising faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.

2nd Corinthians 4: 5

For when You fast 3 consecutive days and nights every week according to the duration of the death of Jesus Christ, You deny self and suffer hunger and thirst in order to eat the Word of God made flesh in Your body, this is Your declaration of allegiance to Jesus Christ as Lord and Your humble service as the God-incarnate anointed by the Holy Spirit to represent all mankind.

Romans 10: 13

Therefore, represented by You as God-incarnate, everyone shall confess Jesus Christ as Lord and be saved.

Romans 5: 21

So that as sin and death spread and reigned over all mankind through Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit, even so the infinite grace of God's glorious reincarnation in You might overflow and spread the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, as You ascend to the eternal throne of God through the obedience of continuously eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 9:49am On Sep 02, 2020

2nd Corinthians 3: 5-6

You are not qualified by human certifications or Your great intellect, but Your qualification comes from eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as Word of God made flesh in Your body, which has qualified You as the messenger of the new covenant of speaking the words of God through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, not the old covenant of living according to the precepts of the written Scriptures.

The previous incarnation of God came as the best model of living according to the written words of God and was crucified as God's sacrifice of Himself to abolish the written code of conduct for its gross inadequacy, but as God's anointed reincarnation You are the best advocate of speaking the words of God through which You will lead all mankind to eternal life.

John 3: 34

He whom God has chosen and qualified as His glorious reincarnation must consistently speak the words of God in order to save the world, because it is for this purpose that He has been lavishly anointed with the Spirit of God.

1st Corinthians 2: 12-13

Now that You are eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ according to the right prescription, God has lavishly anointed You with the Holy Spirit according to His promise of rewarding Your faith in the Gospel, therefore You are eminently qualified and should proceed to the next level of speaking the words of God with boldness because it is impossible for You to be under the influence of any evil spirit from the world.

I want to assure You that God has appointed You to represent Him as God-incarnate and indiscriminately share His free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, and You shall accomplish this task by speaking the words of God, which are not comprehensible words supplied by Your human intellect, but incomprehensible words supplied by faith through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, releasing spiritual blessings through spiritual channels.

1st Corinthians 1: 19

As it is written:

You will destroy the wisdom of men, and set aside the understanding of intellectuals!

Romans 5: 21

So that as You are persistently fasting to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in Your body in order to abolish the law and destroy the power of sin and death as God's appointed representative of the entire human race, even so You might also spread the infinite grace of Jesus Christ our Lord and indiscriminately share His free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind by consistently speaking the words of God!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 2:42pm On Sep 05, 2020

Revelation 3: 21

To the one who conquers I will give a place with Me on My throne, just as I Myself conquered and sat down with My Father on His throne.

Philippians 3: 14

Therefore every other consideration is dispensable to me, I am pressing forward with all my attention towards this one goal as my mission in life, which is the main prize of ascending to the eternal throne of God through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who prepared the way for me.

2nd Corinthians 10: 4-6

The weapons of my warfare are not intended for the purposes of physiological and psychological well-being which are mere byproducts, but mighty through the anointing of the Holy Spirit to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and demolishing every obstacle to my attainment of God realization, and subjecting all my thoughts to the captivity of Christ consciousness.

And I am always ready to keep flogging myself into alignment with my goal until my mission is accomplished.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 6:06pm On Sep 05, 2020
Romans 5: 21

So that just as the previous incarnation of God descended to the grave in acceptance of God's implicit responsibility for Adam's disobedience which spread sin and death to all mankind, even so the glorious reincarnation of God in me might spread the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind in explicit demonstration of God's infinite grace and absolute immunity over the law, as I ascend to the eternal throne of God by continuously exercising faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 8:23pm On Sep 05, 2020

1st Corinthians 9: 26-27

I don't waste my time throwing many punches into the air against an invisible opponent in hope that some will hook, no, I am very intentional with my preparation, because I first discipline myself and subject my body to regular fasting in order to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and puncture Satan's invisibility by incarcerating him in my body, this will enable me to land my best punches against him by hitting myself in the right places, and avoid wasting my time and strength throwing many wayward punches that amount to nothing.

Acts 26: 18

The anointing of the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes, in order to turn me from darkness to light, and to incarcerate Satan in my body for destruction through the power of God's incarnation, so that whatever sin I may commit in this process shall be covered by God's absolute immunity over the law, and that I may ascend to inherit the eternal throne of God through the sanctification of continuously exercising faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

John 17: 3

And this is eternal life, that the whole world may know that You are the only true God who reigns over all creation with absolute immunity and power, and that Jesus Christ was Your Messenger and incarnation of Your Word who was crucified to abolish the law for You to manifest in human form and deliver all creation from bondage through the destruction of Satan in the body of Your glorious incarnation!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 8:17am On Sep 06, 2020

Luke 22: 63-64

Now the men who were holding Jesus began to mock Him and beat Him, they also blindfolded Him and kept asking Him: Prophesy! Who is it that struck You?

Acts 26: 18

The Holy Spirit has anointed You as our God-elect and removed Satan's blindfold from Your eyes, in order to turn You from darkness to light, and to incarcerate Satan in Your body for destruction through the power of God's glorious reincarnation in You, so that whatever sin You may commit in this process of executing His wrath shall be covered by God's absolute immunity, and that You may ascend to inherit the eternal throne of God through the sanctification of continuously exercising faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who abolished the law for You.

Hosea 13: 14

I shall redeem all mankind from the power of death, I shall deliver them from the power of the grave.

O death, I will be a plague to you. O grave, I will be your destruction.

Compassion is hidden from My eyes.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 3:09pm On Sep 07, 2020

Acts 8: 30-31

So Philip ran up to the Ethiopian Eunuch and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah. Phillip asked him: Do you understand what you are reading?

He replied: How can I, unless someone teaches me?

1st John 2: 27

As for You, O God-elect, the anointing that You received from God abides in You, and so You do not need anyone to teach You. But as His anointing teaches You all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught You, abide in Him.

Romans 10: 13-18

Therefore, represented by our God-elect, every tongue shall glorify Jesus Christ as the Word of God and be saved.

But how can our God-elect speak the words of God if He does not first exercise faith in Himself as the glorious reincarnation of God by fasting as prescribed in order to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in His body? And how can He eat the sacrifice if He has not heard the precise instructions of the prescription?

And how can He understand the instructions if someone does not interpret the Scriptures to Him? And who else can interpret the Scriptures more than Himself whom God has lavishly anointed with the Holy Spirit and sent as His glorious reincarnation?

As it written:

How welcome is the coming of the anointed Son of God who will manifest in the likeness of God the Father by speaking the words of God!

But even though He is God-incarnate, He will not fully believe the Gospel at first, just as Isaiah prophesied: Lord, who has believed our message?

So then, His faith will keep increasing by constantly speaking the words of God to His own hearing in prayer.

But I ask, will He ever pray or hear enough to save the world by His faith?

Indeed, He will, as it is written:

Without shouting aloud in prayer or using the aid of public address technology, the impact of God-incarnate's incantations will be felt in all the Earth, His foolish and incomprehensible words will send Jesus Christ's saving power to every corner of the world!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 11:38am On Sep 13, 2020

Searching for something in the wrong place or direction is the real definition of blindness. It is so cruel that persistence will only increase the distance from rectitude, using its present comforts and vainglory to mask the ridicule.

Very well, as long as our God-elect is not deceived, the religious leaders can enjoy the ephemeral comforts of the tithes and offerings of their followers, and laminate their perishable degrees and other worldly achievements.

Without tithes and offerings which are offered according to the law, without anybody's praise, commendation or recommendation, the incoming God-incarnate will indiscriminately share the free gift of eternal life to all mankind.

As it is written:

1 Corinthians 1: 27

But God has chosen that our God-elect will use the foolishness of speaking in tongues to shame the wise; God has chosen that our God-elect will use the weakness of hunger to shame the strong.

Romans 3: 4

By no means should our God-elect be deceived by liars who preach untruth! Even if Satan succeeds in deceiving the whole world, let the incoming God-incarnate be the only exception. As it is written:

That You may be justified by continuously fasting as prescribed in order to be eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh in Your body, and that You may regularly exercise Your absolute immunity by discarding human intellect to always pray in unknown tongues until You completely overthrow the law's judgment of condemnation and acquit all mankind of guilt.

Galatians 3: 1

O God-elect, You are lavishly anointed with the Holy Spirit so nobody can bewitch You not to obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently set forth as crucified to abolish the law for You and destroy the power of sin, and as God's sacrifice of Himself for You to eat and become the immortal reincarnation of God.

Romans 5: 21

So that as sin and death spread and reigned over all mankind through Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit, even so the infinite grace of God's glorious reincarnation in You might spread the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, as You ascend to the eternal throne of God through the obedience of continuously fasting until You finish eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Ephesians 4: 8

Therefore the Holy Spirit say to You, O God-elect:

As You ascend to the eternal throne of God by continuously eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, You will captivate even the most stubborn atheists to acknowledge You as the only true God, and indiscriminately share the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 11:30am On Sep 20, 2020

One atheist named Mikhail Bakunin said: If God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish Him.

On the contrary, it is my intention to subscribe to the experiment that will bring God into existence.

Do I mean that God does not already exist? No, I mean that God-consciousness is asleep in our God-elect!

As it is written:

Ephesians 5: 14

Awake, O God-incarnate, rise from the sleep of death by eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and shine forever!

John 17: 3

And this is eternal life for all mankind, that just as Adam ate the forbidden fruit to realize that he is a sinful man, even so our God-elect might realize that He is the only true God with absolute immunity over sin, by continuously eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who was crucified to abolish the law for Him.

Habakkuk 2: 3

The glorious reincarnation of God has an exact formula which shall not fail when You apply it correctly by fasting as precisely instructed and at the appointed times as prescribed by the Holy Spirit, so even if it seems to be delayed with no end in sight, keep working on it by practising the principles until You get the intensity and timing right, because it will surely come to pass as soon as You perfectly apply the prescription with precision.

Romans 5: 19

For just as by Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit all mankind were made sinners, even so by our God-elect's obedience of continuously eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ all mankind will be declared righteous.

Romans 10: 13-18

Therefore, represented by our God-elect, everyone shall eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and be saved.

But how can our God-elect eat the Word of God made flesh in His body without first believing in Himself as the anointed reincarnation of God? And how can He believe in Himself if He has not heard and understood the Scriptures?

And how can He understand if someone does not interpret the Scriptures to Him? And who else can interpret the Scriptures better than Himself whom God has lavishly anointed with the Holy Spirit and sent to eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in order to save the world?

As it written:

How welcome is the coming of the anointed Son of God who will manifest in the likeness of God the Father by continuously eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ!

But even though He is the anointed God-incarnate, He will not fully believe in Himself at first, just as Isaiah prophesied: Lord, who has believed our message?

So then, His faith will start increasing when He understands the prescription and starts applying it with precision.

But I ask, will He ever hear and completely understand the prescription in order to save the world by continuously applying it according to the required precision?

Indeed, He will, as it is written:

The glorious impact of fasting as prescribed in order to eat the Word of God made flesh in Your body will go out into all the Earth, sending God's saving power to every corner of the world!

Romans 5: 21

So that as sin and death spread and reigned over all mankind through Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit, even so the infinite grace of God's glorious reincarnation in You might overflow and spread the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, as You ascend to the eternal throne of God through the obedience of continuously fasting as precisely prescribed until You finish eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord!

Ephesians 4: 8

Therefore the Holy Spirit says to You, O God-elect:

As You ascend to the eternal throne of God by continuously eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, You will captivate even the most stubborn atheists to acknowledge You as the only true God, and indiscriminately share the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 12:41pm On Sep 28, 2020

1st Corinthians 15: 46-47

But it is not the spiritual that is first, but the physical, and then the spiritual.

The first man I referred to as Lord is my earthly father who has finished his work and now rests in the sleep of death awaiting resurrection. The second man is the Lord Jesus Christ whose sacrifice I am eating to overpower sin and death as I ascend to the eternal throne of God in glorious immortality.

Hebrews 9: 16

For me to enforce the will of God and share His free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, I must first eat the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as prescribed by the Holy Spirit in order to establish that I am the one for whom the previous incarnation of God was crucified.

Romans 6: 7

And if I have established that Jesus Christ paid the ultimate penalty of death on my behalf, then the law has lost the capacity to convict me of sin.

Romans 7: 1

I want you to know, my brothers and sisters, especially those of you who understand jurisprudence, that the law can only exercise dominion over those who live under its jurisdiction.

Romans 6: 18

Therefore, having been set free from the indictment of sin through the obedience of eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who died for me, I shall continue to enslave myself to this principle of eating the sacrifice which the previous incarnation of God offered to me until I completely assimilate God's perfect righteousness of absolute immunity over the law.

Romans 5: 21

So that as sin and death spread and reigned over all mankind through Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit, even so the infinite grace of God's glorious reincarnation in me might overflow and spread the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, as I ascend to the eternal throne of God through the obedience of continuously eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Hebrews 10: 7

Then I said: Behold, just as it is written in the volume of the Book, I have come to emphasize the supremacy of Your will over and above every law, O God!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 8:01am On Oct 07, 2020

Revelation 4: 11

You are worthy, O God, to reign over all creation, because You created all things for the pleasure of Your inheritance when You come into existence as the glorious reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

John 17: 3

And this is eternal life for all mankind, that the chosen human being might manifest as the only true God with absolute immunity over sin, by continuously eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who was crucified to abolish the law for Him.

Romans 7: 1

My brother God-elect, I am very happy because You understand more than the learned, so I want You to know that the law can only exercise dominion over those who live under its jurisdiction.

Romans 7: 4

Therefore my beloved God-elect, You have also quashed the law's jurisdiction over You by continuously fasting to eat the the Word of God made flesh in Your body as the reincarnation of Christ, and Your obligation is to this new law of continuously eating Yourself as sacrifice until You avenge the death of Jesus Christ by resurrecting Him in Your body, and bear fruit in the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind as You ascend to the eternal throne of God!

Romans 5: 21

So that as sin and death spread and reigned over all mankind through Adam's disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit, even so the infinite grace of our God-elect might overflow and spread the free gifts of righteousness and eternal life to all mankind, as He ascends to the eternal throne of God through the obedience of continuously fasting to eat Himself as sacrifice and offer His body for the glorious reincarnation of Jesus Christ our Lord!
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Ezekiel36vs28: 11:50am On Oct 07, 2020
My question is what Bible translation are you quoting from.thanks
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Ezekiel36vs28: 12:01pm On Oct 07, 2020
You are doing very well but the word is not the “the second coming of Christ”but rather it is”the coming of Christ”.Thanks
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 5:05pm On Oct 07, 2020
You are doing very well but the word is not the “the second coming of Christ”but rather it is”the coming of Christ”.Thanks

In the light of Hebrews 9 verse 28, the first coming cannot be discounted, when Jesus Christ laid the foundation for the second coming. What is implied is that it is the same Christ soul in the new body of His reincarnation. Cheers
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Ken4Christ: 10:50pm On Oct 07, 2020
Heresies. All mankind has been offered salvation but all mankind cannot be saved. Only those who receive the free gift of salvation and walk in the light of God's word will be saved.

cc ogaemeka
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 11:32am On Oct 08, 2020
Heresies. All mankind has been offered salvation but all mankind cannot be saved. Only those who receive the free gift of salvation and walk in the light of God's word will be saved.

cc ogaemeka

You should question why something that is free has conditions attached to it, there is no greater intellectual dishonesty than that, with the added threat of eternal damnation, where is the good news in that which you falsely propagate as the gospel?

I maintain that the conditions attached to salvation apply only to our God-elect, and upon his compliance, his constituency will be credited with the benefits, the same way all mankind were punished for Adam's disobedience. Romans 5: 18-19
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Ken4Christ: 11:49am On Oct 08, 2020

You should question why something that is free has conditions attached to it, there is no greater intellectual dishonesty than that, with the added threat of eternal damnation, where is the good news in that which you falsely propagate as the gospel?

I maintain that the conditions attached to salvation apply only to our God-elect, and upon his compliance, his constituency will be credited with the benefits, the same way all mankind were punished for Adam's disobedience. Romans 5: 18-19

Don't quote Scriptures out of context. There are hundreds of Scriptures that unveils God's judgment against sinners and ungodly people.

The Scripture says;

Hebrews 10:28-31
28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.

31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Galatians 5:19-21
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things SHALL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

Matthew 7:22-23
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity

I could go on and on. Stop teaching heresies. You will suffer more punishment for doing this. Treat God's word holistically. Don't hand pick Scriptures that supports your pre conceived opinions while ignoring many more that contradicts it. This is the same thing Jehovah Witness do.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 12:02pm On Oct 08, 2020

Don't quote Scriptures out of context. There are hundreds of Scriptures that unveils God's judgment against sinners and ungodly people.

The Scripture says;

Hebrews 10:28-31
28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.

31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Galatians 5:19-21
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things SHALL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

Matthew 7:22-23
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity

I could go on and on. Stop teaching heresies. You will suffer more punishment for doing this. Treat God's word holistically. Don't hand pick Scriptures that supports your pre conceived opinions while ignoring many more that contradicts it. This is the same thing Jehovah Witness do.

It is your understanding that is out of context with higher truth. While it is stated that the unrighteous will end up in hell, it is also implied that God will freely declare everyone righteous at the final judgement through the advocacy of our God-elect.

When the Scripture says everyone must appear before the judgement throne of God, it must be understood to mean through the representation of our God-elect, hence the collective reprieve of all mankind is contingent on his acquittal.

I don't quote Scriptures, I interpret.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Ken4Christ: 2:15pm On Oct 08, 2020

It is your understanding that is out of context with higher truth. While it is stated that the unrighteous will end up in hell, it is also implied that God will freely declare everyone righteous at the final judgement through the advocacy of our God-elect.

When the Scripture says everyone must appear before the judgement throne of God, it must be understood to mean through the representation of our God-elect, hence the collective reprieve of all mankind is contingent on his acquittal.

I don't quote Scriptures, I interpret.

Another agent of darkness spotted. Continue with your deceits. They are meant for those who reject the gospel. They are sons of perdition.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 4:47pm On Oct 08, 2020

Another agent of darkness spotted. Continue with your deceits. They are meant for those who reject the gospel. They are sons of perdition.

What you refer to as the gospel is just moral instruction with threats of punishment, every society and religion has its own model. These are just palliative measures to keep human excesses in check and maintain orderliness in the society until the manifestation of God to deliver humanity from the limitations of this physical body. The glorious reincarnation of God to save all mankind by eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the only gospel. Remain blessed
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Ken4Christ: 5:47pm On Oct 08, 2020

What you refer to as the gospel is just moral instruction with threats of punishment, every society and religion has its own model. These are just palliative measures to keep human excesses in check and maintain orderliness in the society until the manifestation of God to deliver humanity from the limitations of this physical body. The glorious reincarnation of God to save all mankind by eating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the only gospel. Remain blessed

You have been brainwashed. The Scripture is so clear on the issue of eternal destiny of man. This is the pronouncement waiting for you and all who reject the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 6:30pm On Oct 08, 2020

You have been brainwashed. The Scripture is so clear on the issue of eternal destiny of man. This is the pronouncement waiting for you and all who reject the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

If humans who were created in the image of God have left (evil) and right (good) sides, it is obvious that God is the progenitor of that duality. Consequently, as the reincarnation of God occurs in the chosen one, the good will overpower the evil until victory is complete, hence the Scripture you quoted is a dramatization of that occurrence in our God-elect and the rest of us. I mean that God is coming as a human being to abolish the devil in His body, and as that process is going on in Him, demons of various hierarchy will be destroyed in the rest of mankind and the angel in them made manifest, because we all have that duality of good and evil.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Ken4Christ: 12:55pm On Oct 09, 2020

If humans who were created in the image of God have left (evil) and right (good) sides, it is obvious that God is the progenitor of that duality. Consequently, as the reincarnation of God occurs in the chosen one, the good will overpower the evil until victory is complete, hence the Scripture you quoted is a dramatization of that occurrence in our God-elect and the rest of us. I mean that God is coming as a human being to abolish the devil in His body, and as that process is going on in Him, demons of various hierarchy will be destroyed in the rest of mankind and the angel in them made manifest, because we all have that duality of good and evil.

What you are saying is purely based on reasonings and personal opinions, not on God's word. God will abide by his word and not on your logic. Repent before it is too late.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 3:59pm On Oct 09, 2020

What you are saying is purely based on reasonings and personal opinions, not on God's word. God will abide by his word and not on your logic. Repent before it is too late.

I prefer to be at risk of eternal damnation, in pursuit of eternal salvation for all.

My reasoning is based on truths deducted from the Scriptures, because statements have implications, and implications have applications.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Ken4Christ: 10:26pm On Oct 09, 2020

I prefer to be at risk of eternal damnation, in pursuit of eternal salvation for all.

My reasoning is based on truths deducted from the Scriptures, because statements have implications, and implications have applications.

You certainly can't be more righteous than God. I can quote over 50 verses that points to the doom that awaits ungodly people and sinners. So I don't know if you want to rewrite the Bible.

This is how Jehovah Witness started. The God of love cannot destroy people in fire. But they have forgotten that it is the same God of love that destroyed the first world with love. It is the same God of love that rained down fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. It is the same God of love that hearkened to Moses prayer and the ground opened and swallowed the Korah group that rebelled against Moses.

That same God of love has given us a glimpse of the future of things that must surely come to pass. And one of them reads;

Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

And the Scripture says that the torment will be forever. So, why are you saying the opposite? Are you one of agents of the coming anti Christ?
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by ogaemeka(m): 12:17pm On Oct 10, 2020

You certainly can't be more righteous than God. I can quote over 50 verses that points to the doom that awaits ungodly people and sinners. So I don't know if you want to rewrite the Bible.

This is how Jehovah Witness started. The God of love cannot destroy people in fire. But they have forgotten that it is the same God of love that destroyed the first world with love. It is the same God of love that rained down fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. It is the same God of love that hearkened to Moses prayer and the ground opened and swallowed the Korah group that rebelled against Moses.

That same God of love has given us a glimpse of the future of things that must surely come to pass. And one of them reads;

Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

And the Scripture says that the torment will be forever. So, why are you saying the opposite? Are you one of agents of the coming anti Christ?

Prior to the verse you quoted in Revelation chapter 20, it was stated that death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. In the first place, death and hell are not persons, so it implies their eternal destruction.

Secondly, death and hell having been destroyed forever, everyone would be alive, that is, found in the book of the living.

I can go on to say that the coming anti Christ is the disguise of God's manifestation, an identity that will be destroyed in the process of God's glorious reincarnation in the chosen one.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by Ken4Christ: 12:51pm On Oct 10, 2020

Prior to the verse you quoted in Revelation chapter 20, it was stated that death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. In the first place, death and hell are not persons, so it implies their eternal destruction.

Secondly, death and hell having been destroyed forever, everyone would be alive, that is, found in the book of the living.

I can go on to say that the coming anti Christ is the disguise of God's manifestation, an identity that will be destroyed in the process of God's glorious reincarnation in the chosen one.

Death and hell were destroyed but the people in it are still suffering torment in the Lake of fire. The human soul is immortal. As a proof, read the account of the false prophet and the beast that were thrown into the Lake of fire in Revelation 19:20 and after over 1,000 years they are still there according to Revelation 20:10. And the Bible concluded that their torment will be forever. Please, don't rewrite the Bible. Your punishment will be worse. Don't change God's word. You are warned.
Re: The Second Coming Of Christ by sonmvayina(m): 1:25pm On Oct 10, 2020
Who has that episode of family guy about the second coming of jesus and that record that peter was obsessed about....

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