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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Crime / George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) (87082 Views)
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George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by DMPaulSr: 1:48pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Several vehicles inside a Mercedes-Benz showroom in California's Oakland were vandalised and reportedly damaged when rioters broke in during clashes over the death of an unarmed American man of African origin at the hands of police in Minneapolis. Demonstrations have spread to several cities in the United States after a cop was caught on tape with his knee on the neck of a man later identified as George Floyd. Floyd was pinned down by Derek Chauvin who has since been removed from the police force and has been charged with murder. Floyd had been arrested for allegedly using counterfeit money at a store to buy cigarettes on Monday evening. He could not be revived after being put into an ambulance. The anger over the incident has led to massive protests in several cities - from New York to Atlanta and beyond. Reports of vandalism and rioting have emerged as well and in one such incident, people broke into a Mercedes showroom in Oakland and left many of the vehicles here damaged. CBS San Francisco reported that the dealership was also ransacked and was left in a sorry state due to a fire. A video of rioters breaking into the dealership also shows some of them climbing on to the Mercedes cars and kicking the windshields violently. A few of them also end up jumping on these vehicles. US president Donald Trump himself waded fuel to the fire with a tweet. "These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!" Source Watch video 6 Likes 3 Shares
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by DMPaulSr: 2:07pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
more pics 1 Like 3 Shares
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by Aflix(m): 2:11pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Huuumm these guys no De play oooo.... see wetin our boys take De form boss for Street chai 150 Likes 7 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by Nobody: 2:24pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Who are the people fueling this riot,would this solve the problem,putting more people into debts...see as they waste a beautiful car. 323 Likes 17 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by DMPaulSr: 2:36pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
uruba23: As in ehhh. It's getting out of hand. This is wickedness!!! Looting and Arson will not solve racism.. 241 Likes 8 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by Moneywirer: 2:45pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
This is no longer for late Floyd, I smell politics all over this. What are the odds that the opposition party didn't incite a reasonable percentage of these series of events just to make Trump look too stupid and incapable of maintaining order with diplomacy? 382 Likes 21 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by dederocs(m): 3:00pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Anarchist exists in every town/city, government must listen to the people to avoid them taking advantage when chaos breaks out. 68 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by McCoy662(m): 3:39pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
This is uncalled for. Damaging someone's means of livelihood is also a racist attack. Protest should be calm and peaceful as supported by the Constitution. 77 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by jamesversion: 4:29pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
World people and wickedness. Because they cannot thief Mercedes Benz, they decided to burn it. Thieves. 62 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by Emax911: 4:33pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
This is unfair... people's property now taking the blame.. meanwhile....I advise new method of as d guy in d picture below me and above 20 secs 18 Likes 1 Share
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by Offpoint: 4:34pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
I think it's high time the *"SHOOTING SHOULD START" 35 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by SarkinYarki: 4:34pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Hmm |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by 9jayes: 4:34pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Nawah o But people are being killed daily in Nigeria and nobody protests Btc, PayPal, Payoneer or cashApp needed any amount at ur rate . 12 Likes |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by Nobody: 4:34pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Moneywirer: Actually, the Democrats are not behind this Exactly the same riots happened under Obama, and have happened in one way or the other for decades. The issue is this. Black people in the US have been at the mercy of the racist system for a long time. Now, I won't deny things have used to be far worse (an older relative of mine once turned down an opportunity to study in the US back in the day because of the horror tales he heard from senior colleagues). The problem is, for many years, black people could be shot by the police, shot even by ordinary citizens (yes, it happened)...and nothing was done. And these things add up and make people angry. An example. In the late 1940's, a black young man, who had fought with distinction in World War 2, was shot dead , without provocation, by a white policeman. His younger brother, for his own safety, had to be moved to another part of the USA because the night they brought his elder bro's corpse home, an older relative took one look at the guy's face, and saw the face of a very very angry young man, who if care was not taken, would have exacted revenge...which would have led to the whole black community suffering severe reprecusions. A few days later the man was sent to relatives in California (where he thrived well by the way...but that's another story) The thing is, over and over again, even in these improved times, black males are more likley to be failed by the system. Before this issue with George....there was a case where a white woman called the police on a black man and lied that he was threatening her. IF htere hadn't been recording that black man could have ended up being shot. What you are seeing is anger that has built up over generations. It is not easy to go away. And yes, it is very self destructive.(such violence drives out investment and jobs from black areas). But it is understandable. And for once, it isn't something that can be fixed quickly by any president...Trump or anyone else.(It happened several times under Obama.). You cannot fix anger that is generations worth. 310 Likes 27 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by tophumble(m): 4:34pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Hmmmm This is terrible. So the white too can do this. Well I feel for them Sha. The world shd rise up against extra judicial killing 10 Likes 1 Share |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by TruthHurts100: 4:34pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
DMPaulSr: Because no be your brother or papa dem kill. 70 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by shogsman(m): 4:34pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Many things are at play here 1)people that wants a revolution and are decided to achieve it through violence 2)thugs,thiefs,arsonists 3)people that are just going with the flow and of course 4)paid political rioters 34 Likes 1 Share |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by iamoyindamola(m): 4:34pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
This is getting worse 2 Likes |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by mjabdulk: 4:34pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Living in peace is better than living in pieces 10 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by nairavsdollars(f): 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
This is unacceptable 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by drips8(m): 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
When they protested peacefully back in 2017, trump called them sons of b**tches and the media paid little attention so they're protesting in another form. 97 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by Sarkin: 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Nigerians are docile, we love and have gotten used to opression so much that we can't even protest. Nigerians that think they know the plight of folks abroad and think they know what's best for them really still have their heads in their asses. Some Nigerians found out about George Floyd's past as and adult film maker and they started saying bad thing about him, that they don't pity him anymore. Such people are so docile and dumb, you should avoid them if you ever come across them; one with an empty skull. To those saying treat threat and hate with love should really get some senses and a life. Watch f*ols comment like fowls on this 35 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by deepwater(f): 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
They killed the wrong guy 74 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by janedonez(m): 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
May Justice prevail 7 Likes |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by Vitamin17(m): 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
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Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by dazzlingd(m): 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Mercedes Benz of oakland. By the way, where are the "in saner clime crew" 50 Likes |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by Hausaboy239(m): 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
Damn! This is turning into pure madness. They should rather channel this energy towards government owned properties but private companies got nothing to do with what happened. But sincerely i wish we Nigerians had the guts to come out and show our anger publicly not hide behind keyboards! This is happening in America as a result of one man’s death,from the beginning of lockdown till now how many innocent lives has the security agencies killed in Nigeria? We need a revolution in Nigeria to send messages to all those fools we got as leaders! 42 Likes 1 Share |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by AdaGod1(f): 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
democrats hands Trump should read riot act immediately 25 Likes 1 Share |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by SEGLIZ: 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
out of hand 1 Like |
Re: George Floyd: Mercedes Cars Damaged As Rioters Vandalise Showroom (video) by BaddieKay(f): 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2020 |
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