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When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? - Romance - Nairaland

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When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by Smile4mee01: 8:00pm On Jun 07, 2020
Dear Men,

When did public proposal become a requirement to accepting a marriage proposal?

While I feel No man should coarse a woman to marrying him because he went public with his proposal.

As Men, we should strive to be better Men because the Men with value are often the ones chosen.

If you intend to make your girlfriend your wife. Tell her when you both alone, if she turns you down. Accept it in good faith and move on.

Because we see it done abroad or online does not make it mandatory.

I have always loved our tradition. As a people, we must question all these foreign ways of doing things. Things like white wedding, engagement ring, wedding ring. Did Adam have a ring for eve at the garden of eden? Or was there a marriage certificate issued to Adam and eve?

Just thinking.

Do we know that those that want to get married got married during lockdown, those that wanted a wedding postponed it?

Men and women... pls let's begin to place empahasis on the things that really matter.

The Kunuboy#

Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by Nobody: 8:02pm On Jun 07, 2020
Why propose publicly when you aren't sure she will accept your proposal?

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Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by WoundedLamb: 8:02pm On Jun 07, 2020
Lol... aren't you arguing with yourself here? Nobody ever said it is a prerequisite. How many people even do it?
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by CANDYDADDY(m): 8:03pm On Jun 07, 2020

It a things of the west that captivate the negro
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by ojun50(m): 8:04pm On Jun 07, 2020
Lol... aren't you arguing with yourself here? Nobody ever said it is a prerequisite. How many people even do it?
Don't mind him, he just finish hot beans

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Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by Nobody: 8:05pm On Jun 07, 2020
I tire o... Privacy is bae!
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by Smile4mee01: 8:05pm On Jun 07, 2020
[quote author=Ariza post=90418787]Why propose publicly when you aren't sure she will accept your proposal? [/quote

Why does he feel he needs to make it public? That's what I am trying to ask
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by helinues: 8:06pm On Jun 07, 2020
Marriage, ordinary paper certificate
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by Smile4mee01: 8:07pm On Jun 07, 2020
Lol... aren't you arguing with yourself here? Nobody ever said it is a prerequisite. How many people even do it?

The pix. Inspired the thought. I just finished hot beans.
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by Nobody: 8:07pm On Jun 07, 2020
[quote author=Smile4mee01 post=90418893][/quote] It's all about Choice.
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by Smile4mee01: 8:09pm On Jun 07, 2020
It's all about Choice.

It was not an option years ago. Why do some men feel compelled to go this route?
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by Kobicove(m): 8:15pm On Jun 07, 2020
A marriage proposal should be a private affair but some people go overboard just to over-impress undecided
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by WoundedLamb: 8:24pm On Jun 07, 2020

The pix. Inspired the thought. I just finished hot beans.

grin grin grin

Ok, talking about the pics, I don't agree with the poster. You don't take a lady unawares and expect her to say yes just to save your as.s. I mean, she could say yes if she's sure and ready but if she isn't, it would be in her best interest to say no right there and then so she won't be labelled "engaged" when she isn't. If you can't deal with public rejection, why do public proposal?

You don't just propose when you're ready and willing. It takes two to tango. She has to be ready too and that's why you should first discuss it with her if you're not sure. You can go public afterwards.

Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by donbachi(m): 8:34pm On Jun 07, 2020
"will u marry me" is outdated.."i don get belle" is the koko..guys make una wise.pregnancy or no marriage.
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by Nobody: 8:42pm On Jun 07, 2020
Is it not a PREREQUISITE and it will never be.
For every public proposal you see, know that there are many getting married without that SHOW
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by paulolee(m): 10:34pm On Jun 07, 2020
it is not and never would be..its just the normal trend that people loves to join, to me its just like acting a little drama to upload for online to see and react...guess before you see video of a guy doing public proposal, jus kno dt its already planned or staged...na d few wey no understand the code naim gals they fall thier hand...my friend planned doing his bea on his bday and he talked his bea abt it and the gal disagreed dt she is not ready for such drama...na leta we kum kno say na because of her ex wey jus come back from S.A and the ex de around and fit go hear the matter and e spoil the gal moves.
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by Tajbol4splend(m): 10:49pm On Jun 07, 2020

It a things of the west that captivate the negro

Whether stupid or not, they shaa must copy them
Re: When Did Public Marriage Proposal Become A Prerequisite To Being Married? by Nobody: 4:29am On Jun 08, 2020
Dear Men,

When did public proposal become a requirement to accepting a marriage proposal?

While I feel No man should coarse a woman to marrying him because he went public with his proposal.

As Men, we should strive to be better Men because the Men with value are often the ones chosen.

If you intend to make your girlfriend your wife. Tell her when you both alone, if she turns you down. Accept it in good faith and move on.

Because we see it done abroad or online does not make it mandatory.

I have always loved our tradition. As a people, we must question all these foreign ways of doing things. Things like white wedding, engagement ring, wedding ring. Did Adam have a ring for eve at the garden of eden? Or was there a marriage certificate issued to Adam and eve?

Just thinking.

Do we know that those that want to get married got married during lockdown, those that wanted a wedding postponed it?

Men and women... pls let's begin to place empahasis on the things that really matter.

The Kunuboy#
I think its a borrowed idea from the west, over there they publicise everything, from the day relationship started down till giving updates on the day they get married...
we love copying from the whites but only the irrelevant ones.

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