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Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times - Foreign Affairs (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by moshino(m): 5:50am On Jun 08, 2020
Trump should be kick out from white house.

Why don't you worry about the current state of your country, and the performance of your current president. Either way America goes, they'll still be better than your shithole country and shithead president

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Obidon1(m): 5:54am On Jun 08, 2020
Trump anytime and any day

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by XXLMANDIGO: 5:55am On Jun 08, 2020
They are both inconsequential like always.
Nice Trump was wise not to offer Mitt Romney, Secretary of state position.


Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Kay25(m): 5:55am On Jun 08, 2020
The whites in US will still give their vote to trump especially the evangelical Christians all he needs do is to bid them at the very close of the election to come out enmasse for him and to most of the blacks , they will soon give up and not come out to vote(the black nature)

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by InvertedHammer: 5:57am On Jun 08, 2020
What Whites say in public and what they do in thd privacy of voting booths are totally different. It is politically expedient to say "No Trump" but when the tally starts coming out, everyone will be like WTF!



Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by diziki: 5:57am On Jun 08, 2020
Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by SmartPolician: 5:58am On Jun 08, 2020
Trump is a one-man army

He needs nobody's support to win

He did it before, and he will do it again

Anyway, nothing polarizes a country like an election


Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by chukwugoziegi: 6:02am On Jun 08, 2020
Did they support him in 2016?

Imagine Bush and that Bitter Mitt Romney sef dey Reject person. Just imagine!


Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by 27Pushing30: 6:02am On Jun 08, 2020
Did they even support him in the last election, he's going to destroy the useless deep state grin

That’s what I find laughable about this media hogwash! Did they support trump in 2016? Lol


Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Nobody: 6:03am On Jun 08, 2020
Well, fortunately and unfortunately for some,

We still see Donald winning the upcoming election by November.

God bless America.

God bless Nigeria.
For this statement from you, your past sins are forgiven.


Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by wirinet(m): 6:03am On Jun 08, 2020
I just hope Americans will not make the same mistake Nigerians made against Jonathan in 2015.
Which mistake did Nigerians make against Jonathan in 2015? Did Nigerians themselves tell you they make mistakes against Jonathan?

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Nobody: 6:05am On Jun 08, 2020
Ipobs will endorse him and vote massively for him like they did the last time. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was seen in one of his rallies.
Trump is waiting for his second term to create Biafra by force.
It's like you and Oga Buhari possessed the same brain

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by linearity: 6:11am On Jun 08, 2020
They never voted for him in 2015 and I am sure as hell they were never going to vote him again. But I am certain he will trash sleepy Joe. If Hillary couldn't stand a chance I don't see sleepy Joe standing a chance too.

It says much about the Trump advantage when “Sleepy Joe” is currently trashing the over-rated Trump.

You will be surprise if you start comparing today’s political climate in the US to that of 2016. A lot have shifted and Biden is out performing Clinton this time in history 2016 and the current Trump is lacking behind his standings this time compare 2016.

Given the fact that Trump only won by a mere 107k votes in three states and has not been able to expand his coalition but continue to alienate them, he is truly at a great disadvantage unless he improves.

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by ObafemiAwoIowo: 6:12am On Jun 08, 2020
Did they even support him in the last election, he's going to destroy the useless deep state grin
ask me oo
like them support am before?
Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Nobody: 6:20am On Jun 08, 2020
Trump is a ficking asshole and disaster to d USA

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by johnmattew: 6:23am On Jun 08, 2020
I don't see any big deal here. They never supported him in 2016 and never stopped h from winning. Except they have concluded to vote Biden this time around instead 'none of the above' they voted in 2016.
u aren't current....his biggest fan base ,Texas was neutralised by Biden in virtual vote last week

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Reagan13(m): 6:24am On Jun 08, 2020
I don't see any big deal here. They never supported him in 2016 and never stopped h from winning. Except they have concluded to vote Biden this time around instead 'none of the above' they voted in 2016.
The US is very much like Venezuela now.
Record unemployment, race rioting in the streets, political scapegoating, 100k+ dead and counting, people starving, markets in turmoil, trillions in socialist corporate buyouts, being condemned by every Democratic government in the world, nothing but praise from the dictators of the world and no plan from the US Federal government to move forward. The US is out of control and the current government has proven itself incapable of dealing with it. 5 more years of this and the US will look like N. KOREA.

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Reagan13(m): 6:26am On Jun 08, 2020

Some republicans have finally had enough of the ineptitude, hate, and divisiveness that trump excels at. Better late than never, but I don't know if they can save the republican party.

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Bluebyrd: 6:28am On Jun 08, 2020
Fake News
Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by bigiyaro(m): 6:29am On Jun 08, 2020
I don't see any big deal here. They never supported him in 2016 and never stopped h from winning. Except they have concluded to vote Biden this time around instead 'none of the above' they voted in 2016.
the Media is trying hard to dethrone Trump.


Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Corporate2020: 6:30am On Jun 08, 2020
Even Trump's wife and children will not support Trump's election. Everyone is tired of the psychiatric unstable garrulous nincompoop. Well, he doesn't need them, once Biafrans in Aba, Nnewi, Amukoko, Ajangbadi, Okokomaiko vote for him, he has won

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Bluebyrd: 6:31am On Jun 08, 2020
grin grin

Seems Trump's own base has rejected him, maybe he will need to hire his loudmouth fans on nairaland to vote for him in November.
You are very ignorant. These people are not Trump's base, they didn't support him in 2016 either. George Bush has even come out to deny this story already. It's another fake news from the media.


Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by jaggabban: 6:32am On Jun 08, 2020
His 5% motherfvcker flat headers slaves can vote for him.

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Blazebond(m): 6:34am On Jun 08, 2020
They never supported nor voted for him in 2016 but he still won,trump has never ever needed the endorsement of these people and won't be needing it for his re-election.the difference between trump and most politicians in the u.s.a is that,trump ain't a system man,he ain't a politician,the others are controlled by the system and are bound to do according to the system.


Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by ehissi(m): 6:37am On Jun 08, 2020
Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Edusouls(m): 6:39am On Jun 08, 2020
Hahahaha you’re so funny, but makes lots of sense, trump would now be voted by Nigerian supporters
grin grin

Seems Trump's own base has rejected him, maybe he will need to hire his loudmouth fans on nairaland to vote for him in November.
Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by betterman22(m): 6:40am On Jun 08, 2020
Did they even support him in the last election, he's going to destroy the useless deep state grin
Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Nobody: 6:41am On Jun 08, 2020
grin grin

Seems Trump's own base has rejected him, maybe he will need to hire his loudmouth fans on nairaland to vote for him in November.

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Uncletony(m): 6:42am On Jun 08, 2020
Ipobs will endorse him and vote massively for him like they did the last time. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was seen in one of his rallies.
Trump is waiting for his second term to create Biafra by force.
Your insanity is second to none!
Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Edusouls(m): 6:43am On Jun 08, 2020
Is even obvious to trump that Joe Biden is the next American president, maybe Nigerians would try to help trump win by voting from nairaland and Facebook and maybe watts app ,senseless lazy and jobless Nigerian youths all over supporting a clear racist

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by Nobody: 6:44am On Jun 08, 2020

You are very ignorant. These people are not Trump's base, they didn't support him in 2016 either. George Bush has even come out to deny this story already. It's another fake news from the media.

This lost Jew is in sifia pain ooogrin

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Re: Bush, Romney Won't Support Trump Re-Election - New York Times by lopjohnny(m): 6:44am On Jun 08, 2020
New York times

All are birds of a feather.

It's been long I took them serious.

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