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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / Fibroid Is Not A Death Sentence Use Healthgarde Int'l To Shrink It (318 Views)
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Fibroid Is Not A Death Sentence Use Healthgarde Int'l To Shrink It by chybabeuc(f): 9:15am On Jun 11, 2020 |
THE UNUSUAL EXPERIENCE I cam back from work feeling awful, suddenly there was blood everywhere, not to mention the lower abnominal pain which was driving me crazy. I have had this battle with fibroid that led to my having sugery about three years ago, could it still be that this fibroid has staged a come back? “ No”, I said to myself the sympton appears harsher this time around. First thing the next morning, I paid an unscheduled visit to my Doctor, and after some scans and examinations, he was about to tell me what was wrong. My heart beat had increased, I did not know if I should be more bothered about the sanitary pad i had on, which had become drenched or If i was anxtious about what he would be telling me. He then broke the news, Madam Tracy, it appears your fibroid as regrown. I jumped to my feet, “what do you mean regrown?” I asked, after spending over three hundred thousand on surgery to remove it? Madam Tracy calm down, the doctor said, you see sometimes these things happen he said. You see, it is belived that hormonal issues leads to the growth of these smooth muscle cells of the womb, which is generally called fibroids, you see, there is that possibility of a re-growth, if the hormonal challenges that caused it in the face place is not addressed. Well, all these are postulations any way he continued. The fact remains that fibroids do grow back, i will suggest we schedule you for another surgery. Anoter surgery ? I replied in anger, I hissed and left the Clinic in anger. On my way home, I remembered Angela my child hood friend who encouraged me three years ago to use supplements from her company. Then, I rebuffed the idea and opted for a surgical procedure. Three years on, I can’t believe am contemplating calling Angela for the same Issue after all I went thru, trying to solve the problem. Angela is a Healthgarde Consultant who introduced me to a pack of products she calls fibroid pack and in my situation, after three and a half month, am free of Fibroid. The efficacy of the products made me register with the company. Today, am helping women with similar issues, solve their problem. And if you are reading this material now and you have an issue with Fibroid, help has just located you. Just give me a call and be introduced to nature based products that can free you of Fibroid without surgery. It has worked for so many and I am believing God that your experience will not be different. Because, together we can!
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