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Why Blame Women For Everything?? - Family (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by fishjam: 10:09am On Jun 23, 2020
Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Nobody: 10:09am On Jun 23, 2020
Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by AsawanaDgreat: 10:09am On Jun 23, 2020
You talked well
Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by gambia(m): 10:10am On Jun 23, 2020
Issue don come
Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by chrischukszy01(m): 10:10am On Jun 23, 2020
After God fear women...no wonder Jezebel for bible na woman!

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Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by shadrach77: 10:10am On Jun 23, 2020
Come off it! (In kunle taaooma's voice)

When will you people stop portraying yourselves as victims all the time?

Yes women are blamed for certain things; men are also blamed for certain things too.

Stop playing the victim card all the time! It's irritating

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Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by airminem(f): 10:11am On Jun 23, 2020
sad Well i have heard that women often end up looking just like their mothers.

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Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Meskalito1(m): 10:11am On Jun 23, 2020
Shuu!! People wey Don see devil face to face.. Even chop apple join undecided


Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by tunjilomo(m): 10:12am On Jun 23, 2020
ALL those things you mentioned, na man dey talk am? No be woman carry majority, are you not the ones bashing each other. You women should better go help each other's self esteem. Maybe if women stop being each other's enemy, you might all go somewhere.


Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Nobody: 10:12am On Jun 23, 2020
It's very unfortunate nowadays how
Simple. We blame women because today's women are whorish. And nothing is more disgusting than a whorish woman. #spits


Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Think9ja(m): 10:12am On Jun 23, 2020
That is how it has been from creation.

Cos every mess and trouble we find ourselves in today is caused by a woman.


Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by SmartPolician: 10:13am On Jun 23, 2020
Women are more dangerous than men in every aspect... Especially when she has more power and money at her disposal. Even Ancient civilizations knew this... Reason they have always kept women few steps behind.

80% of women lose their minds when they over grow their man... But men? It doesn't matter how big a man gets and how small his woman is? Things will always be stable.

this is just a natural and psychological fact, it's everywhere, Give your last born the authority over his/her older siblings and he will definitely abuse that power. It's just how it is...

Everyone should take these words down

A guy goes to work every day with the mindset that when he eventually makes it big that he will make his woman the happiest female on planet Earth

On the other hand, when a woman starts making kobo, she will begin feeling like she doesn't need a man anymore. You will hear terms like Boss lady, core feminist, etc.

Forget it, those people can never think like us



Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Reex12(m): 10:13am On Jun 23, 2020
op u no well, y'all are confused beings and enemies of yourselves thats a fact,u play feminist for equal right and ur fellow women still play the whores and act as sexobjects, then act as a lesbian and the assumed male in the gay relationship still goes to collect a dick in the ass, and u still play the victim card,seriously?
Set ur priorities right first bfor u think of peoples opinion of you

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Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Nobody: 10:13am On Jun 23, 2020
It's very unfortunate nowadays how our ungrateful society has given women negative tags which are unbefitting.
If you are Unmarried: She is irresponsible, not resourcesful and worthless.

Single and successful: She is chasing away all potential suitors..or must being ‘funded’ unholy, not wife-material⁣ (just wondering how many yards of materials will do for her to qualify)

Married: She is her husband’s property and should no longer have anything that vaguely resembles ‘fun’, baby making factory, she shouldn’t be wearing cloths she used to wear when single.⁣ ⁣

Divorced: She can’t keep a man, she is not submissive, the man could no longer endure her⁣. ⁣

Separated: She is out of control. No sane man fit in for her or can tolerate her excesses. ⁣

Widowed: She must have killed her husband….. to take over his assets and properties. ⁣

Tries to get on with life after widowhood: She didn’t mourn her late hubby for long enough. How suspicious? How inappropriate? How unacceptable! ⁣ ⁣

Childless Marriage: She is barren; she must have destroyed her womb through abortions. ⁣ ⁣

Rich and independent: She is a prostitute, she flirts around for money.

Child misbehaves: It is all the mother’s fault because she spoilt him/her, she doesn't know how to train children,

Plays sports: She shouldn’t; she’s a girl. ⁣

Speaks her mind: She is bossy; not a good trait for a woman, she doesn't have proper home training.

Spouse cheats: It’s her fault. She caused him to it, she pushed him to the wall.

Victim of rape: What time was it? Where was she? What was she wearing?. ⁣


Real women that understand what it means to be a woman should own their sense of personal value. Don't let people in the world convince you that the role of a woman is a powerless and useless thing.

Decide to be a complete woman in love with her life and her God. As you become complete in God's Love, you will find yourself more satisfied than you have ever been. You are not relying on anyone for validation or your happiness.


Do you suffer those stereotypes do you suffer at the moment?
I really feel sorry for you cry

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Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Dalby(m): 10:13am On Jun 23, 2020
Must you always play the victim card. It is women themselves that even blame women for many of these things

Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by symplyrachel(f): 10:13am On Jun 23, 2020
This is a thing of the past OP.

What you listed doesn't happen 'now'; unless there are still stupid men out there.


Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Liposure: 10:14am On Jun 23, 2020
Women are their enemy. The earlier they realized it the better 4 them
Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by MansoryMX(m): 10:15am On Jun 23, 2020
To all hard working good hearted women and girls out there

So many Nigerian Women and girls excluded


Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by vickydevoka(m): 10:15am On Jun 23, 2020
Women are more dangerous than men in every aspect... Especially when she has more power and money at her disposal. Even Ancient civilizations knew this... Reason they have always kept women few steps behind.

80% of women lose their minds when they over grow their man... But men? It doesn't matter how big a man gets and how small his woman is? Things will always be stable.

this is just a natural and psychological fact, it's everywhere, Give your last born the authority over his/her older siblings and he will definitely abuse that power. It's just how it is...
Very dangerous. People dat act b4 de think. Always get influenced by outsiders


Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by valentineuwakwe(m): 10:15am On Jun 23, 2020
perhaps men made them to be blame for everything........like Rape, if Men had not lust after the body, then there will be no need to blame the woman for wearing tight dresses!
Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by morris477(m): 10:16am On Jun 23, 2020
OK. Make they change to what people are complaining against them
Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by symplyrachel(f): 10:16am On Jun 23, 2020
Must you always play the victim card. It is women themselves that even blame women for many of these things

As a lady, u get more hate and blames from ur fellow lady...

Women compete with themselves a lot ..
That's why we wear expensive wigs and clothes..... Competition.
What's a guy's business with your wig? What do they even know about it ?

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Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Angelfrost(m): 10:20am On Jun 23, 2020

Simple. We blame women because today's women are whorish. And nothing is more disgusting than a whorish woman. #spits

Today's women??! How many of them have you met, or do you know personally to draw up such generalization??!...

That's like saying today's men are fraudulent, murderous, and rapists!!! All because of a select number shown up on the media!!!

Stereotyping is not only wrong but honestly reeks of lack of exposure, and poor subjective reasoning. Please, be guided!!!


Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Spiff20(m): 10:20am On Jun 23, 2020
Women sef. Their matter don tire me.
Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Ramos16(m): 10:20am On Jun 23, 2020
Actually, it's the other way around
Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by pointstores(m): 10:21am On Jun 23, 2020
Africa judgement
Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by johnjay4u2u(m): 10:21am On Jun 23, 2020
women lives matter
Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by extol1(m): 10:22am On Jun 23, 2020
this is not a stereotype, it's not about what the society think, it's about the evidence and what we have all witnessed.

BTW I said "most" women not all, but majority of women just don't know how to handle power and money.

she wouldn't want to agree to fact and the evidences seen in homes that women don't know how to handle power and money when given opportunity are much. good examples of such women are current minister of humanitarian and natural disasters, former minister of petroleum under Jonathan's administration and Gbemisola Saraki.

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Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Nobody: 10:22am On Jun 23, 2020

Today's women??! How many of them have you met, or do you know personally to draw up such generalization??!...

That's like saying today's men are fraudulent, murderous, and rapists!!! All because of a select number shown up on the media!!!

Stereotyping is not only wrong but honestly reeks of lack of exposure, and poor subjective reasoning. Please, be guided!!!
If you don't understand the concept of plurals, then get tha fvck!
Talmbout "how many of them have you met, or do you know personally..."
Weak ass argument.


Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by CorperKola: 10:22am On Jun 23, 2020
This blame game started in the garden of Eden na! cheesy when the earth was less complicated and populated.

I don't see how that's going to change now, that the earth is more populated and complicated.

So you want the bible to lie that it wasnt eve that got seduced by the devil and and gave adam apple.
Is it our fault that's what happened


Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by Missmossy(f): 10:23am On Jun 23, 2020
Be specific please undecided

Until you live your lives for others to judge you then only can you feel all these. Who doesn’t know that the easiest way to stay happy is to stop caring what people think about you.

In as much as you satisfy your conscience, every other thing is secondary. Especially in this world of ours where hypocrisy is the order of the day.

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Re: Why Blame Women For Everything?? by enemmo(f): 10:23am On Jun 23, 2020
Nairaland is their headquarters

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