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Proclaim Your Miracles With These Powerful Prayer Points. - Religion - Nairaland

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Proclaim Your Miracles With These Powerful Prayer Points. by Allsingles: 7:22pm On Jun 19, 2020
Is time for us to pray, we have to change somethings that seems it can't be changed. God has already given us the dominions over all principalities and powers. We determine how our lives will be through prayers.

In the book of John 14:14, the Bible says that if you ask anything in my name, I will do it. (that is, Jesus Christ is talking to us to ask whatever we want in his name and he will do it, provided is a good thing)

In the book of Proverbs 18 vs 21 to 22, the Bible says that the power of life and death are in our tongue and those that love it will enjoy the fruits thereof. Simply means that when you command any dead dried bone in your life to come alive, it will be done immediately.

Say the following prayers with faith and change the unchangeable through the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

1) I stand in my office, my business place, my workshop or store as the operator and as the owner of my home, I declared upon my life fruitfulness, increments and greatness. I will never be childless, I will never lack wisdom, I will never lack great ideas for anything, I will never lack peace in my home and in my life in general, I will never lack any good things Lord God has promised me and my generation, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

2) I declared that all my lost Glory given to me by God on the day of my creation, stollen by any kingdom of darkness be restored now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

3) Any monitoring Spirit, any agent assigned against me both physically and spiritual from today, I command you to be destroyed now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

5) Any of my belongings such as clothes, shoes, wristbands, my hair or a stone in my compound, in my father's compound or in my mother's compound that are being used to terminate my life, be destroyed now by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

6) Any monitoring animals, flies, cockroach, wall gecko, ant or any other living things assigned to monitor me by the kingdom of darkness, I command Holy Ghost fire to destroy you now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

7) I declare for my home, all my doors of favor, divine help, divine connection, divine intervention in all areas of my life to receive supernatural supplies in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

cool I will not for any reason beg for food or for money. I and my entire house hold will always be a giver and not just a receiver. Our sources of happiness, joy, greatness and upliftment shall never dry or go missing in the mighty name of....https://allsinglesandmarried..com/2020/06/claim-your-miracles-with-these-powerful.html?m=1
Re: Proclaim Your Miracles With These Powerful Prayer Points. by Kemimarch16(f): 7:31pm On Jun 19, 2020
Amen ooo
Re: Proclaim Your Miracles With These Powerful Prayer Points. by Nobody: 7:32pm On Jun 19, 2020
Re: Proclaim Your Miracles With These Powerful Prayer Points. by Realist5: 8:21pm On Jun 19, 2020
Re: Proclaim Your Miracles With These Powerful Prayer Points. by Omihanifa: 7:47am On Jun 20, 2020
Strong prayers am already seeing the impact

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