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+18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] - Romance - Nairaland

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+18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by iLegendd(m): 5:50pm On Jul 10, 2020
So, which do you prefer.

A. Being in your house watching fish / animals on TV
B. Being online debating with an angry/hungry Nigerian (who's looking for someone to lure into his Family Depression WhatsApp Group)

Choose A or B and I'll tell you the next thing.


Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by benhope222: 5:54pm On Jul 10, 2020
irrelevant post you're so lonely bro try get a babe !!! stingy guy


Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Galactico4ever(m): 5:57pm On Jul 10, 2020
Irrelevant post yet you were curious to open the thread and make a comment.9jirians sha.


Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by benhope222: 5:58pm On Jul 10, 2020
Irrelevant post yet you were curious to open the thread and make a comment.9jirians sha.

you're not okay , I think you need a hot slap to reset your brain..


Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Galactico4ever(m): 6:09pm On Jul 10, 2020

you're not okay , I think you need a hot slap to reset your brain..
I didn't even mention you yet you saw my comment.This means you sleep on his threads then.As for the slap,kindly give it to your mum cos it's obvious she didn't think before allowing your odorifacious' father to cum insider her.


Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Mavinsoladele(m): 6:19pm On Jul 10, 2020

1 Like

Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by iLegendd(m): 6:22pm On Jul 10, 2020
@Benhope222, try and get babe? Lol. You're so hopeless and I like it. Today, you've attacked me twice. Your depression is hereditary.


Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by iLegendd(m): 6:25pm On Jul 10, 2020
@Galactico4ever, please, forgive the hopeless boy. Let me show him breast and huge ass on bed to use for masturbation — the only thing he knows.

Modified: Pictures deleted.

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Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by onward4life(m): 6:34pm On Jul 10, 2020
I didn't even mention you yet you saw my comment.This means you sleep on his threads then.As for the slap,kindly give it to your mum cos it's obvious she didn't think before allowing your odorifacious' father to cum insider her.

Nigg will just apologize...

This is too much nah

Not funny....

Make piece now...
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by iLegendd(m): 6:56pm On Jul 10, 2020
@Mavinsoladele, e be like say you prefer TV to argument.
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Adasun(m): 6:57pm On Jul 10, 2020
Lols grin
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Ablemax(m): 7:01pm On Jul 10, 2020
But that breast is fresh

But it's a little bit different from the hand
I mean the color. ..

But it doesn't matter Sha as far it's enjoyable


Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by StubbornGENIUS: 7:06pm On Jul 10, 2020
As for the slap,kindly give it to your mum cos it's obvious she didn't think before allowing your odorifacious' father to cum insider her.
Chisos!Diarris God oooo.
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by iLegendd(m): 7:08pm On Jul 10, 2020
@Ablemax, that's a chocolate beauty without bleaching cream. Body, face, ass, brain, height, smartness, etc. The reason for the difference is: imprisonment.

Breasts and ass are always covered with clothes, so sun doesn't touch them — this keeps them fresher or more tender than the other parts.


Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Ablemax(m): 7:30pm On Jul 10, 2020
@Ablemax, that's a chocolate beauty without bleaching cream. Body, face, ass, brain, height, smartness, etc. The reason for the difference is: imprisonment.

Breasts and ass are always covered with clothes, so sun doesn't touch them — this keeps them fresher or more tender than the other parts.

Now i get

Nice boobs though

Enjoy bro


Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by HomerTimpson: 7:41pm On Jul 10, 2020
@Galactico4ever, please, forgive the hopeless boy. Let me show him breast and huge ass on bed to use for masturbation — the only thing he knows.
DUDE life is too short to be living life on this lane,just marry mehn and reset your priorities on life as a whole..LIVING LIFE ON FASTLANE WITH MONEY&BABES won't cut it...i love your soul not to perish man

1 Like

Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by iLegendd(m): 7:52pm On Jul 10, 2020
Warning to readers: ignore anyone forcing you to marry or always talking about marriage. The only thing Nigerians are good at contributing to the world is degree, marriage, lots of children, and crime (fraud).

I follow my rules, not opinions. What if I have kids like Mikel (abroad) and I'm married already? Not everything gets talked about. People just want to talk and at times, it's good to ignore and act as if you didn't see it in the first place. If you show, they'll complain, but if you don't show, they'll falsely accuse and want you to show or live by their rules.

The worse are some Nigerian pastors or wannabe pastors. Too hypocritical for me. They want you marry, have lots of children (as they brainwash you that God will provide). The next is tithe and offering from you, your wife, all 20 children they encouraged you to have.

Even though God hasn't provided yet as they promised, they'll tell you to find a way and give offerings so that God will bless you. Some of them are scammers, though not all. There are good ones, but the scammers are in majority. God will surely punish them for deceiving Africans in marrying early and giving birth to too many children without a source of income.

Pictures below to be deleted soon.

Modified: Deleted

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Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Mavinsoladele(m): 8:08pm On Jul 10, 2020
@Mavinsoladele, e be like say you prefer TV to argument.
absolutely! What's the point of arguing pointlessly over nonensical things that can't fetch me money or better my life?
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by iLegendd(m): 8:30pm On Jul 10, 2020
I have 2 more threads left to get 666 threads and I'll stop. Wow! That's lots of posts over the years. My haters will really miss me. #Tears.
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by tundchip2: 6:33am On Jul 11, 2020
Nice boobs. Reminds me of jenny and our kitchen adventures.
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Meedon: 6:48pm On Jul 11, 2020
I have 2 more threads left to get 666 threads and I'll stop. Wow! That's lots of posts over the years. My haters will really miss me. #Tears.

Abeg don't stop ooooo

1 Like

Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Thazard(m): 3:43pm On Jul 14, 2020
So, which do you prefer.

A. Being in your house watching fish / animals on TV
B. Being online debating with an angry/hungry Nigerian (who's looking for someone to lure into his Family Depression WhatsApp Group)

Choose A or B and I'll tell you the next thing.
What type of lights are these?
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Nobody: 1:10am On Jul 15, 2020
_Idiot bro _
idiot bro
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Ashawoboi27(m): 5:10pm On Jul 15, 2020
Tried contacting you sir
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by MadeINchenzen2: 5:21pm On Jul 15, 2020
If I talk na they will say chenzen has started.
lemme jejely comment my reserve !
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by latram4ever(m): 3:19pm On Jul 17, 2020
I prefer to watch A (Natgeo wild) and mind my business. All these argument dey cause stress and strain.
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Torie8(f): 6:28pm On Jul 22, 2020
So, which do you prefer.

A. Being in your house watching fish / animals on TV
B. Being online debating with an angry/hungry Nigerian (who's looking for someone to lure into his Family Depression WhatsApp Group)

Choose A or B and I'll tell you the next thing.
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Bornfool(m): 11:30am On Jul 25, 2020
I don dey miss my Baba notify me when you are back
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by ALCOHOLKILLS(m): 2:58pm On Aug 07, 2020
I have 2 more threads left to get 666 threads and I'll stop. Wow! That's lots of posts over the years. My haters will really miss me. #Tears.

Mtcheeeeeeeeeew angry sad
Re: +18 Which Do You Prefer? [Picture] by Kabir5643(m): 3:03pm On Aug 07, 2020
I didn't even mention you yet you saw my comment.This means you sleep on his threads then.As for the slap,kindly give it to your mum cos it's obvious she didn't think before allowing your odorifacious' father to cum insider her.

Awfar.. Caaaam daaan na.. Lmaoo

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