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Our Odm For Today 22 January 2022 / Odm / Our Daily Manna Devotional For Jan. 21, 2018 ODM : Topic - World Agreement Day! (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Odm by Diamond6real(f): 5:55am On Dec 22, 2020
Our Daily Manna


2 TIMOTHY 2: 14 - 24

There is this story a great man of God told us when we were in Service sometime in 2017. The story was about a young lady Who was a student in one of the universities in South West Nigeria. The university was hit by acute water shortage such that inhabitants of the university community could not get water to do their formal chores. The young Christian lady was pressed on one of the water scarcity days and needed to go to the toilet badly to relieve herself. She went’ to the first toilet and discovered that it had been badly messed up and was not even finished. Human faeces was visibly loaded in it. She rushed out and couldn’t use it. She went to another and met it in the same condition and couldn’t use it. As she went from toilet to toilet, she found none that she could use. Meanwhile, this young woman had been praying to God to use her so when she couldn’t use any of the toilets, the Lord asked her “Why can’t you use the toilets?” She said to God; “they are too dirty.” The Lord then said to her, “Do you know why I can’t use you; you are too dirty.” Wow! Verses 20-21 of today’s scriptüre says: “But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wood and earth, and some to honor and some to dishonor, If a man, therefore, purges himself from thee, be shall be a vešsel unto, honor, sanctified, and meet for the masters use, and prepared unto every good work.” Isaiah 6:8 says: “Also I heard the voice of the LORD, saying; “Whom shall I send and “who will go for Us?…” , as 2020 ends and 2021 begins, there is a question to answer, “Can God use you? If your answer is “NO. then you have work to do.

Probably, laziness is the reason why God can’t use you yet. secrete sins may be the reason; pride may be the reasons maybe the reasons WHATEVER IS THE REASON, ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT: God uses BROKEN PEOPLE like you and I to rescue BROKEN PEOPLE like you and I. Ask Him to BREAK YOU AND REMOULLD YOU FOR A PURPOSE HIGHER THAN YOURSELF

The cross shows us the seriousness of our sins. It also shows us the immeasurable LOVE OF GOD! That is why He calls UNQUALIFIED PEOPLE and QUALIFIES them through a process of BROKENNESS for His use! Use today’s devotional to examine yourself, clean up, repent, and allow Him to QUALIFY you (turn you into a vessel of GOLD)! Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people!

The Best Christmas/NewYear Gifs: Help Someone To Do The Next 21-day 2021 January Fast. Give Out The New 2021 ODM Edition And “War Against Haman-16” Bookdets As Special Gifts. Children’s ODM, French ODM And The New ODM Cartoon Are Available In Your National Bookshops Also! Make this Christmas he best for someone!

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of consecration as led.

1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led.
2. Repent from ways in which you have, lived any UNCLEAN LIFE of SECRET SINS (Mention them).
3. Lord, make me a vessel You can use! Take away from me every SIN or DIRT limiting my readiness for Your use. 4. Pray about the last days of 2020.


Re: Odm by Diamond6real(f): 5:06am On Dec 23, 2020
Our Daily Manna



American brain specialist, said this very recently: “No child under the age of 18 should be heading the ball in soccer. I know this is very difficult for many people but science evolves. Society changes. I believe, eventually, at the professional level, we will restrict the heading of the ball. The human brain floats like a balloon inside your skull, so when you head the ball you suffer brain damage.”

Dr Omalu made the above statement following his discovery of how American footballers suffer from a brain disease called “Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). His discovery arose from his autopsy of former Pittsburgh player, Steeler Mike Webster, in 2002. 1his was corroborated by an inquest into the death of former England and West Brom striker, Jefi Astle. The inquest concluded that Jeff had died from brain trauma caused by old, heavy leather footballs. The conclusion here is that not every assignment Is meant for the head or brain, and heading football especially, at a young age is one of such. Scripturally also not everything you do is meant for your brain and eyes! One of such is your worship of God. John 4:24 says, “God a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” Worship is a spiritual thing! It is not for your brain Romans 10:10 says, “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation”. It is for the HEART! Faith is also spiritual, NOT MEANT FOR YOUR HEAD! 2 Corinthians 5:7 makes it very clear, “For we walk by faith, not by sight”. FAITH in God concerning your life’s challenges is a thing of the heart that is beyond the realm of the brain and eyes. You cannot figure out God or serve Him with your brain or eyes! GROW BEYOND YOUR SIX SENSES! LIVE BY YOUR 7TH SENSE”-FAITH! If you want to see before you believe, you will end up in shame on planet earth. No matter how 2020 has been, REFUSE TO BE MOVED BY WHAT YOU SEE OR HOW YOU FEEL! Say things before you can seize (possess) them! Corrie Ten Boom opined:

“Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible”

Close with Oswald Chambers:

“Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.”

Depend less on your brain and eyes! I see a great testimony, locating you soon because GREATER DAYS are ahead! Hold on! ODM 23 DECEMBER 2020

(Give out the next 2021 ODM and 2021 War Against Haman 16 booklets as Christmas/New Year gifts).

Show God gratitude. Worship him now.

1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led.
2. I confess my way to victory and all-around prosperity by faith in Jesus name (Open your mouth now and declare GREAT THINGS concerning your future)!
3. I shall not be ruled by what I see! Satan is a liar! Delay is not a denial! I choose to walk by FAITH and not by sight! I wait on God; I declare that BY A MIRACLE, I shall testify in Jesus name.

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Re: Odm by Diamond6real(f): 5:43am On Dec 24, 2020


ISAIAH 65: 20-25

Vs 7 of today“s scripture says: ’And the LORD said unto Samuel, ”Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.‘So the mystery of answered prayers is that THERE ARE TIMES GOD CAN DECIDE TO ANSWER A PRAYER THAT WILL PUNISH YOU – if you are so desperate to have that thing. God knew that the desire of the Jews to have a king would bring pain and regrets to them, but after some delay, He asked Samuel to grant them their answered prayers! Listen:SOME PRAYER ANSWERS ARE NOT FOR YOUR GOOD!

God might grant your answers IF YOU INSIST, but you may end up in TEARS! For example, death is a less bitter punishment than death“s delay. If God knows that your living a long life will lead you to HELL, is it not better to call you home early?That is why as 2020 ends, always pray, ’LORD GOD, let Your WILL BE DONE!‘ After your 21-day or 14-day fasting programme, always pray:’LORD GOD, let Your WILL BE DONE! You know ALL THINGS! You are a GOOD GOD and You DESIRE THE BEST FOR ME! I shall trust You forever and ever.‘ You must catch Psalm 84:11 again: ’For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.‘ Did you get that? No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly! Oh, thank you LORD GOD!

Trust that God has an UNSEEN REASON FOR EVERY DELAY!If you don“t want to be average, don“t rush to do what the crowd is doing! You may cry for helpers, but sometimes, God cannot give you helpers, without shaking someone out of your life! When you fight to cling to people who are no longer meant to be in your life, you delay your destiny. LET THEM GO! Yes, when events you cannot explain happen AFTER YOU HAVE DONE ALL YOU KNOW TO DO, just lift up your hands and praise God by telling HIM: LET YOUR WILL BE DONE! Some pain is GAIN in disguise! Yes! Some disappointments are divine appointments in disguise! Ah! Some closed doors are actually NEW OPEN DOORS in disguise! Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished! So, don“t seek to compete with others because you shall RECOVER and OVERTAKE!

Take Song 1: Blessed assurance…

1. In your own words, pray about today“s word as led.
3. Repent from trusting others more than they deserve.
4. Pray for all ODM AIR BRIGADE or PRINTING partners and anyone that has sowed any seed into this vision.


Re: Odm by Diamond6real(f): 11:40am On Dec 25, 2020
Our Daily Manna


1 JOHN 2: 18 - 29


Thank God you are alive to see another Christmas day! Many did not see it! No matter how the year has been, BE GRATEFUL for the GIFT of LIFE! Today’s scripture Vs. 18 says “Little Children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that the antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time.” Note the words: now are there many antichrists. That means, BEFORE THE REAL ANTICHRIST comes, there shall be many ANTICHRISTS acting as his forerunners just as Jonh the Baptist acted as a forerunner to the LORD Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost wants you to know that anything that challenges the Christ you serve is an antichrist. Anything that Challenges your testimony is an antichrist! The devil can use sickness as his agent. He can use poverty, depression, low self-esteem, lack of marriage, chaotic marriage, divorce, delays, barrenness (fruit of the womb), premature death of loved ones, loss of helpers, career stagnation, business blockade, etc, as his agents! He uses these things to make you turn against the LORD JESUS CHRIST and grow cold in your love for HIM. He can use human agents to provoke, betray, lie, scandalise, or disappoint you despite all your holiness, prayers and fasting. His aim is to “Kill” your FIRE FOR GOD! He can even use so-called men of GOD whose teachings and lifestyles are ANTI-CHRIST. But see 2 Thessalonians 2:3- “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of Sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” Did you get that? Things can be so rough that MANY SHALL FALL AWAY FIRST before the real ANTICHRIST appears! Determine to conquer the many “JOHN THE BAPTIST” of the antichrist. They are Sent to make lifie dificult for you and for you to curse God and fall. No wonder 2 Timothy 3: 1 Says, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” PERILOUS TIMES ARE NOT party times. But in the midst of these perilous times where the LOVE of many shall grow cold, there is hope and your case can be different! Daniel 11:32 says concerning the end times, “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” Declare 7 times now:

“In these end times, I shall not be a victim of falling away or growing cold! I am not a quitter! My prayer fire shall grow! My Bible study fire shall RE-FIRE! I shall live holy and pure! ALL satanic plans to make me turn against Christ will scatter daily! Yea! I SHALL BE STRONG and I shall DO EXPLOITS for my God in Jesus’ name. Begin to pray now.

PRAYER POINTS Take a song of gratitude to God

1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led.
Declare the above-declarations again!
2. Decree that you will not miss heaven and that the ANTICHRIST arrows shall not make you’ to grow cold.


Re: Odm by Diamond6real(f): 6:08am On Dec 26, 2020
Our Daily Manna



Welcome to today’s devotional. May the Holy Spirit expand His word in your heart in Jésus’ name. How easy is it to find a needle in haystačk? A haystack is a sack or bundle of hay. On farms after hay (dried GRASS) has been cut, it is formed into haystacks until it is fed to farm animals. Well, not an easy task you may say to find a missing needle inside a haystack. The American security had one very tough case in their hands for many years. The case was called the “The Golden State Killer.” The Golden State Killer has believed to have killed at least 12 people, raped at least 45 women and committed multiple home burglaries in the 1970s and 1980s in crime sprees throughout California. His réign of terror was described to span from Sacramento area in Northern Carolina down to Orange County in Southern California. According to the FBI, his reign of terror started With burglaries and rapes in the Sacramento suburbs in the summer of 1976. He would break into his victim’s homes by prying open a window or door while they slept. He would then shine a flashlight into their faces, tie them up, ransack the house and rape victims. Sometimes he would take jewelry, identification cards, cash, and coins from the victims’ homes. He was even bold enough to call the victims sometimes after the crime. As God would have it, the man believed to be behind the crime was arrested eventually after Some years. Discarded DNA confirmed that Joseph James De Angelo, a 72-year-old former police officer was the man. He was fired from the police force in 1979 for allegedly stealing a hammer and a can of dog repellant. What? A hammer and a can of dog repellant? Ah! Sin has a way of causing shame and disgrace. How can an American police officer steal a hammer and dog repellant? what was the monetary value of those things then and even now? A sinner may think he has gotten away with it but many times that is not the case.

The victims of his crime waited for many years to get justiçe finally the criminal was pinned down. It was like finding a needle in a haystack. Use today’s devotional to remind yourself that. There is no hiding place for Sin. Today’s scripture says in part, “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk after the law of the Lord” (Verse 1). Give up any form-of sin! A secret sin may go undetected by man but never bý God.

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.

1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led.
2. Pray and repent from anything that can possibly bring disgrace your way either now or in the future.
3. May God, give you grace to do what is right before You now and always.
4. Pray about today and for all ODM distributors worldwide.


Re: Odm by Diamond6real(f): 6:10am On Dec 27, 2020


GENESIS 26: 12-25

Vs 7 of today“s scripture says: ’And the LORD said unto Samuel, ”Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.‘So the mystery of answered prayers is that THERE ARE TIMES GOD CAN DECIDE TO ANSWER A PRAYER THAT WILL PUNISH YOU – if you are so desperate to have that thing. God knew that the desire of the Jews to have a king would bring pain and regrets to them, but after some delay, He asked Samuel to grant them their answered prayers! Listen:SOME PRAYER ANSWERS ARE NOT FOR YOUR GOOD!

God might grant your answers IF YOU INSIST, but you may end up in TEARS! For example, death is a less bitter punishment than death“s delay. If God knows that your living a long life will lead you to HELL, is it not better to call you home early?That is why as 2020 ends, always pray, ’LORD GOD, let Your WILL BE DONE!‘ After your 21-day or 14-day fasting programme, always pray:’LORD GOD, let Your WILL BE DONE! You know ALL THINGS! You are a GOOD GOD and You DESIRE THE BEST FOR ME! I shall trust You forever and ever.‘ You must catch Psalm 84:11 again: ’For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.‘ Did you get that? No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly! Oh, thank you LORD GOD!

Trust that God has an UNSEEN REASON FOR EVERY DELAY!If you don“t want to be average, don“t rush to do what the crowd is doing! You may cry for helpers, but sometimes, God cannot give you helpers, without shaking someone out of your life! When you fight to cling to people who are no longer meant to be in your life, you delay your destiny. LET THEM GO! Yes, when events you cannot explain happen AFTER YOU HAVE DONE ALL YOU KNOW TO DO, just lift up your hands and praise God by telling HIM: LET YOUR WILL BE DONE! Some pain is GAIN in disguise! Yes! Some disappointments are divine appointments in disguise! Ah! Some closed doors are actually NEW OPEN DOORS in disguise! Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished! So, don“t seek to compete with others because you shall RECOVER and OVERTAKE!

Take Song 1: Blessed assurance…

1. In your own words, pray about today“s word as led.
3. Repent from trusting others more than they deserve.
4. Pray for all ODM AIR BRIGADE (MA) or PRINTING partners and anyone that has sowed any seed into this vision.


Re: Odm by Diamond6real(f): 6:23am On Dec 28, 2020



Vs 7 of today“s scripture says: ’And the LORD said unto Samuel, ”Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.‘So the mystery of answered prayers is that THERE ARE TIMES GOD CAN DECIDE TO ANSWER A PRAYER THAT WILL PUNISH YOU – if you are so desperate to have that thing. God knew that the desire of the Jews to have a king would bring pain and regrets to them, but after some delay, He asked Samuel to grant them their answered prayers! Listen:SOME PRAYER ANSWERS ARE NOT FOR YOUR GOOD!

God might grant your answers IF YOU INSIST, but you may end up in TEARS! For example, death is a less bitter punishment than death“s delay. If God knows that your living a long life will lead you to HELL, is it not better to call you home early?That is why as 2020 ends, always pray, ’LORD GOD, let Your WILL BE DONE!‘ After your 21-day or 14-day fasting programme, always pray:’LORD GOD, let Your WILL BE DONE! You know ALL THINGS! You are a GOOD GOD and You DESIRE THE BEST FOR ME! I shall trust You forever and ever.‘ You must catch Psalm 84:11 again: ’For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.‘ Did you get that? No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly! Oh, thank you LORD GOD!

Trust that God has an UNSEEN REASON FOR EVERY DELAY!If you don“t want to be average, don“t rush to do what the crowd is doing! You may cry for helpers, but sometimes, God cannot give you helpers, without shaking someone out of your life! When you fight to cling to people who are no longer meant to be in your life, you delay your destiny. LET THEM GO! Yes, when events you cannot explain happen AFTER YOU HAVE DONE ALL YOU KNOW TO DO, just lift up your hands and praise God by telling HIM: LET YOUR WILL BE DONE! Some pain is GAIN in disguise! Yes! Some disappointments are divine appointments in disguise! Ah! Some closed doors are actually NEW OPEN DOORS in disguise! Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished! So, don“t seek to compete with others because you shall RECOVER and OVERTAKE!

Take Song 1: Blessed assurance…

1. In your own words, pray about today“s word as led.
3. Repent from trusting others more than they deserve.
4. Pray for all ODM AIR BRIGADE (MA) or PRINTING partners and anyone that has sowed any seed into this vision.


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